3/26/2020 War Words from the Womb of the Dawn
Betty Love. When we first started the 70 Day Decree it was, Take me back to the Garden, My soul sings, different songs we marinated in. I believe we are making a decree with this worship. Every day and every night I have been waking up with portions of God of Revival.
The word I’m hearing this morning coming out of the womb of the dawn is Awake Awake Awake. Awakening is upon us.
Father, we worship and honor you. We say, Come and awaken your people. Awaken cities. Awaken this nation.
?God of wonder. Your power has no end. Things you’ve done before, in greater measure, you will do again. All things are possible. The darkest night, you can light it up, O God of Revival. Let hope arise.
Betty. Resurrection life coming to those who are sick around the world today. Resurrection power and life to your people, Lord. Health and wholeness to physical bodies. God of Revival. Death has overcome. You’ve already won. I decree and declare Victory Victory Victory over the people of God. Victory over our families. Victory over our nation in Jesus name.
Come awaken your people. Come awaken your city. God of Revival, pour it out. Pour it out. Every stronghold will crumble. I hear the chains hit the ground. Death is overcome. You’ve already won. God of revival.
Betty. Continue to worship. Worship over your family. Worship over your territory, tents, and treasuries. Worship over your cities. Worship over your state. Worship over this nation. Worship. Worship.
Come awaken your people, Lord. Awake your entire cities. Awaken families, Lord. Awaken Awaken Awaken.
Holy Spirit, hover. Come and hover. Come and awaken your people. Awaken entire cities, states, and nations to your glory, Lord, to who you are.
Betty. Father, we honor you as we have entered into a new Hebraic month, the month of Nissan, the month of Passover, your month of Redemption and Repentance. It’s the season of Passover where we honor you, Jesus, our Passover Lamb—the power of the blood, the power of the covenant.
Father, you are bringing your people out. You are bringing your people up. You are bringing your people in. Lord, we are poised as your people, your Body, your Church, your Ekklesia, as your Warrior Bride, to enter into the fullness, Hei, the fullness of your redemptive plan for our lives, and your redemptive plan for our nation and the nations.
Father, I thank you that healing, revival, awakening, and transformation is upon us and upon the nations of the earth. We worship you this morning. We thank you for the war word coming out of the womb of the dawn.
Father, I thank you for Brian Johnson who wrote the very song, God of Revival, because you are resonating this song throughout the nations of the earth. Atmospheres are shifting in families right now. I thank you for a reconnecting and a revival and a restoration of parents to children and children to parents, husbands and wives. Because of the blood, You have made peace through your blood. You are reconciling families one to another and they are being reconciled to you. You are going to reconcile nations unto you.
Lord, we thank you for full recovery today. As we present ourselves unto you as living sacrifices, we thank you for clothing us in the Armor of Light. Awaken us in your presence. Awaken us in the heavenly realm. Awaken us to your right hand command. Awaken what you have stored in us. Awaken us in our birthrights. Awaken us in our destinies as your people.
Awaken our cities in their birthright and their destiny. Awaken the states and the nations to their birthrights and their redemptive destinies that you ordained before the foundations of the earth. Awaken Awaken Awaken.
Clothe us, Jesus, with yourself when we put on the armor. You said to be strong in you Lord and the power of your might, that our struggle is not against flesh and blood. I thank you that you awaken us to the spirit realm and to you first, and the armies of heaven that we see and we hear and we know.
You awaken us with kingdom reality of the war that we’re in, that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, authorities, powers of darkness and spirits of wickedness in high places. You instructed us to put on the armor. It’s to put on Jesus, Righteous Remnant, Warrior Bride, Esther. Let us be clothed with Him this day. Let us put on the Armor of Light. Let us yield even now to the full authority of the new covenant in His blood.
Let us yield to the voice and the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Lord, we release the voice of the blood over our lives, over our land, seed, blessing, gates, cities, states, nations, everywhere you have given us jurisdiction. We release the voice of the blood of Jesus that cries out Mercy, that speaks a better word. We thank you and we yield to the voice of the blood, to the authority of your name, Jesus. You have put your name on us.
Every born-again believer, He has put his name on us and in us. And where the name of the Lord is, he commands a blessing. Just receive the blessing of his name. Just receive your legitimacy, your birthright. Awaken in your birthright. Awaken your legitimacy this day, any place where you feel delegitimized, not valued, not recognizing or knowing who you really are, even places we’re not aware of.
Father, I thank you that you are releasing your love, the glory of your presence, within every son of God this morning, and you are awakening us in sonship. You are awakening us in our inheritance and to know who we are, what we have, all that you have given us—whose we are, who we are, and what we have in Christ.
Awaken us. Awaken us in our birthright. Awaken us in our purpose. Awaken us in your promises, O God, all the days ordained for us that are written in His book. I call you to be awakened in the Word of God and the Word of God would awaken in you and me this day. Awaken Awaken Awaken. That we would come to our senses. That we would come into a deeper and a fullness. I don’t want just deeper. I want us to come into the fullness of knowing and awakening to who we are. It’s a new day, a new day, a new day, a new day, a new day. Hei. Hei.
And he is anointing you. He is releasing upon you and me the crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. Awaken in worship. Awaken in praise. Awaken in the joy of the Lord this morning. For ours is righteousness, peace, and joy. I am speaking to the Body of Christ. I am speaking to the sons of God. We are coming into agreement.
As I am saying to you and me, Awaken in it. As we are connected with the Body of Christ, we are saying Awaken. Awaken Awaken Awaken. As we put on the armor this morning—the belt of truth—let us awaken. Let us awaken in the truth. Every piece of the armor—the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, our feet shod with the shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace.
We are taking up the shield of faith, the faith of the Son of God, the shield of faith in our lives, in our land, in our seed, in our gates, in our cities, in our states, in our nation, and the nations. We are taking up the shield of faith in our territories, tents, treasuries, every sphere of influence—to extinguish every flaming arrow of the evil one.
We’re putting on the helmet of salvation, coming up in our Head, acknowledging you, Jesus. You are the Head of the Church. You are the Head of the Body. You are the Builder of your Ekklesia. You are the Bridegroom to the Bride. Hei, Jesus. We acknowledge you as our Head. We acknowledge you as our King. You are the King of Kings. You are our Lord, the Lord of Lords. We come up in our Head.
