9/8/19 Miracle City Global
Judah Goes First
Anna Love. I want everyone to come all the way forward. I’ve called you into the inner circle because in this season of Elul, the Lord is calling us into his tent. He’s calling us to draw aside. It’s pressing past the normal point of intimacy that we’ve had with the Lord. It’s pressing into a deeper place. Don’t let that word intimacy sound weird to you or think it’s tainted, because it’s not.
It’s pressing your ear into the heart and the chest of God so you can hear and understand his times and seasons for you in this season. It’s to understand and begin to have the revelation of the mysteries of God. And it’s very special that we don’t miss it in this time because it’s not that there’s no other time to draw near to God and have him reveal his mysteries to us, but this is a special time.
It’s a special time all around the world that so many people that acknowledge the Hebrew months and the Hebrew blessing are standing in the same place. We’re standing with Israel and we’re saying that our King is in the field. Not only is it a time to pressing and hear, but it’s also a time to receive blessing from the Lord, just as Brad taught last week.
This is one of the greatest times of favor that we can step into. So any place that you’ve felt like you’ve been out of favor, it’s time to come back into favor. Any place you’ve felt like you’ve been out of order, it’s time to come back into order. Any place where you’ve not known how to get things quite right, you’re meeting with the King face to face.
And you have the opportunity to ask him how you need to do this. How should I do this? Which way should I walk? What should I do? It’s a time you can press in to know God in an intimate way.
I had a great revelation this week. We’ve just come out of the month of Av, the lowest point in Israel’s history, and we stepped into Elul. It’s not a good thing to get stuck in the past, but it’s not a bad thing to reflect, so we don’t repeat past cycles, past mistakes.
As I was looking at transitioning from Av to Elul, I was reminded of last year in the month of Av and I had a revelation—that I never transitioned from Av to Elul. That I never came around again. I was stuck in disappointment. I was stuck in hope deferred really from the month of Av of last year to January of this year. I was stuck in a place I couldn’t break out of, and it felt like everything was hard and that there was no breakthrough in sight. And it made me feel disappointed. That disappointment began to grow and grow and pull me down deeper and deeper.
What I saw this year in the month of Av, was that before Elul even got here, the Lord already showed me how to transition. This morning I’m sharing that because if you’re having a hard time pressing forward and transitioning from a place of, Is the promise really going to happen? Is the Word of God really true? Is he really going to do what he said for me? Is he going to come through for me in this season? Is he going to answer my prayer? Is he going to answer the thing I’ve been standing in the gap for? Is he really going to do it?
He’s saying, Press forward. Come all the way in to the tent with me and let me take care of those things that concern you. Don’t just come to the door. We can walk to the door of the tent and see the King without ever actually entering in. He’s saying this is not a time to just come to the door. It’s a time to enter all the way in. Because those promises, those answers, whatever you need, are in arms reach. So if it’s right there, why would you walk up to it and turn away.
So it’s important that our fix, and our focus, and our heart, and our affections are set on our King this morning. I hope you are encouraged and that a spirit of joy and thankfulness and gratitude will become evident in your life. I’ve been praying this week that Philippians 4:4-9 will be established in our lives. That it will go to the very core of our beings. That it will press into our DNA. That we will be a thankful, grateful people no matter what the circumstances are, because of who our God is.
Father, here we are. We present ourselves unto you this morning and we invite you into our midst. We say we will draw near to you. We will respond to your call to come near. We will respond to your call to intimacy, to come back to our first love. Father, any place we’ve not had our affections set on you, our sights, our hearts, our minds set on you, Lord, we come back to focus. We come back to center. We come back to true plumb.
Father, I thank you that the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts would be pleasing unto you. That you would give us clean hands and pure hearts. I thank you that this is a time of great revealing, great revealing—and I don’t mean in a bad way—yet it can be. But I thank you this is a great revealing of your sons and daughters, of your purposes, your destinies, your future, your plans, Lord.
I thank you that you are establishing your order in this house and in your people. I thank you that your books are open this morning and the words are running off the page and becoming alive. Father, any place right now, I speak to hearts in this room and those that are watching, any place that’s felt gray and dark or dreary, I thank you that your light is coming in and it’s dispelling the darkness.
Where there’s been morning, I thank you a season of joy is on us now. And a season of gladness and thanksgiving and rejoicing is on your people right now. And we take hold of it and pull it into the atmosphere. Lord, we step into celebration this morning. We step into celebration. I thank you that the gray song has ended and that the song of celebration has begun. Let Zion sing her praises. Let Zion sing her praises.
Lord, we join with heaven this morning. We join with every body of believers that is praising your name this morning. And we say we are as one. One Church, one Body, in you Jesus Christ. Father, I thank you for what you want to do this morning. We say Yes to it. Have your way in us, Lord. Purify your people. We invite your Spirit and your fire into this place. Jesus, this is your house. You are the Head and we come up under you this morning in Jesus name.
?Lane. We surrender. Come and have you way. Draw near to me. I have drawn hear to you. Pull on the cords of my heart. I long to respond to you. All my love is for you. All my love is yours. I have made a place for you here, so come on. Come on. All things are possible here so come on. Come on.
Betty. Miracles. Mindset are changing in this place.
Mindsets are changing now so come on. Oh we declare it’s a miracle.
Betty. It’s a miracle in me, in this house, in hearts, in bodies, in souls. He’s making us whole. Because we made a place for him. It’s transformation. The grace of God is coming into his people doing what we can’t do in our own strength. He’s beautiful in us because we made a place.
Anna. I’ve made a place for you here so come on. All things are possible here so come on. Breakthrough is happening here so come on. My freedom’s here so come on. My restoration is here so come on. My healing’s happening here so come on. We meet our King in the field. He’s making all things new this morning. We step in. We receive your newness of life from the inside out. I have made a place for you here. We’re coming in with you. All things are possible here. It’s time. It’s one thing to say it, another to believe it. We believe it’s true. We step in.
Nita Maselle. I saw the Lord reaching down and pulling people up. He was lifting people up. He was rescuing them and raising them up. And then I saw us reaching down and pulling people up and rescuing them. The word I got was First Responders. He wants us to be his First Responders. A first responder to him and then a first responder for him to raise people up.
I was getting that if someone was not ready to receive, then don’t take on a spirit of rejection. Just brush the dust off and keep moving because I can see that he’s going to bring us into effective places of ministry. And just because one is not ready to be pulled up, don’t take on rejection but keep moving because there ware going to be very effective places of ministry.
On the way here I was even thinking, How do you change people when they don’t understand truth, and they seem lost and they don’t see truth? It was like, Present Me. Bring me. How did I open up to be able to see things in a different light? It’s because of Jesus coming into my life. It’s because he began to impact me. And I thought, Oh maybe I don’t know everything. Maybe I got it wrong. I was open to gain more understanding.
But I see us in that rescue mode, pulling people right now. It’s like, Don’t be stopped by one rejection. Just keep going because I see effective ministry coming.
So Father, I just thank you for placing your Spirit of rescue upon us. I thank you for your Spirit that causes us to be your First Responders. And Lord, I thank you that you know where people are ready to be rescued. You know where a ministry will be effective. It’s an on-time thing. And I thank you for that. I thank you for the opportunities, and that you open our eyes to see and that we are your rescuers in the earth in Jesus name.
