4/10/19 Miracle City Global.
Kimble Love. Good evening everyone and welcome to Miracle City Global. We’re glad to see you here on a bright, sunny Wednesday afternoon. We are going to enter in tonight and worship the Lord and bless His name. We receive the goodness and the power of His presence in our midst.
Lord, we come before you tonight in the name of Jesus. We’ve come to honor you, to worship you, to humble ourselves before you and give you praise. To seek your face, Lord, and to declare your righteous decrees and your righteous judgements over this land. Father, we declare that your goodness, your grace, and your mercy covers this world like the waters cover the sea.
Father, I thank you that there is a turning, that there is a shifting in our land. That you are raising those gap-standers up and that we’re not going to be silent anymore, but Father, we are going to stand for the truth. We’re going to release your righteousness. We’re going to walk in your love. And we’re going to see hearts changed, lives turned around, righteous decrees once again going forth and breaking the judgments of the enemy.
Father, we pray tonight for those in authority over us, for our leaders, our mayors, or governors, for our President, for all of our elected officials, Lord. We plead the blood of Jesus over them, over their lives, their wills, over their emotions, over the places where they live and move and have their being.
Father, I pray that eyes are opened and ears are unstopped, that the truth and the power of your word goes forth and accomplishes what it’s sent to do. Father, I thank you that we are not a powerless people. You have called us to be more than conquerors. And Father, I say today that the victory is ours because the battle is yours.
So we submit to your Lordship, to your authority, to your power, your grace, and your mercy. We say, Come and have your way. Show yourself mighty. Pour out your Spirit throughout this land once again. Release your salvation, deliverance and healing, your provision, your ways and your means in Jesus name. Amen.
?Anna Love. Oh, I can hear the sound of heaven in this place. We’re breaking out, we’re breaking out… Hei Hei Angels ascending and angels descending in this place. I can hear the sound… We’re breaking out. Ohohoh.
I raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies. I raise a hallelujah louder than my unbelief. Heaven comes to fight for me. I’m gonna sing in the middle of the storm. You’re gonna hear my praises roar. Up from the ashes hope will arise. Death is defeated. The King is alive. Louder and louder. Sing a little louder.
Oh the King is alive. My God’s not dead. He’s surely alive, living on the inside, roaring like a lion. The Lion of Judah. In every situation. I can hear the sound of heaven. I can hear the sound of angels. I can hear Jesus roaring like the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Ooohhh. Ohohoh.
Our Father, all heaven sings your name. Can you hear it. The sound of heaven touching earth. Sing louder. Heaven on earth as it is in heaven…
We stand in Heaven (3 times) Let our eyes be open. Let our ears be open to hear heaven, to hear Jesus. Ohohoh.
You make a way for us to enter the Holy Place. You made a habitation.
Father, we have come to bow down in worship. Lifting up our hands we bow down in praise. Alleluia, Lover of my soul. Alleluia, with all of heaven we are singing…
All the angels cry out, Holy is the Lord God. All the earth replies, Holy are you.
We see heaven raining in this place. I see hope restored and healing of all diseases.
I sing praise. I give you honor. You’re worthy Jesus. We give you praise, and all of the honor. You are our God, the one we live for. We give you praise and all of the glory, God. All of the glory… Shout his name. Glorious Glorious Glorious.
Betty Love. We set our hearts. We set our hearts on you Lord. We engage our hearts with you. We raise our gaze.
?We raise our gaze…
Betty. We acknowledge the Council of Heaven. We acknowledge the Council of the Lord right here.
Kevin. Nothing as sweet as your counsel. Nothing as sweet as your glory. Nothing as sweet as your presence. Lord of all. Lord of all.
Betty. The Word of God says, Who has stood in the counsel of the Lord, that I might instruct him? Jeremiah 23:18. We want to acknowledge the Counsel of the Lord. We want to acknowledge the Spirit of Counsel in our midst. So if you’re in this place tonight or you’re watching and you need instruction, I want to acknowledge that the Counselor is here. The Spirit of Counsel. I believe there is a Counsel from heaven that is present here. The Spirit, the Counsel of the Lord.
The Lord says, I will instruct and teach you in the way that you should go. I will instruct and teach. I will teach you what is best for you. That’s what the scripture says. We know that Holy Spirit in the book of John is the Counselor. Jesus said, I will give you another Counselor, another One just like Me—the Spirit of Truth. He will be in you and with you forever. He will lead you and guide you into all truth. He will show you what is and what is yet to come.
Holy Spirit won’t speak on His own, for what the Spirit of the Lord speaks, He speaks as one with the Father and with Jesus. So we say, Come Lord in this place tonight, because we are listening. We welcome your glory and your goodness in this place.