You are our Apostle and High Priest, our Kinsman Redeemer, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, the End, the First, the Last. The Author and the Finisher of our faith.
He is Yeshua, Adonai Elohim. We come up in our Head. We come up in. We put on the helmet of salvation, our hearts and our minds being renewed today. Awaken Awaken Awaken in truth. Awaken in righteousness. Awaken in Shalom. Hei. Awaken. Awaken in peace. Awaken in the faith of the Son of God. Awaken in salvation.
Awaken in the Word. We take the Sword of the Spirit. All of those pieces are Jesus. As a born-again believer, when you first believe, he comes and he clothes you. But then there is an awakening. One of the first things you become aware of is the truth. You’ll know the truth and the truth will set you free. Even as I’m releasing it, it is coming to you with an impartation.
It is going through the airways and it is hitting the mark in every believer. I decree it. We’re functioning as a corporate Esther. What did Esther have the power to do? Petition the King. Write decrees. Decree decrees. What do we have the authority to do? To send His Word. So we’re sending the Word to believers today. We’re sending the Word to cities. And we are saying, Awaken. Within the believer, Awaken to truth. Who is the Truth? His name is Jesus. He is our way, the truth, and the life. Awaken in truth.
We say today, any place that we, the people of God, have exchanged the truth of God for a lie, the glory of God for worthless idols, we repent. We repent. And we bind ourselves to the Truth who is Jesus. We put on the belt of truth. And having believed the gospel of truth, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption. So awaken in truth.
Lord, I thank you that truth awakens in us and we awaken in truth. Awaken in righteousness. Righteousness awakens in us and we awaken in righteousness when we release the gospel of truth, the gospel of salvation. We release righteousness into our territories, tents, and treasuries, and spheres of influence.
In righteousness we are established. Oppression is far removed. Terror will not come near us nor fear. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Every attack of the enemy is bound and blocked from us in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Anything that is not truth in our life, anything that is not the righteousness of God in our lives or our spheres, we say, Uprooted, torn down, destroyed, and completely overthrown. Let the cities be filled with truth. Let cities be filled with righteousness. Let this nation be filled with Jesus Christ. Let this nation and entire cities and states be filled with truth.
Surely you desire truth in our inmost being. You teach us wisdom, O Lord. So let entire cities come to the knowledge of truth, come to you, Jesus. Lord, we love truth. We love righteousness and we hate wickedness. Therefore, because we love righteousness, Lord, we thank you that you have set us above our companions by anointing us with the oil of gladness. The joy of the Lord is our strength, Righteous Remnant, Warrior Bride. Hei. Hei.
Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost. Send it out. Special Delivery to believers. Even in the nation we send forth truth, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Amen. Amen. There’s no distance. We are connected with every born-again believer in the heavens and on the earth. We need to work smart now.
Get a picture of this. Awaken to this. See this right now. We’re calling truth to be released in the Body of Christ. They’re not trying to get truth. You’re not trying to get truth. Holy Spirit of Truth is living on the inside of you and me. Holy Spirit of Righteousness is living on the inside of us. We have truth. We have righteousness. So Lord, awaken us to You, God in us. Awaken us, Spirit of Truth. Awaken us, Spirit of Righteousness. Awaken us in truth. Awaken us in your righteousness. Are you getting a picture of this? I am. Awakened in truth and righteousness.
The righteous are as bold as a lion. Holy Ghost boldness. Holy Ghost boldness. Just receive it right now. Holy Ghost boldness to speak the truth in love, to speak the truth in love. Holy Ghost boldness. The righteous are as bold as a lion.
He is the God of Peace, our Covenant of Peace, Shalom. It’s wholeness. Spirit, soul, body wholeness comes to you and me this day. Let’s send it out to the Body of Christ. No limits. No limits. Remember what the Lord told us weeks ago. No limits. Don’t put limits on Me. You need to think corporate Body of Christ. You need to think that we are one Body. The hand cannot say to the foot, I don’t need you. So we are sending forth Shalom to every born-again believer throughout the earth right now.
We say, Awaken in Shalom. Let homes awaken at first light. It’s just getting light CST. Maine got light before any of us. We are saying at first light, Let the people of God awaken in a newness and a freshness of God Himself like they have not known heretofore. Awaken Awaken Awaken.
Awaken in the peace of God. Our feet shod with the shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace. Keep treading, Righteous Remnant. He is the God of Peace who crushes Satan under our feet. Crushers, Crushers, Crushers. With what? Peace. And the peace of God that passes all understanding—it’s Jesus. The Spirit of Peace that passes all understanding guards our hearts and minds.
The Lord says, Rejoice. I’ll say it again, Rejoice. Be anxious for nothing. But by prayer and petition. What is our prayer and petition? As we are clothed with the Armor of Light, clothed with Jesus, we are saying, Let us awaken in your truth, in your righteousness, in your Shalom, in your faith, Jesus, in your salvation, new birth, healing, deliverance, wealth, blessing, soundness of mind, everything that comes with salvation. That’s on the mind, on the head. That’s being connected with Himself.
Awakening in the Logos. Awakening within us the Word of God, the rhemas, the true prophetic words, where God has spoken to you his heart, his mind, his counsel. Awakening in the proceeding word, the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, coming alive in his people today. Jesus is the Word. Holy Spirit is the Sword of the Spirit. Whew! Let him wake you up today. Let the Word of God awaken in you and resonate in you in Jesus name.
Father, we renounce doubt and unbelief in the name of Jesus, and fear and discouragement. Lord, you’ve not given us a spirit of fear. We decree and declare right now that we are crucified with Christ and we no longer live but Christ lives in us. And the life that we live, we live by the faith of the Son of God.
I asked the Lord if there was anymore to do here, and he said, No. Just command it so. So right now with me as one, Corporate Esther Ekklesia, let’s just command it so, to every believer worldwide that Jesus awakens in them. And we awaken in truth. Not only do we awaken in it and it awakens in us. Truth, righteousness, shalom, faith, salvation, and the Word. Whew! It has breath on it.