Dottie Duckworth. This morning as I started to leave the house, I had been cleaning out and had some CDs from when we were in Ellisville. One was from 2009. It was prophetic prayers and words for me personally. I put it in my car and I listened to it today. As I listened to it I remembered every word and every person that came with a prophetic word. That was 2009 and we’re in 2019. It is about the 9s.
The Lord said, What is today’s date? It’s the 8th, new beginnings. As Anna came with having the revelation this week of where she was last year opposed to this year, well, God’s plan didn’t change, because she transitioned. All that word was still there. As I heard those prophetic prayers coming to me this morning, I was like, Lord, I’ve been praying prayers for something that was done in 2009 in Ellisville, Mississippi. Those words did not fall to the ground. They didn’t go anywhere.
And then I had a vision of those words swirling round and round. They were over me everywhere I went. I said, Lord I receive that word. I could see a tunnel and all those words, I understood. I transitioned. I made a transition. I’m at a different place physically, but this morning I’m in a different place spiritually because he reminded me.
So if you’re in the house and you’re feeling condemnation because you’re like: I didn’t transition well, either. Or, I don’t remember this. Or, I didn’t write that down. It doesn’t matter. It’s done. It’s all still there.
What God wants us to do today is to take what’s in front of us now. It’s an invitation that Anna gave. She came with her revelation and Nita pulled us up. So what God did this morning to me from the prayers of the saints in 2009, was pull me up from where I felt like I was stuck and had not transitioned. That’s what he’s doing.
So Father, we thank you that your words, your true words, your written word, your true prophetic words never, never, ever, ever return void. Father, I pray for every person here today that feels stuck. That they will come in to this invitation and say, Yes Lord. That’s their part and my part. Yes Lord, we come in.
We choose to come into intimacy with you. Whatever that looks like. We’re not sure. And we’re pretty sure we didn’t transition well. But there is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus and I call every prophetic word, every prophetic promise, every scripture that has come alive to you at some point in your life, to come forth Now in the name of Jesus, with power and transformation. We give you the praise and the glory, our one true King.
Betty Love. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God. As we’ve been singing, I’ve made a place for you here, so come on, come on, come on; see we’re singing that to Him. But really, he trumps all. And he’s saying, I’ve made a place for you here, so come on, so come on. I’ve made a place for you. Come on. I’ve made a place in the Son for you. So come on. Come on. Come on. We worship you Father. Come and have your way in every heart, in every life. We will respond to you.
Father, I thank you for the now of heaven in this place. That we are aligned with your kingdom plan and purposes on earth as it is in heaven. I decree and declare all that you have ordained for this day, those that you’ve ordained to join us, to be in-house, Father, they’re coming in from the north, the south, the east, and the west.
All those ordained to be in the cloud of witnesses, those ordained, heaven’s best in this place. This is your house, Father. Your holy habitation. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Let all heaven come and have your way in Jesus name. Amen.
Anna Love. As we transition, I think it no accident the words coming out from Nita and Dottie. This morning we will continue speaking about prophecy. It’s very interesting, even what I shared with you about transitioning from Av to Elul, and the differences I experienced from this year to last year, because it’s not by accident. We’re a prophetic house and a prophetic people.
I’ll be sharing some revelation the Lord has given me, sharing from the Word, and sharing from a book, Prophets, Pitfalls, and Principles by Dr. Bill Hamon.
What is prophecy? To speak forth the mind, the heart, the counsel of God.
II Peter 1:21. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will; but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they wee carried along by the Holy Spirit.
I Corinthians 14:1. Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.
Joel 2:28. And afterward I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and your daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams and your young men will see visions.
Revelation 19:10. For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.
Where we are. We are about to end the Hebraic year of 5779 and will step into 5780. It’s exciting because it’s a new era. It’s a new 10-year period, the 80s. In the Gregorian calendar in January we’ll step into 2020. A brand new decade.
The interesting thing with 5780 and it being a new era, the symbol is PEY. This is from GOZ and this word also applies to this house. We’re approaching a new year, a new decade, and a new era in history. 5780 begins the Hebraic decade of PEY. PEY is linked with calling back what the winds have scattered in other seasons. It is also linked with a declaration of our mouth for freedom. We will be gathering at this Head of the Year to hear from his mouth for our declaration.
We’ve talked for the last several years about how important the words of our mouth are. As we enter into 5780 it’s all about the mouth. The symbol means your mouth. So it’s been preparation over the last several years for us to get our talk right. To get our walk and our talk to match. Because what we profess, what we say, what we declare over this next 10 year period is what’s going to be. Whether we speak life or death, our words are going to be so powerful in this season because we have the power to create through Jesus.
Prophets, Pitfalls, and Principles
Over the next few weeks we’ll go over: God’s prophetic people today. Pitfalls to avoid. Principles to practice. 10 Ms for discerning true prophets. Prophetic end-time events.
We’ve been talking about cycles and seasons, and the ways to go through the Word of God and learn by example in places where different prophets and leaders have come out great and done marvelous things for the Lord, but yet right after it they have a great fall.
It’s an opportunity to see what those pitfalls are and to prevent ourselves from stepping into them. It’s like seeing it before it comes. I would say this is strategy from heaven. It’s a now time for us to step into what the Lord is doing.
Truth for all people everywhere.
You might be thinking, Well, I wouldn’t say my gift or that I stand in the office of prophet. But the Word of God tells us we all have the ability to prophesy if we’re a born-again son or daughter of Jesus Christ. We have the ability to speak forth the heart, the mind, the counsel of God.
These truths don’t just apply to prophets but they apply to everyone in the Body of Christ, whether you’re a pastor, apostle, evangelist, whatever you think your five-fold ministry gifting is. If you are a servant in the house of God, whatever you feel called to in ministry, you may not necessarily be a ‘minister’ but all of us minister in our daily lives as we follow the Lord. We all have a position in the Body of Christ. So you can’t say, The rules don’t apply to me. Because what the Lord has set for us applies to all of us.
Pitfalls of prophetic ministers.
I Corinthians 12:18. John 15:16. Ephesians 4:8-11. I Corinthians 12:28.
God’s Sovereign Choice. You don’t choose who you are in the Body of Christ. You are called and chosen by God and he ordains where we’re supposed to be, what we’re supposed to do, what we’re destined to do, who we’re called to be.
The scriptures clearly teach us saints do not choose their membership ministry in the body of Christ. The Word says God has set members in the body as it pleased him. No ministers call themselves to the five-fold ministry of their own choosing. Remember that Jesus said to his twelve disciples, You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you.
Even Paul went on to say, When Christ ascended on high, he gave gifts unto men. He gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers. And Paul insisted, It is God who has set in the church apostles and prophets. So, we don’t choose our position. God calls us to a position.
The gifts and callings of God are based on his sovereignty, not our human worthiness or persistence in requiring a position.
Romans 11:22. Behold the goodness and sovereignty of God. This applies to God’s choice for ministry. The goodness of God is manifested in his gifts and callings. It is revealed and processed through his training, through his equipping, through us stepping in and pressing into him, and seeing what he says.
