April 2, 2020

War Words from the Womb of the Dawn – 4/1/20 – Transcript

4/1/2020 War Words from the Womb of the Dawn

?Anna Love. I won’t win this battle with the strength of my own hands. You’re the mountain mover and only you can. I won’t build my life on sinking sand. You’re my hope forever, the Rock where I stand. I’m confident your faithfulness will see me through. My soul can rest. My righteousness is found in you. In every moment left, in every borrowed breath, let this be true. That all my heart for all my life belongs to you.

You’re always moving in the unseen, the breath you exhale sustaining me. Before I call you know my need. You’re always going before me. I’m confident your faithfulness will see me through. Your laughter scatters my enemies. You bring me joy for my mourning. You lift my head so I can see all of heaven surrounding me. I’m confident…

God, I look to you. I won’t be overwhelmed. Give me visions to see things like you do. God, I look to you. You’re where my help comes from. Give me wisdom to know just what to do. You know just what to do. I will love you Lord my strength. I will love you Lord my shield. I will love you Lord my Rock. Forever all my days I will love you, God. Hallelujah our God reigns. Forever all my days Hallelujah.

Betty Love. He’s our strength. He’s our shield. And he’s our Rock. We set our eyes on Jesus. We’re setting our hearts and our minds upon Him. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of the living God, I call us into divine order and alignment. We take hold of the One who is taking hold of us.

Awaken Awaken Awaken. Be my vision, Lord. Spirit, soul, body wholeness. We set our thoughts on you. We set our hearts and minds on you. We yield our members unto you.  We submit ourselves to God. We resist the devil and he flees.

Father, I thank you for clean hands and a pure heart. You create in us a clean heart, O God. You renew a steadfast spirit within us. We come out of the womb of the dawn as willing troops this morning. I decree and declare Forward. Forward March. We’re moving Forward. Divine Order. Divine orders.

Father, I thank you that you awaken our spiritual senses this morning. We are awakened in your truth and your righteousness, in your Shalom, in your faith, Jesus, in your salvation. We are awakened in the Sword of the Spirit, and the Sword of the Spirit is awakened in us. We open our mouths this day, Lord, and you fill them. Fill our mouths, O God. Fill our President’s mouth today.

You are the glory and the lifter of our heads. We say, Be lifted up. Be lifted up you ancient doors in our lives, in our land, in our nation. King of Glory, come in. We say, Be lifted up. Be lifted up, President Donald John Trump. Be lifted up. Be lifted up, Vice-President Michael Pence. Mike Pence, be lifted up. Be lifted up. Oh, every adviser to our President, we say, Be lifted up.

Every ungodly counsel falls to the ground right now. We speak confusion and derision in the mouth of every ungodly counselor in the name of Jesus. We speak clarity and confirmation to the godly counsel that’s coming to our leadership even now.

I decree and declare that the Law of Lift is in force this morning. The Law of Lift is in force this morning. The Attitude Indicator is before us. Clean hands and a pure heart. Separate us unto you, Jesus. Holy Spirit, come and separate me, come and separate our President and those in authority unto the work of the ministry to which you’ve called us for such a time as this. Oh, there’s a separation taking place right now. He’s separating a people unto himself.

Anna. I will rest in your promises. My confidence is your faithfulness.

Betty. Take hold of our President as we are worshiping. Let’s bring him up today. Let’s bring First Lady Melania up. Let’s bring up the Trump family. Let’s bring up the Pence family. Let’s bring them up now. Let’s bring up that Chief of Staff right now. Let’s bring up every adviser, every counselor. Let’s bring them up above the snake line. Let’s bring them up in the heavenly realm. Let’s bring them into the counsel of heaven, into the counsel of the Lord.

Who has stood in the counsel of the Lord that I might instruct him? Come on. Come on. Come on.

Anna. And I will rest in your promises. My confidence is your faithfulness. We sing, Faithful, you are. Faithful forever you will be. All your promises are yes and amen. We take hold of every promise. We take hold of every word you’ve spoken, Lord. We say yes and amen over every situation. You are faithful faithful faithful God. We will rest…

Betty. We’re worshiping this morning. Our focus and our fix in on our confidence, and his name is Jesus Christ. We have stepped into the place of intercession, decree, and declaration this morning. War words coming out of the womb of the dawn.

The Lord our God is taking hold of His Cyrus. We are taking hold of our President. In Job 22 it says, You will decree a thing and it will be established and light will shine on your path. You will say to the one who is cast down or oppressed, Be lifted up.

I’ve not listened to all of the words Chuck Pierce has released, but we are connected with him and to me he is one of the most trusted national and international prophets. I have not looked at all the messages from all of you this morning, so I want to preface what I’m about to say.

Today our assignment and our alignment our of heaven is to take hold of our President and to decree the decrees of the Lord that he is releasing over him today. One of the things Chuck released I saw on facebook is about his relationship with China and the church there. What I saw out of what he said is the economic domination worldwide, that China would rise. I have been watching purposefully every day to intercede and to see through the lens of the Lord the interviews our President has been doing each day. I’ve listened to him and to our Vice-President.

Many of you are looking at him and the whole world is looking at him. Our nation is. When you look at statesmen and the polish that comes from years of being in the political arena, you see such a statesman in Vice-President Mike Pence. He is polished. He has the language. He is such a man of integrity. I am not devaluing or lessening our President. I want you to hear what I am about to say.

Moses had some kind of speak impediment or an inability in himself to feel like he could speak well enough to lead a nation. So God raised up an Aaron. Our President doesn’t have any issue with speech but I want you to know and I want to broadcast into the heavenly realm, into the earth, into our nation right now, that I am confident that our President is chosen by God.

When he went to the table with nations and he sat down, and he began to function in the giftings that God put within him before he was even formed in his mother’s womb, God saw this day and he saw his plan for the nations, and he saw his plan for the nation of America.