He has opened the windows of heaven and he is releasing breath and resurrection power to awaken and revive his people. Mighty warriors, arise. Arise. Arise.
We are at the threshold of the promises of God. We have waited 20, 30, 40, 50 years. And I hear the Lord saying, You just don’t know how long I’ve waited for this and how long heaven has waited for this, and how long all that cloud of witnesses that has gone before you has waited. The balconies of heaven are full in this hour. There is an excitement going through the kingdom realm right now that is awakening the sons of God in the earth, and the Bride of Christ like never before.
There is a new contagion that is present today, and it is the power and the presence of Almighty God Himself. The atmosphere has changed over the nation of America and over the nations of the earth. The atmosphere is changing now. Amen and Amen.
Day 47
52 Day State Prayer Focus: Day 29: Texas, December 29, 1845
To the Remnant Rising,
We are in one of the most strategic times to be alive in the earth. The Lord is always on time in His delivery. We have stepped into the Kairos moments that the Lord has set before us and in doing so it has brought into the fullness of time that every intercessor longs to see and experience. The birth of visions and prophetic destiny for our nation and the nation of Israel, and the nations of the earth, are breaking forth like never before. Let us keep standing in this Esther moment before the King of Glory for the day of the royal decree is upon us – Righteousness exalts a nation. The Lord is releasing His breath of life into our lungs as a nation and our second wind and win is upon us.
This was a now word when I wrote it to you last year. It came out of the heart of God and it is a now word for us today. You can’t make this up. Let us come into agreement with this now word. The ministry gift I function in, I am very much a voice activator. As I am decreeing and reading the word and it is coming to you and being released into your home right now, it is being released into your territory, your family, your tent, your body, your dwelling place. It’s being released into your finances, your seed, your treasury, what is stored in you, your birthright, your destiny.
It is also being released into your sphere of influence, whatever mountain of society you work in, where you go, your city, your state, your territory, your sphere of influence, our nation. It’s going to the nation right now.
The birth of visions and prophetic destiny for our nation and the nation of Israel, and the nations of the earth, are breaking forth like never before. We’re on the other side of this thing. That’s our part, to prophesy, decree it and declare it. I say unto you right now, this is a kingdom reality.
Let us stand in this Esther moment before the king of Glory for the day of the royal decree is upon us. Say, Amen. Righteousness exalts a nation. This is the statement. I really want you to come into agreement with me and decree it: The Lord is releasing his breath of life into our lungs as a nation and our second wind and win is upon us.
One of the things this virus does is affect the lungs. I would say sin and death and disease and many things over the course of time have affected the lungs of the people of God and the lungs of this nation.
The Lord’s word is: He is releasing the breath of life into our lungs as a nation. This is what we need for those that are infected with this virus. They need the breath of God to be released into their lungs. I’m not going to leave it out from the nations. This is a now decree. We agree with it, that the Lord is releasing the breath of his life into our lungs, into the lungs of his people, and into our lungs as a nation.
And a second wind, the breath. In Nissan he releases his wind. He releases his breath. He is releasing the breath of life to the nations, even to non-believers. It is going to cause them to come to Jesus Christ. And our win is upon us now in Jesus name.
I decree and declare the breath of God is released into the hospitals, into quarantined places and homes and people that are in quarantine right now. And it drives out every symptom of sickness and disease. And it eradicates and annihilates the coronavirus. I decree and declare that this virus is dethroned in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
There is new life springing up from the ground that looked dead. Heavenly verdicts—(pounds the gavel). Let the sound of the gavel of the Father the Righteous Judge begin to resonate throughout the nations of the earth, throughout the heavenly realm, because I tell you this thing might be a virus in the natural, but it’s a spirit.
I decree and declare today, coming out of the Court of Heaven, coming from God the Righteous Judge, He has decreed death to the spirit of infirmity, death to the spirit of death that has been riding this coronavirus. I decree and declare (pounding the gavel) Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life in Jesus name.
There is new life springing up from the ground that looked dead. Heavenly verdicts and decrees are being released every day within our states and our nations. We are gaining ground. I decree and declare to you, Righteous Remnant, Esther, that your ears are awakened to hear the voice of the Lord. Our ears are awakened to hear the voice of God like never before.
I decree and declare that we will not harken unto the voice of self or Satan or a stranger. Nor will we harken unto the voice of the world. But we harken unto the voice of the Good Shepherd and we hear the heavenly verdicts because we hold our position where we are seated in the heavenly realm at the right hand of God the Father. And we are connected and submitted to our Head. Our minds are renewed and steadfast, able to test and approve God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will.
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty through our God. We pull down strongholds. We pull down death structures. We pull down fear. We down infirmity. We decree and declare life and health and restoration to the people. We call forth restoration and revival to the hearts and the physical bodies and the souls of the people of God. But not only that, to our nation. We are sending life and health and wholeness.
So the Lord is awakening us to hear the verdicts, the decree, what he would have come out of your mouth. This is a time and a season where the apostolic leadership is going forth, and where the words that we speak are powerful. It is by our words and the decree that things are changed. God is going to create by the words that come out of your mouth. You are going to frame your day by what you say.
You are going to change the atmosphere by the words you speak. The Lord says, Change Change Change has come, and with that, the Chains Chains Chains are falling off. We are coming up. We are coming out of this thing. And we say today as a people, as a nation, We gain ground in the name of Jesus.
Let there be Holy Ghost reversals throughout the nation and throughout the nations of the earth. I decree and declare our redemption draweth nigh.
I heard the Lord say, 3/26/19, “They are all running with the word this morning. President Trump is going over! It’s a landslide time. He will not compromise with Israel and I will not compromise with him. The grip that foreigners and enemies have had on Israel is shifting. Israel is going to rise in a Sovereignty that you have not seen. It is “The Land Restoration Act” for Israel.
And the Lord would say, 3/26/2020, It is the Land Restoration Act for you, United States of America. It is the Land Restoration Act for you, people of God. God has promised you land, see, blessing. You possess the gates of your enemies and the cities of your enemies. That is the blood covenant. That is the covenant given through Abraham and ratified through the Lord Jesus Christ. See the blood. See redemption. See recovery. See restoration in your life, in your family, and in your land in Jesus name.