I think, not necessarily when we’re leaning into our calling, but I think we’ve all been guilty of sitting with the Lord or drawing aside with the Lord, and doing all the talking. I think what he’s really calling us to in this season we’re about to step into that’s all about the mouth, and even in this month we’re in right now, Elul, where we come into the tent of the King, he’s saying, Just be quiet. Just lean into me. Just be with me. Let me speak to you. Open your ear and hear what I have to say.
It’s entering into his rest. It’s stopping your striving, because when we’re just talking and talking to the Lord and telling him one need after another, one concern after another, and what if this happens? How am I going to pay for this? And how am I going to take care of this? And what about this? What about my family? It’s this constant turmoil going on inside of us. It’s not a place of rest or a place of peace, and it’s really not even a place where we can be still and hear the voice of God.
We have to let the peace of God that surpasses all understanding guard our heart and our mind. We have to enter into his rest. It’s ceasing from having to have control. From having to fix everything. Because the Lord is calling us to do things differently. We can’t do things the way we did in the past. He wants us to step into his newness.
To whom much is given much is required.
In this book, one great example I really enjoyed, was that Bill Hamon takes the example of seeds and root problems in farming and he relates it back to our attitudes and how we handle things, and how we can look at things in our lives or situations where maybe we haven’t done so well. He talks about how to prevent those situations, those circumstances, those wrong choices, from taking root in our lives and becoming a stronghold problem that produces a cycle that affects our crop. I want good fruit in my life that doesn’t have mixture.
Illustration from the book. One plant that most clearly typifies the natural realm, the development of root problems in the spiritual realm, is called Johnson grass. This variety of grass has joints every one to six inches along each branch in it’s root system. These roots run in different directions and intertwine themselves with the root system of a good crop such as corn. When Johnson grass sprouts and begins to grow along side a sprout of corn, the two plants look almost identical. If the Johnson grass is allowed to grow alongside that stalk of corn until both are knee-high, the root system become so intertwined with the Johnson grass that it cannot be pulled up by the roots without uprooting and destroying the corn.
This is what you have to do. The best the farmer can do to preserve the corn is to cut the grass off at the ground level. The problem however, is that the Johnson grass will immediately send up new shoots, both from the stub of the old shoots and from the underground joints in the roots. You cannot destroy the roots simply by cutting off the plant. You can only keep it growing to full maturity, producing a head of seed.
Meanwhile, the root system of the grass continues to steal nutrients from the soil that should go to the corn stalk. As the Johnson grass grows, you cut it off at the ground level. The corn keeps growing and the Johnson grass just sprouts up more and more. And you have to keep monitoring the Johnson grass and your corn crop.
By at the time you can harvest your corn crop that year, you don’t have corn you can eat or sell. You have to take all that corn in the field and use it to plant your field next season. It’s not completely wasted. It still has a purpose, but it doesn’t get to fulfill its ultimate destiny. Does that sound familiar?
There is a purging going on in the church today. The Lord is revealing, exposing; things are coming out—the good, the bad, and the ugly. We are in a cleansing process and I believe before we step into 5780, things will start moving with momentum because the Lord wants us to step into a new era. He wants us to step in pure, innocent, and holy.
He said, Today God is purging individuals as well as his church as a whole of all things that are contrary to his own nature and character. If we allow God to purge us, we will be made vessels of honor. If not, God will remove us from ministry in his body, just as sheep separated from goats, good fish from bad fish, and tares from wheat.
Matthew 25:32,33; 13:29,30,47,48.
I had shared recently that there would be a great divide, a separation. And it wasn’t going to be the church from the world, but the church from the church because so much mixture has come into the house of God. I see that Jesus in his fullness is coming in, and his glory is coming in, and his power is coming in, and just like you saw in scripture when he was alive in the earth, that he went into the temple where the moneychangers had set up and he started flipping the tables over. I believe that’s coming in the church today because where his glory and power is, no mixture, no sin, no junk can stay or remain.
Throughout this teaching we’re going to talk about different people in the Bible, their victories and their downfalls. These are great examples for us to know how to stand and not be moved. Many of us face the same type of situations and the same types of pitfalls. And I believe that we don’t have to. I think we can come out with great victory and we don’t have to step into a trap right afterwards. We don’t have to step into sin right after. We don’t even have to be tempted.
I think we’re coming into a time that we’re going to be so standing up in our calling and our destiny and that the glory and the power of God is resting on his people, that when temptation comes, you’re just going to look the other way. It’s like he’s changing something. And I can almost feel it, like he’s churning something within us.
It’s like Dottie shared, the word has been spoken years ago. It was finished then and set into motion then, and ten years later you’re listening to it and you know that it’s now. I believe the Lord is bringing back those things we might have missed along the way and he’s saying, Now. That we can step into the fullness of it Now. The season of waiting is coming to an end.
Today we’re going to talk about the prophet Elijah pitfall. I Kings 17-19. These are the redemptive qualities of Elijah. He led a life of prayer, faith, obedience to the voice of God, and a willingness to put his life on the line to prove that Jehovah was the true God.
He stood alone as a prophet of God and challenged 850 prophets of Baal to a contest on Mt. Carmel that would demonstrate whose God was sovereign. That day he also challenged Israel to choose whom they would serve, God or Baal, based on this contest.
The prophets of Baal showed themselves and their god to be impotent.
Elijah prayed a short prayer, and God sent fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice.
Elijah exposed the false prophets of Baal and proved Jehovah to be the true God. Then he killed all the prophets of Baal, interceded to break the three-year drought he had prophesied over the land, and outran all of Ahab’s chariot horses.
Do you think he could have done that any other way than by the supernatural power of God? If all of that had just happened, you, one man, had called down fire from heaven on your sacrifice you had been drowning in water just to prove your point; then 850 to 1, you single-handedly killed all of them, and then after you killed 850 men you outran Ahab’s chariots and horses. You outran them all. Would you say that’s some victory? Would you say that’s some overcoming? Oh, and you prophesied about a drought that lasted for three years. You prayed in the midst of all this and the drought ended. He had such great victory, but then he had such great fall.
With these events we might reasonably assume that with such a fierce, effective, and powerful prophet he would be without a character flaw and immune to satanic pitfalls. Nevertheless, the rest of the story shows otherwise.
I Kings 18:16-46. So Obadiah went to meet Ahab and told him, and Ahab went to meet Elijah. When he saw Elijah, he said to him, ‘Is that you, you troubler of Israel?’
‘I have not made trouble for Israel,’ Elijah replied. ‘But you and your father’s family have. You have abandoned the Lord’s commands and have followed the Baals.
:19 Now summon the people from all over Israel to meet me on Mount Carmel. And bring the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and the four hundred prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.’
That’s some clout, right? He’s been away, and now he’s face to face with Ahab, and he’s saying, Let’s have a showdown.
:20 So Ahab sent word throughout all Israel and assembled the prophets on Mount Carmel. Elijah went before the people and said, ‘How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.’ But the people said nothing.
Does that sound familiar? I believe right now we’re in a time and a season where this is being said in the church. If God is God, serve God; but if Baal is God, serve Baal. We’ve been saying for the last couple of weeks, Choose you this day whom you will serve. The choice is yours. But in this season of choosing, you will know your choice. You won’t choose unknowingly.