And he began to create a man that would have a Cyrus anointing, but at a point and time in his life he would become a John who would lean into the breast of Jesus. And he would be an instrument that God almighty would use in the earth to save a nation. Somebody just reeled from that. Nobody can save anything that God hasn’t saved. But he will be an instrument to see global harvest not only come to the nation of America, but that America can be used in her birthright and her destiny. Why do you say that, Betty?

Because when he went to the table to meet, he said, You know what, China? You’re not going to take our money anymore. You’re not going to do this and you’re not going to do that anymore. You know what? We’ve been giving a lot of money away but we haven’t been taking care of what we need to take care of. And he made changes. And he made demands. He didn’t function as a politician, thank God. But he functioned in what he was created to do.

He has Bounce. He has Recovery in him. He has the ability to come back. He has the ability to see the glass half full rather than half empty.

When I sat down with the Lord this morning, I had an open vision. I could see it as clearly as I’m looking at you. I saw the United States of America like a super jumbo jet, cross-Atlantic, one of the largest planes. I saw our President as the pilot. I had no idea it was called an Attitude Indicator. That round instrument in the cockpit of an airplane with the top portion blue and the bottom portion darker blue or brown. The bottom represents the ground and the top blue portion represents the sky. It’s an Attitude Indicator.

It’s going to tell you the level of the plane, if you need to pull up, level up. When you get leveled off, that is going to be horizontal. I saw the plane tilting and pitching, but I saw our President recover the plane, level it off, the Attitude Indicator, and then ascend. I don’t mean just a little ascent. I mean, the ascent took off gradually, then (it shot up). I am standing before you today, and I believe this is the word of the Lord and the vision of the Lord.

Because of our President, because of the gift mix that God has put within him, because of who he is and how God created him, and the way he thinks and the way he works, God set him in the office as the 45th President of the United States when he was 70 years old. And all of the 7s that go with his life and his birth are by no accident. But God set him in that place so that our nation and we the people in this country could be and participate in what is coming in global harvest.

Does God care about the nations of the earth? Yes, he does. But at the end of the day, it’s about the souls of men. And it’s about God’s kingdom plan. I will tell you beyond the shadow of a doubt that the enemy will not win. Death will not win and it has not won.

So what am I saying? I’m saying where people work behind the scenes that are partnered with the kingdom of darkness, that have sought to bring destruction to the people of God, to God’s plan; that have sought to bring a spirit of death not only to our nation but the nations of the earth, I believe it’s the plan of the enemy to bring the world into economic crisis so that he can upend our nation and other sheep nations.

I am standing here to tell you, It’s not going to happen. We are coming out of this. Are we going to sit down and for two weeks expect 100,000 to 200,000 deaths, or are we going to get in the gate and release life? We have a choice. And I believe it’s already been made for us.

But today our assignment is our President, because he is the one that is going to keep our nation from economic disaster. If this United States of America crashes into ruins, it will affect every other nation in the world. And it will set the stage for ungodliness to arise in a way that we have never seen before. This is not the end of the world as some people are saying. We’re not finished.

Peace be still, if you have thought, Oh Jesus is coming tomorrow. He’s not. If you have been wearied by the footmen in safe country, how are you going to run with the horses in a time of distress? We’re in a time of distress where the nations of the earth and the structures are shaken and shaking. But I can say, Yay God, because I decree and declare, What’s not kingdom and what’s not God is coming down.

He says, Once more I will shake the earth. We have not seen global harvest. We’ve not seen revival and awakening come like God says it’s going to come. The end is not here. We have not done the talents thing. We’ve not seen the transference of wealth that God has spoken and has come through so many people that is coming. We haven’t seen all of that.

I am telling you today that the plane is tilting and pitching and shifting, but our President will level it out. And then we will climb. And what he has decreed, we will come back stronger and greater. And not in our own strength.

I decree and declare to you even now that our President is coming into a kingdom reality and a face to face with the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, and he is going to be brought into the counsel of heaven, and he is going to hear with clarity the word of the Lord in his ear and in his heart. And his life will be forever changed.

It will affect him. It will affect his family. It will affect his marriage. It will affect his entire life. If you thought the man was prosperous before he became President, when he’s done, you are going to see a wealth come to this man like never before. And I will tell you this. He will never see his wealth or use it as he has in the past. You will see a new man, a kingdom man. I don’t understand all of that. I’m just releasing what’s in my mouth this morning.

So today, Righteous Remnant, as the Lord has called us when we had 19 days left of the 70, we make every day count. We’re coming up in a new way and a new place this morning out of the womb of the dawn, and we’re going to worship and we’re going to decree, and we’re going to see a rapid rapid rapid turnaround.

?Betty. Set us in order. Set our time. Time to come to order right here right now. Make us one with you, Lord. Come on and raise your gaze and fix your eyes on Jesus. Set your heart and mind on him. We turn our ear to heaven and hear the wind words that the Spirit of the Lord is blowing through the church.

Anna. I sing praises to your name. Praises to your name. The name that’s so much higher than all names.

Betty. Jesus said, If I be lifted up I will draw all men. Let’s lift up the name of Jesus Christ over our lives, over our land, over our seed, over our blessing, over our gates, over our cities, over our states, and over our nations. Let’s lift him up. Let’s lift up the name of Jesus Christ in the White House. Let’s lift up the name of Jesus Christ in every state capital, in every governor’s house.

Let’s lift up the name of Jesus Christ in the Senate and the House of Representatives. Let’s lift up the name of Jesus in our governmental mountain, in legislation, in the executive branch, in the legislative branch, and the judicial branches. For He is our King. He is our lawgiver. He is our Judge.

?We honor you Lord. We’re going to praise you over our President, over our nation.