You have secured your future America. Worldwide you have professed your friendship with Israel.” 3/26/19
“Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children. Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord. “Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?” says your God.” Isaiah 66:7-9 NIV.
I say unto you the answer is, No.
It is delivery time. This is your birthright. This is what you’ve waited for. This is the 2020. We have completed a double deal. I see this right now. Somebody has probably already said it. The meaning of the number 20 is the completion of a cycle of waiting. And this is 2020.
Maybe you’ve been waiting 40 years. But we as the people of God and as a nation have come to the end of a cycle of waiting. What have we all been waiting for? What have we all been longing for? If you’re with me, if you’re a part of the troops coming out of the womb of the dawn, if you’ve made this 70 day commitment, it is because you have been interceding, you have been crying out to God for your birthright and your destiny.
And you have been crying out to God for your family, for your city, for your state, for your nation. You have been crying out for healing. You’ve been crying out for revival. You’ve been crying out for awakening. You’ve been crying out for reformation. You’ve been crying out to God for our nation, and even the nations of the earth. You’ve been crying out for souls. You’ve been crying out. Hei! Power evangelism at its finest.
The song the Lord gave me for Texas and for our nation on this 29th day last year, he has given me again: Great are you Lord, by All the Sons and Daughters. 5053
You give life, You are love
You bring light to the darkness
You give hope, You restore
Every heart that is broken
Great are You, Lord
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
We pour out our praise
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You only
(You give life) you give life, You are love
You bring light to the darkness
You give hope, You restore
Every heart that is broken
Great are You, Lord
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
We pour out our praise
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You only
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
We pour out our praise
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You only
And all the earth will shout Your praise
Our hearts will cry, these bones will sing
Great are You, Lord
And all the earth will shout Your praise
Our hearts will cry, these bones will sing
Great are You, Lord
And all the earth will shout Your praise
Our hearts will cry, these bones will sing
Great are You, Lord
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
We pour out our praise
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
To You only
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
We pour out our praise
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
To You only
I see this as a prophetic decree, a royal decree, Esther, that as we sing it, as we say it, the Lord is doing it. When we worship to it, I want you to worship over the nation with this song. The anointing is in my hands right now. I just release the anointing of the Lord. I release the authority of Jesus. I put a demand on the ability, the dunamis power of God that is stored in you right now. I put a demand on the anointing of Jesus that is upon you and within you, that it destroy every yoke, not only in our lives, but that anointing not just remain within you, but his anointing clothe you right now.
There is anointing in our hands to heal the sick. There is an anointing in our hands to release this word on the nation. The hand of the Lord is stretched out and he is pushing back the resistance now. Where this virus has been resistant, where there is no cure, I decree and declare right now the hand of the Lord it taking out all resistance right now in the name of Jesus.
And that breakthrough prophesied yesterday, the breakthrough in the medical, it even comes there. I decree even a supernatural healing, Hei, in Jesus name.
As we pour out our praise, we’re in the month of Nissan, the month of miracles of miracles, the beginning of miracles. It’s begun. We’re in the month of Nissan, the very first day. The tribe is Judah. Judah goes first. Praise goes first. We enter his gates with thanksgiving, his courts with praise. Praise is the vehicle into the throne room. Not only that, when you and I praise Him, he inhabits the praises of his people.
When you and I are even in a place of brokenness, loss, sickness, whatever the issue we are facing, fear, worry, bad news, whatever it is, the Lord says in Psalm 50:23, He who offers up sacrifices of thanksgiving honors me and prepares the way that I, God, God Himself, may show you the salvation of God. That word, salvation—in Strong’s one of the words is deliverance from national calamity. National calamity. The nations are in calamity right now, and in chaos and pandemonium because of the spirit of death and the spirit of infirmity and the destroyer that has been moving in this virus.
But the Lord is saying, No more! When you, Righteous Remnant, wake up before daylight—this is the 47th day and some of you don’t do this—it has been a sacrifice. But when you offer up sacrifices of thanksgiving in whatever you are facing, it opens up the way, it prepares the way, and God shows you the salvation of God from national calamity, healing, deliverance, restoration, provision, whatever it is that you need.
One word of praise has the power to take down the enemy, to clear out whatever has come to bring destruction or to move you. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of our God. Praise is going to plow as we worship with this. The very words and lyrics of this song are alive and they are going to awaken what is stored in the land, what is stored of God in the atmosphere, and what is stored in his people.
He is sending forth a cure today. Special Delivery. And it is going to come in a song to bring deliverance from national calamity. Wow! It is the truth. Lord, I thank you for fruit and fruit that stands. Paul and Silas had just been beaten for their faith and their testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ. And they were put in prison. They were in chains, lockdown. I can’t imagine the pain and how they felt in their physical bodies; but in their souls, and in their spirits, they were not diminished.
Everybody in that prison heard the punishment. And then in the midst of the darkness, in the midst of the cell, they began to release and sing hymns of praise to the Lord. As a result of them offering up a sacrifice of thanksgiving in that place of pain and what they had been through, in Acts it says all of the chains of all the prisoners fell off. It says the prison doors opened. The guards came in and the whole house of the jailer got saved. It resulted in salvation.
Their praise caused an earthquake. Are you ready for a God-quake to go through this nation to deliver this nation from national calamity? I’m not just talking about the virus. I’m talking about a sin that has made a nation sick. I’m talking about rebellion. I’m talking about governmental laws that have run amok that are contrary. I’m talking about a God-quake to every mountain of society in this nation.
I’m talking about a release of the breath and the wind of God that the enemy and darkness cannot stand against. That pestilence cannot overcome. I’m talking about, on earth as it is in heaven, in that praise. So praise plows you. Praise will plow the enemy. Praise plows people and atmospheres. Praise sets the captive free. It will deliver a nation. One word of praise, a song.
Last week Jordan Pedron had two dreams about a python. One of you messaged me about a dream or vision of a python down around your feet. It was similar to Jordan’s dreams. When I started the song on my computer, an ad popped up on my screen that said, Python in One Hour. In the natural a python wraps around its victim and usually comes up by the head and crushes the victim. So literally their lungs collapse.