:22 Then Elijah said to them, ‘I am the only one of the Lord’s prophets left, (Let’s remember that.) but Baal has four hundred and fifty prophets. Get two bulls for us. Let Baal’s prophets choose one for themselves, and let them cut it into pieces and put it on the wood but not set fire to it. I will prepare the other bull and put it on the wood but not set fire to it.
:24 Then you call on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of the Lord. The god who answers by fire—he is God.’ Then all the people said, ‘What you say is good.’
Before Elijah even gets there and the altars are made, he’s telling Ahab what he wants to do. If you notice, he’s already speaking forth what he needs God to do for him. He’s already speaking forth that God is the God who answers by fire. In this situation he needs God to rain down fire from heaven. This is the thing. God will never disown us, but he will absolutely never disown himself.
In that moment, Elijah was putting it all on the line for God. He was standing up in righteousness. It would have been easier from him to do none of this, but he was standing up to call a people to come and look, because they had fallen into sin. They had become desensitized to what was going on around them.
It wasn’t so much about the prophets of Baal. God was calling out to Israel to look and to look again.
:25 Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, ‘Choose one of the bulls and prepare it first, since there are so many of you. Call on the name of your god, but do not light the fire.’
So they took the bull that was given to them and prepared it. Then they called on the name of Baal from morning till noon. ‘Baal, answer us!’ they shouted. But there was no response; no one answered. And they danced around the altar they had made.
:27 At noon Elijah began to taunt them. ‘Shout louder!’ He said. ‘Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.’ So they shouted louder and slashed themselves with swords and spears, as was their custom, until their blood flowed. Midday passed, and they continued their frantic prophesying until the time for the evening sacrifice. But there was no response, no one answered, no one paid attention.
:30 Then Elijah said to all the people, ‘Come here to me.’ They came to him, and he repaired the altar of the Lord, which had been torn down and was in ruins. Elijah took twelve stones, one for each of the tribes descended from Jacob, to whom the word of the Lord had come, saying, ‘Your name shall be Israel.’
:32 With the stones he built an altar in the name of the Lord, and he dug a trench round it large enough to hold two seahs of seed. He arranged the wood, cut the bull into pieces and laid it on the wood. Then he said to them, ‘Fill four large jars with water and pour it on the offering and on the wood.’ ‘Do it again,’ he said, and they did it again. ‘Do it a third time,’ he ordered, and they did it the third time. The water ran down around the altar and even filled the trench.
:36 At the time of sacrifice, the prophet Elijah stepped forward and prayed: ‘Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.’
:38 Then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench. When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, ‘The Lord—he is God! The Lord—he is God!’
:40 Then Elijah commanded them, ‘Seize the prophets of Baal. Don’t let anyone get away!’ They seized them, and Elijah had them brought down to the Kishon Valley and slaughtered there.
:41 And Elijah said to Ahab, ‘Go, eat and drink, for there is the sound of a heavy rain.’ So Ahab went off to eat and drink, but Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel, bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees. ‘Go and look towards the sea,’ he told his servant. And he went up and looked. ‘There is nothing there,’ he said.
Even though Elijah is standing in this place and everything has happened with the sacrifice and altar, the first thing he did was drop to the ground and put his head between his knees, because God had just come through for him. Have you ever experienced the Spirit of the Lord flowing in you and you said something, and then it was like, What? I think that was one of those moments for Elijah.
I think the Spirit of God came on him and he spoke about the drought ending, and told Ahab to go eat and drink but listen for the sound of heavy rain. I think after such a great victory he had with the sacrifice, he dropped to his knees. He got low. He told the servant to go look.
How would you feel sitting there after all this has happened but yet you still challenged the king? And the servant says there’s nothing out there? Then the pull; then the struggle begins again.
Seven times Elijah said, ‘Go back.’ :44 The seventh time the servant reported, ‘A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.’ So Elijah said, ‘Go and tell Ahab, “Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.”’ Meanwhile, the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rainstorm came on and Ahab rode off to Jezreel. The power of the Lord came on Elijah and, tucking his cloak into his belt, he ran ahead of Ahab all the way to Jezreel.
If you were Elijah, would you be excited? I think if that had just happened, I could run all the way to Jezreel, too! But in the process of this, something happened as Elijah came off the mountain and began to make his way to Jezreel.
I believe even before the word spread of what had happened, and before Jezebel threatened his life, I believe the scheme of the enemy as he descended off that mountain was already stepping in place. And he was running into the trap. This is just my opinion, but I think in some ways, because of his great victories, that he let his shield down a little bit. He forgot that even though the battle was won, that the war was still raging.
That is a warning for us to remember. Even in great victory, even in joyous occasions, our enemy roams around like a roaring lion, seeking those whom he may devour. So it’s important that we are aware. That doesn’t mean we live in a state where we’re always looking, always waiting, and we can’t just be at peace. No. We let the peace of God be our foundation. But we are always aware.
When Queen Jezebel heard that Elijah had killed all her prophets, she decreed the same fate for him. This response from leadership in the land caused Elijah to plunge from the peak of powerful prophetic performance and function into the pit of self-pity.
Elijah ran out of the land of Israel and fled to the wilderness. He sat down under a juniper tree and prayed that God would kill him. This prayer of self-pity was hypocritical in these circumstances. If Elijah had truly wanted to die, he needed only to stay where Jezebel was. If he really wanted to die, she said she was ready to kill him the same way he killed her prophets. All he had to do was take himself to her. But he didn’t want to die. He had entered into a place of self-pity.
I Kings 19. Now Ahab told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and how he had killed all her prophets with the sword. So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them.’
:3 Then Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba and Judah, he left his servant there while he himself went a day’s journey into the desert, or wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. ‘I have had enough, Lord,’ he said. ‘Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.’
:5 Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, ‘Get up and eat.’ He looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again.
:7 The angel of the Lord came back a second time and touched him and said, ‘Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.’ So he got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he travelled for forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God. There he went into a cave and spent the night.
I’ve heard the story and we in the body of Christ are familiar with Elijah, but it was interesting to me. He was praying. He was down. He was saying, God just kill me. I’m no better than my ancestors. But he did all of this and then fell asleep. Many times when someone is depressed or struggling with depression, they get in the bed and go to sleep.
But the angel of the Lord came and woke him up. He told him to eat and drink. It’s important whenever we’re in a place and we feel despair or disappointment or fear or concern, that we don’t stop feeding and we don’t stop watering. It’s not a time to pull away from the Lord. It’s not a time to get out of his Word. It’s not a time to stop pressing in. We have to stay fed and we have to stay hydrated. Because we will not survive the journey.
Another thing. Where was Elijah going to hide? The cave. One of the things we’ve heard and we’ve been saying, especially stepping into the new Hebraic year 5780 is that we cannot do what we’ve done in the past. Because our old ways, even if they were good and even if they were what God was saying at the time, they’re not going to work for the new place we’re stepping into.