?Kevin. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come quickly. Your will be done the same on earth as it is in heaven. Let heaven come. Yours is the kingdom and yours is the power and yours is the glory forever amen. Let heaven come.
Anna. He is like the wind. He is like the rain. He is like fire. He is like oil. So come like the wind. Come like the rain. Come like fire. Come like oil… Heaven is here now. It’s all around us. Heaven in this house. Heaven is here in this place. Heaven is here now. Heaven is here now. Heaven is in our midst. Heaven in this house.
Yours is the kingdom. Yours is the power. Yours is the glory forever amen. He shall reign forever. Forever he shall reign.
Be enthroned upon the praises of a thousand generations. You are worthy Lord of all. To you the slain and risen King we lift our voice with heaven singing Worthy Lord of all. You’re so worthy.
Betty Love. Lord, right here right now, I heard the Lord say that He is removing the ruling prince, that Aristotle, Greek mindset. It’s in the Baal structure that’s ruled over this city, over this Teacher city, that takes hold of the minds of the people, even in the educational system, and brings them into a humanistic system. Right now we just decree that that ruling prince, that demonic prince that has ruled over this city, especially in education in the teacher city, is being dethroned; and the Lord is establishing His throne in this city.
Before Anna began to sing, Be enthroned upon the praises, that’s what the Lord said. He said, I’m waiting for your decree. So we decree and declare that every ungodly throne, every ungodly structure, that has been over this city, that has allowed a ruling prince to rule over education, that Greed mindset, Lord, we decree and declare that prince is removed.
And Lord, we welcome your angelic hosts. We welcome your rule and reign in this teacher city, this ruler city. We say, Come and be enthroned on our praises. Lord, we welcome your habitation over this city, that mindsets will shift and change. Lord God, that you open up the understanding of your people; you open up the understanding of the people in this land. We bind the god of this age that has blinded unbelievers and kept them from receiving the truth, the gospel of their salvation.
Lord, we say, Send forth your light and truth. Light up the dark places. Father, we thank you. We give you glory. We give you honor. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through our God to the pulling down of strongholds and casting down imaginations and every high thing in this sphere and in this city, in this region, that has exalted itself against the knowledge of God.
And Lord, may the thinking of your people become captive to the obedience of Christ. Lord, let there be a change in the mindset over this city. And Lord, we decree and declare that you rule, Jesus, even as Brad weeks ago rolled out the red carpet to the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord, we acknowledge the power of your name, the power of the blood covenant—that the blood speaks a better word.
Father, we thank you that you are healing the land. Lord, you are bringing forth your redemptive plan in the earth, in this East Pine area. We’re going to see Glory Valley. I decree and declare that we are going to see what has been poverty stricken come alive again because you have set us in the earth to rebuild the ancient ruins, to restore the desolate places, and to see your glory. We have come to occupy on earth as it is in heaven. Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done. Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. We release the jurisdiction of the kingdom of God around this area of Miracle City, in this city, in this region, in this territory. Yay God. Yay God. Yay God. Yay God. Let your kingdom come. Thine is the kingdom. Thine is the kingdom.
?Yours is the kingdom. Yours is the power. Yours is the glory forever. Amen.
Betty. From the seated place. From the seated place in Christ Jesus. Oh just look down over a city from the seated place in Christ Jesus. Let’s just release the Dominion of the Lord. Let’s release the Dominion of the Lord. We’re not under the structure. We’re above the structure. Spiritually, we are seated at the right hand of God the Father in Christ. So from a place of dominion let’s release the Dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ on earth as it is in heaven over this 416 East Pine, over this downtown area, over Hattiesburg, Mississippi, over Forrest County, over Lamar County, over Jones County, of this state, Lord. Over this state, Lord. Over this region, Lord. Over this territory, Lord. Dominion of Christ. Rule and reign Jesus.
?Anna. He’s the highest power. Darkness cannot stand. No longer bound to sin. We are free. Over this city, over this state. Over this nation.
Betty. We are free. freedom. There’s freedom in surrender.
Anna. There’s freedom in surrender.
Betty. Freedom where the Spirit of the Lord is.
Anna. I have found freedom in surrender. I have found freedom by his blood. By his blood. (2 times) Now we have a government. Now we have a place. Now we have authority. A place to rule and reign. He’s given us dominion. It’s time to use it now. To call things to order. Ohohoh.
Betty and Anna. Your blood flows through our veins, oh Lord.
Anna. You’re the God of the righteous rising. You’re the God of the remnant rising up…
Ohohoh. I hear the sound of righteousness, a song from the foundation of your throne.
You’re the God of the righteous rising. You’re the God of the remnant rising up…
Healing revival is breaking out.
Righteousness exalts a nation. We declare the righteousness of Christ. Darkness of the world, see the Light. See the Light.
