Wednesday, October 7, 2020, New Beginnings
“Your troops will be willing on your day of battle. Arrayed in holy majesty, from the womb of the dawn you will receive the dew of your youth.” (Psalm 110:3)
“They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.” (Isaiah 61:4; NIV)
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Worship/Prayer 6:00AM CST
First Light 6:30AM CST Laurel, MS –
Next Broadcast:
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Worship/Prayer 6:00AM CST
First Light 6:30AM CST Laurel, MS – Tour of Duty:
Thank you to all of you who joined us live this morning at “First Light” from the Womb of the Dawn!
NOW WORSHIP: Prophetic declaration over our lives and land. Worship Jesus over America with Anna Love!
70 DAY DECREE: Lord God, we present ourselves unto you a living sacrifice (Romans12:1). We acknowledge and declare that we are filled with the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:11). Your word tells us righteousness exalts a nation (Proverbs 14:34). We stand before you in the land you have given us, and we decree and release the righteousness of Christ into our territories, spheres of influence, our cities, states, and nation in order to bring healing, revival, awakening, and reformation to America. Father let your Spirit of righteousness be released and established in us, and in every place in which you have given us jurisdiction. Let your righteous Kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10)! Prepare the soil of this nation and realign us with Your righteousness! In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
PRAYER CONFESSIONS:…/prayer-confessions/
WAR WORD FOR TODAY: Decree “Authentic Faith” over the Church! The ministry of Jesus Christ that is coming forth through My Righteous Remnant and the functioning Ekklesia during this Apostolic Age of Awakening will culminate in the Triple Crown of the Awakenings. The manifestations of the greater works, demonstrations of My power and Glory will be reported all over the world. The manifestations of My Word, Authority, Anointing, and Ability and your participation in the “greater works” through signs, wonders, and miracles will reveal My Glory in such a way that multitudes will put their faith in me! It is manifestation time! Decree it So! Expect Me to work with you to confirm My Word with signs following. Commissioned with the Great Commission! Expect a great harvest of souls in the earth. This is the day of Great Exploits that comes out of intimacy and relationship with Me.” (10/7/2020; BLove)
Our Living Hope
“From Peter, an apostle of Jesus the Anointed One, to the chosen ones[a] who have been scattered abroad like “seed” into the nations living as refugees,[b] to those living in Pontus,[c] Galatia, Cappadocia,[d] and throughout the Roman provinces of Asia and Bithynia.[e] 2 You are not forgotten, for you have been chosen and destined by Father God. The Holy Spirit has set you apart to be God’s holy ones, obedient followers of Jesus Christ who have been gloriously sprinkled with his blood. May God’s delightful grace and peace cascade over you many times over![f]
3 Celebrate with praises the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has shown us his extravagant mercy. For his fountain of mercy has given us a new life—we are reborn[g] to experience a living, energetic hope[h] through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.[i] 4 We are reborn into a perfect inheritance[j] that can never perish, never be defiled, and never diminish. It is promised and preserved forever in the heavenly realm for you![k]
5 Through our faith, the mighty power of God constantly guards[l] us until our full salvation[m] is ready to be revealed[n] in the last time. 6 May the thought of this cause you to jump for joy,[o] even though lately you’ve had to put up with the grief of many trials.[p] 7 But these only reveal the sterling core[q] of your faith, which is far more valuable than gold that perishes, for even gold is refined by fire. YOUR AUTHENTIC FAITH will result in even more praise, glory, and honor when Jesus the Anointed One is revealed.[r] (1 Timothy 1:3-7; The Passion)
Authentic: of undisputed origin; genuine.
synonyms: genuine · original · real · actual · bona fide · true · veritable · sterling · attested · undisputed · rightful · legitimate · lawful · legal · valid · the real McCoy · the genuine article · the real thing · your actual · kosher · honest-to-goodness
“but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” (Daniel 11:32b; NKJV)
“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world.” (Romans 1:8)
“Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight, 19 holding on to faith and a good conscience.” (1 Timothy 1:18-19; NIV)
THE VISION: 55 DAY DECREE – TIP THE BOWLS!…/tip-the-bowls-9-6…/…
52 Day State Prayer Focus: Day 28: Florida, March 3, 1845
To the Remnant Rising,
Let us step into 1 Timothy 1:18 and fight the good fight of the faith in keeping with the prophetic destiny of our nation. This is an excerpt of the prophetic word that I released at Miracle City Global on March 10, 2019. I want to invite you to read this word and war with it over our President and Nation. Special note: “Ha” is the sound of the breath of God – every time in the prophetic word that you see “Ha, Ha, Ha” – it is a release of the breath of God into the word, our President and the nation!