The Law of Lift is working. We’re saying, Be lifted up. The Law of Lift. To those that are sick we’re saying, Be lifted up. To the oppressed and depressed we’re saying, Be lifted up. He will deliver even the one who is not clean through the cleanness of our hands. Come now righteousness of our Christ Jesus. Righteousness in Christ Jesus. We’re saying, Be lifted up. Be lifted up. Be lifted up. Hei.

Anna. All honor to your name. Honor to your name. The name that’s so much greater than all names. Be lifted up. Be lifted higher. Be lifted up. Be lifted higher.

Betty. The enemy came to taunt Israel, Sennacherib. What are you basing your confidence on? In Chronicles. I could hear that this morning. What are you basing your confidence on, United States of America? What are you basing your confidence on, Donald John Trump? What are you basing your confidence on, you Christians?

The enemy is trying to taunt, to taunt us and taunt our President, and shake us. I decree and declare our confidence is in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our confidence is in the plan of the Father. Our confidence is what he has ordained for you and me. Our confidence is the Word of God, the name of Jesus Christ, and the power of the blood covenant, the power of the cross, the power of the Resurrected One.

We know whom we have believed in. And we are persuaded that he is able to keep that which we have committed to him against that day. Come on. We’ve already won this battle, lifting him high. Be lifted high.

?Anna. Your name is life. Your name is hope inside me. Your name is love. Your love that always finds me. Be lifted up. Be lifted higher, Jesus.

Betty. Over our nation. Over the nations of the earth. Over the West Wing of the United States of America. Over the mountain of media. Over the mountain of family. Over the mountain of government. Over the mountain of education. Over the mountain of family.

Anna. He’s coming on the clouds. Kings and kingdoms will bow down.

Betty. We bow before you, Lord, as a nation. America bows before you.

See, we have dual citizenship, whether you realize it or not. Our highest citizenship is because we have been born from above. We’ve been born in Zion. Our earthly citizenship—are we not citizens of the United States of America? So as a citizen, as an ambassador, of the United States of America, I bow before the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords. We bow before you, Lord. We bow before you, Jesus. You are our King, our Lord. We bow before you.

We’ve come to worship you. We’ve come to magnify you, Jesus. We’ve come to worship you. We decree and declare that as we worship to this song, that throughout the nations of the earth every demonic structure, the kingdom of darkness bows. Death bows to the name of Jesus Christ. Sickness and disease bow to the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

We run to the gates, the gates, the gates, the city gates. And we proclaim, we release the power of the name of Jesus Christ, outside and inside the city. We run to the doorposts of our homes and we apply the power of the voice of the blood of Jesus Christ over every born-again believer. We apply the blood of Jesus Christ to the gates of cities, the gates of states, the gates of our nations.

We decree and declare to the spirit of death, You must bow. We bind the spirit of death from our families. We bind the spirit of death from our states. We bind the spirit of death from New York, New Jersey. We bind the spirit of death from California, Hei, from Louisiana. We take authority in Jesus name. Whatsoever you bind on earth is already bound in heaven. I give you the keys to the kingdom so we take the authority.

Jesus, you have taken the keys to death, hell, and the grave. So we take those keys right now in the name of Jesus and we bind the spirit of death that has come upon this nation.

In our jurisdiction and our sphere of influence, we take the authority that you have given us and we bind the spirit of death, and we drive it out today with our praise. We decree and declare in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Death, you are already defeated so you are dismissed now.

We decree and declare there is not to be 100,000 deaths in the United States of America. There will not be 200,000 deaths, Father, even as our President first released. Hei, oh Lord at Passover, I decree and declare in the name of Jesus Christ, a week from today Lord, Change Change Change.

What the enemy meant for harm our God has turned and worked for the good—the saving of many lives. Death, you are defeated. Sickness and disease, you are defeated. We bind the spirit of death. We bind infirmity, infirmity of the soul. We take authority over all those spirits that are working with this virus.

Anna. We say Life and Light, Be.

Betty. Father, anything that has been holding ungodly agreements, anything presented on ungodly altars, ungodly agreements, any unholy thing, through bloodlines or anything else, we’re warring with our worship. Some of the things you’ve seen on this feed or might see, it’s really prayer closet. It’s what we do. He said, Don’t make an excuse; just be about it.

Are we addressing the spirit of death? Yes, we are. Are we addressing infirmity? Are we binding those things? The Lord said, That’s not the main thing. You need to come up higher. I’m seeing a vision in the spirit realm. I’m seeing instead of being like that hurricane of the Lord like in Ezekiel 1, I’m seeing a swirling mass of darkness. And I believe it’s over the earth, and over our nation.

He said, You need to come up higher. It’s not just death. It’s not just infirmity. And we’re going to war in the worship. I saw lines connecting points, connections and agreements not just in the United States of America, but I saw in the nations. And it is men, women, whoever have made ungodly agreements to hold this thing.

This is what I see. I see above the nations, the kingdom of darkness, a cloud covering. What is sustaining that is ungodly agreements, alliances, that have connected this thing, that is holding this thing in position and allowing this virus to operate, but it’s affecting every mountain of society. It’s really about control.

I’m not saying conspiracy theory. Let’s come on and be real. There are people out there  that want to control the world, who want to control the economic structures of the earth. It’s about mammon and it’s about greed. It is about domination. We are not yet at a one world government. We are not at the end of the end. People that have hated our President are going to love him.

Right now, those connections, the answer to that is every knee will bow. What I saw in the spirit is: I see the earth. I see the cloud of darkness. I don’t see individual faces, but I see the structures and the people behind them that have made agreements and ungodly alliances. It would be like if you drew a line and all of them were connected and they were holding this thing.