Betty. Father, I thank you for this Judah—Miracle City Worship Team, Lord. Hahaha. Worship Army, Lord. I thank you for the new song, Lord. I thank you, Lord God, for what you’ve written on their hearts. I thank you, Lord God, for the sounds that are coming out of the heavenly realm. Lord, that you have clothed them in a new era of your glory, Father, with your apostolic prophetic anointing. Father, I thank you for the songs. I thank you for the minstrels. Lord God, I thank you for the sound, the sound, the sound, the sound that shakes the ground. The sound that awakes a nation in righteousness. In righteousness. Ooohhhh.
?Righteousness exalts a nation. Darkness of the world, see the Light… See the God of the righteous rising…
Betty Love. New songs. New sounds. Thank you, Lord. That was an awesome song.
One of the things I’ve learned about the 70 Day Decree is that it was a Suddenly thing. What I’ve realized is that when the Lord gets ready to do something, He’ll do a suddenly. I think He does a suddenly for a variety of reasons. It doesn’t give us time to think about it. And it certainly makes you totally dependent on Him. And there is an unfolding of the plan of God.
Sometimes you get the entire thing or you get a portion, but what I’ve really seen in the 70 Day Decree is that is has been unfolded. By that I mean that initially the Lord gave the vision. We received the call. And in a matter of days he had all these people on board across the nation. I am so thankful for Dutch and Ceci Sheets and all of those that work with them, Timerlie and all of their staff that’s made this possible, and partnered with us.
But it was their partnering that became a catalyst. And not only that, from Billy Joe and Ruthie Young, Jo and David Hertel, Clay and Susan Nash, different people within the state, that picked up the vision—Ruth Ann McDonald, Becca Greenwood, and then it just went out to the nation.
When we initially started, it was 70 days, devotional with the decree. The same decree every day. There’s been so much I can’t remember who found what. This is a we-some. From the very beginning, it has been about the body of Christ working together, the prompting and the prayer of Billy Joe and Ruthie Young. When they heard the vision, she formatted the vision for her mail out and sent us a test. It gave us an idea of how to really polish what we were sending out with colored background.
It would be somebody bringing this portion and somebody bringing that portion. Or, when we were in Yazoo City in that governmental portal getting ready to launch the decree, I mean, who does that? God! He puts you in a place where you are like, Dear God, help me. All in one day, everything is rolling like a snowball with all these people on board, and now they want to pick this up on Give Him 15, and the first three devotionals had to be ready in an hour and a half.
We’re in a conference. I’m the speaker—the only speaker. There are sessions in the morning and sessions in the afternoon, and there’s a dinner at 5:30 and I have a window to write. I’m like, Oh dear God. Rally the intercessors. We have a Joint Task Force. I told Anna to rally them.
But the deal is, my computer wouldn’t work, so I’m having to write on my iPhone. They are burning it up, now, praying. But what happens is that every time they post on GroupMe, my screen rolls down to show me their post. I’m pushing it up out of the way and trying to write the devotionals and this goes on for about 30-45 minutes. And I finally say, Anna, tell them to stop GroupMe but don’t stop praying. Tell them to go to text. I thought, Oh dear God.
I’m standing before you today to tell you I see a tree of life on the horizon. Day 61. So in the midst of it, we get another ‘Goddate’ mandate. Pray for all 50 states. Danette had this. She reminded me that it was 52 days that Nehemiah rebuilt the wall around Jerusalem. So we would take 52 days out of the 70. We would pray for the states and the territories. The first day would be for whatever state you lived in. The second day would be for all the U.S. territories. And then we would begin to add the states according to how they were added to the union, beginning with Delaware and ending with Hawaii.
So the third day began the states prayer. I thought, This will be simple. My focus will be on the devotion part and bringing whatever that is, and I’ll just have a prayer for the states. Nooo. Timerlie said, Betty, we have a very mature audience. From a writer’s standpoint, let me tell you, if you put the same prayer down there, you will lose them. You need to see what the Lord is saying to you. You can use Chuck and Dutch’s book. Get the prophetic words out of there that were first spoken on the 50 State Tour, and then whatever the Lord is going to give you. Well, that was another assignment. Yay. But God.
If you’re writing for them, you have to write it the day before. And on the weekend you get to do three. That doesn’t mean everything else stops, like travel and all of that. So it’s been a yoking up with Jesus. So this week, the assistant who formats for Dutch is going on vacation and they asked last week if there was any way we could have all six done by 4 p.m. today. So it meant yesterday and today getting it done and sent.
On Tuesday morning I get a text from Ruthie Young and she wants to speak to me. And she said, “Betty, I’m a connector. That’s what I do. I was on a call last night with some international intercessors connected in the states, and I have friend that has gotten a vision that I believe you might want to include in the 70 days. And that vision is that for eight days, before and after, that we would start taking communion.