“I heard and I saw what has been covering our President, what has been hindering him from being able to stand up full stature. I saw the Lord remove this covering that had prevented him from really standing up and owning the House.
I hear the Lord saying, “Hahaha, President Donald J. Trump, Stand up in your birthright and your destiny. The Lord says, you are pardoned! There is nothing to your account in the eyes of the Lord. He says, Hahaha, Do you not have the authority to pardon? And the Lord says, Forgetting those things that are behind, ha ha ha, cutting the cord on the past and moving into the now of heaven. Stand up in your birthright, full stature, full stature, full stature, no limits, no holdouts, no holdups. The Lord says, He is scattering the enemy, He is scattering the enemy, He is routing your enemies, President Trump. Yay God, and now you’re going to get to do what you’ve been ordained to do even before the foundations of the earth. Rise up in your birthright. Rise up in your destiny. The Lord says, Full functionality in your gift mix, hahaha, dreams and visions. And there’s a reckoning coming in the earth, says the Lord. Those things that have stood against you, those things that have opposed you, those things that opposed my plans, even for this land, the Lord says the enemy has been overturned. The verdict has been released. And the Lord says He will shut the mouth of the enemy. No longer will the accuser stand in this nation. No longer will the enemy gain ground. For the Lord says, I have pushed back the resistance and now my hand is going to talk. My hand’s going to talk. My Hand is Going to Talk, says the Lord your God. On earth as it is in heaven. It is a new day in the earth realm. It is a new day in this nation. The Lord says you can begin to count the days, says the Lord. Because you’re going to see, you’re going to see in these 40 days. We’re in the 30th day of the 70. The Lord says that in the 40 days that remain, you’re going to Laugh at the enemy. You’re going to Laugh at the enemy. You’re going to laugh at the enemy. You’re going to see things overturned that man thought was impossible. And it’s going to shift so quick. Yay God. Yay God. Yay God. We’re Running now, says the Lord. We’re Running now, says the Lord. You’ve wanted to run in your land. Well, you’re going to get to run, says the Lord. You’re going to run with Me. You’re going to run with Me and you’re going to be running and moving so fast you’re going to mount up on wings of eagles and you’re going to soar in the high places. And the Lord says you will not be capped. You will not be held back. You will not be held down, says the Lord, for today, says the Lord, there will be no more Delay. My people, my people, who are called by My name, I’ve heard your prayers. I’ve heard your prayers and I’ve seen your tears and your bowls are tipping, says the Lord. Your bowls are tipping. And I’m going to heal your land from coast to coast, city to city, hahaha, north to south, east to west. I’m going to heal your land. I’m going to heal your land. You’re going to come into your birthright, says the Lord. Oh, and begin to rise up in your birthright. Rise up in your destiny, what’s stored in you.”
(Betty Love, prophetic word given at MCG, 3/10/19)
Raising Up Righteousness!
Prayer Points:
Decree the above word over our President and nation.
Pray for Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis and all governmental authority in this State. Pray for this state to be plumbed in righteousness.
52 Day State Prayer Focus: Florida (Spanish: “flowery”)
Statehood: March 3, 1845
Motto: In God We Trust
Familiar Name: The Sunshine State
50-State Tour: First For Revival; the Forerunner State (February 14-15, 2003)
Decree the Preamble of the State of Florida: We, the people of the State of Florida, being grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty, in order to secure its benefits, perfect our government, insure domestic tranquility, maintain public order, and guarantee equal civil and political rights to all, do ordain and establish this constitution.
Father, we come into agreement with your kingdom plan and purposes for our President Donald J. Trump, the United States of America and the State of Florida. We thank you for a mighty standing army of prayer warriors across this land of America. Father, we pray for all in governmental authority and the places of influences throughout our nation and Florida. We come into agreement with your original intent for the State of Florida. “Florida you are forerunner state—forerunning in the purposes of God, forerunning in revival, forerunning in destiny—for the nation. Florida you are an apostolic state with a governmental mantle to shift and change the nation.