The Lord says he is cutting the silver cord in some places right now. I saw silver scissors, which is redemption, and I saw us go as one and cut every one of those lines. When we cut them, where they have been held, where they have been in an elevated position, I saw that structure collapse. I believe it. And we’re going to do it. I believe for God to show in the natural what we’ve taken care of in the spirit.

If you can see what I’m talking about right now and bear witness with what I’m saying about the holding structure over the nations right now, over the earth, and the kingdom of darkness, and you can see those thrones or those places established, we are taking the silver scissors, Redemption—it sounds so simple—and we’re just going to cut those cords. We’re not doing it as an individual, but we are doing it as a Corporate Esther. And those ungodly structures that are in place are going to collapse.

When that collapses, when those agreements collapse, what has been holding the spirit of death over our nation and has allowed all of this to function, it’s coming down. So in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Father, according to the vision that you’ve shown me, we take the silver scissors of Redemption and the unholy and ungodly agreements, whatever has been offered up or given, that has allowed the kingdom of darkness to rule in this realm and bring death into our nation and the nations of the earth, we are saying, No More!

I just had a pull from Holy Spirit reminding me of a dream that I had. I was here where we are right now and it was breaking the spirit of death off of the nations. So today by the power of Holy Spirit, we just take the scissors and we Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut every structure, every alliance, that has held this in place. And we say that all darkness dissipates now in Jesus name. That what has been holding this and allowing it to operate, It’s Finished, in Jesus name.

It first came to me that perhaps we need to repent, and the Lord said, No, you don’t, because that’s already been taken care of. I will not name names. Some of you know of different ministries that have been in assignments throughout the earth to go in and do acts of repentance, from Rome, Italy, to China, to England, to all the different places that repentance and prayer has been released, for the ungodly structures to come down, even in following the money trail. It’s time.

I don’t believe we are the only ones cutting this today in the spirit realm. But I can tell you with great confidence that our Turning Point has come. Because one thing I do know about the Lord, the vision doesn’t lie. And I am confident. What did I see? I saw us as the Ekklesia, as the ruling counsel of the Lord, bringing the will of God into the earth through our declaration.

What have I seen today? I’ve seen the Law of Lift fully activated within us. Us decreeing and declaring and calling; first, lifting up the name of Jesus. And in lifting up his name, bringing this nation up and out and above this thing. Seeing our President lifted up so that he can function in the fullness of what God has called him to do.

Seeing ‘Lift’ come because we are decreeing. Seeing people instead of dying, coming off of their sickbeds. Supernatural power and life going to every individual right now that is infected with the coronavirus. Those that are at death’s door, we say, Death, you will not have them. You have been defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ. We call them back to life in the name of Jesus.

We decree and declare, Let there be encounters with unbelievers right now that are at death’s door, that they be saved, delivered, and healed; and they come alive and are restored with a testimony of the risen Lord and the power of God to raise them up. It’s time. It’s time.

We decree and declare, Moratorium to the spirit of death. We put a moratorium on this virus in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Kingdom of darkness, we issue a moratorium. You will not operate over the nations of the earth, especially in the United States of America. We put a moratorium on the enemy and we agree with the Word of the Lord, Enough, in Jesus name. Praise you, Father. Amen. Thank you, Father.

?Anna. For the weapon may be formed but it won’t prosper. When the darkness comes it won’t prevail. ‘Cause the God I serve knows only how to triumph. My God will never fail. My God will never fail. I’m gonna see a victory, for the battle belongs to you, Lord. There is power in the mighty name of Jesus. Every war he wages he will win. I’m not backing down from any giant. Oh I know how the story ends. I’m gonna see the victory, for the battle belongs to you, Lord.

My confidence is your faithfulness will see me through. My soul can rest. My righteousness is found in you. All my heart for all my life belongs to you.

You take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good. I’m gonna see a victory for the battle belongs to the Lord.

Betty. Bend Judah, Lord, as you bend your battle bow and fill it with Ephraim. Let the high praises of God be in our mouth and a two-edged sword in our hand to execute vengeance on the enemy and the judgment written.

Father, we come into agreement with the judgment written and the verdicts that are coming out of heaven. Lord, we thank you that you have judged death. You have judged death. You have judged disease. You have judged the prince of this world. Jesus, we agree with you. The prince of this world now stands condemned. So we today in worship, we decree and declare, Let the high praises of God be in our mouth. The high praises of God are in our mouth. They are a two-edged sword in our hands today to bind those kings with fetters.

What do I mean? Do I mean the kings of the earth? No. I mean demonic kings and princes with fetters, and to release the judgment written. This is our birthright. This is our heritage. This is the right of all the saints. I decree and declare in righteousness we are established. Oppression is far removed. Terror will not come near us.

This attack, it’s not the Lord’s doing. And whoever and whatever attacks us—and it is a virus, and it is death, and it is disease, and it is the schemes of the ungodly—I decree and declare they come down. They are broken off of our lives, our land, our nation, our people—every diabolical plan, every scheme of the enemy.

I decree and declare at the name of Jesus every kingdom bows. Where the rulers of this world are trying to usurp over the plan of Almighty God that is redemptive, we say, It will not stand. Any nation that is being used by the kingdom of darkness to promote the agenda of darkness, we say, Stopped, in the name of Jesus. We put a moratorium out in Jesus name.

We’re warring with our worship. We’re warring with our words. We’re warring with the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus. Kingdom of God, come now on earth as it is in heaven. Your kingdom comes now in our nation, in our lives, Lord. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, oh God.

?Anna. We are standing on the edge of the mountainside. I can feel the winds stirring, lifting me up high. I was born into freedom. I was made to fly. Your faithfulness will never let me down. I’m confident I’ll see your goodness now. I know you hear my heart. I’m singing out. There’s nothing that can stop your goodness now. Gonna catch the wind. Gonna catch the wind. Gonna catch the wind.

