May 29, 2019

Miracle City Global – 5/29/19 – Transcript

5/29/19 Miracle City Global

Betty Love. We need to be present in his presence when we are here. And listen to who is speaking and active with what is happening in here, not talking like we’re somewhere else. Tonight I believe that we are going to double down on the enemy as a house. We are in a Hebraic month prophetically where the three covenant names that God has given us is Healer, Provider, and Protection. Victory.

Yahweh Rapha, our Healer. Let me deal with any bitterness of heart, any bitterness of soul, any place where you need natural healing in your body. So what are we dealing with? We have seen more sickness in this month from viruses—it’s just been working through the children, and through some of the families. I decree and declare that the contagion is bound from this place. I put a quarantine on us as a house individually, even in our bloodline, anything that’s not covenant is not going to stand.

I’m saying this up front because I believe we’re going to war with worship. I know,  hahahahaha, God’s got a good word tonight. I want to release what he said and what I was seeing last night and what I’ve been seeing since Sunday. And it’s important to stay it the way he said it. The Lord showed me last week and even when we stepped in here Sunday morning, Don’t you back down. Don’t back down off of what God has said to you.

When I talk about standing for the nation, I want our nation to be a place where our children and our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren and a future generation can live in life, liberty and freedom. And I’m not against people who don’t believe like we do or that are not Christians, because God so loved the world that he gave Jesus. It’s not about hating people or being against people, but it’s about standing for truth and righteousness. And about not letting our nation become a socialist nation, or deviate from what it was founded on.

I’m really aware that there are people, and I don’t want to stereotype a generation, but I am well aware there are people now coming up in this country and they have no clue about war; they have no clue about what has been gained in this nation; they maybe have not been to another country. They don’t realize why we’re glad that we’re Americans.

We’re not better than anybody else in the world, but the Western church is the only church that has not seen the martyrdom like the rest of the world. We need to wake up and not think it can’t happen to us.

We’ve seen from schools to the Twin Towers that death can enter into this nation and has. Where we have not fought a war on this soil, I don’t know how people would deal with planes coming over bombing our land. I think some people would wake up and come out of the fog.

I feel like we are in a place as a people individually and as a nation that we are contending. The Lord said, “Challenge Country.” This was tagging Rick’s word. Right after the 70 the Lord said to me, “Betty, you’ve entered into Challenge Country.” I thought, Oh dear God. I thought it was just for me. When he says things, I don’t just get a word for the nation, or a word for the house, or get a word for where I’m going to speak. When that word comes to me, I’m not foolish enough to think, thank God at this point, pray I never am, to think, Oh that’s not for me.

If I’m going to talk about being present in his presence, that means me first. Have I ever stood in this house and talked? Yeah, I have. So he is saying to me, Be present in my presence so you don’t miss what I’m saying. Or you don’t miss what I’m doing. Or you’re not dishonoring the person who is speaking. If you really believe I’m speaking through them, then you need to listen.

So the Lord said, “I’m going to give you language to answer every challenge of the enemy.” We have a challenger right now just like Goliath. And he is an uncircumcised Philistine. And he is a fallen angel, and a third of the angelic host fell with him. They are defeated. But yet they are challenging our covenant rights.

So tonight I would say unto the kingdom of darkness, in Christ, not speaking outside of the Lord, but in the Lord, and in the authority that I know everyone in this room as a believer has, I would say, Who are you to defy the armies of the Living God? Who are you to defy or violate the covenant of Almighty God and our rights? Because in Jesus, he has become a guarantee of a better covenant in Jesus; he is Healer. He is Provider. He is our Banner of Victory and the Word of God says, He always lead us in triumphal procession. It’s a triumphal procession. That means we get victory. We’re not stuck in a place to stay. I believe this. I believe the Word of the Lord. He sent forth his Word and he healed us. The Word of God says that he blesses our food and our drink and he takes sickness from the midst of us.

We have had the Bass family, the Boswell family, Sonya, different ones have dealt with the virus. Right now Michael Chandler, our drummer is in the hospital. Our Worship Team is being hit. Our house family is being hit. So we are saying, NO!

When I pulled up I heard this: Ding dong the wicked witch is dead. So we are binding. When Anna taught out of the John Ramirez book, he talked about spiritual chemical warfare. We need to bind witchcraft, we need to bind any assignment or scheme the enemy has had against us. Because Jesus has destroyed the power of sin, death, disease, the works of the devil, and the devil himself. That’s what’s written.

Last week we began to see in the nation and in our state a judge issue an injunction to stop the heartbeat bill. Come on. A baby is a baby is a baby. A life is a life is a life. If we start devaluing life, and then you come into a situation—who lives and who dies? We have a niece who is Down Syndrome. I cannot think of Carrie Camille not being here because Down Syndrome babies automatically, governmentally, they are aborted. Can you imagine carrying a baby full-term and give birth and they kill it, or just let it die?  Who are we?

But then we’re going to have an uproar when people are killing animals. I would be in an uproar, too, because I’m a rescuer. Whether it’s people or animals. Don’t shoot my birds, now. I’ll never forget, a bluejay was hit by the car in front of me and I stopped the car, picked up the bird, when to Dr. Palermo, took him in, What can you do with the bird? And he fixed him.

I have prayed resurrection power and life over lots of things and seen them live. And they weren’t human beings. I’ve prayed resurrection life over human beings and seen the dead raised. I’m just saying, There is a contending. We have a challenger. The enemy is trying to challenge you in your birthright and your destiny. He has had the biggest mixed up, messed up, thinking assault against the people of God this month. I’m thinking, This is restoration of our soul, for an onslaught of the soul.