(Prophesied by Chuck D. Pierce.)
“Inside each and every one of us is our one true authentic swing. Something we were born with. Something that’s ours and ours alone. Something that can’t be learned something that’s got to be remembered?”
It is time to remember who you are and rise up in your birthright and destiny. Florida, you are the Swing Vote State. No longer will righteousness be toppled or toyed within your land. I AM is swinging you unto to righteousness for the sake of the entire nation. You are getting your true authentic swing realigned and restored in righteousness. I AM is going to deal with unrighteousness in your land and on your waters. What has been hidden will be revealed. No more fraudulent activity in your land. I AM is going to deal with your trade and your trafficking routes in the land, on the waterways and the airways. Get ready Florida, the light of the Lord is shining upon you to dispel the darkness. The Son of Righteousness is rising with healing in His wings over the Sunshine State.
“Lord, we thank you that you are exposing and dealing with the “tally hassle” by uprooting, tearing down, destroying, and overthrowing the ungodly structures, interruptions, and corruption in the elections and voting in this state. Remove the ungodly influence and bring righteous directives into this state. Lord, we ask you to deal with the Leviathan spirit that seeks to influence the voters regionally by twisting and perverting truth. Uncover and expose the corruption. Let all confusion be removed. Lord, let your kingdom leaders stop sitting on the sidelines or helping the enemy of God’s purposes. Let a stronger grassroots movement led by kingdom leaders form as a loose coalition pressing spiritual influence upon the landscape. We decree the strategy of God is acceleration. No more confusion or hesitation created by the enemy. We enforce the mandate of God in the State of Florida. We send God’s hornets to influence His people, confuse the already confused, and expose the criminal strategies of illegal voting. We Decree, “In preparation for the Roaring Twenties, God will reset the cornerstone of Florida and restore the Cornerstone strategy for Kingdom blueprints. Masonic order will be emptied of spiritual power to influence by moving its influence into humanitarian areas and draining it of witchcraft and sorcery power. God says, “The word of the Lord over Florida is more powerful than the word of Masonic cultism. We decree, no longer will the ancient cultures hold influence over the coastlines. Let the “Ancient establishments of witchcraft that have remained in place in St Augustine, Tampa, and the Keys that feed the demonic structures open doors to human, drug, and money-laundering trafficking be uprooted, destroyed and overthrown. We decree you are targets of transformation.” (Dr. Don Lynch, Jacksonville, Florida)
Dutch Sheets (I believe)
– Florida is the forerunner state!
– God will use Florida as a Prototype
· Chuck Pierce:
– Florida is a backbone for the nation, and this will be the key to the revival move of God.
– The fire of the Lord is burning all around the edges (coastline)
– The fire of God will move through FL, into GA, and up the East Coast.
– The eye of the Lord is on the state of FL
– FL is ready for the harvest
· Melody Evans, Aglow FL State Prayer Coordinator, sent this to me.
– Florida is a launchpad to send rockets in the spirit to destroy the works of the enemy and release in the spirit what is needed to ignite the Kingdom work in a particular area
– Florida is a house of prayer that will repair the breaches of unity among churches.
– Florida is the Springs of Healing waters state.
· Cindy Jacobs
– Florida is shaped like a gun (pistol) and the panhandle of FL is where the trigger is located, and it will fire and send revival across the land (the direction where the “gun” is pointed”)
Every time I, Jenny, have personally heard Dutch Sheets or Ken Malone share about Florida being a Forerunner state, they have decreed:
“Florida is the Forerunner State. As goes Florida, so goes the Nation.”
When Chuck shared about Florida having a backbone in June 13-14-15 2019 in Tallahassee, Chuck explained that when he was caught up and shown all the states, “Florida had a dark area running lengthwise down the state looking like a snake. But Florida now has a backbone. The snake became a backbone. That backbone will spread up the entire East Coast and the United State of America will have a backbone.”
Florida Prophecy from Chuck Pierce – Connecting Heaven & Earth Conference
July 20, 2017 – Tallahassee, FL.