Betty. We are intercessors. We are watchmen. We are gap-standers. Where you are right now, the Lord is going to perhaps show you the governmental official, someone in authority, someone he has assigned you to in this moment, as we are singing this song.  I saw how a parachuter, when they come out of the plane, has someone strapped to their front. I hear the Lord saying this is not an individual. This is a Corporate Man work. This is what I saw. The vision doesn’t lie.

Our President is going to ascend to a place in the Lord. He is going to come up in the place the Lord wants him to come today. As Anna began to sing, Standing on the mountainside, I’m giving you a picture of the parachute. It would be like strapping an individual onto the front of you, and I literally saw President Trump strapped to us. The Lord said you can’t do it individually. It’s the Corporate Man.

The Lord’s heart today is to bring our President up above the political, up above the chaos and confusion, up above the clamoring spirit, anything that is operating. The Lord wants to bring him up in Himself. He wants that second wind, that breath, the life of the Lord to life him from the inside out.

Again, the beginning vision that I saw as I sat down with the Lord this morning. I saw the United States of America as a huge jumbo jet, cross-Atlantic flights, that kind of super plane. And I saw our President in the cockpit as the pilot. I had no idea the instrument that shows you have leveled off is an Attitude Indicator.

I believe in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our President is going to get a new attitude and a new view today. I believe anything that has wanted to pull him down and under is going to be broken off of him because the Lord is going to bring him up to a place in Himself that he’s not been before.

The winds are going to catch his sail today. He is going to navigate in the high place that God has ordained. He has made him to stand on his high places and the Lord says he will stand there. He will soar there. Again, I saw the plane shift, like it was tilted and going down, but he took hold of the controls and he leveled the plane off. And when it leveled off, then he began to climb, and then it was like supersonic, Whoosh! Straight up.

He has been saying we are coming back better than before. Even the slogan, The Best is yet to come, is a prophetic declaration. His advisors, his campaign managers, their campaign for 2020, that was not just a man’s phrase. His 2016 and his 2020 word is straight from the Lord. So we’re going to bank that.

Again, as Anna began to sing, We are standing on the mountainside, I see the President and he’s strapped on. I saw myself soar with him and take him up like an eagle. It is our prayers. That’s a picture to give us a picture. I started to instruct you that God may show you a governmental official you could take up, but the Lord said, No. It is not about anyone else. It’s about a corporate man, as one in agreement, we as one. I heard the Lord say, Now look again, Betty.

See the Lord and see President Trump strapped to Him because we’re the Body of Christ. And in Christ we’re going to worship and we are going to bring our President up into the seated place. Where the wind and the breath has wanted to be knocked out of him, and the wind out of his sails, and even because of what’s been going on, even some chatter, where it’s wanting to make him second-guess himself, we decree and declare he will not second-guess. He will have the mind of Christ.

He will take on the attitude of Christ. And he will function in the anointing and the gift that God has put within him. So he is coming up and out in Jesus name, and into not what Betty thinks, but into what God has ordained for him before the foundations of the earth. His birthright is going to get an unction to function. And his destiny is going to get an unction to function like he’s never known before.

What has been stored in him, put there by Almighty God, is coming alive today. We have 17 days left and make a note on it. On the 53rd day of the 70 Day Decree, the Lord our God took hold of our President, the President of the United States, and brought him up above and seated him in the heavenly realm in Christ, and opened his spiritual senses, and awakened him in his birthright and destiny to actually function in a fullness and in a place that he has not functioned before.

It is April 1, and I decree and declare that he is no April fool in Jesus name. Glory. That he is as wise as a serpent and he is innocent as a dove. And our God gives him a mouth and wisdom that his adversaries will not be able to resist or contradict. And first, that is Satan himself. In Jesus name.

I decree and declare that the angels of God are running on the true words and decrees that are being released and the prayers that are being prayed by the saints. I decree and declare that we are moving in power and authority as an Ekklesia worldwide to see the scheme of the enemy come down, and the diabolical plan of the enemy. And the covering of darkness that has tried to encompass the entire earth is broken off today. We decree it now in Jesus name.

According to Job 22:28, you will decree a thing and it will be established and light will shine on your path. Then it says, Even the one who is oppressed or depressed, you will say, Be lifted up, and they will be lifted up. We are saying, Be lifted up, in Jesus name. So he is going to be lifted up.

We’re going to worship. Our agreement is that where the Lord has ordained that our President be seated and function and move in the authority, the anointing, and the ability of Jesus Christ, it’s coming alive in him so that he can be the instrument in the hand of the Lord.

The Lord says in Isaiah 45, I have taken hold of your hand to subdue. Full functionality of the Cyrus anointing. Full functionality of the birthright and the destiny that God ordained before the foundations of the earth for President Donald John Trump in Jesus name. The Attitude Indicator is going to level off, and we’re coming up and out in the name of Jesus. Worship is our warfare.

?Anna. I am strong and full of light. I am steadfast, no compromise. I lift my sails to the sky. Gonna catch the wind. I am bold, no fear in sight.

Betty. That’s our President. That’s us.

Anna. I spread my wings, open my life. Like the eagle whose home is the sky. Gonna catch the wind. Gonna catch the wind.

Your faithfulness will never let me down. I’m confident I’ll see your goodness now. I know you hear my heart. I’m singing out. There’s nothing that can stop your goodness now. Gonna catch the wind.

Betty. Wind of God. Breath of God.

Anna. Like standing on the edge of a mountainside, I can feel the wind stirring, lifting me up high. I was born into freedom. I was made to fly.

Betty. The Lord is very much moving through visions. During a portion of the worship right now, I saw our President over Mount Rushmore, and I saw him standing on top of that mountain. I saw him taking flight. Again, taking his stand. Taking his place. I don’t mean flying away.