The communion would be to bring us as a nation, because of the platform of the 70 and the reach that it has had, it will cause people to have a common union, partaking of the body and blood of Christ across the nation, to have a covering of unity over our nation. And I see this going toward the 2020 election. We will do it 8 days beginning on April 12 going up to April 19 and then every Tuesday. It will be a national call to partake of communion, the body and the blood. And she wants to talk to you.”
I’m thinking, That is awesome, but I am (writing to get these devotions done) and the Lord says to take the call. Almost two hours later, we got it. You’re the first body outside of our prayer team to hear about this. And I want us to come into agreement because this is the third portion of the Launch for the 70 Day Decree.
Today is Day 61. We are praying for Washington. When I wrote this yesterday, it was because I had already embraced the vision of unity and oneness in the body of Christ, and what communion was going to do for us as a nation. I want to preface this. This lady’s name is Briskilla. I do not believe it is by accident that the Lord raised her up and showed her this.
She has been an intercessor in the very beginning. Ruthie gave me a little background about her. She traveled with Paul Keith Davis. She was one of the key intercessors in his ministry. And then with Rick Joyner. She is connected in intercession. She has dual citizenship. She is Jordanian and she is a U.S. citizen.
But this is the thing that she shared with me when I talked with her. She said that Jordan is the birthplace of where the first abortion took place, where it originated. When we hear about the God of Molech, it came out of Jordan. And one of the mandates is to address in the communion of the body and the blood of Christ, the cry of the innocent bloodshed that is crying out in the land.
So if anyone would have authority to stand up in our nation and repent and release the blood of Jesus to answer that blood cry, it would be her.
We have aligned together in battle array during this 70 Day Decree assignment with a mighty weapon: The Righteousness of Our God in Christ Jesus. The Lord clearly revealed to me that this righteous decree is as much for the remnant of His people as it is for the nation.
It is as much for you and me and the people of God throughout this nation as it is us standing up and releasing the righteousness of Christ out of our life. Because I see it working in us before it works in the land. And I see simultaneous.
The Lord is raising up a mighty army in this new era fully aligned with His Kingdom plan and purposes that will walk in humility and surrender unto Him. And those are keys. If you and I will walk in the authority that is ours in the Lord Jesus Christ, it’s that we’re going to walk in humility and surrender. You can submit, but it is another thing when you are yielded and surrendered to the Lord. I lay me down.
It is not about our agenda, but it is about the Kingdom of God coming on earth as it is in heaven. Now I am on the downhill slide of a prayer initiative, of a nation assignment, and so are you. So in a week, just like the week that He birthed this, we are on the road, in portals, back here on Wednesday; then we were out Thursday, Friday, Saturday, back late Saturday night, then here all day on Sunday. And we are birthing a national initiative? And it all has to be done? It’s only God. But it happened.
So here we are again, knowing two or three weeks ago we were going to have another add-to to it—it’s now. And it is a crossroads decision. Will you do this? Will you receive this woman? Will you receive this sister in Christ and the vision that she’s had; and will you be a catalyst for another arm to go out that is going to roll us to the 2020 election? And I really see this. And what I hear her saying, and I believe it leaves no doubt as to how she stands politically and how she would have to vote, but you know what her main thing is? It’s about the kingdom.
It’s about, Will you come up in the Lord and agree with what He wants to do? And that’s how we stood on the election when we stood and prayed. We agreed with God. It didn’t matter what I thought. So I think what God is saying to us is that there are things in this new season that He’s going to have us birth, and it’s going to happen suddenly, but you’ve been prepared for it since before the foundations of the earth.
And there are kingdom connections and places you’re going to intersect with people, and it’s going to be an on-time God thing. And it might not be something you had in your mindset or in your agenda, but the question is, Will you lay down your agenda? Will you let God be God? That’s really what we’re saying. That’s really what Miracle City is all about. If we really want to see the city of habitation and the glory of the Lord and a transformation of society, it has to be His house and it has to be His agenda.
If it is that I’m not preaching and Brad and Danette are going to carry the service that day, then that’s what’s going to happen. If God gives Michelle a word and the Lord says she has the word, guess who’s bringing the word? We’re going to do what He says. Because if we don’t do what we say, we’re not going to get what we want at the end of the day.
We are at a critical point in this nation. Our destiny as been hanging in the balance. And the urgency with Ruthie reaching out to me was this. She said when I was at the conference this weekend, one of the key leaders said to her, This nation, as far as the Baal structure has ruled, if we don’t deal with this thing with abortion, we are one generation from losing our place. That’s coming out of Glory of Zion.