So much so, for a few days like I said, I got out the prayer sheets because my mind didn’t want to function and I couldn’t stay focused. I had to hold the sheets and just read them and reread them out loud and confess the Word of God. And it took about a 24-hour period before I broke through. But I broke through. Because I stood on, It is written. It is written. It is written. And that doesn’t happen to me.

I heard Danette say, If it’s happening to us, what’s it like for other people? I will tell you tonight, I decree and declare victory in the camp. I decree and declare the blood covenant stands. I decree and declare where the enemy has risen up as a Goliath. I think I can safely say for every person in this room, have you faced your lion and your bear? Have you had personal victory in the past? I think we all have.

So tonight, not only do I want personal victory, I want public victory. I want Goliath; like Kimble said on Sunday, it’s not just about taking the enemy down; cut his head off. Cut the voice off. And I’m not talking about people. And our struggle in this nation is not against the people. It is against a war being in the heavenlies. And if the edge, the curtain, was just pulled back, and people really saw what was going on, it would be like Star Wars on steroids. And people would get a clue.

The enemy is real. I’m not afraid of him, but I’m not foolish enough to think I can take him on by myself. It’s only in Jesus that we have victory. So I’m saying all of this tonight. Michael Chandler is in the hospital. He woke up at 1 a.m. vomiting. It is colitis. His temp has gone to 102. I’m just giving you the facts. And they have put him on a strong antibiotic. That’s thunder, now. Thunder. Thank God we’ve got thunder down there tonight (Jacob on drums). Double thunder.

This is the thing. The percussion instrument, the drums, are a foundation instrument. Not only that, they war against the enemy. What the drums do in the spirit realm is like satan behind bars and he is shaking.

“I’m going to give you language to answer every challenge of the enemy. Stand on the mountain and lift the staff, even as Moses. Your Hamans are going to hang. Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he would defy the armies of the Living God?” We are rising up as the army tonight.

The Lord says, “In loving devotion a throne will be established in the tent of David. A judge seeking justice and prompt in righteousness.” Now how about that?

Isaiah 16:5. In loving devotion a throne will be established in the tent of David. That is in the tent of worship. In the house of prayer there will be a throne established. The Lord will establish his presence in our midst. And out of worship tonight, I pray the Lord is going to put a prayer in your mouth, a declaration in your mouth, that he will mobilize your and me, and if there is something we need to release in the worship over our lives, over our families, we need to do it.  And then I have a strong promise word that is going to follow. It’s all about covenant.

I would say unto you, Your provision is here. Your promise is here, the protection that God has promised us as our Banner of Victory; but not just protection, he has decreed victory for Jacob. He has decreed victory for you and me. It’s covenant. And he’s our Healer. I’m asking him to heal our bodies. I’m asking him to heal our soul. I’m asking him to put a mighty hedge of protection, that no longer will outside forces affect you and me in a negative way. Whether it is physical, spiritual, or assaulting the soul. That bloodlines, other people’s bloodlines, will not affect us. That the Lord will literally quarantine us. Amen.

Because our citizenship is in heaven. Praise God, come be our embassy. Be our embassy. You know, when you’re in a foreign country, you’ve seen the movies. And it’s serious. Where are they trying to get to for safety? The American Embassy. I’m telling you, some people need to just leave the country and find out what it’s really like, because there is a big difference when you fly back into this nation. I don’t care who you are. Isn’t that right, Kevin? Isn’t that right, Kimble? Alright, Pastor, come on.

Kimble Love. Amen. I don’t know about you, but I hate sickness. I hate sickness. I hate disease. And it shouldn’t be a part of our lives. So Lord, we just come into agreement tonight and we declare that by your stripes, Lord Jesus, you defeated every symptom of sickness and disease, infirmity. You took it upon yourself. You bore it on the cross. You paid the price, Lord, so that we wouldn’t have to.

So Father, tonight we come into agreement that all of the Miracle City Global body is healed, delivered, and set free in the name of Jesus. Father, I thank you that your Word says that when the enemy comes in like a flood you raise a standard against him. And Father, I thank you tonight that you have raised a standard. That you have surrounded us with your goodness, with your favor, with your grace, your mercy, and your healing power.

Father, I thank you that you love us so much that you want us to walk in total freedom and total health. So Father, release health and wholeness upon your people, upon us tonight. Father as we enter into worship, bring forth your anointing to break every yoke that hinders and binds.

Father, I thank you that you have called this place a healing house, a house of healing. And Father, we want to display what you have called. So Father, have your way. We invite you Holy Spirit to come, to move in our midst. May we focus upon heaven. May we cast off the cares of the day and hear your voice, Lord, so that we can arise and shine, and stand and go forth, and advance your kingdom in the earth.

Father, I plead the precious blood of Jesus over this city, over this work, over this state, and over this nation. Father, I declare that your righteousness is being seen on a daily basis. Father I call this nation back to your righteousness once again, to your ways, Lord God, to recognize you rule and reign supreme.

You’re a good good Father. And we bless you and we honor you tonight. In Jesus name. So let’s enter into worship warfare tonight.


?There’s no other name like yours, Jesus. Every knee will bow; every tongue confess the name of Jesus. We call upon his name. His name is Victory. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. You’re the highest power. Darkness cannot stand. No longer bound to sin. I am free. There is none as beautiful as you, Jesus. I believe you’re my healer. I believe you are all I need. I believe you’re my portion. I believe you’re more than enough for me.

Betty. More than enough. More than enough. Praise God.