The Spirit of God is starting to bring down revelation on top of us. And it is very important that we grab hold of this. This is why we have gathered. I told Dutch when we walked in God is saying something, but I am having a hard time grabbing it, but when you got us to that place [in worship] all of the sudden, I could see the word that was written across Florida. And the Lord said that the word for this state is Surge! He said watch the signs are coming. And there will be surges on both sides of the state. And I say that will be a sign because the enemy is trying to find a narrow way in through this state to effect an entire nation, but I brought you together tonight to create a surge in the atmosphere. And I say the surge will be like a light that shines down and when the enemy comes in by night trying to enter in to move up in the air/end(?) trying to create a strategy, he will be exposed. You will hear of him being exposed throughout this nation. And I say to Tallahassee, I have called you into a new place. I say I have called you together. I’ve called you to secure the entryway in from this state into an entire nation. And I say to you, you will begin to worship while the enemy is creating conflicts throughout the university systems of this state. But I say to you tonight, I am drawing you together to create a surge in the heaven and where darkness is trying to enter in, you will create such a surge that my glory will come in and overtake the state.
Chuck Pierce, January 2019:
Florida has developed a backbone and where it was moving in evil, now its voice is going to be heard in the entire nation. Now, Florida will be used to develop the backbone of this nation for its future. The LORD says, I am going to do such a work in this state to reconcile races that it will be heard nation wide and it will be a model. I will, where there has been a three-fold cord of contention, anger and poverty working in this state, I am going to do a three-fold cord of my spirit with the Caucasians, with the Hispanic Latinos and with Black America. And the LORD says, you watch, I will start overturning and overturning old laws and old injustices. I will cause the ground of this state to give up its glory and it will become a strength for the entire nation. Now, something else, He said out of this state, and He showed me right across the center portion, the thoracic area of the spine, He said out of this state that is where the move of GOD for healing and miracles will begin to come. I will cause a move of GOD to be heard about, spring up, and flow from this state and just as this state touches both sides of the waters, this healing movement will flow from one coast to another in this nation.
The Assignment
Prophetic Decrees by Apostle Ken Malone 1/11/19
Lord, I decree tonight the marking of the angels, that the angel armies begin descending in Florida. I decree Lord that those blue angels begin coming in to Florida and partnering with the church to see your Kingdom come and your will be done.
Lord I decree tonight that the blue angels, the angels of revival, will begin moving upon the coast of Florida, the east coast, the west coast. Lord I decree tonight that we will see more angel visitations than demon visitations. Everyone is always seeing demons. I’m seeing angels. Lord I just God that all the angels begin to assemble in Florida; angels of authority and angels of awakening. Governmental angels begin coming in to the state of Florida; Angels of Evangelism, angels of miracles, angels of healing, angels of signs and wonders. Apostolic angels begin coming in to the state. You know what Tim Sheets calls the devil? Forever Loser. That’s the way they are. They do not have authority over regions and over territories. I say there is one that is greater in the state of Florida. There is one much greater than every demon. There is one much greater than every foe. He rides a white horse, the Revelation 19 rider. He’s coming into this land. He’s coming in truth and justice. He’s releasing the sword of the Lord across the state of Florida. The sword of the Lord is being released in the land. Lord I thank you that we are beginning to see manifestations of your Glory in this state. Our heart cries out God to see manifestations of your Glory all across this state. Lord I don’t want any place in Florida to be left behind. I’m not talking about the book. I don’t want any place in Florida to be left behind, but seeing what God wants to do in experiencing the Glory and the presence of the Lord. I decree every region of Florida will know the Glory of the Lord.
Big Bend
I say now to the Big Bend region of Florida, all is not lost. For the Lord says there is coming in the days ahead, supernatural manifestations of Glory in the region of Florida. I hear you praying. Get ready Big Bend. I say Big Bend you better get ready. I say to the Bend that is Big, you better get ready. For the King of Glory, the one strong and mighty is coming into that Big Bend region. I say Lift up your heads oh ye gates, and be ye lifted up ye ancient doors, for the King of Glory is coming in to the Big Bend. You awaken. Do not sleep or slumber.
I’m beginning to see different regions of Florida now.
Bay of Holy Spirit
I see a fire of Glory in the Bay of the Holy Spirit region. A fire of Glory is beginning to blaze in that region and territory. And many of you have thought, well Tampa Bay and the Bay region doesn’t have its act together. The Lord says I am the act. You begin decreeing the Acts of the Apostles and the Acts of the book of Acts; the Acts of the Holy Ghost into that region. You begin prophesying that the Bay region will see the Acts of the Holy Ghost.