The enemy is uncovered. I am laughing at the goodness of the Lord. The Python spirit is the spirit Paul addressed, the young girl with a spirit of divination and witchcraft, which is a spirit of Python. It’s where witchcraft and pharmakeia and all of those things come from.
The way the Python spirit attacks a believer: First, It is false prophecy. As the Ekklesia, the remnant of God, the people of God, we say No! to error and No! to false prophecy. We say No! to the spirit of Python. It brings depression, oppression, and sickness. It crushes the lungs.
This coronavirus takes the breath. It affects the lungs. It makes people feel like they are drowning. In a spiritual attack of the spirit of Python, people will lose the desire to worship. They feel like they are oppressed. They are drowning. It takes their breath. It affects their lungs.
What you see a python do in the natural, it does in the spirit, but it also works through witchcraft, pharmakeia, and other things. I believe we have a culmination of several spirits that work together with python. Python in one hour, I don’t think so.
I decree and declare as we worship with a song, we’re going to take the Sword of the Spirit and on the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and as a corporate man, as a corporate Ekklesia, as a corporate Esther, we are going to cut the head off of Python. We are going to shut his mouth. He is a prognosticator who operates in fear. We are going to lift the heaviness. When you cut its head, we cut him up by the power of the Lord. It’s a spiritual war. It’s a war we have won because the Lord has revealed it. We are going to take out the Python spirit in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
It has come to attack the people of God, and not only that, it is operating through this virus in our nation. We decree and declare, where the word came up, Python in one hour, I don’t think so. The Lord has identified that in the nation with this virus, we’re dealing with the Python spirit. The dreams are going to bring revelation. I decree and declare that which is hidden is revealed.
Jordan had the dream because it is crossover time. We are not coming through the Red Sea, Righteous Remnant. It is the Jordan crossover into the Promised Land. Praise God.
This is a mighty man of valor. Father, I thank you for discernment awakening in this remnant. And I thank you that we work together.
Python Dream1 (Jordan Pedron)
I was in a dark hallway. The hallway was pretty short and had no doors. I had a gun and other weapons and was trying to locate and attack an enemy that was known to be on the other side of the wall. I couldn’t get to him, but it was a very tense battle situation. Toward the end of the dream, a dark brown and black snake was coiled at the corner of the hallway behind me. It did not strike me, but I knew it was waiting for an opportunity to do so.
Betty. What came up on the screen? Usually it will play the ad before your song comes up. In the midst, when the lyrics of the song come up, there is a pop-up ad on my screen and it says, Python on One Hour.
So in the dream he is saying, It did not strike me but I knew it was waiting for an opportunity to do so. I also know it was a python. To me, in the dream, it was more of a nuisance that I had to step around while I was in the midst of the battle engagement. I never killed it, just avoided it, but kept my eye on it and it never did strike me.
Python Dream 2 (Jordan Pedron)
It was set in a really beautiful countryside with trees and rolling hills. It was very beautiful. Then enemies began to parachute all around and I again entered a battle engagement against them. It was very intense and when I awoke I was physically tired.
Betty. An attack of Python will make you tired. So when he woke up—our war word today is Awake. What is God doing? He is awakening you and me to the scheme of the enemy, to what we are warring against personally and corporately. He is awakening us to the Python spirit and what the spirit is about right now.
One of the schemes of the enemy is, it says in Daniel, he tries to change the times and the seasons and to wear out the saints. So f we have had any kind of weariness or tiredness, we are calling that broken in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I decree and declare to the troops of God throughout the earth, we break off weariness, heaviness, and any place that people are battle weary or tired in the name of Jesus Christ.
I knew this was taking place on either my land or people I knew. Toward the end of the long dream, I went to the back of the property, down a small hill, and into the barn/storehouse in the back of the house. I went in, and all the goods were stored on the upper level. As I looked up there, I saw a very large, bright green snake slithering up there. I immediately knew it was a python. However, it had a very wide and sharp head like a large viper.
When I saw it, I picked up my gun and put it in the crosshairs to shoot. Once I had it in my sites, it slithered away quickly. As I saw it slither away, I saw it carry with it in a bag a dead snake that it had presumably killed, similar in pattern to the snake in the first dream. As it got out of site I was going to leave to get back to the battle, but then it occurred that an enemy had planted the snake here, and if it found me unaware and by myself, it could kill me, so I needed to deal with it.
At that time, two young boys came up. In real life, it’s my youngest brother and my youngest cousin. In the dream, what seemed to be highlighted was that my brother was a believer and my cousin was not. My cousin told me that my brother told him that, “words are powerful.” I told him that’s true, but he said he didn’t believe me. So I then taught him a lesson how words are indeed powerful. Then I left to get back to the battle, and instructed them to make sure they killed the snake. End of dream.
Betty. I hope you’ve been able to process what I’m saying. I’m going to post this dream. I want you to pause and read the dreams. The Lord is going to give some of you revelation in the moment. I think the point of the matter is, too, that it was not killed. I think the Lord wants to deal with the spirit today.
Read the dreams and I think there are some decrees you will have as we move forward with this. We are going to war with the song. I decree and declare, Python in one hour, let Python be dealt with on this nation. How many of you see the connection of the spirit with where we are?
I also got the dream below at the same time as the other dreams from Vicky, Jordan’s mom. It is important that we recognize, only as the Corporate Esther can we deal with this. And we are dealing with it over our nation. We are not going to deal with it in the nations today. We need to deal with it in our backyard. Initially the snake was in the hallway, in the house.
That says to me, when you talk about a house, it’s an individual, a family, and also a generation. The scheme of this spirit, and it is a spirit, is to take out the individual, take out the family, and to take out future generations.
Dream/Vision (Debra Tope)
We do not fight this fight alone. I had a dream/vision last night. I was walking and came to a boa constrictor. I was praying and rebuking it but it began to wrap itself around my feet. I heard, “You do not fight this fight alone. Ask for angelic help.” I did and the snake became weak and let go of me. I don’t remember the exact words I used but I said something like “Please send an angel to release me.”
The reason the Hebraic calendar follows us, or we are back on God’s calendar, is we recognize what is packed in it prophetically. One of the things in Jordan’s dream, he addressed the words of the mouth. Where we are right now is with our words, with our praise, what is coming out of our mouth. The enemy has wanted to corrupt our communication.