So, during this whole thing with Ahab and Jezebel, Obadiah hid the prophets of God in caves. In the same situation, when Elijah feared for his life, instead of ascending up to the mountain, or instead of being open to, Oh Lord what would you like for me to do? He went back into the old way and hid in the cave. I had never seen that until this morning. Because he was doing what was familiar, what was comfortable, what had worked before. But that’s not what the Lord is calling us to do.
Elijah portrays the prophet who is mighty in prophesying and powerful in performance and function, but weak in personality, attitude, and adjustments to rejection and persecution. Even though he seems so mighty in what he’s done, there’re still weaknesses, those little fox areas.
We should note that God did not answer his prayers for death in the way he had hoped, but rather by turning up the fire of purification until all the dross of his self-life could be burned out. I believe what he entered into in his 40 days and 40 nights of traveling, before he entered the cave, was preparation.
He had asked, God, kill me. God didn’t fulfill the pray or take him to heaven right then, but he began killing the flesh, killing his wrong thinking, killing his unbelief, killing his fear, his doubt, all the things he had been holding onto. Because the Lord was looking for a pure vessel.
The prophetic ministry often places the prophet in an extreme situation with high stakes. It’s either success or failure, acceptance or rejection, vindication or humiliation, and life or death. Does that sound familiar?
When great success results, victories are won, and great revival takes place. The prophet usually expects church leadership to appreciate his or her prophetic words and their powerful prophetic performances or function. Yet often they find themselves rejected and face situations similar to Elijah with Queen Jezebel. They receive persecution or even threats.
It was interesting to me that Dr. Hamon put this in the book. It’s descending by steps. I saw as Elijah was descending the mountain, entering into Jezreel, that these things had begun taking a grip on him. It’s disappointment, discouragement, resentment, self-pity, a persecution complex, anger, which leads to a bitter and hard critical spirit.
When prophets reach the bottom of this pit of despair by descending steps beginning with disappointment, if the situation is not immediately adjusted with a proper attitude, such disappointment will next lead to discouragement, then resentment, self-pity, a persecution complex, and anger.
The final step for prophets who climb down into this pit is a bitter and hard critical spirit that causes them to be a law unto themselves, with such a spirit of rejection that no one can reach them in their self-delusion.
It’s important that we yield to the Lord. It’s important that we don’t run to the cave, but that we run into the tent, like in this season. It’s important that we don’t use past crutches. If something someone says hurts my feelings, well, I’m going to draw aside and not talk to them for a while, and I can’t even look at them—all this stuff.
If you face a situation that’s similar, or you’ve faced it many times, why don’t you try something different? If someone says, You hurt my feelings by the way you said that; instead of thinking, What do I do? Whether you’re right or wrong, say, I’m sorry; I did not intend to do that. And don’t create a wall. Many times it’s just miscommunication.
I’m really seeing the Lord say it’s time to face things differently than we have in the past season. We don’t want to get drawn down, weighed down, and pulled into all of these things. Because it’s a pattern, and it’s a pattern we can avoid.
Wake up and shake loose.
Isaiah 52:2 says, Shake off your dust. Rise up. Sit enthroned, Jerusalem. Free yourself from the chains on your neck.
In plain words, this means to get out of your self-pity party, your martyrdom-persecution complex. Shake loose from that exclusive, seclusive spirit, that inflated sense of self-importance. Wake up and put on the strength of Christ’s nature. Adjust any wrong attitudes, and allow God to heal you before it develops a root system that will sap the life of Christ—the life he intended—right out of you. Our God has ordained a good root system for us, to let the love of God take root in you. Because whenever we’re rooted and grounded in his love, nothing else can get in there. Get out of the cave.
Respond quickly. If the truth has not dawned on you sufficiently to set you free, then find help from a senior leader before you fall, backslide, fall into a spirit of error, or sink so deeply into self-delusion that you self-destruct.
If you have given into the ‘cave mentality,’ remember there are two things God said to Elijah: “What are you doing here, Elijah?” And “Get out of this cave and get up on the mountain before the Lord to listen for the voice of God.” So the Lord is calling us not to run to the cave, but to run to the mountain, to ascend, to go up higher.
Because whenever we ascend, we keep ourselves from being pulled down into that big long list of things. He’s saying, Come up higher. He’s saying, Shake loose.
Elijah obeyed that command, and when he did, God gave him a great commission to carry his purposes on for many years. Even Elijah was taken to heaven. If we want our ministries to continue in fruitfulness we too must come out of the self-pity, cave mentality to hear the voice of God more clearly. I Kings 19:13-17.
Who wants to step into a new way of doing things? I don’t mean just a new way, I mean God’s way. Because he has ordained for us a better way. Fully in this season, I can feel personally the Spirit of God taking me up higher over situations. Situations that would have bothered me in the past, or made me angry. Or situations I wouldn’t have known how to handle in the past, he’s putting the words there. Or he’s showing me even before it happens. Whenever that situation presents itself, I already have the answer. I have the solution and I’m not even bothered by it.
There is a new way and there is a new order. As we step into this new era, I believe this is what God has ordained for every son and daughter in his body.
Father, I thank you that right now you take these words and this teaching, and you minister to all our hearts. Any place that dross needs to be burned up, we say right now, Let your fire fall and cast it all out. I thank you for a purging and a purification in our body. Give us ears to hear and eyes to see. I thank you that even in this season of Elul we will see the goodness of God in the land of the living.
Father, I thank you that any place that we have felt drought or dry, you are sending the rains of your glory, the rains of your presence to us. I thank you that you are the wind in our sails. I thank you for your fresh breath, your fresh outpouring.
Lord, even now I thank you that you are speaking and ministering to your people, that you are opening our eyes to possible pitfalls, to possible places, and I thank you that you are going to the core of our beings and you are bringing healing this morning. I thank you that you are uprooting anything that’s not of you and you are cleaning us out. Because I thank you that we will yield a good harvest, that we will be fruitful, that we will have increase. That it won’t be just another year to plant again, but that we have an abundant crop. We say Yes to it in Jesus name. Amen.
Mid-Morning Service.
?Oh the precious flow that makes me white as snow. No other fount I know. I am washed. I am drenched in love. I am free. I’m a child of God. How priceless, how precious. There’s power in the blood of Jesus. Power, wonderworking power in the blood of the Lamb.
Kimble Love. Though our sins were as scarlet, Jesus has made them white as snow. Glory to God. We are here today, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. And we stand on the word of our testimony. And we love not our lives even unto death. But we’re here to serve him, to demonstrate his grace, his mercy, and his love to all generations. And that not within ourselves; it is the power of Christ that lives within us by his precious Holy Spirit. Amen. Praise the Lord.
Welcome to Miracle City Global today. We’ve glad to see you. We’re glad to have you here. We’re just going to have an awesome day in the Lord. Because Jesus is on the throne and he is moving mightily in our midst. He is raising us up for such a time as this. Amen and Amen. Glory to God.
The Lord spoke to me this morning out of Luke 1:17. It’s when the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah to bring forth the news that he was going to have a son in his old age. Who was his son? John the Baptist. Gabriel spoke to him in the temple that his son would be great and mighty, filled with the Holy Spirit even before he was born.