And Daytona you thought I forgot about your decrees says the Lord. For I have called you as a miracle city. I’ve called you as a city that would operate in miracles, signs and wonders. I say to you the winds of refreshing; the winds of refreshing are blowing. The winds of awakening are blowing the confusion out of Daytona Beach. I say to you the spirit of confusion is being broken off of Daytona in Jesus name. And I say blow wind of God, blow wind of God. You blow upon Daytona.
I say to the city of Gainesville, look alive. I say again to the city of Gainesville, look alive. The Lord says I’m breaking the spirit off of you and off of that region; that which has caused death in the territory and region right now. Gainesville you will arise out of the ashes of death, and you will become a city that is set on a hill once again. I hear the Lord say I’m releasing a healing in the city of Gainesville. That which has opposed me is going to be driven out decrees the Lord, and I’m releasing healing among the body, the body of Christ in the Gainesville region. And even in the outer greater Gainesville area, I’m releasing healing says the Lord. Keystone Heights He’s not forgetting you because you’re part of that region. And you watch for the wells of healing revival that begin to come out of the city of Keystone Heights. Keystone Heights awaken. Become the keystone of this state. Become the place that the keys are carved out of for the state of Florida.
And that agricultural region of Palatka, don’t forget who your maker is and who your sower is. For I’m coming to you in a great harvest says the Lord. You watch as I begin reaping out of the fields of Palatka. For I’m going to reap a harvest out of the fields of Palatka. I’m going to reap a harvest out of that region and out of that territory in Jesus name.
Pinellas County
Pinellas County, I hear the bones rattling. I hear the bones realigning in Pinellas County. The Lord says that the bones are going to realign, that the body of Christ in Pinellas County is going to realign. Don’t be afraid of the realignment. Watch as I begin moving churches to different locations. Watch as I begin moving new pastors in. Watch as I begin moving those who have no vision and replacing them with leaders of vision. I hear the Lord saying, go to the high places of Pinellas County and begin decreeing realignment of the county. And the Lord says you’ll even notice a realignment of government in Pinellas County, and He says watch for the nation’s eyes will once again be on the county of Pinellas.
Key West
And to Key West, those who have thought to stone you, those who have thought to call down judgment upon you, I say to you Key West, I’m releasing a mantle of mercy upon you. Key West will know the mercy of God. The mercy of God will triumph over judgment in Key West Florida. The mercy of God is much greater than the judgment that man has said would be upon Key West. Call for the evangelists, call for the evangelists; that the gift of Evangelism will begin to arise in Key West, Florida, and a harvest of souls will be taken out of that city.
I hear the Lord saying that I have ordained the city of Miami. I have taken Miami through an ordination decrees the Lord for I have ordained a harvest of souls, of masses, massive souls to come out of the city of Miami. Harvest is your word, for I say the Lord is now going to send forth laborers into the harvest field of Miami. Look unto the fields of Miami for they are white unto harvest decrees the Lord. Look unto the fields of the region, even look unto the region of the everglades, because the region is white unto harvest. And my hand is upon that city, my mantle is resting upon that region decrees the Lord. And I will cause a harvest to come out of that region and out of that territory.
All Rise
All rise, all rise. Lord I decree that the judge of the earth has rendered verdicts in Florida, verdicts of redemption and verdicts of grace. Those of you that decreed verdicts of judgment says the Lord, they’re not happening. I’m in a new season says the Lord. I’m in a season of mercy. I’m in a season of redemption. I’m in a season that I’m releasing favor. I’m not releasing judgment right now. I hear the Lord say there was a time when I wanted to release judgment, but your hand stayed my judgment, because your hand and your prayers called for my mercy.
I say to the Panhandle region in the Pensacola area, especially Pensacola; the spirit of postponement has been upon you, and things that I have wanted to do have been postponed by the enemy of that region. But the Lord says, I’m sending angels into that region of Pensacola, Panhandle, Destin, Ft. Walton Beach and Panama City. I’m sending the angels of the Lord and they’re going to begin to prevail across that territory and region. Intercessors from the North, South, East and West, you must begin to ride up and down the highways of I-10, and you must begin to decree that the postponement is over and there will be no more delay.