I believe us dealing with this Python spirit corporately is going to break it off of us individually, remove it from the house, the family, the generations. This will have a big effect. In the second dream, it wasn’t just in the hallway waiting for an opportunity, it had actually killed the other snake and was no longer hidden, but had gone up above and was affecting the supplies in the storehouse.
When I read that this morning, what immediately came to me is Big Pharma, anything that is not right in the medical and in the Big Pharma. I’m not saying every pharmaceutical company, but there is an agenda, the throne behind the influencer. It’s about money. We need a drug that is first, going to do no harm, for a medical breakthrough. I am looking for the cure that comes from heaven through the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
I believe sovereign breakouts of healing and miracles are upon us. At the same time, I see a breakthrough. It’s what Kim Clement said—in the medical. This cannot become a gazillion dollar drug when it costs pennies to make. I know that our President and others are not going to let that happen. So we need to address that. Because Python is involved in that. Witchcraft is pharmakeia.
Some of you have gotten revelation. Alberta said, It takes a corporate anointing to deal with this. We as individuals cannot. We are here as Esther with a corporate anointing.
She’s coming into agreement with what I said.
Jane Spoonover said, The virus attacks the breath of the lives of its victims as a python squeezes out the breath of its prey. But we have not been made prey of the enemy. We have been given authority to tread upon serpents. We are dragon-slayers through our God.
I’m decreeing these things.
Rose. Yes, Father, break off generations of python.
Patty Ann. We decree python’s head cut off of our supply and cut off of our finances.
Angelea. The angel of death during Passover will kill this python spirit, this lying corona false crown.
Andrea Riley. Breath in our lungs.
We are addressing Python. We’ve released the word, Does God bring to the point of delivery and not deliver? I’m going to decree the words of the song, Great are you Lord. The Lord said I need to read it again because the post goes with what he is doing. We’re going to worship with the song and it’s going to be the Royal Decree. As we worship, heaven is going to run on the worship. We’re decreeing death to the Python spirit that has been attached to people in this nation, that has been attached to different spheres of society, that has been attached to individuals, families, and the generations.
Our God is coming and he is decreeing war on the spirit of Python today. We decree and declare even as Jordan said—I believe this is significant—we are crossing over. What has tried to keep the people of God from crossing over? Fear, discouragement, doubt, unbelief, depression, oppression, heaviness, infirmity, all of those things that traffick with the Python spirit.
Today the war word is Awake and become aware of what is around you. Everything that went with Texas and the now word God gave me has come to us again. When I released that we are going over by a landslide, this is our landslide victory time. You cannot make it up. These dreams and the word are the now of heaven for us as a nation. It’s just like with the prophetic word. It can be now but it has a future time-release on it.
The time capsule just opened to reveal Python and to take him out. It is going to break the back and cut the head off of this virus. It is going to cut the head off of fear. It is going to cut the head off of false prognosticators. It is going to cut the head off of the enemy. And it is going to remove the thing that has sucked the breath of life out of our lungs. We’re not just going to put the squeeze on the enemy. We’re not just going to crush his head. We’re going to separate his head from his body. And the Lord himself will cut Leviathan to pieces in Jesus name.
I believe this is also going to be a catalyst to Awakening. We are awakened this morning to the scheme of the enemy. And being awakened to the scheme of the enemy as a Corporate Esther, we will deal, but also it is going to release Awakening upon the people of God and Awakening upon our nation.
The squeeze is coming off the nation. The squeeze is coming off the economic system. The enemy has wanted to put the squeeze on our nation and the nations of the earth and destroy the financial, the economy of cities and nations. He has wanted to put the squeeze on our finances, on the wealth, and to devour it. This spirit devours birthrights, destinies, vision. It crushes the heart and the lungs. It knocks the breath out of you.
Cities, states, and nations have had the breath knocked out of them. And death as come to the door. But the Lord said to us we are going to deal with the death structures and the death zones and the vertical limit places. What is vertical limit? It is when you are above the place on a mountain where the oxygen is able to sustain your body and you are dying. Python is getting his head cut off today by God’s Warrior Bride, by God’s Ekklesia. We decree it so. What he reveals, He deals.
Definition of Awake and Awakening:
AWAKE: stop sleeping; wake from sleep.
synonyms: wake (up) · awaken · stir · come to · come round · bestir oneself · show signs of life · return to the land of the living
an act of waking from sleep.
an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something.
synonyms: understanding · insight · education · learning · knowledge · awareness · information · erudition · wisdom · instruction · teaching · illumination · light · edification · culture · refinement · cultivation · civilization · sophistication · advancement · development · liberalism · open-mindedness · broad-mindedness · an aha moment
the beginning or rousing of something.
synonyms: arousal · rousing · triggering off · stirring up · kindling · stimulation · inspiration · birth · revival
*1 : a rousing from sleep
*2 a : a rousing from inactivity or indifference
b : a revival of interest in something (such as religion) such as the Lord.
*3 : a coming into awareness; coming into existence or awareness.
synonyms: wake (up) · awake · waken · rouse · arouse · give someone a shout · stop sleeping. stir · come to · come round · bestir oneself · show signs of life · return to the land of the living. arouse · rouse · call/bring into being · draw/call forth · bring out · engender · generate · evoke · trigger · stir up · inspire · stimulate · excite · kindle · fire · touch off · spark off · revive · enkindle
*We have come into awareness of what the enemy is doing. The nation is coming into an awareness of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Body is awakening to their true identity today in Jesus name.
To the Remnant Rising. To the Esther Ekklesia,
We are in one of the most strategic times to be alive in the earth. The Lord is always on time in His delivery. We have stepped into the Kairos moments that the Lord has set before us and in doing so it has brought us into the fullness of time that every intercessor longs to see and experience. The birth of visions and prophetic destiny for our nation and the nation of Israel are breaking forth like never before. Let us keep standing in this Esther moment before the King of Glory for the day of the royal decree is upon us – Righteousness exalts a nation. The Lord is releasing His breath of life into the lungs of our nation now and our second wind/win is upon us now. There is new life springing up from the ground that looked dead. Heavenly verdicts and decrees are being released every day within our states and our nations. We are gaining ground. Rapid Righteous Change comes to America today.