Today I decree is a Turning Point for the President of the United States. I wondered why Mount Rushmore. All four of these presidents’ faces on Mount Rushmore were placed there because they were known for their position in holding to the Republic and expanding the territory of the Republic. They are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.

George Washington said, The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered as deeply perhaps as finally staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people. Washington led the colonists in the American Revolution to win independence from Great Britain. He was the Father of the new country and laid the foundation of American democracy.

Because of his importance, Washington is considered to be the most prominent figure on the mountain. It represents the birth of the United States. So there is a connection with our President that God is showing me. He has a part to play in preserving our nation. We know that the very Appeal to Heaven is the flag that George Washington used and Dutch Sheets has taken up. Our appeal to heaven has been heard. The Lord has raised our President up. Today is a new day.

Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States. He was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, the document that inspires democracies around the world. He also purchased the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803 which doubled the size of our country. Jefferson represents the growth of the United States. So Washington represents the birth. Jefferson represents the growth.

Thomas Jefferson said, We act not for ourselves but for the whole human race. The event of our experiment is to show whether man can be trusted with self-government.

Theodore Roosevelt was chosen because he provided leadership when America experienced rapid economic growth as it entered the 20th Century. He was instrumental in negotiating the construction of the Panama Canal linking the East and the West. He was known as the Trust Buster for his work to end large corporate monopolies and ensure the rights of the common working man. He represents the development of the United States.

Abraham Lincoln held the nation together during its greatest trial, the Civil War. He believed his most sacred duty was the preservation of the Union. It was from this conviction that slavery must be abolished that he was chosen because he represents the preservation of the United States. He said, I leave you hoping that the lamp of liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall be no longer but a doubt that all men are created free and equal.

Again, the vision doesn’t lie. Today is about bringing our President up and into his birthright and his destiny. It is to shut the voice of the enemy. It is to cut the lines of ungodly alliances and thrones that have held this thing in place, so it is no more. It can’t stand. And to bring in the plan of God.

Why these four Presidents and why our President standing on the top of this mountain? As Anna sings, I’m going to decree why these men’s faces are on the side of this mountain.

George Washington represents the birth of the United States.

Thomas Jefferson represents the growth of the United States.

Theodore Roosevelt represents the development of the United States.

Abraham Lincoln represents the preservation of the United States.

God is going to take the qualities of these men and he is going to bring out of our President the anointing, not just of himself, but through the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will give glory and credit to God in this. But God is going to take all four of these attributes, and in the time of the greatest shaking of our nation, he is going to cause a rebirth to come.

Where George Washington represents the birth of the United States, where Thomas Jefferson represents the growth of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt the development, and Abraham Lincoln the preservation, we decree and declare together as one this day, that President Donald John Trump and those connected with him, are standing on the top of that mountain today.

That our President is standing on Mount Rushmore and the attributes, the godly attributes, to bring deliverance, to bring healing, restoration, recalibration, revival, awakening, all of those things that these men were instrumental in doing, we decree and declare that our President represents the rebirth, and will bring the United States into a time of rebirth, growth, development, and preservation in Jesus name.

Paul said, I long to come to you with some eloquent speech—but he didn’t. In fact, they said his letters are strong. But then when he speaks, well. I decree and declare that the Wisdom of God, the Seven-Fold Spirit of Jehovah, envelopes our President. I decree and declare that he is clothed with Christ, and that the Lord Himself is decreeing over this man, Be lifted up. Be lifted up to your place where you were born for the birth, the growth, the development, and the preservation of the kingdom plan of God for this nation in Jesus name.

?Anna. Like standing on the edge of the mountainside, I can feel the wind stirring lifting me up high. I was born into freedom. I was made to fly. Your faithfulness will never let me down. I’m confident I’ll see your goodness now. I know you hear my heart. I’m singing out.

Betty. You can’t make it up. We’re in a time where the window is open. And the breath and the life of God is being released in his wind. And the wind beneath his wings is lifting our President today.

I’m going to release some of the words (on the feed). This is very strategic for today. We’re seen that our President is the right man for the job. We’ve seen the plane tilting. I saw the Attitude Indicator.

Darlene Seely. Attitude Indicator. A flight instrument that informs the pilot of the aircraft orientation relevant to earth’s horizon, and gives an immediate indication of the smallest orientation change.

Betty. Our President has his eyes on the Lord, but not only that, this Attitude Indicator in the vision I saw this morning, the plane was tilting and heading down. Our President is the pilot and he leveled it off. He began to ascend and then went to a warp speed. I know in that type of aircraft you can’t do that, but in God you can do all things. I tell you even now, our President has come into a place.

I saw also us as one corporate man, as the Body of Christ, our President being strapped on and being brought up. The Lord said today the ‘Lift’ is in motion. And even our President in his leadership functions in that leadership law. Because you will hear him, instead of saying, Oh we are doomed and going to hell—he is saying, It’s going to get better. We’re doing good. He is taking hold of those things that are not as though they were. Thank God that we do not have a pessimistic President. Thank God that we have the man that we do.

It is ordained. He is the one. Because he is not a politician. He does not think that way. He is already set in place for our recovery. Even with what he has demanded with China. He said they are paying us a lot of money, a lot of interest. That would have never been.

Congress and certain people had a fit when our President said, No, we’re not doing that anymore. No, we’re not giving that. And because you’re using this resource, now you’re going to give us some money. Because he’s a businessman. Who can recover the economy? The one that God has put in the place to do business. But I’ll have you know today, our President has stepped on a platform to do kingdom business like never before. It is a new day and a new hour.

And rebirth, resurrection power and life, as the first President, Washington, birthed a nation, our President will birth the new of the kingdom, God’s plan for this nation. We will give birth to healing, revival, awakening, reformation, and transformation. And thank God, he’s not religious. (Breath) You get a new attitude.