So there is an assignment and a mandate. Why are we seeing the war that we’re seeing over abortion? Why are we seeing the rallying of the people of God? No one knew. I had no idea where we would be in the 70, but the Lord said every day verdicts would be coming out of heaven. Have there not been verdicts out of heaven?
When the 70 ends, it’s not going to stop there. This is not a time to lay down and say, Oh, we’ve got this. This is a time where we better push and stand and decree and declare exactly what He says for us to do. If He says sit down and rest, we sit down and rest. But this is about mobilizing an army across this nation.
And not only that, what I heard from her yesterday, she said the International community is interceding for the United States of America because as goes this nation, it will affect the rest of the world. You would not believe how many of my international friends are standing and interceding for this nation. We need to say, Thank you, Jesus.
We much stand together ‘AS ONE” for the Lord’s redemptive plan for the United States of America in this hour!
His righteousness that dwells within every born-again believer is the very plumb line that will bring us into alignment for the assignments that He has for us personally and corporately. In the season that we’re in, it is very much about you. It is very much about YOU. It is personal and it is corporate. We are in a season and a time to give birth. It’s time to occupy. We’re going in. We’re passing over, into.
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing—Life forevermore.” (Psalm 133)
Sunday, I went to the restroom, and as I was standing there washing my hands, the Lord said, “Betty, Aaron’s beard is full of oil and dripping.” The beard represents the age. It’s flowing down. I remembered what Chuck Pierce said when he stood up at the Mississippi State Ekklesia gathering we had at the end of August. I remember what he said about Psalm 133. I listened to that state meeting again and got out my Hebrew and looked at the definitions. I knew the man was spot-on but I wanted to see it in the Hebrew.
It means this: Hebraically this is one of the most powerful warfare passages in scripture. To dwell together in unity actually means that you align together in judgment and wait in ambush to overtake the enemy that is in your path.
Before I talked to Briskilla yesterday, I had already written this. The Lord had already written it, because this call to partake of Communion beginning on this Friday through the 19th is a nations call for us to come together in unity as one and break the body and receive of the blood of Christ and His resurrection, power and life.
Wherever you are, whether you’re at home, or at work, or first thing in the morning when you wake up, you get some bread or matzah and fruit of the vine, juice, and you bless it, sanctify it, and receive it. And you won’t be the only one I can guarantee you. Because there are going to be people around this nation, and what Briskilla ultimately sees, is around the world, internationally, what if the body of Christ did just like the righteous decree, were taking communion on the same day? What would happen in our world?
What happens when you take communion? You re-covenant with Him. And the blood and the Spirit of the Lord mixed and infused with your spirit man begin to invade your entire spirit, soul and body. It’s the life-giver in the house. So, Hebraically it is a sign of what we are about to do.
To dwell together in unity means that you align together in judgment and wait in ambush to overtake the enemy that is in your path. We all need to recognize that our struggle is not against flesh and blood. The enemy’s plan has always been to divide, conquer and completely destroy the Body of Christ and this nation.
But I want you to know, it is a setup. The Lord had already given me the word. All He had to do was say, Betty, Aaron’s beard is full of oil and is dripping now. I immediately knew that was Psalm 133. Ok, what are you saying, Lord? So He’s already stirring in me the word, and I’m already writing the word and had it in that moment of intercession. Do you realize that there is somebody in your path and your destiny that is able to bring you to your next?
Dutch Sheets was in my path because the Lord said, Reach out to him. And he aligned me at the right place at the right time to launch a national initiative. I didn’t know that but God did. I just did what He said. God is saying to us in this room and those that are watching, we just need to do what He says when the prompt comes, when He drops that word or that quip or that nudge, it’s up to you whether you’re going to lean into it and step into it or not.
Tonight the Lord said that there has been a ruling prince over this teacher city, and He had had enough of the Greek structure and mindset, the humanistic thing that has ruled. So He lets me in on that. And then He says to me, Well, are you going to decree it? I’m like, Well, Yeah. He tells me, I am going to enthrone myself on this city. I am overturning. I am removing the prince that has ruled. Then He told me, I’m going to rule over the city. He is putting His prince over the city. So I had that; I believed it; I received it. I thought, Ok. Then, Are you going to decree it? He is waiting on you to decree it. Why? So it can be established on earth as it is in heaven, and heaven will run on it. I would like to see what they did with what was sitting over that campus area. Because something just got taken out of the heavenly realm. Moved.
I received this prophetic word from the Lord on 9/5/2018. “I change not. My shadow still heals. You can go the political route or you can come my way. You can come up on my highway above the fray.” Now I want to say this. I had not read the prophetic words that had been spoken over this state of Washington. I had what the Lord had given me and I was working on the devotional part. Then when I pulled the prophetic words and started looking, they’re saying Overshadow.