I heard the Lord saying, “They are all running on the word this morning. I decree and declare that heaven is running on the word of God today. Heaven is running on the worship today. I decree and declare that our President is running on the word of the Lord today. Our nation is running on the word of the Lord.
President Trump is going over! It’s a landslide time. He will not compromise with Israel and he won’t compromise with the Lord. And the Lord says, Because he will not compromise with Israel, I will not compromise with him. The grip that foreigners and enemies have had on Israel is shifting. Israel is going to rise in a sovereignty that you have not seen. It is “The Land Restoration Act” for Israel. It is the Land Restoration Act for the people of God. It is the Land Restoration Act for the United States of America. You have secured your future America. Worldwide you have professed your friendship with Israel.”
Covenant root stands today for our nation. Because of the blood of the covenant, even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you. I will bend Judah as I bend my battle bow and fill it with Ephraim. I will make your son, O Zion, like a warrior’s sword. I will make you like a warrior’s sword, O son of Zion, against the sons of Greece. That Greek mindset, that ungodly thing—I’m talking about a spirit, not a people—is destroyed today.
Python comes down now in Jesus name. Not only down, but dealt with, killed, destroyed, cut up, head cut off, in Jesus name. 3/26/19 and 3/26/2020
“Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children. Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord. “Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?” says your God.” Isaiah 66:7-9 NIV
Our war words, all of this, the song, the lyrics, Great are you Lord. We decree and declare over the United States of America, over individuals, over the people of God, over the house, the individual, the family, and the generations, Great are you Lord. In pouring out our praise to Him only, it releases the armies of heaven. It releases the high praises of God in our mouth and a two-edged sword that executes vengeance on the enemy and the judgment written. It is come out of heaven today.
I decree and declare to you, Ekklesia, that the spirit of Python has been judged. The coronavirus has been judged. The spirit of Python that has been operating is judged in Jesus name. Death to the spirit.
Let’s worship the Lord over our nation.
?Great are you Lord.
We release the breath of life to the nations.
Father, I thank you that you are so incredibly awesome. Great are you Lord, is the very song, the very lyrics that you are using to take out this virus and the Python spirit. Lord, you have released your breath. All the earth will praise your name. We decree it. We declare it. I saw people releasing praise, people that have the virus, that have flu, that are sick. I see them opening up their mouths and praising God. And out of the praise God is delivering them from the sickness.
I see the praise that is going forth in song that we have released and I encourage you. I’m going to put this song on repeat and I’m going to let it inundate this house, and we’re going to broadcast this across the nation. I do not believe it is the only song that can take out the enemy. On the first day of Nissan, the month of miracles of miracles, the month of redemption, the Lord is releasing the power of the blood covenant to a nation.
He is releasing the power of praise. Praise will take out the enemy. The word that President Donald John Trump released as his campaign slogan for 2016 for this four year period was, Make America Great Again. The only way that America is great again is that she return to her foundation, her Judeo-Christian roots, her covenant roots with Almighty God, her birthright and her destiny. A nation that was founded on the principles of God and His Word. A nation that was birthed out of freedom. Freedom not to worship just any god. But our allegiance was to the Lord Jesus Christ. Make no mistake about it.
I can hear, Today is a day that will go down in infamy. I say unto you, Today is a day that will go down in infamy. It will be famous because today we decree as the Corporate Esther and as a catalyst through Jordan and Debra. Not only are we functioning as the Corporate Esther, Deborah as risen now. We are going to the gates with the word, with the decree, with the song as a decree, and we are turning the enemy in the gates.
The virus is driven out of the gates of cities, out of states, and out of the nation, and it dies today. Clean hands and a pure heart. I heard the Lord say, Bring Texas into this and do both. Decree the scripture and the word over President Trump, our nation, and the state of Texas, and Israel. So we’ve partnered today with Israel. I know to just do what God says. One little act can do so much.
We’re going to pray for the Texas Governor Greg Abbott and all governmental authority in the state of Texas, for this state to be plumb lined in righteousness continually. Texas means friend. What are we? A friend of God. A friend of Israel. And Israel is a friend with us. Texas is a friend to us and a friend to the nation. The motto is Friendship. The Lord said to his disciples, I no longer call you servants. I call you friends. Because a servant doesn’t know about the Master’s business. This is epic.
Today the Lord calls us Friend. We are aware and we are awakened to the scheme of the enemy and the very spirit behind it. In our crossover time, our Jordan moment, we are going into our promises. Can you say, Whoo-hoo! You can’t make this up!
The familiar name for Texas is The Lone-Star State. On the 50-State Tour Dutch and Chuck called it The Prophetic State. It has voice.
The Preamble: Humbly invoking the blessing of Almighty God, the people of the State of Texas do ordain and establish this constitution.
Some of you are thinking right now, Is there not anything else to do with Python? Oh we’ve done it. A song has done it. And the Lord is finishing it. In the prayer and as we close out this morning, I can guarantee you it’s a done deal. You know why? Because the Lord said, The enemy is had. I don’t know if that’s a Southern term or what. They’ve been had. The enemy’s been had. It’s finished. Python is finished.
So Father, we come into agreement with the prophetic words and destinies that you have released over our nation, the state of Texas, and the nation of Israel, and the very prophetic words that you have released and the revelation that you have given us today in word and in song and in decree. We agree with your redemptive kingdom plan and purposes that you have ordained for our nation. Thank you for every kairos moment that has given way to a fullness of time. And we recognize and acknowledge that we have come full circle and that we have entered into the fullness of your redemptive plan for us personally, corporately, generationally, territorially, and as a nation.
Lord, we thank you again for every kairos moment that has given way to a fullness of time. Our prophetic words are intersecting their moment of fulfillment. We decree and declare on-time delivery over our nation. Lord, I thank you that you said you had our delivery system, and so Lord, through your delivery system we have released the word of praise to take out the enemy and bring life to the spheres of society in this nation.