Nancy Pitts. When she said Challenge Country, immediately it came to me, there was a place in Ellisville called Challenge Country. It was a place where people went to learn to work together. And tonight I confess that sometimes I’ve not taken my rightful place. And if we don’t take our rightful place tonight, and we don’t stand where we’re supposed to be in the ranks, this is not going to work.

This is Challenge Country. It is a place of challenges where we’re being challenged. And I confess I’ve been out of place, and Lord, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for where I’ve been out of place. And Lord, I repent on behalf of your church where we have been out of place; but tonight Lord, when the horn blew and the people gathered, and then we called on your name and your banner flew above us, we called to you and you came, and you said, Take your place.

I decree and declare tonight, We take our place where we’ve been called, and we will see the glory of the Lord rise. It is his battle and the challenge has been won. He is the One. He is our Victory. He is worthy of worship. In Jesus Name.

Betty. You’re our Champion, Lord. Our Dread Champion. Our Victor. We worship you. We honor you. We acknowledge you. Our King of Kings.

?I won’t win this battle with the strength of my own hands. You’re the mountain mover and only you can. I won’t build my life on sinking sand. You’re my hope forever, the rock where I stand.

You won’t relent until you have it all. My heart is yours. Come be the fire inside of me until you and I are one. Come be the passion within my heart. Your love is like a fire shut upon my bones.

Laurie Myrick. Sunday I read about his name being a strong tower. The righteous run into it and they are saved. She’s talking about the fire inside our bones and the Lord said, Are you up for the challenge? I was thinking, Lord, my verse doesn’t go with the song, and the Lord said, Yes it does, because the Lord said to speak Psalm 144:1-2 ESV.  Blessed be the Lord my rock who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle. He is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I take refuge. So we run up under his name.

Betty. We agree Lord. We agree with your word.

Rosemary Byrd. Yesterday I got really sick and ended up at the doctor with flu symptoms, but they said it was a 24-hour bug. What hit Michael, hit me. I was running fever and it was really bad. I just called on the name of the Lord and tonight when Pastor spoke about disease, that He is our Healer, Psalm 103:2-6 TPT, says:

Yahweh, you are my soul’s celebration. How could I ever forget miracles of kindness you’ve done for me? You kissed my heart with forgiveness in spite of all I’ve done. You’ve healed me inside and out from every disease.

You rescued me from hell and saved my life. You crowned me with love and mercy. You satisfy my every desire with good things. You’ve  supercharged my life so I soar again like a flying eagle in the sky. You’re a God who makes things right, giving justice to the defenseless. Thank you God for being our Healer.

Betty. We agree Lord. We decree it so in Jesus name.

Danette Riley. I had turned to Jeremiah 20:9-13 before you said that. Then I said, I will not make mention of him or speak anymore in his name. But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones. I was weary with holding it back, and I could not. For I heard many mocking: Fear on every side. Report, they say, and we will report it. All my acquaintances watched for my stumbling, saying, Perhaps he will be induced; then we can prevail against him and we will take our revenge on him.

:11 But the Lord is with me as a mighty awesome one; therefore my persecutors will stumble and will not prevail. They will be greatly ashamed, for they will not prosper. Their everlasting confusion will never be forgotten. But, O Lord of hosts, you who tests the righteous, and see the heart and the mind, let me see your vengeance on them; for I have pleaded my cause before you. Sing to the Lord. Praise the Lord. For he has delivered the life of the poor from the hand of evildoers.

In other versions it says that Jesus is our Dread Champion. Father we declare and decree that you are our Victor, that you are our Champion, and Lord I thank you that as I stood there, you said, You have not because you ask not. And Father I thank you for your word.

Father, I thank you that as Betty said, we will stand up and not be afraid to speak your word. And I thank you for it. The Lord said, declare and decree that this is a No Fly Zone for the enemy. Father, I declare and decree that Miracle City, this house, our houses, our tents, our territories and our treasuries—this is a No Fly Zone for the enemy and his emissaries.

Father, I thank you for your angelic host, for angels on assignment, and that they are in this place to help us. I’m reminded of what you said to Betty, he is here and he is waiting for you to tell him what to do. And Lord, I thank you that the angels run on your word. And I thank you that as an aircraft would intercept enemy planes in a No Fly Zone, I thank you for the angelic host assigned to us and to this place and we send you to take down and take out any witchcraft, any assignment, any watchers, any mocking spirit. Anything that’s in this No Fly Zone that doesn’t need to be there, we call you null and void. We declare and decree that you have no power. That you must cease and desist in the name of Jesus, and you have to go in Jesus name. Hallelujah.

Wanda Sumrall. For several weeks I’ve been seeing a large golden being over Miracle City when I would go up and check the boundaries. Sunday I saw him standing down here in Miracle City. He’s so tall I can’t see above his shoulders. I asked the Lord who this is and he said his name is Steadfastness. Any time you feel weak or unstable or the enemy is hitting you, I begin to pull on Steadfastness, because he is here in the house to help us.

It means firmly fixed in place, immovable, unwavering, faithful, committed.

Betty. We acknowledge and receive Steadfastness in Jesus name.

Danette Riley. He just reminded me of a well, like the woman at the well with Jesus. I saw the bucket and the handle to turn it to let it down. The Lord said, Take the bucket and let it down into the well. As we raise it back up, he would pour out. His well, his livestream, his healing waters are here in this place.

And Lord, we let down the bucket. We let it down into your Word, into your water, into the river of life, and Lord, we pull the bucket back up. And as it’s full, it’s like the bowls in heaven when the bucket tips over. And Lord, you just require that we do what you say. It’s simple. See and say or hear and say. In Jesus name.