You’re going to see it. I’m just telling you. Do what He tells you to do. Write down what He tells you to write down. When you know it’s the Lord, do it because you’ll get the rest of the story if you will.
The word of the Lord that He gave me in the fall was, “I change not. My shadow still heals. You can go the political route or you can come my way. You can come up on my highway above the fray.” What did we do tonight? I didn’t see myself standing in the land looking up at that demonic structure . The Lord said, You operate from a place of dominion, seated with me, and look down on the thing and take authority over it. Release my Dominion, from a place of dominion.
Anna. I didn’t share this during worship, but whenever we were singing about heaven and that heaven had come to this house, I had never seen it like this before, but we talk about operating from a place sitting in heaven with Jesus. Whenever we said that heaven came into the house, it was like heaven came in and brought the whole house up above.
Betty. Heaven came in and brought us up above.
Jan Magruder. My father was a fighter pilot during World War II and the Korean War. The fighter pilots went into the airways first and cleared the airways out, and then the bombers could come in and do their battle. That happened tonight. It’s happening.
Betty. That’s good, Jan. Can you say, Judah? Judah. Let the high praises of God be in your mouth and a two-edged sword in your hand to execute vengeance on the enemy and the judgment written. Psalm 149. Worship clears the airways.
So, “I change not. My shadow still heals. You can go the political route or you can come my way. You can come up on my highway above the fray.” This does not mean we do not raise our voices and be active in the governmental mountain or the other mountains of society. We need to be the voice of the Lord like never before. What it does mean is that we do not take offense.
Listen to what I’m saying. If you are offended at the Democratic Party, you have already lost your footing. This is what He’s saying to me. I don’t like it either. I don’t like legislation that is ungodly and sinful and wrong. I do not like the attitudes of the people that I see. But the Lord is going to have you separate where the struggle and the battle really is. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but it is against the rulers, authorities, powers of darkness, and spirits of wickedness in high places.
Offense takes you and puts you on the sideline. I’m saying, It is the truth. This is what Holy Spirit said. It means that we do not take offense or get caught up in accusation and the political machine of the enemy. Sanballat and Tobiah are working double time. Oh, come down off the wall that you are building and let’s go out in the plain and talk about this. Let’s meet in Ono and talk about this. This is really the truth.
It is priceless. In the book of Nehemiah these two men that are totally against the Jewish people, against Israel. They want to stop the rebuilding of the wall. They are constantly bringing harassment and they are trying to stop the rebuilding. So they speak to Nehemiah and say, Come down off the wall and meet us in the plain of Ono. And his response was, Oh no! Not happening. We cannot get involved.
We must operate from that seated place above in Christ Jesus, holding onto faith and a good conscience. If we allow our conscience to be seared, and get caught up in a political yah-yah, Leviathan machine, we will not be useful for the Lord. He wants us to be clean, clear and free. And who knows, perhaps, what politician or what person He will rescue? Because if He rescued Saul of Tarsus, he can rescue a Speaker of the House. We must stay seated in Christ and be above, and operate from above. And not in haughtiness or prideful or nananabooboo. But in humility and surrender. It’s our greatest weapon.
So I’m going to say it again. We must operate from that seated place above in Christ Jesus, holding onto faith and a good conscience. It is important that we stay on the highway of holiness. That means set apart, useful for the Master. And when you’re on the highway of holiness, you are above the place where the predator can hit you. Read it—Isaiah 35.
We need to speak the truth in love with words and wisdom that come from the Lord Himself that our adversaries will not be able to resist or contradict. Real repentance and lasting change are going to come from the outpouring of God’s goodness and lovingkindness upon a society that has lost the awe of God. So many in our nation do not know what it is to have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The righteous decree is a catalyst for the very outpouring of the Presence and Power of God necessary to turn this nation unto salvation!
So, let us operate not as civilians in the earth, but as true citizens and ambassadors of Christ from the Kingdom that is above! This is the truth. It’s the Lord. It’s His word. And it is the truth. And that’s where He’s calling us as a remnant, as His people in this nation, and I would say even the people of the earth. Amen?
We decreed over the state of Washington. We prayed for Governor Jay Inslee. This is the Evergreen State. I know most of us have already decreed the word over the state of Washington.
Father, we come into agreement with your kingdom plan and redemptive purposes for our nation and the state of Washington. May we be one in Christ Jesus and dwell together in unity for your glory. Let your presence and power overshadow the state of Washington and our nation bringing us into our birthright and prophetic destiny that you have ordained before the foundations of the earth. Release your righteous plumb line and realign Washington with your sure foundation. Let this state be built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with the Lord Jesus Christ as the Chief Cornerstone.