He will bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God. And he will go on before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the parents to the children; and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous. To make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
Holy Spirit highlighted to me the ‘make ready’ part. He said, ‘I have been preparing you for such a time as this. I have been making you to be ready, to ‘make ready’ for the coming of all I’m about to do. That phrase ‘make ready’ means to be prepared. To be equipped. To have things set in motion so that you can go forth to do what you have been prepared to do.
The Lord has been teaching and training and equipping us, many of us, for years and years. And some not as long. It’s time to move from equipping to doing. To move from being taught to being. I’m not talking about ‘works.’ It is work, but it’s doing the work he has prepared us to do.
For now is the time. Today is the day. It’s time to step over and to step into that which we have been prepared for, really for our entire life, whether we know it or not. We’re in the days. We’re in the season. It’s a new season. It’s harvest time. Time for the Body of Christ to move forth from our seats and start operating in the fullness of all he’s called us to operate in.
So Father, we thank you today that we are your people. And just as you sent John to make ready a people of God, we declare that we are your people that have been made ready. And Lord, we make ready to launch into this season that you’ve opened to us, those times of signs, wonders, and miracles.
Father, I thank you that you have given us power and authority through the name of Jesus, that you have filled us with your Holy Spirit so that we can do the stuff that you’ve called us to do. So Father, we submit to your lordship, to your authority.
Lord, I hear that waiting is over. It’s time to go forth in fullness, in Jesus name. Amen and Amen. I encourage you during worship to press in, to seek the face of the Lord, that you open your ear to hear what the Spirit is saying. We have to be quiet and quit talking so we can hear. I believe today is a day of hearing from Holy Spirit.
We’ve got to know exactly what the Spirit is saying so we’ll know exactly what we are supposed to be doing. So Lord, have your way. We enter in to this season of worship now, Lord, to bring glory and honor to you.
Father, open our hearts, our minds, our souls, and our spirits, so that we can hear and we can see what you would have us to do. Release purpose and strategy unto us, your people. May we be in sync and in alignment with all you desire to do in the earth. We are here to do your bidding. So Lord speak, for your servants are listening. Have your way, Father. Amen and Amen.
?We’re not lost, we’re just looking for you. We’re available. We’re just listening for you. We’re just making room. We volunteer to be carriers of your glory. We volunteer for whatever you need. Make this the time; make this the place; make us your people. This is the time; this is the place; we are your people. We’re available.
Kevin. Your blood is healing every wound, making all things new; it speaks a better word. It’s more than I deserve. It’s singing out with life. It’s calling out my name. It’s breaking every chain. Your blood forever covers me. It’s rewriting my history. It covers me with destiny. On the precious blood of Christ.
Betty. We praise you Jesus for the blood, for the power of the blood. We acknowledge the voice of the blood of Jesus Christ speaking over every son of God in this room. How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit, offer himself unblemished unto God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death? It’s the power of the blood. We welcome the voice of the blood. Nothing but the blood.
?Nothing but the blood of Jesus. We praise you for your blood King Jesus. We thank you for your blood King Jesus.
Betty. Just receive the full authority, the full benefits of the new covenant in the blood of Jesus. Just receive the power of the blood infusing your spirit, soul, and body even now. We have a new bloodline through Jesus.
Anna. It’s making all things right. Oh the precious blood of Christ speaks a better word.
Kimble Love. There’s no high like the Most High. The Word of God is always a better word. It doesn’t matter how eloquent of speech a person can be, to have the right words to say. The Word of God trumps every word man can release. The Word of God is powerful and effective and sharper than a two-edge sword.
It creates. It brings health and healing, righteousness, peace, joy, comfort. The Word of God is powerful. And the Word of God on our tongue causes us to overcome. His word never comes back void, but it always accomplishes what it’s sent to do.
As we were worshiping, I heard Holy Spirit say the word ‘Achieve.’ He said it is time for him to release successfulness upon his people. How many need some success in your life?
Father wants us to achieve, to excel, to go forth in all things that he created us for. He’s given each one of us a divine destiny. It’s no longer time for us to sit back and wait for something to happen. We, the children of God, need to stand to our feet, get into our position, go forth, and make something happen. We’ve got the goods. We’ve got the Holy Spirit. We’ve got the truth and the Word of God within us.
It’s time to shuffle your feet and get up from your seat, and do the things he’s called us to do. All by his direction. Through his grace. Through his love and his mercy.
The Word of God tells us that if we know the good that we should do and don’t do it, then that is sin. It’s time to quit holding back. Do the good that you know you should do, even if it hurts. Keep your commitments. Walk your talk. If you say you’re a Christian, then act like one. Live like one. We’re called and set apart. God has put his mark on us. We need to stand up straight with our heads held high. And walk right into the face of adversity. It doesn’t matter. No more shrinking back. No more worrying about what somebody is going to say about me or what somebody is going to think about me. I’m one of those crazy Christians.
I believe that term ‘crazy Christian’ came because the Christians don’t stand up and be who they’re supposed to be. I love God and I love his people. Are his people always lovely? Absolutely not. But God so loved the world that he sent Jesus to pay the price for the unlovely folks. And I tell you what, I’ve been unlovely. You’ve been unlovely. We’re not above anybody else. But by the grace of God, so go I.
He’s delivered us. And he’s set our feet upon the solid rock. We don’t need to keep flipping back and forth between two opinions. But to stand stolid and walk true on the path he’s marked out before us. Be all he’s called you to be.
Achieve. Go forth and be successful in that which God has blessed you with. Be it a lot. Be it a little. Go forth with what you have. And God will bring the increase. He won’t let you slip or stumble. But he’ll empower you. He’ll surround you. He’ll cover you with the shadow of his wings. And you’ll see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Just be bold and courageous.
As we continue to worship this morning, you have the opportunity to bring into the storehouse a portion of that which God has blessed you with—your tithes, your offerings, your first fruits—whatever the Lord has put within your heart to give, to sow for the advancing of his kingdom. We want you to do that so the house can be blessed and you can be blessed and the kingdom can go forth. And we can do the work of the ministry he has called us to do.
As we come today we come to the table of the Lord to celebrate the life, the death, the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ by the taking of Communion.
On the night that Jesus was betrayed he met with his disciples in an upper room. After the meal he took break and he broke it and said, This bread represents my body which is broken for you. Whenever you eat of it, do it in remembrance of me. Then he took the cup and blessed it and said, This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Whenever you drink of it, do it in remembrance of me.
In accordance with the Word of God we come and break bread and drink of the cup, and remember and celebrate the sacrifice, the price Jesus paid for each one of us, to bring us back into the family, into right relationship, redeeming us back unto the Father. So we could have a life of godliness in the earth. And be imitators of Jesus by his Spirit that lives within us.
So Father, today we thank you for the bread which is your body. We thank you for the cup that represents your blood. As we come and take these elements into our bodies, we’re coming into agreement. We’re saying Yes to the full benefits of the new covenant that you’ve purchased for us. We take the bread and the blood into our bodies, the very spiritual DNA, Lord, that resides in these elements, and we say Yes to your fullness—salvation, deliverance, healing, provision, the fullness of purpose, as we go throughout this earth declaring and demonstrating your glory wherever we go and in whatever we’re doing. We honor you, Lord, and we bless you, Jesus. We thank you for your sacrifice. We say, Come and have your way continuously in our spirits and in our bodies, in our lives. Take charge so that we can Achieve and prosper and be successful, in your name we pray. Amen and Amen.