Betty. So Father, right now we thank you for the well of salvation. With joy tonight we’re going to draw from the wells of salvation. We’re going to draw healing out of the wells of living water, Lord. We are your well of living water. Let your living water begin to rise from our inmost being. Let the power of the Spirit of the Living God come among us and clothe us in healing and wholeness. We come to draw from your wells of salvation with joy joy joy.

?Kevin. In the glory of your presence I find rest for my soul. In the depths of your love I find peace. Makes me whole. I love your presence. I love you Jesus.

Anna. Let go of your heart. Let go of your head. And feel it right now. If you want it, come and get it. I love your presence. Oh how we love you Jesus.

Betty. Praise you Lord. We love you Lord. Your love. We love your presence. How we love you. How you love us.

Anna. Open your heart. I’m after your heart Jesus.

Betty and Anna. We’re back to the heart of worship where it’s all about you Jesus. I’m sorry for the thing I made it when it’s all about you. I’m coming back to the heart of worship where it’s all about you Jesus.

Marian Applewhite. I heard two words: shield and portion. I now we’ve been talking about protection so that word shield made sense. And the portion, I’m going to have to ponder on that a while, but different scriptures like double portion, and about him being our great portion. I’m not sure where this is going but my first instruction is to pray in the Spirit. I’ve only done that one other time publicly. I need to face the cross. Tongues.

Dottie. When she started praying in tongues, I saw a prayer shawl, two tallits moving in an enlarging circle. They were white and blue with the tassel and I realized there were angels up here and it was all across the earth with this constant motion.

Betty. The first thing that I heard is that the petition has been made, the supplication has been heard. When you see the prayer tallit it represents all the prayers that have been prayed under that tallit, every time the tent was pitched. And the actual cords on the tallit, that center cord represents the Word of God. Hahaha. So for the tallit to be stretched and expanded, that says to me that the prayer covering is here, the prayers have been heard, and we have touched the hem of his garment. Yay God. We have taken hold of His Word in the decree.

Nichole Cooper. I heard double portion. Whirlwind. And I am the God of the whirlwind. I am the God who speaks from the whirlwind. There’s no love like the love of the Father.

Betty. Amen. We receive the word. We receive the vision.

Kevin Long. I saw a flower blooming, and it was a beautiful flower. It began with a straight stem and then leaves and then it budded forth.

Betty. That says to me Acceleration. Accelerate growth. Praise God. Hei Hei Hei.

Laurie Myrick. When she said shield and portion and she wasn’t sure what portion was, I kept thinking of a scripture I’ve known for a long time because he is our shield. Psalm 73:26 says, My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Betty. When she first said shield and portion, the first thing I thought of was Abraham. He is our shield and our very great reward. That reward has to do with portion. And the word of the Lord that I am bringing you tonight is out of Genesis 22 but also Genesis 15. (Danette had Genesis 15) Because when the Lord told Abraham, I am your shield and your very great reward, the Lord reminded me about covenant and cutting covenant with Abraham.

He had Abraham take the animals and lay out the sacrifice. Then the buzzards tried to come and eat the sacrifice. And Abraham had to shoo them off the sacrifice. Then there is another time when God remembered covenant and made promises to Abraham and he restated it in Genesis 22.

In that place, what I realized tonight, God Provided the sacrifice. He gave Abraham instruction the first time around. You take these animals, do this, divide it in two, and lay them out. So he had to go and get those animals according to the Lord’s instruction and do what he said. Then the Lord put Abraham into a deep sleep and he came with the smoking pot and the fire. He made covenant. He passed through the animals and made covenant with Abraham—the same covenant that has come to us. That is by faith in Christ Jesus.

Then God fulfilled the promise Abraham. He had a promise that he would have a son. He said to me early this year, “Many times when I’m ready to bring your Isaac, you pull an Ishmael on me and delay a thing.” What the Lord spoke to me last week was profound. I wanted to release it Wednesday and Sunday, but the Lord said to hold it. But tonight is the night. Because his three-fold cord will not be broken.

The enemy has fired darts at us. But we take up the shield of faith in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to extinguish every flaming arrow of the evil one. So he is our shield and he is our reward. He is our portion. And he has our provision. That three-fold cord of Yahweh or Jehovah Rapha; he is our Healer. By our stripes we have been healed. Jehovah Jireh, our Provider, the One who Sees and Provides.

He knows where we stay. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows what you’re going to need next week and next year. He’s got a five-year plan. You might not know what your five-year plan is but God does. And you know what? I want That plan. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows where you’re going to live. He knows where you’re going to work.

He’s already got the highway. And it’s in your heart—the highways to Zion are in our heart. That is the coolest scripture that I’ve found recently. We have got a roadway within our hearts to heaven. So the covenant name of Jehovah Rapha, our Healer. Hahaha. Jehovah Jireh, our Provider. Our Portion. He is our Portion. And you know what else? We are his portion. Come and get it. Spirit, soul, body—come and get it. Here I am Lord. Come get me. Because I don’t belong to me anyway. So I surrender.

The third covenant name, this is where the challenger has been coming. But he is not superior or above Jesus. Jesus is the name above very name. The name above sickness. The name above disease. The name above lack and poverty. He is our Victor.

As Marian was interceding, she was releasing her prayer language and with it had understanding. There was understanding, because again, I know that I know that I know what Dottie brought was right on the mark. We’ve got a prayer covering. We’ve taken hold of the word. And there is a covering that is stretched out in this place. And I believe it’s Jesus’ prayer covering. He is able to save completely those that come to God through him because he always lives to intercede. So right now we take hold of the intercession of Jesus for us individually, corporately, and for our apostolic family. Let your kingdom come Lord. Let those prayers that you are interceding: able to save us, able to deliver us, able to heal us, able to provide for us, able to bring us into complete victory. Let those prayers be made manifest in this place.