I decree and declare that the families will not awaken to business as usual. The mountain of business and economics will not awaken to business as usual. The government will not awaken to business as usual. The media, and arts and entertainment are not going to awaken to business as usual because, Lord, we decree healing, revival, and awakening to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
We decree and declare that every mountain of society is going to awaken, awaken in righteousness, awaken in truth, awaken in Shalom and the covenant of peace. Awaken. Awaken in salvation. The faith of the Son of God is going to infuse cities and people are going to awaken to your Name, Lord God. It will not be business as usual. Lord, make America great again. And as our President decreed, the Best is Yet to Come.
Lord, we thank you for reformation and transformation that is now at the door of this nation. Lord, we are crossing over into the greatest revival, awakening, and reformation in the history of the earth. And Lord, we give you praise on it.
We decree and declare on-time deliveries for our nation, for God’s people, for the family, for the generations, and for the state of Texas, and for Israel.
I heard the Lord say, Deep in the heart of Texas. You are birthing apostolically and prophetically a sound that literally releases the breath of God into the lungs and causes the heart of this nation to realign and receive the heartbeat of heaven. Let’s agree with that right now. This is the prophetic word the Lord gave me for the state of Texas. Let’s agree with this word right now. You are birthing apostolically and prophetically a sound that literally releases the breath of God into the lungs and causes the heart of this nation to realign and receive the heartbeat of heaven.
Texas, just as the first cry of a newborn causes the lungs to be filled to full capacity, you are reaching a place of maturity apostolically and prophetically and governmentally that is going to affect individuals, corporate assemblies, territories and generations within you and in the nation. You have a functioning Ekklesia. Look for the shift within your mountains.
Look at the bluebonnets in full bloom and look again. There is a blue fire of God’s Spirit that is spreading through your land. Texas is hot with the fire of God and awakening. Legislate heaven and see the ungodly structures toppled in your land. There is a new sheriff in town in the Lone-Star State. Texas, you are a great friend to your nation and Israel. You are entering into fruitful labor. Harvest is upon you.
Let’s agree with it and let’s pull it in. And not just for Texas. Let’s pull that into the nation now. Receive it in Jesus name.
“God has re-established His heart in Texas. Seeds have been planted and watered and are coming into fruition. And yes, while there is still resistance, we know how the story ends. The atmosphere has shifted, and the enemy wars now in desperation. His gates won’t hold against the people of God who know and stand in their identity in Christ and exude His Love.” (Kim Ulmer, Heart of Texas)
“I saw the Lord holding playing cards. In His hand were all the highest trump cards. The enemy was rejoicing in their victories as they played the smaller value trump cards. But the Lord laughed and declared: “I hold the final trump cards.”
(Tom Schlueter, Texas Apostolic Prayer Network – Coordinator)
We decree and declare today that the trump, through our President, but through the hand of God, that the trump card is played on this coronavirus and is played against the enemies of God. And the trump card has come down to not only annihilate but to cut the head off of the spirit of Python that has been working through this virus, once and for all, in the name of Jesus.
“Find your voice. Better yet. Find your SHOUT, and make a difference.” (Dutch Sheets)
Hei Hei Hei! We found our SHOUT. We SHOUT to the Lord because a victory as come today.
State of Texas, United States of America, Israel, we bless you in your birthright and destiny. Texas, we bless you as the Prophet State. You have made a difference and now you will make a difference even on the world stage! We bless you, Texas; we bless you, United State of America, with the shout of the King, His signet and scepter. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen and Amen. The Lord’s word to us is Awake.
Toni from Arizona. I decree and declare the trump card has been played on the coronavirus and the spirit of Python today in Jesus name. Hallelujah. That’s agreement.
Debra. Awaken into the promised land. Reform all of humanity, Lord. Reset Reset Reset.
Diane. I come into agreement for all of this nation. Father, thank you.
Monica. Hei! I can say it with you. Had Holy Ghost unction on it.
Angelea. The trump card has been put down. Has come down to cut the head off the spirit of Python. Through the hand of the Lord the trump card has been played.
We release this word today over the nation, Father. We are going to seal the word of the Lord with Communion. We’re going to put the seal on what has happened, what has been revealed today. With one word of praise, with one song, we have taken out the enemy and we have released breath to this nation, into her lungs and her people, and even all the earth will praise, in Jesus name. Breakthrough has come today and we are gaining ground. Amen.
Lord, we are so thankful that redemption is here and has come through you, Lord Jesus. Father, that you so loved the world that you have given us your Son. So Lord, we thank you. Sanctify the elements of this covenant meal. As we come to your table, Jesus, and we partake according to your Word, we partake of your broken body and your shed blood. We receive the full benefits of the new covenant for ourself, for our family, and we are receiving this covenant meal for every born-again believer throughout the world.
It is our prayer as we take in the meal and we remember your death, we proclaim your death, as we broadcast your body and your blood and your resurrection, it is our prayer that there will be a quickening and an awakening in every born-again believer throughout the earth. And that each one will be infused with your Spirit, with your Word, and with your blood, and that literally we will be ‘lifed’ from the inside out—spirit, soul, and body—in Jesus name.
So we break the bread and we awaken in righteousness. Let what is stored in us awaken as we take the bread of life within our bodies. When I received the bread I heard, My my my my my. Then I had a vision inside and I saw the hands of the Father (rubbing together). Like, when someone says, Oh this is getting good. I see the hands of the Father and there is an excitement in the heart of our Father. There is an excitement in the heart of Jesus. There is an excitement. Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy. Joy Joy Joy.
Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. There is no life. So Lord, we receive your life and all the benefits of the blood of Christ in Jesus name. I heard this word again. “Moratorium on the enemy, Betty. I said it and I meant it.” The blood speaks a better word. He’s called a halt in Jesus name.
I love you and I am so thankful for you. You are necessary and needed.
I wrote this this morning. Redemption is something that man has really not seen. When he said, seen, it means understood. It means, I am going to restore value. Taking back what the enemy has stolen. That means people and land. Sound, songs, gifts.
Deuteronomy 9:26. Redeemed out of the house of the bondsman.
This nation and God’s people are coming into freedom. One nation under God with liberty and justice for all. Thank you Lord. God bless you. God bless America. And God bless the USA. And He has. Amen. Praise God for dreams and visions. He’s pouring out. Amen and Amen. Awake Awake Awake