St Augustine
And I’m calling out to the first city says the Lord, the first continuous city in this nation. You thought it was overrun by demons, but it’s about to be overrun by angels. I hear the Lord say; why do you keep prophesying demons over my cities, and over my states and over my nations, when I have prophesied angels, when I have prophesied the Holy Spirit will possess the land. St. Augustine, I’ve not forgotten about you says the Lord, for I’m sending massive angel armies into that region. The blue angels, the blue angelic air force is bringing air supremacy into St. Augustine, Florida. Air supremacy will prevail in that city. I say the atmosphere will begin to shift, and I call for the missionaries to travel to St. Augustine because I need the first city decrees the Lord.
Treasure Coast
I heard the Lord say over the Treasure Coast, a word out of Esther, that Esther came to the king and told the king what was going on with Haman. And the king said to her, and I hear the Lord saying this to the inhabitants of the Treasure Coast, just what do you want me to do? Listen to this word Treasure Coast, the Lord is saying to you right now, just what do you want me to do? You need to begin being precise in your decrees in the Treasure Coast. It is a place that I will unearth the treasures again of the region. For I have marked that region says the Lord for revival and awakening. I have marked that region for redemption says the Lord. From Sebastian all the way down to Jupiter is marked for redemption. I like every one of the towns. I like every one of them on the Treasure Coast. They are all mine.
Ft. Myers
I hear the Lord say I’m looking to Ft. Myers. I’m placing my gaze on that city and the outer region of Ft. Myers. I’m placing my gaze upon that region. I’m looking into that region, and I hear the Lord say, I’m calling for a new strategy to come forth out of Ft. Myers. I have a strategy out of heaven that’s going to come into that city that’s going to begin turning things upside down in Lee County and that coastal region. Intense worship, worship birthed in the heavens, not introverted worship, but extroverted worship that focuses on a King, worship that is aggressive to get in My presence will begin to prevail and bring prevailing winds into Ft. Myers, the city that I’m going to realign says the Lord. Don’t look to the old strategies says the Lord because they’re not working. Look to the new ones, new strategies I’m releasing. Worship. I’m releasing other strategies into the Ft. Myers region.
Apostle Ken Malone – Sunday July 129th, 2018
Father, I just decree today that you are an unrelenting God; that You will not hold back. You’re coming after this nation. You’re coming after this region. You’re coming after Florida. You’re coming after us with everything within You. You will not relent. You will not back off. Your plans and Your purpose have been set in the heavens from the foundation of the earth.
Lord, I decree in Jesus name: come, come to Florida. Come! Come to this nation Lord. Come Lord; begin to awaken the roots in America. Begin to awaken the roots that have died in the ground. Begin to awaken. Cause the roots to come alive and spring forth into that great awakening harvest into that revival God, that you have called us to move into.
We decree, Lord, that we join with the angel armies today. We have come, Lord, today to partner with You. We have been sent into this earth by heaven to partner with You, Lord. We’re not here on our own assignment. We’re not here carrying our own message. We’re here to partner with You to see Your kingdom come and Your will to be done in earth as it is in heaven. I decree that it will be done on the earth as it is in heaven.
I say, those who have the wrong message, that everything is getting so bad that God can’t redeem it. I say that message has no authority. You’re going to redeem America Lord; not based on our goodness, not even based on what we do. You’re going to redeem America based on Your covenant because You are a covenant-keeping God. You’re a God of mercy. You’re a God of covenant. You’re a God who moves in with grace where sin abounds. Your grace much more abounds; so, Lord, penetrate this land.
I say, Lord, upon this land I call for its awakening. I call for the pastors, the five-fold leaders: the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. I call for you to lay down your own agenda and begin going after the Lord. I call right now for the leadership in the body of Christ to stop contending with one another and begin going after God. If you are going to contend, contend with the evil one; but do not contend with your brothers. Do not contend with your fellow ministers. Do not contend with the churches.
I decree that there will be a unity of purpose that will rise up; that people will begin to connect because of purpose, and Lord, that we will become second to each other. I decree that we will esteem our brother better than ourselves.