The Lord is going to check the Attitude Indicator of those that are serving with a man, and those that are serving in places, even throughout the world. There is a great sifting that is coming. I know that some leading world figures will not be here at the end of this thing. Some people are going home. But those that remain are going to be Ready, Set, Go people.

Nations will be changed overnight. Landscape is being changed even now. New birth. Rebirth. When we, across the nation and around the world, celebrate Passover and Resurrection, and there are people who will go through the seven last words of Christ, I decree and declare unto you, when ’It is finished’ is declared over and over on Resurrection Day and on April 8 and April 12, as those words are being decreed and declared, I decree and declare to you, “Asah Asah Asah. I have made war. I have created. Come forth, new creation.”

We are going to see a rebirth of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. And destiny that is stored in nations and our nation is coming alive. We will not die, America, but we will live, and from the least to the greatest, from the youngest to the oldest. It will be in the air.

Where there has been a contagion of death in the air, there will not be a contagion of life in this nation like we’ve never seen before. It is the Word of the Lord.

We will see rebirth. We will see growth. We will see development. And we will see the preservation of what God has established. And what is not of God, it’s going to fall down. And the enemy will gnash his teeth. And those that have been operating behind the scenes in nations, I decree and declare that a discernment comes to President Donald John Trump and those that are working with him today.

What has been hidden agendas in nations in the earth and those that have been manipulating, and those that have been working this through and by the kingdom of darkness, I decree and declare they are exposed in the name of Jesus. They’re exposed in the name of Jesus. The curtain is being pulled back in the name of Jesus.

Intercessors are going to function just like in wartime, just like Rees Howells.

I decree and declare You are the Champion of Your Church. We acknowledge that You are the Champion and the Hero of America, for no army is saved by its size. We put our trust in the name of Yeshua, in the name of Jesus. Amen. Praise God.

Philippians 3:15. So let us therefore, as many as are perfect, have this attitude; and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that also.

Let us therefore, as many as are perfect. What is it? Forgetting those things that are behind and pressing on toward the mark of the high calling of God. Let us have the attitude of Philippians 3 in Jesus name.

I Corinthians 2:6. Yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age nor the rulers of this age who are passing away.

We decree and declare that the wisdom of God is in the mouth of our President and in the mouth of his people.

Galatians 5:10. I have confidence in you in the Lord, that you will adopt no other view. But the one who is disturbing you will bear his judgment.

Anyone that is stirring up strife, division, and is being used as an instrument of the enemy, they will do that no more.

John 7:17. Jesus said, If anyone is willing to do his will, he will know of the teaching whether it is of God or whether I speak from myself.

True words of God are going to ring true and stand and manifest.

Psalm 25:8-9. Good and upright is the Lord; therefore, he instructs sinners in his way.

Proverbs 2:3. For if you cry for discernment, lift your voice for understanding.

You’re going to have it.

Proverbs 3:5-6. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. Lean not on your own understanding.

In all our ways we acknowledge him, and he makes plain and straight our path.

Isaiah 35:8. A highway will be there, a roadway. And it will be called a Highway of Holiness. The unclean will not travel on it, but it will be for him who walks that way and fools will not wander on it.

We decree and declare and prophesy, Let our feet and the feet of our President be set on the Highway of Holiness. Let him function from above in Jesus name.

We are rebuilding the wall of righteousness in our nation, states, and territories. 52 Day State Prayer Focus: Day 35: Kansas.

To the Remnant Rising,

Righteousness goes before Him and prepares the way for His steps.Psalm 85:13 

Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; Blessed by the Lord, the God of the United States of America. He came and set His people free. He set the power of salvation in the center of our lives, and in the very house of David His servant, Just as He promised long ago through the preaching of His holy prophets: Deliverance from our enemies and every hateful hand; Mercy to our fathers, as He remembers to do what He said Hed do, What He swore to our father Abraham—a clean rescue from the enemy camp, So we can worship Him without a care in the world, made holy before Him as long as we live. And you, my child, Prophet of the Highest,” will go ahead of the Master to prepare His ways, Present the offer of salvation to His people, the forgiveness of their sins. Through the heartfelt mercies of our God, Gods Sunrise will break in upon us, shining on those in the darkness, those sitting in the shadow of death. Then, showing us the way, one foot at a time, down the path of peace.” Luke 1:68-79 MSG

This is a now word in Luke 1:68-79 for us, for our nation, and for every born-again believer. A land lying in darkness, the world that has been under a cloak of darkness and death. Now the sun of righteousness with healing in his wings are rising. Because the prayer of a righteous man availeth much. And the prayer is coming from the right hand. And we are here to see the salvation of the Lord in the land of the living. Why?

I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered.” Psalm 89:34

We pray for Kansas City Governor Laura Kelly and the governmental authority in that state as well as the governmental authority in all of our states today and our nation.

The name Kansas is a Sioux name that means South Wind People. We’ve got wind in the state. It’s the 34th state that was added to the union on May 29, 1861. The motto is, To the stars through adversity. It’s known as the Sunflower State.

On the 50 State Tour it’s called the Revival State. So on this day we are praying for the Revival State.

The preamble is: We, the people of Kansas, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious privileges, in order to ensure the full enjoyment of our rights as American citizens, do ordain and establish this constitution of the State of Kansas.

We are going to the Heartland. I don’t think it is by accident with all that has transpired today that Kansas is in the very center of the country. Kansas is the Heartland.

Father, we come into agreement with your Kingdom plan and redemptive purposes for the United States of America and for the State of Kansas.  Lord, let your true righteous plumb line of the character of Christ realign, awaken, and transform our nation in your glory.