And then, hahaha, he is the God of the whirlwind. Yay God. Let the whirlwind of the Lord, the tornado of the Lord, be released upon the enemy. Praise God. It’s time for some things to get slung out of our lives, what the enemy is trying to hurl at us, back to him, in Jesus name. Hei.

As Marian began to pray, the Lord said, The petition has been heard, and then I saw Genesis 22. Abraham and Isaac going to the mountain. Then I saw, hahahahaha, the end of You’ve Got Mail, when she’s waiting and she sees that head begin to come up and Somewhere Over the Rainbow begins to play. She got her promise. Sometimes when my promise is here I can see that picture of the garden and see that perfect ending. And everything you hoped was real; her hopes and her dreams came true. God makes dreams come true.

Last night I got a word I needed to hear. And it came from an unexpected place. And because of where it came from, I knew that I knew that I knew that it was the Lord. And I received the word. And you’re going to see how it compliments and confirms what the Lord told me last Wednesday. But it was a word that Wanda sent that came from her husband, Terry Sumrall. He got this as Wanda was on a prayer call praying for us, praying for Miracle City.

The Lord said through Terry, Tell Betty, Now is the time to move. Time to wait is past. Then he yells, literally, MOVE! (It is not what he does!) Then he said again, Move. Don’t look back. Go! Don’t cut yourself short. The Lord sees something much bigger than what she sees. Don’t cut yourself short. Turn loose of yourself. What I saw was her believing what the Lord could do based on her imagination, not his (ability. He throws his arms up and out to express limitlessness.)

Then he says. Nobody has ever held onto self more than I have. What right do I have to say this to her? She thinks she has turned loose of herself but she has not. (Does that make y’all afraid? Hahaha!) It’s hard for me to say because I love her like a sister. I’m the least to talk to somebody about giving up self.

Wanda. This is what he said. That the Lord has put this in his heart and he apologizes for himself. I think he feels unworthy to say this and really does not want to offend or hurt you in any way. But I know the Lord was all over him to the point he could barely speak. I agree with the Lord that he takes this word and accomplishes his plan and purpose in your life and gives you insight and wisdom into his ways and his will in Jesus name.

Betty. MOVE! We’re moving. And I can dream really big. I have no small dreams. The Lord is saying through Terry, this word, and I know that he did, you can expect something extraordinary.

I was not reading this scripture or thinking about this at all. Last Wednesday I had pitched a tent and was outside on my patio worshiping. I had been there since about sunup. It was 12:11 and the Lord gave me this word. At the same time something tapped my phone and I checked my messages. At 11:40 Tara Conard had sent me a text and I had missed it.

At 12:11 the Lord said to me, “A ram is caught in the thicket for you, Betty.” Right now what is before us is purchasing this building and purchasing this land—where we are as a house and where we are personally. We are in that place and since we came here of waiting on the fullness of time and provision to move into what God said—knowing this and standing and believing God to bring everything necessary, to not only reno this building, but take this block and transform a city.

For weeks I have been hearing, as I moved into this place with the Lord, “I’m calling you home with me. I don’t mean out of the earth. I mean to live with me and walk with me in a way you have never known. I’m going to establish you and establish you in it.” One of the things he said is about provision. He began to speak to me about Isaac, about how he prospered and became more prosperous and became very prosperous.

So he began to show me about this progression and many times (and to my knowledge Terry didn’t know about this) many times people stop short. Or you’re waiting for your breakthrough and it’s just right over the horizon, and you don’t go over the horizon; you settle. There is something that God has put in me about not settling. Wait for the best position. Wait for the best house. Be willing to receive the place that He has ordained for you. But don’t sell yourself short.

Don’t have a poverty mindset. I’m not talking about getting into presumption. But don’t move off of what you know that you know God has said to you personally or us corporately.

So at 12:11; it was definitely out of the blue, out of the heavenly realm, because I was not even there, not even thinking about provision, or Abraham or Isaac. The Lord said, “A ram is caught in the thicket for you, Betty.” And when he said that I immediately remember the passage with Abraham and Isaac.

When the phone dinged at 12:11, this is what Tara said (it was the 20th), I have a testimony regarding the handkerchiefs John brought into the house yesterday. We, New Zion have been collecting baby blankets in memory of Maddie Pearl. This is the infant girl who passed away in October from our church. Next Sunday we’re gathering around them to pray a blessing on them. These blankets will be donated to the Baptist Children’s Hospital to be given to the children in this unit. We believe it is a sending out of healing. These children will receive the healing power of Almighty God.

Acts 19:11-12. God did extraordinary miracles through Paul so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that touched him were taken to the sick and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.

She said, An interesting thing happened during our worship service yesterday. We had a heavy presence of the Lord blanket us for 12 minutes and 12 seconds. I noticed because we recorded the service. I also have a time stamp compared to what you were talking about at Miracle City Global. During that 12 minutes and 12 second window it was indeed about the handkerchief.

So at 12:11 the Lord says that to me. I read her post. Then I looked at my phone and at exactly 12:12, the Lord says to me, Driscoll—loud. And I’m like, What? Phil Driscoll, the trumpet player that’s so incredible? Trumpets? And the Lord said Driscoll again. I wrote it down and I had to go. I had to move from that spot. I began to ponder all through the day and night, so the first thing Tuesday morning when I sit down, Holy Spirit says Driscoll. So I googled the name. What does Driscoll mean? Are you ready for this?