?We praise you for your blood, King Jesus.
Michelle. I will stay here for a while until I look like the one I behold. I will pour out my vial until all of me is on this floor. At your feet I will sing. Your name is sweet like honey, pure and holy. Lord of Lords and King of Kings. I give you all my worship, for you alone are God.
Anna. So won’t you dance with me oh lover of my soul to the song of all songs. Come and romance me oh lover of my soul to the song of songs. For you have come over the hills and upon the mountains. To me you will run, my Beloved. You have captured my heart. To you I will go. You are my lover, my fair one. The winter is past. The spring has come. Won’t you dance with me oh lover of my soul to the song of all songs.
Betty. The Spirit and the Bride say Come. Let the worshipers arise. He’s spreading his garment over us. He’s come to seek you out today. Seeking your face. No more shame. No more pain—spirit, soul, body. Doing a new thing. Father is seeking worshipers. It’s personal. He’s come for our hearts today. Wholehearted devotion.
Anna. You can have my whole heart.
Betty. Come on. Respond to him; you’re not gonna talk about Me like I’m not in the room. Coming alive on the inside. Come alive in me, Lord.
Anna. We invite you in. Come alive in us oh Lord. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, there is liberty, so we invite you in, Life-giver. We say, Dry bones come alive in us. From the inside out we say, Come Alive.
Betty. He’s going to the very DNA.
Anna. I’ve got some new life flowing through my veins, my DNA.
Betty. To the marrow.
Anna. To the joints and marrow. I’ve got new life in me. This is transformation. This is transformation. It’s birthright. It’s destiny. We receive your new life. No place of rejection. We receive your new life from the tops of our heads to the tips of our toes. From the inside out.
Betty. He’s breaking off weariness. If you’ve been dull and weary in your body and your soul or any part and piece of your life, he’s removing dullness. He’s removing weariness. His yoke is easy. His burden is light.
Anna. The Son’s come out today and he’s shining. No more weariness. The clouds are going away. Let the light fill this place. The Son’s come out today.
Betty. So step in.
Anna. Someone in here said, The sun will come out tomorrow. But the Lord says, I’ve come out today. Don’t wait for a better day. Because I’ve ordained today.
Betty. He’s breaking off procrastination. If you’ve dealt with procrastination and it’s caused delay in your life, you’re not waiting for a better day. Even as Kimble released earlier, Hei Hei, just acknowledge that you’re in the Son. And acknowledge that the Spirit of the living God is living on the inside of you right here right now.
He’s come to do his marvelous work in us. It’s personal. Angels are descending in this place. Bowls are being tipped into this place. Somebody’s getting an answer to your prayer. Hei Hei Hei. Healings are taking place today. Face to face. Heart to heart. Spirit to spirit. Says the Lord.
We’re in an environment. Heaven’s here. He’s here. This is his house, his work, his day. Every person in this room, regardless of your age, if you will turn your eyes, fix your eyes on Jesus. Don’t look around. Look to him. This is the third time I’ve seen this vision.
I see a tent and the Lord has brought you into the tent and he is unrolling the scrolls. He’s unrolling maps. He’s unrolling blueprints. And he’s showing you where you are. And he’s showing you where he wants to take you.
Jesus said, I know where I came from. I know where I’m going. The Lord is going to open up the eyes of your heart this morning and fill you to overflowing, baptize you with his Spirit of wisdom and revelation, renewing your heart and your vision, bringing you into a place of rest, restoring your heart, restoring your physical body, so that you can run. So that you can run. Hei Hei. So that you can run and not be weary. So that you can walk and not be faint.
I hear the Lord saying that he’s ready to restore. Open your eyes and look into your life, and look within, and look in your land, and see what you have need of restoration of. When you’ve taken hold of that thing, when you see that thing—when you see it, take hold of it.
This is not a place where he’s ‘going’ to restore. I will say unto you even now, He is Restoring. The work is already begun in you. It’s begun in your body.
?Kevin. I can see clearly now the rain is gone. I can see all the obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind. It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day.
Brad. Trumpet.
Betty. We prophesy on the instruments. I see in Proverbs 4:20. I see in Malachi 4. The Son of righteousness is rising with healing in his wings.
So make a choice right here and now. You don’t want to stay in the old. We’re a forerunner house. I see the Lord even now bringing manifestations to the words that have been released over the last several weeks, even reaching back to recover words that have been spoken over your life in past seasons that you’ve not yet walked in. It’s recovery.
If you have something to recover from the past that is a God thing, as a prophetic act, just reach back and just bring it forward. Full recovery.
?It’s a bright bright sunshiny day.
Betty. Sunshiny day. Oh he’s marinating. Some of you are in the hot fire right now. The kind you want to stay in. The fire of God.
The Lord had me wait on the word—for him to bring the word to us.
Proverbs 4:10. Listen my son. Accept what I say and the years of your life will be many. It’s a call to listen. It’s a call to hear. I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered. When you run, you will not stumble. Hold onto the instruction. Do not let go. Guard it well for it is your life.
Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men. Avoid it. Do not travel on it. Turn from it and go on your way. For they cannot sleep till they do evil. They are robbed of slumber until they make someone fall. They eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence.
The path of the righteous is like the morning sun shining ever brighter till it reaches the full light of day. That’s your path in this room. If you are in this room and Jesus Christ is your Lord, you are the righteousness of your God in Christ Jesus. And he has set our feet on an ancient path called the Path of the Righteous. And that path is going to shine like the morning sun. And it’s going to keep on shining.
Yesterday when Anna and I went out on the road at 6:45 the sun was coming up like a giant orb rising on the horizon. And as the Son begins to rise—the Son is rising up in you. He is going to cause his light to shine upon your path until it reaches the full strength like the noonday sun.
That’s overhead. Are you ready for the Lord to turn on that overhead light? The light that’s going to cover you. The light that’s going to overshadow you. The light the enemy will not be able to penetrate. But wherever you go you’re going to penetrate the darkness.
Proverbs 4:19. But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness. They do not know what makes them stumble.
Here it is. You say, What is the Lord saying to me? Everything that’s been released in this house from beginning to end. But this:
My son, my daughter, my child, pay attention to what I say. Turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight. Keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them. And health to one’s whole body.
My son, pay attention. Have you ever had a parent or a teacher say, Look at me? He’s saying, Look at Me! Look unto me. I’m the Author. I’m the Finisher of your life. I’ve got this. The Lord told me this week, Betty, get ready because I’m going to be your Commentary. I’m going to be the Commenter. I have your narrative. I’m the Narrator of your life. How about live feed? No more procrastination. That’s what he told me this morning when I went into the restroom. Sometimes we just need to go into the restroom of God and get a good cleansing.
He said some things that need to be taken care of, and when I whisper it, no matter how softly I speak it to you, no more procrastination. Just do it quickly. I’m not talking about what you don’t know is God. How many of you know that you know that you know when he speaks to you? I really do know the difference when I really know that I’ve heard the Lord.