Righteousness goes before You and prepares the way for YOUR steps.” We release your decree of righteousness upon the United States of America and the State of Kansas which prepares the way for you, Lord, to bring forth the manifestation of revival, awakening, and transformation. Kansas, we acknowledge you as the Revival State. We say repent and be revived. Awaken to the original intent of your birthright and destiny in Jesus Name. Lord, we agree with your redemptive words and promises spoken over Kansas and our land, the United States of America.

Gods Decree: I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered.” We decree over this nation of America and the State of Kansas: “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; He came and set His people free. He set the power of salvation in the center of our lives, and in the very house of David His servant, Just as He promised long ago through the preaching of His holy prophets: Deliverance from our enemies and every hateful hand; Mercy to our fathers, as He remembers to do what He said Hed do, What He swore to our father Abraham —  a clean rescue from the enemy camp, So we can worship Him without a care in the world, made holy before Him as long as we live

And you, my child, John,Prophet of the Highest,will go ahead of the Master to prepare His ways, Present the offer of salvation to His people, the forgiveness of their sins. Through the heartfelt mercies of our God, Gods Sunrise will break in upon us, Shining on those in the darkness, those sitting in the shadow of death, Then, showing us the way, one foot at a time, down the path of peace.” 

Thank you, Lord, for continuing to raise up within this state and our nation the prophetic voice of your righteous remnant, your ruling Ekklesia. Let the people of the nation of America accept your offer of salvation through Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of their sins. Shine your light into all darkness and upon those sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death in this state and the nation. Let them be saved, healed, delivered, made completely whole. And may they prosper in Jesus name.

Prophetic word the Lord gave me to release on 4/1/2019:

Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for the State of Kansas. Kansas, you are the heartland. You are the center point of the nation. The Lord has called you unto righteousness. It is time to shake off the heavy bands. The Lord says, He is going to cause you to get off the bandwagon of the enemy. We decree and declare that the media gets off the bandwagon of the enemy. We decree and declare that every ungodly counselor gets off the bandwagon of the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ.

He is bringing you into alignment with the assignment that you have had since before the foundations of the earth. He has awakened a righteous scepter within you. That scepter is going to rise out of the land. The righteous remnant within you that has been standing for years and years and yearstheyre going to see the shift come within you.

Are there not healing rooms that have come out of Topeka. Is there not a reservoir of the word of God? I say there is more than a reservoirThere is an artesian well that is running under the ground in Kansas. It is a well of healing for a nation! For our nation.

What has stopped you up, what has perverted and diverted the flow of the rivers of living water that were destined to flow out of you, Kansas, is being removed. You are the wheat state. You are number #1 in the nation in the production of wheat. Hahaha, there is a harvest in you that is going to spring forth – Hei! Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! We are not going to have wheat and tares.

I hear the Lord saying that He is going to cause the harvest for the kingdom to choke out the tares of the enemy. The Lord says, one day, in a 24-hour period, you are going to see a shift in the governmental structures in your land. Where there has been a judgment unto unrighteousness, I have turned the table on the enemy. I AM raising up righteousness in your land, Kansas. I AM raising up righteousness in the United States of America. Yay God! Even people within the State of Kansas are going to say, Were not in Kansas anymore.” Hahaha!  

No, because a heavenly thing is taking place within your borders, Kansas. A heavenly thing is taking place within your borders, United States of America and US Territories. A new thing is taking place within your borders.

You are not going to even recognize yourself initially, Kansas. You are going to get a different landscape because of the shaking of the Lord that is going to shake your very foundation. You are coming down into alignment with your assignment. It is kingdom now! It is Kingdom now! I have decided and I AM drawing Kansas and the United States of America unto me!says the Lord.

Father, let the well of revival and the inheritance that has been capped in the State of Kansas be released territorially and generationally in each mountain of society, and let it flow into our nation and into our US territories on earth as it is in earth.  We agree with the heart of God for the heartland. We agree with God for our nation and our leadership. We agree. Let your well of healing for the nation be released out of Kansas and from heaven in Jesus name, Amen and Amen.

The Lord has done an incredible work with us and through us today. Your decrees are important. I don’t know who will pick this up. You can message me. There are so many valuable decrees released. If you are willing to harvest the decrees from the live feed today, we will publish and post them. Today is a turning point for our nation and our President, and the nations of the earth. I want you to be encouraged and strengthened. I believe that you are. Amen and Amen.

God has gone to the heart of the matter, to the heart of our President, to the heart of his people, and to the heart of the nation. Yay God.

As we partake of Communion and all that it encompasses, we know the full benefits of his broken body and shed blood. Let us take Communion. Let us take hold of the Covenant, and let it be the very seal that goes on the words and the decrees that were released today. I decree and declare anything that has been released that is not of God, it falls to the ground. But every true word of prophecy and vision that has been released here, I say, Let it manifest now, on earth as it is in heaven.

Let there be a clear word and confirmation of the Turnaround, Turnaround, Turnaround, Turnaround, Turnaround in Jesus name, on earth as it is in heaven.

So Father, we thank you for the full benefits of the new covenant and what has been released and is being released out of heaven and out of the mouths of your Ekklesia and your people, and the intercession that has gone forth for our President and for our nation and the nations.

Now let it be sealed with the body and the blood of Christ, with resurrection power and life in the name of Jesus and by the blood of Jesus and by the Spirit of the Lord. We receive your meal that heals and calls us to abide in you as you are in us in Jesus name. Receive the body of Christ broken for you and your whole house. The blood of Jesus poured out for you and your whole house.

Body of Christ, broken for our President Donald John Trump and First Lady Melania and their whole house. Body of Christ broken for Vice-President Mike Pence and his whole house in Jesus mighty name. Amen and Amen. Receive.

I decree miracles have begun, America. The power of the blood speaks a better word. I hear the Lord say finally, My time has come. My time. It’s My time. Whose time? His time. Wow. Look what the Lord has done. We bless you in the name of the Lord. God bless America. God bless the USA in Jesus name. Amen.