Driscoll, descendant of the interpreter or messenger, from the thicket of briars or wild roses. “A ram is caught in the thicket for you, Betty.” Driscoll. 12:12. The handkerchief, the apron, the prayer covering has already been stretched out. Get ready for your miracles. Get ready for your healings, Miracle City. Get ready for your provision. From the mountain of the Lord it will be revealed.

Exodus 15:26 is about covenant. It’s about Abraham providing the animals for the sacrifice. In Genesis 22 it’s about Abraham taking his only son, the promise, and being willing to lay it down on an altar of sacrifice. Hahahahaha. Up the mountain he went. And he did not withhold his son from God.

I can’t imagine this, but on the way, the son says, Father, Dad, Abba, where is the lamb for the sacrifice? His response was, The Lord will provide the ram, the lamb. Here they are, going up the mountain. The first thing he said by faith. Three days journey. The Lord told him to go to Mt. Moriah; take his son, the promise; and sacrifice him. When they get there, they leave the servants; they gather the wood. Isaac is carrying the wood he is about to be sacrificed on.

It was a three day journey, and what I saw when I read it is that we are entering into our third day. Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us. The second day he will revive us. The third day he will restore us that we may live in his presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord. Let us press on to acknowledge him, for surely he will come, like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth. He will come.

What is the ultimate goal? To live in his presence. In his presence is fullness of joy. In his presence is healing. In his presence is victory. In his presence is protection and provision and promotion. He’s a good Father. And I’m like blown away. He has said to me every day for about a week and a half, Do not worry. Do not worry. Do not worry. Do not worry. Do not worry.

The Word of God says, Seek first the kingdom and his righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you. Don’t worry about what you’re going to eat and what you’re going to drink and what you’re going to wear and where you’re going to live—and what and what and what and what. You just seek first my kingdom. Seek the King. Seek my face.

I had the most wonderful time with him Saturday morning. I walked out on the patio. I love it. It’s getting dawn at like 5 o’clock in the morning. Right now we have got a sliver of a moon. I love how the Lord operates. He starts the new month with a smile and ends with a smile. So we’re going to a sliver, hahaha; he’s smiling, now.

But every morning since Thursday, Friday of last week, you’re going to find me out standing in the driveway or in the backyard, and I’m waiting for the sun to come up over the horizon. It is the most glorious thing to stand there. Jesus had a habit of getting up while it was still dark and going out and meeting with the Father.

I stood there yesterday morning and thought. Oh Lord, what would it have been like for you to get up? I could see the Mount of Olives. I could see places in Israel where I’d been and where I knew he prayed and he walked. And about the sounds and the songs and the birds, and when the dawn awakens and creation awakens. And how he felt to be out there.

So I’m standing there Saturday morning with the Lord and the sun’s coming up. You just have to know how the Lord works with me. Then I start hearing the old Roberta Flack song, The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. Wooo now. So I have to pull that up. I can feel his glory on my face right now. He just started pouring out. The light of your face shine upon us, Lord. He is all that. If he is saying to me, A ram is caught in the thicket for you, Betty, that means the provision, not just A provision, it’s covenant provision.

And then he wants me to know it’s so good that he’s going to say an off-the-wall name, Driscoll? There is no way I could make that up or think it up on my best day. Again, I’m going to read the definition. A descendent of the interpreter or messenger, from the thicket of briars or wild roses. The word interpreter means news story. What God is going to do for you and me is going to be news worthy.

What is coming in our nation, what is coming in this move of God, I can tell you, is going to be news worthy. The word also means news bearer, story, news, interpreter, messenger, descendant, heir, inheritance. We are moving into a time of receiving inheritance. It’s blessing.

So my expectation is: Yes, he’s going to do it. So when Terry came with the word, Wanda hadn’t heard this to my knowledge (No). Kimble heard it because I just had a breakdown, now. I had to read it to him. Anna followed. Then I got on the phone with Danette Tuesday morning. And I didn’t tell anybody else. Then Terry came with that word, Limitless! Now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask for, hope for, or imagine.

Genesis 22. Sometime later God tested Abraham (How many of you have been tested?) and said to him, ‘Abraham!’ ‘Here I am,’ he replied. Then God said, ‘Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain that I will show you.’

Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son, Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for a place God had told him about. On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance.

He said to the servants, ‘Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.’

Now he is making a big faith statement. (Look in Hebrews.) We’re going to worship, but we will come back. Anna said this week to me that my confession from last year to this year has shifted because I’m talking like this. It’s not, I’m hoping God will do it; I’m saying, God is doing this. We’re doing this. There’s the difference. That means you’re on the other side. Saying it before, he said, A ram is caught in the thicket for you, Betty.

:6 Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together, Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, ‘Father?’ ‘Yes, my son?’ Abraham replied.

‘The fire and the wood are here,’ Isaac said, ‘but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?’

Bryan, can you imagine you and Dax taking a walk and him asking you that? No! Oh my goodness, you know, and the innocence of the son and the father knowing what God was requiring but on the other side of it.

Abraham answered, ‘God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering my son.’ And the two of them went on together. When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven, ‘Abraham! Abraham!’ ‘Here I am,’ he replied.

‘Do not lay a hand on the boy,’ he said. ‘Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.’ Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, ‘On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.’

We are the mountain of the Lord. The highways to Zion are in our heart. He’s got our provision. It’s personal and it’s corporate. I believe that with all of my heart.

:15 The angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time and said, ‘I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand of the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies,

Betty. Now this is God. We are standing in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. It is our Jerusalem. There is a Judea and Samaria. We have this state of Mississippi calling and this nation. So the promise, your descendants will take position of the cities of their enemies, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me.’ Then Abraham returned to his servants, and they set off together for Beersheba. And Abraham stayed in Beersheba.