So he wants us to respond. He’s calling us out of a spirit of stupor where things have mesmerized us, like where we’ve been cloaked by things of this world and weighted down. He says, Come on and rise above it. It’s time for you to come out from down under and for you to come up into the mountain of the Lord. Because I have your direction.
How many of you would really like to go into the tent of the Lord and have him open up a map and show you where you are, and show you how to get to where you’re going?
Psalm 32:8. I will instruct and teach you in the way that you should go. I will guide you. I will counsel you and watch over you with my eye. He’s looking. He’s watching. So pay attention. Listen. Hear. The Lord doesn’t want us just to listen. He wants us to hear what he’s saying.
The wonderful thing I know that I know about the Word of God is that when God truly speaks the word or the word comes alive off the page to you, it not only comes with hearing, but it comes with the ability to obey it. No word of God is without power to be fulfilled.
So is the word that goes forth out of my mouth. It will accomplish, it will fulfill the purpose that I sent it to fulfill. It will perform. It will work. It will create. It will do. It has the ‘to do’ already in it. So when you receive it, it is alive; it is alive; it produces; it prospers; it works. Light be. So he’s saying, I want you to hide it in your heart. It’s a precursor to 5780.
It’s a precursor to 2020. Because what is going to happen, Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. So whatever is in your heart, when you get tapped, whatever is stored there is going to come out of you. The Lord says it is now time.
James 1. Count it all joy. Reckon it all joy. Credit it joy in your circumstances. Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds, because the testing of your faith develops perseverance. And perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature, complete, lacking nothing. He doesn’t want you to lack anything.
So he says, When you face a trial or a circumstance or a situation, just consider it pure joy. Hei Hei Hei. Come on out of grief. Come out of the pit. Come out of self-pity. Consider it pure joy regardless of whether you feel like it or not. Well, how can I do that? Because yours is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Nehemiah 8:10. Do not grieve. The joy of the Lord is your strength. So he is wanting us to come out of dry bone, hope deferred places. He is wanting us to take off the grave clothes, and let him come into the very depth of our heart, into the very depths of our being, even into our DNA. That’s why we’ve been singing blood songs today. Because there is power in the blood of Jesus. There is power in the Word of God.
There is power living on the inside of you. You have a resident that lives on the inside of you right now if you are born-again, and it is Holy Spirit. God himself is in the house. How can we not be healed? How can we not be delivered? Your deliverance is working now. My deliverance is working now.
I said, Where are you going, Lord? He said, Everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Did I not tell you I was harvesting? I see him harvesting us. Bundling together his fruit. So pay attention to his words. What kind of words? The written word. The word that comes out of his mouth—the word, that when you are reading the Logos, the Book, the Word of God. When you read the Logos and it comes alive and it comes off the page, and you’re like, You’re talking to me, God; it’s a rhema.
Jesus said, If you will abide in me and my words, my rhemas, abide in you, then you can ask whatever you wish and it will be. Because it’s alive. He’s alive. The Word is alive. It’s a living Word. A life-giving Word. Then there’s a proceeding word. That’s like, Unstoppable.
We are stepping into a ten-year season of PEY, the mouth, the spoken word. It means first fruits. How many of you would like a ten year season of first fruits? This kind of PEY is going to cause the enemy to PAY. So you hide the word in your heart; it’s going to be healing and health to your whole body.
Malachi 4. For those that revere my name. How many of you revere, you worship, you honor, you recognize that Jesus Christ, his name is the name above every name? That there is no other name in heaven or on earth by which men can be saved? It is only in and through the name of Jesus.
Peter and John, as they were going up the Gate called Beautiful. And the man who had been paralyzed for 38 or 40 years, a generation, that encountered them. They knew who they were. They knew what they were carrying. He wanted silver or gold. He was begging for alms, the only way he could make money for his livelihood, I assume—to sit and beg and be at the mercy of whoever went into the temple.
But I want you to know there are some things money can’t buy. Money can’t buy your salvation or your deliverance. There is only one Deliverer. There is only one who can cleanse sin and set us free and his name is Jesus Christ. So their response because they knew who they were and what they were carrying—these last few weeks the Lord has been wanting to purge out of our lives anything from a past season or a past wound or a past happening that is going to bind us, or pervert or divert us from running into this new era and season.
They said, Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, Peter Peter, I give unto thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise and walk. Take up your mat and walk. The religious leaders were undone. The response of Peter was, Rulers and elders of the people, if we are being called to account for an act of kindness shown to a cripple, know this: It is in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, but who God raised from the dead, that his man stands before you completely healed.
You’re going to know who you are and you’re going to know who’s living on the inside of you, and you’re going to know the power of the name. Because those that revere my name, says the Lord, the Son of Righteousness is going to rise with healing in his wings.
Some of you have been like that calf in the stall that’s, Let me out. Let me run. I want to run, Lord. I’m ready to do the stuff. I’m ready to be about your business on earth as it is in heaven. No, I’m going to keep you in the stall and I’m going to keep feeding you for a little while. Just a little bit more and a little bit more.
But then the Son of Righteousness rises and brings healing and wholeness and fullness and the Word says you’ll go forth like a calf released from the stall. Fat with the anointing. Fat with his fullness. That’s the kind of fat I want. Glory. I can see clearly now the rain is gone. We’re gonna sing Bright Sunshiny Day and he is going to rise up and overshadow you and whatever you have need of, for the Lord to do, spirit, soul, and body, just let him do it. Because it’s his house.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Be thou made whole. Stand up in it.
?It’s a bright bright sunshiny day. I can see clearly now the rain is gone. I can see all the obstacles in my way.
Okay, right there he’s saying, I can see clearly now the rain is gone. I can see all the obstacles in my way. He wants to wash the windows of our soul, and where we’ve not seen the things that have blocked or prevented or diverted us, Hei Hei Hei, we’re speaking to the mountain. Even in the song, whatever you can see, an obstacle that has prevented, perverted, we say, Be thou removed in Jesus name.
?I can see clearly now the rain is gone. Oh heaven let your light shine down. Shine.
Betty. In every life, in every family, in every home, in our territories, tents and treasuries, generationally. Heaven let your light shine down. We arise and shine for our light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon us. The Lord is our light and our salvation. Our hearts say, Seek his face. Your face, oh God, do we seek.
Father, I thank you for what you have done in this place. For every person you’ve drawn in here today, those watching, and those that will watch. For prodigals, I want you to know that Father has turned on the porch light. He’s leaving a light on. So come home.
Kevin. Blow mighty breath of God. Won’t you come in this place. Move upon this place. Won’t you come in power and grace.
Betty. It’s wherever you need Him.
Anna. Streams of mercy flowing down. God of heaven all around. Light of heaven all around. And it’s falling to the ground. Blow mighty breath of God. Move upon this place.
Betty. So we say Yes and Amen, Lord. We receive it. We receive your working in us. Thank you, Lord.
Father, I thank you that you take the message, all that you have released, and you seal it in our hearts. You release it into the land and the atmosphere, to every place it needs to go. In the name of Jesus, by the blood of Jesus, and by your Spirit. We give you all praise and glory and honor in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.
Sherry came and the very words that were being released, she even had about the Son/sun before they were ever released in the house. God is working.