This is what I heard over this state yesterday. I hear the Lord saying, “No more friendly fire. No more isolation in the body of Christ. The Lord is calling His people to the gates of this state to legislate heaven. It is time to lay down personal agendas and rise up for the cause. The shadow of the Lord is coming again to heal and fill the wounds of old and remove the offenses. See to it that no one misses the grace of God. For the whirlwind of the Lord has come again in the Whirlwind State.
It is a Pentecostal whirlwind and fire that will bring you into oneness, unity and holy battle array. This is not just about the visitation the Lord. This is about habitation. It is time for you to take your redemptive place in the states and the nation.”
We agree with the words that have been spoken. If you decree the rest of the words today, you will see it’s about overshadowing. You cannot make it up.
I want to go to the portion about Briskilla.
Briskilla is an excellent writer. We are approaching this in this way. I’m going to stay on target with the 70 Day Decree that we’re doing, and she is going to be writing the 8 Day Devotional on her website, so we’ll link it in. So I feel it is very important for us to decree what she is saying and to embrace it. Briskilla:
“Let’s break bread together. Within the “kingdom of the United States” there is another Kingdom filled with incredible people; who all are part of an incredible family, whose Father is God. The lens of His Kingdom is available to peer through and see fulfillment’s nearness of “The kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdoms of our Lord and Christ and He will reign forever.”
America’s victory will not be won through low levels of mockery, bickering one with another, bruising with our words through social media nor dinners. Neither is He asking us to respond in false humility, false love, and sappy political acceptance. America’s victory will be won as we yield to the One who designed and birthed the nation. America’s victory will be won as we yield to God, and the power of the life blood of Jesus Christ. America’s victory will be won as we become who God identified us to be. America’s victory will be won and advanced as we come into the rhythm of His movements.
Within this new era we are in, God is making very clear that we are to live from a place of victory. He is instructing us to perceive through the eyes of the High Priest and King of the Kingdom of God. Engaging and being swayed by the political spirit and muddied waters is not the path of God’s Dread Champions. (Betty. We are Dread Champions!) Instead, when we see through his lenses, we can walk on the path prepared. His ways empower us to move in a victorious knowing. We are not waiting; His Kingdom is here.
Let’s Break Bread together, making room for our Dread Champion—the King of His Father’s Kingdom. Let’s Break Bread together, bringing our thanksgiving to Jesus Christ for His eternal gift. Let’s invite Him to breathe upon us again, and come into His tabernacle. Let’s invite Him to come and find a people desiring to sit and listen to His conversation. Let’s respond to His invitation to become one, as He and the Father are One. Let’s Break Bread together and allow Him to consume us with the life found within His blood.”
Betty. This is about you and me engaging in intimacy with Him to receive whatever he wants to do in us or bring to us or through us.
“When the “I AM” sees, He breathes into existence the “It is done!” He is not looking and wishing for His plans to come to pass. He sees fulfillment.
Betty. It’s already a done deal.
“When prophets of old were shown the future they were shown future history in its completed form. They did not see through a “wishing lens.” Can you imagine being one of those prophets raptured into the realms of scrolls written and events accomplished? When one’s spirit has been given sight and experiences the accomplished work, solidification of strength and faith takes place. One’s face is set to the timing of the courses of God.
The prophets lived through the events within the spherical timeline of heaven, only to come back and see that the earth had not yet reached its time to experience those events. They stood in faith believing—confident within the experiential knowledge and understanding of heaven as they walked the earth pronouncing the need of preparation to their fellow tribesman and women.
In this new era which we are living in, we are being instructed by God to receive His sight, believing what is seen, and act upon the impossible.
Betty. What have we been talking about for weeks? Last Tuesday and Wednesday I taught on faith. Anna spoke the word of faith on Sunday morning. The faith, the gift of faith, that now faith, that is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see. This is all dovetailing together.
“There are many things which we are no longer waiting for, but as with Anna and Simeon, those things which we have been waiting for are now upon us. The veil of heaven has been pulled back and God is asking us to believe Him and put actions to our feet, as if heaven’s scrolls had already reached earth.
Yes, a daily reminder is good. This daily reminder is to place His words in our hearts daily; making room for those words to come forth in strength, manifesting in flesh. Yes, even as Christ is the Word and was made flesh. Paul said it best in I Corinthians 2:5, “…so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.” God is doing and about to do more signs in the heavens and on the earth, so that we would be circumcised from the muddy waters of the world’s wisdom, and sent diving into the faith, wisdom, and actions of God.
These 8 days of communing are not meant to conjure up God’s Kingdom. No. These 8 Days of Communion are meant to engage Jesus at the table where he is waiting to commune with us. Refreshing, Repentance, Reunion, and Empowerment, will take place at this table as we engage the King of this Kingdom of which we speak.