I want to say to you that I had not read the rest of the story. I just knew he was about to reiterate covenant. He says we will possess the cities of our enemies—Miracle City. He has given us Hattiesburg, Mississippi. This is our land. We will rebuild the ancient ruins. We’re not moving. We’re not leaving this spot. The only way we’re moving from this spot is if God said. But he said this block. He said rebuilding the ancient ruins.

He said that we were a new prototype. He is going to build a house. Unless the Lord builds the house we labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen watch in vain. Unless the Lord provides. You get up early and you stay up late, toiling for food. But the Lord knows what you need because he provides for his beloved even while she sleeps.

It says in Hebrews, Abraham offered Isaac because he reasoned that God had the power to raise the dead. And he believed the promise, that the promise was coming through Isaac. And God is not a man that he can lie.

So if you are being challenged and you have felt like you are in Challenge Country, God has the language that you need to answer every challenge of the enemy. This is the thing. If Rick Riley never ever released another word. I’m on a national prayer call last night with leaders around the nation—Becca Greenwood, Clay Nash is hosting it; different leaders from all over the nation that are on this panel; and I happen to be on that panel with Clay and David from our state, which that’s humbling to me. These are heavy hitter leaders and ministers and prayer warriors.

On that call last night, the Lord had me release the word because from the git-go of the call it was about having the right word, having the right words, having the right words. The Lord said Sunday, Rise up in the gate. Don’t shrink back. Stand in the land on behalf of the kingdom. Don’t be thwarted by the enemy when it looks like the headway you’ve made, that you’re losing ground. Because I’ve already given you my word. And I’m going to give you the language necessary to overturn anything that the enemy would try to bring against you. So I gave that word.

And I’ve given this word I don’t know how many times or had Rick give the word, but it has been a lot, because it’s the Now. If an attorney doesn’t present enough evidence and present the right language to the judge, the judge cannot make a righteous ruling. If those writing bills and presenting them do not have the right language, they won’t pass them.

So the word of the Lord was, “I am going to give you language to answer every challenge of the enemy. You’re in Challenge Country.” You need to write that down. I am going to give you language to answer every challenge of the enemy. So when you hit that place, you need to ask him for the words.

“I will give you a mouth and wisdom that your adversaries will not be able to resist or contradict or gainsay.

The word from Rick was, “Listen to me!” He gave this in this house on a Wednesday night a week before we launched the 70. When he started walking toward me, the Lord said, Give him the mic. Okay. I didn’t even ask Him. Give him the mic. So I give him the mic. Then he starts the word and I’m like, Okay—because you judge every word. I hope you’re judging the words that come out of my mouth. That’s what the Word says. You judge the words. So I’m judging the word, not him. I’m judging the word. And when he starts I’m like, What? The Lord says, It’s me.

The very next week we’re trying to write the decree and I don’t have the language. I don’t have the language to write the vision. I don’t know how to put it together. I am like dull, and out of my mouth I said, I don’t have the language for this. I said to Dutch Sheets, I don’t have the language for this. I need you to pray that God will give me the language.

The day before, I woke up. As we were trying to put it together, I was before the Lord and I had started lots of sentences. Tuesday in Madison, I’m saying to Anna, I need the language. We step into the Madison Glory Portal and Beth Townsend comes up and says, We really need to pray over this abortion issue that the Lord will give the attorneys the language that they need to present to the judges to get righteous decisions.

At the same time this is coming out of her mouth, there is a text on my phone from a feed that has leaders across the state, and in Amy Rylander’s feed, someone in this group is writing a proclamation to present to a government official and her prayer request is for the right language. Language, language, language, three times in the same day. And the next day I’m saying to Dutch Sheets, I need the right language. Pray for me, for the right language.

This is the word and it is alive now. This is what the Lord said, You need to take hold of what I’ve said. Don’t back down out of the gate. You’re in Challenge Country. You just keep coming with what I’ve said, because you’ve got the victory. This nation is going to have what I said. I will tip the prayer bowls for the righteous remnant. He’s doing it. And not based on us, but based on him. So here it is.

“Listen to me. I give you a new tongue, a new language. My language does not, will not change. Listen to My voice. Hear me and open your mouths to speak My language. The world WILL hear you, but only if you speak My language. They will see My voice coming from you that will produce Life. To you, I give a new language. Receive it and know that I AM is speaking.

So again, right after the 70 the Lord said to me, You’ve entered Challenge Country. I’m going to give you language to answer every challenge of the enemy. A ram is caught in the thicket for you. Driscoll. There it is. So, your provision. Our provision.

So Father, right now in the name of Jesus, we thank you Jesus, that you have become a guarantee of a better covenant. That’s your word. Against all hope, in hope, Abraham believed and so became the father of many nations. He did not waver in unbelief in regard to the promise, but was fully persuaded that you had power to do what you had promised to do.

And so tonight we stand before you, and Father, before this house and before those that are watching, our Miracle City/Love Ministries families, I acknowledge the ram is caught in the thicket for me. A ram is caught in the thicket for us. And Lord you have decreed Driscoll. And Lord as a confirmation, we thank you Lord that you are the God of covenant, that you’re the God of provision. You are our shield and our portion.

And Lord you said in Isaiah 61 that we were an Isaiah 61, Luke 4:18-19 house. That instead of shame, your people, that would be us, we would inherit a double portion in our land, hahaha, instead of shame and disgrace. And so Lord, we thank you for the double portion.