May the Lord be glorified through us today, With much love, Briskilla
Briskilla: video. Invitation to join in 8 Days of Communion. This is one of our most powerful weapons—Unity, given to us by the Lord through the tearing of this body and the pouring out of his life-blood, his breath upon the earth, for our redemption and for our full restoration, to become all that we were intended to be, with nothing left out.
For the past year I’ve been living quietly and you’ve not heard from me in about 9 months! I’ve just been in a very quiet place. I keep on looking into the days of the elections. I can see the life flow of the believers. I can see the work that they are doing for God’s will to be done in this country. I can see a lot of their activity as you can I’m sure. With that I can see witchcraft trying to release itself and it will wait for inopportune times to release itself throughout the nation to hinder and to affect our leadership. We know that will not take place.
We know the Lord has given us dominion on the earth so he is looking for us to be the ones who bring a stop to those things as we lean heavily into Him. I felt like He said to me through the strategy that He gave that, If My body would unify through breaking of bread together, they would truly come together in unity through the breaking of the bread, giving the Lord full authority, inviting Him to come in full authority over the nation and release what He wants to release.
He’s given us dominion. He sits in the heavens and looks, and He can see very clearly what the kings and the leaders of nations are planning. We know what Psalm 2 says. But we also know that he gave us dominion. And we also know that we’re living in days where God said, I’m coming into your utter destruction and ruin. I’m going to come and do for you what you could not do for yourself.
Our God, El Shaddai, is coming into the United States and manifesting His awe. The awe of God is a powerful reality and the fear of God is something that the dread champions of this nation and the nations of this world embrace. Isn’t it amazing to think that anyone who God calls a General, anyone who God calls a son or daughter can engage into the awe of God and allow that to baptize them in strength and to come around that table of the body of the Lamb of God and His blood, the wine and the bread. And to give Him the place that He wants, that He deserves, that is His, here in the United States of America and around the nations of the world.
I just really feel from the Lord that if we would come together in that place of unity, in that place of agreement. We all agree that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross. And we all agree that He rose again from the dead. And if we can come together in that place of unity then we will see an even greater unity released in the United States of America.
And I believe with all of my heart that it will silence the mouth of the curses. It will silence the activity and the energies of witchcraft. All witchcraft is from the kingdom of darkness. You and I know that but I say that specifically for a reason. They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. And I just feel that it is time to acknowledge and to give space for the blood of the Lamb to be thought of, to be embraced, to be acknowledged, and to work and to move through and from that place of being initiated by the blood of Jesus Christ.
I hope that makes sense. That’s really all I want to say. We want to invite you April 12-19. We will be on Facebook and my blog, visualeast.org. I have a new friend I cannot wait to meet but I’ve met her on the phone and her name is Betty Love, and she is in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Her ministry with her husband and daughter will also be joining us and they will be engaging with us by adding this to their 70 Days of Raising Righteousness in the United States of America. Their last 8 days is April 12-19 and they are going to connect this into their last 8 days. That is loveministrieslive.com if you would like to go there and participate if you are not already. More practicals will be coming forward.
Right now If you are a leader and if you have other people in your life—family, ministries, businesses, organizations—I would like to ask you to spread this out as far and as wide as you can. It has nothing to do with me. This has to do with the gift that God has given us called Unity being activated in the United States of America. When there is unity, there is power. And where there is that power and that authority, there is a covering. There is a place of safety and the Lord wants that covering to spread out across the United States of America.
I want to take this moment and invite you to come to the Table of the Lord with us. We look forward to seeing you there.”
Betty. There is a possibility that she is going to join us for Passover. She lives about 30 minutes from Glory of Zion. She’s connected there, also. We are excited for what God is doing. What we are doing in the Communion is about Unity and releasing a covering of Unity over our nation.
Father, we just thank you for your goodness, that you are on time. Lord, we thank you for Briskilla. We thank you for Ruthie Young, for the kingdom connection that you have opened up for us. And Lord, hahaha, that there is a call across the country now for the last 8 days for us as a nation. And Lord, I even know that international friends that have friended me today are doing this, too. And Lord, we just thank you for everyone in our nation, everyone internationally, that is standing for this country to see your kingdom come.
We thank you for the opportunity that you have set before us. And Lord, we just plead the blood of Jesus over our lives, over our ministries, our families, all those connected with us. Lord, over these next 10 days, as we are in the home stretch, we see the tree of life. A longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
So Father, prepare our hearts as we enter into Palm Sunday and Passion Week. Lord, we honor and remember you, what you’ve done, and what you’re doing as our Passover Lamb, as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and our King of Kings. We say on earth as it is in heaven in our lives and in our land.
Lord, send out the invitation throughout this nation and awaken a people who will be willing to break bread together on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.