Lord, even as Marian was praying, you said the supplications, the petitions, had been heard. I’m reminded of Hannah who cried out at the temple, Lord, earnestly praying, petitioning you, and how you granted her a son. Lord, I thank you that you are an on-time God and an on-time deliverer. And I thank you that we do indeed possess the gates of our enemies and the cities of our enemies.

Lord, you have promised us in your Word, like Abraham, land, seed, blessing; we possess the gates of our enemies and the cities of our enemies. And I thank you Lord that as people individually and corporately that we are turning the enemy in the gate, that you strengthen us in our inner man by the power of your Spirit. And Lord, we are not going to relent because you are not relenting.

We thank you Lord God that you are inside us. It’s an inside job. We’re not doing this on our own. We’re not orphans. You are our God. Our God. Who is like our God? Who is like the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? You are the God of covenant and you are our Abba. Lord, we raise our gaze. We look unto you from which our help comes.

Lord, we thank you that the Angel of Your Presence is here with us. And Lord God you have stretched out your prayer covering. And Lord God we wave before you tonight and we thank you that we are a healing house. We are your Miracle City. We are your holy habitation. We are your Roundhouse. We are your dwelling place.

Lord God, we thank you that the Send is upon us. And that your Spirit comes and fulfills and works in us to will and act for your good pleasure. And Lord, nothing are you going to withhold from us because you’re a good good Father. And we will not despair because we believe to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

And Lord I thank you that we are going to birth the vision that you’ve ordained for us individually and corporately because Lord, you are a covenant-keeping God. And Lord Jesus, we thank you that you are the covenant. We thank you for the power of your broken body, your shed blood, and your resurrection power and life, and you are our Seated King. And we say Yes and Amen, Lord. Be it unto us according to your word, your will and your way. We thank you for the language that our enemies will not be able to resist or contradict in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.

Dottie Duckworth. Sunday the word Novelty rose up in me. I looked it up and that’s what the Lord is saying about Miracle City and what he’s doing now. A novelty is something new or unusual, freshness, quality of being different from anything prior in existence. And that encouraged me.

On the not settling part—a few weeks ago, I had to have a car. Mine died. Lane was helping me look at used cars. People were praying. Marian was checking every day. I looked at one but it didn’t fit. Three other cars sold out from under me. I had three people tell me within two or three days I needed a new car. Nancy said it more than once.

Finally, I told Lane I would bring Kelli and look at a Sentra. I said, I’m coming Saturday but I’m not looking at a new car. I asked my grandson Cody because he did this for a while and he said, You need to look at a new car. He told me the questions to ask to get the rates I needed, so I did and Lane asked for my last paycheck. I’m not buying a new car, Lane. I’m not doing this Saturday. I’ve got to go before the Lord with this and get ‘real spiritual.’ Haha.

I go to get my hair cut and I tell Kelly what I’m doing, and it’s on. So she’s praying and cutting my hair and I had a vision. Water washing up in the beach; it goes back and there’s a set of car keys. I leave there and go to see Lane. Okay Lord, I agree; whatever you want. We walk up to this car and I start just weeping. Kelli and Lane look at me and I said, This is my car.

And my precious darling Kelli, who is very practical and the voice of reason, Can she drive it? Yes, you can drive the car. I drove away with a better interest rate than even the bank was going to give me—2019.

This is the takeaway. My first thought was, I don’t deserve a new car. That rose up in me. You don’t deserve a new car and all the reasons why, and how I couldn’t pay for the car. What rose up in me and out of my mouth was, You a lie! Yes, you are a lie. I think at that moment the decision was made. At that moment when I came into agreement with the truth. In fact, I declared what I was to him—I was a child of the Most High God. And I deserved anything that he wanted me to have. So I had that moment of truth, because I was that close to walking away and settling, and God didn’t want me to settle.

I looked up Toyota. It’s originally spelled with a ‘d’, which in the Japanese language takes 10 strokes to spell Toyoda with a ‘d’. It’s the name of a family. Family is very big in that whole thing. So they changed it to Toyota with a ’t’ because is takes 8 strokes instead of 10. For us that’s new beginning. For the Japanese it’s good luck.

Betty. So you’ve got a good new beginning.

Dottie. Yes. So I think it’s important. I’m learning and he’s putting a zipper on my mouth coming and going; I’m chewing my tongue. Because it’s very important that we take hold of everything that’s coming forth now. Maybe things we’ve never heard before. May things we’ve always heard before. But everything he’s doing, it’s going to break loose. And I know in my knower that it’s going to happen.

I tell God every day, I don’t want to miss this, so what do you need to do in me today? What do you need to do in me today? Wooo! But he’s going to do it and we’re going to get ready.

Betty. That’s awesome.

Danette. Do what he says. Right? On the day that you called me the Lord woke me up with LAMED. I kept hearing over and over again, LAMED. I believed that it was a Hebrew letter. I looked it up and it’s the 12th letter, and the number associated with it is 30. That was in me when I spoke to you about the 12:12. You said to me, Today is the 30th day of counting the omer. When you said 12:12, he had me on Elisha and Elijah, whenever he was plowing with the 12 yoke of oxen, 24.

One of the meanings of LAMED means toward, or moving something in a different direction—so when you talked about moving and the word Terry gave. It also means authority. It also means the Shepherd as the leader of the flock, with the yoke. Moving to or toward Him.

Betty. In his authority. The Shepherd. The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not be in want.

Danette. It means a lot of other things. You can’t make that up. He’s going to do what he said he’s going to do.

Betty. We bless you in the name of the Lord. We bless you in the name of Yeshua. Hahaha. And all three covenant names: Yahweh Rapha, Yahweh Jireh, and Yahweh Nissi. He is our Lord. Amen and Amen.