I decree that the mocking spirit that has mocked the moves of God in the past and tries to mock the future moves of God is now silenced. I say that the spirit of God has closed the mouth of the lion; that which it seemed would harm you. It will not harm you. That which looked like it would bring you down, will not bring you down for there is another that is arising. I’m not worthy to unshackle His shoes. He is coming to baptize this region. He is coming to baptize this region. He is going to baptize it in the Holy Ghost and in fire. So, Lord, send the Holy Ghost. Send the glory fire. Send Your glory fire to this region Lord.
Prophetic Word
I see angel armies assembling. As we have cried out: help us Lord; the Lord says, help is now here. Help is now here. Help is now here. Help is now here! He said, I would send you the Helper. I would send you the Comforter. And I say to you, help is now here. Help is assembled in this land. Warriors clothed in angelic gear carrying the assignments of the Lord. I see many of you with scrolls in your mouth because you have eaten the word of the Lord and now it is time to begin speaking what you have eaten.
I decree that it is time for you to step into the place of boldness. It is not a time to be silent, but it is the time to step into boldness. It is time to step out of your comfort zone and to move into discomfort. I decree, the Lord says, that on the other side of your discomfort there is a glory. On the other side of inconvenience, there is a glory to be had; a glory that you will never see unless you inconvenience yourself. Begin to press yourself. Press yourself into Me decrees the Lord. Begin to command to yourself; I’m going after Jesus. I’m going after Jesus.
I see many of you shaking under the power of the spirit of God and the Lord is going to shake out the dross. He is shaking out that which has been impure. He is freeing you from the chaff. A shaking is beginning to take place, but it is not a shaking of judgment. It is the shaking of the Spirit of God. The Lord says, I’m going to shake off of you that which has opposed me. That which is in you that has opposed me, saith the Lord. I’m going to shake it out of you for the Spirit of the Lord is coming to do a great shaking in your life in Jesus name.
I hear the Lord say, I’m not going to give any rest to the warriors. I’m calling you to take up the mantle of the watchmen and that you begin to give me no rest, decrees the Lord. I’m going to awaken you in the night. I’m going to awaken you in the day. I hear the Lord say, I’m going to cause you to have times where you will do nothing but travail in the Spirit for hours at a time.
I hear the Lord say that I have come to reap what I have sown in you, that which I have sown in you through many decades; I’ve now come to reap that. He said, I’m going to cause the word of the Lord to come out of your mouth. I’m going to cause healing to come out of your hands. I’m going to cause deliverance to be spoken through you. I hear the Lord say, I’m going to cause you to recover sight to the blind. I’m going to cause you to set at liberty those who have been bruised. I’m going to cause you to decree that this is the acceptable year of the Lord. I’m going to cause you to decree that this is the day of favor of our God.
I’m going to cause you to decree that this is the year I will judge the serpent. I hear the Lord saying, I’m judging that pythos spirit that has tried to rule. I’m judging him now, and I am raising up an Ekklesia all across the land. Don’t think you’re the only ones decrees the Lord. For I am raising up an Ekklesia across this nation that will put the heel into the head of the pythos spirit. They will put their heel into his head. They will bruise him severely.
I hear the Lord say to those who have mourned, who have been in a season of mourning, I am shifting you now. I am shifting you out of that mourning season and into a season of laughter. I am shifting you out of that season where you have mourned over your situation. You have mourned over your children. You have mourned over your family. And the Lord says get ready for with joy, the sheaves are coming in with joy. The harvest is coming forward with joy. With joy I’m going to cause you to reap. And the Lord says you will reap where you’ve not even sown.
see an army right now rising up. I’m getting visions. And I see an army that is arising out of the land. These are not “mamby pamby” Christians. These are people: men and women, boys and girls, who will inconvenience themselves for the call of God on this nation.
Some of you right now, you can feel the Spirit of God trembling in you. He’s starting that shaking. Some of you watching can feel the trembling of the Lord in you right now. That’s Him starting to shake you. I can feel it in me. I feel the trembling. The disrupter, the disrupter, the disrupter of heaven has come into the earth. The disrupter of the Spirit has come into the earth and He is going to disrupt you. He’s going to disrupt your services. He’s going to disrupt your families. He’s going to disrupt your meals. Some of you are going to sit down to meals, and the spirit of fasting will come upon you. Some of you, I see family coming to and you’ve prepared a huge meal and the disrupter is coming in. You’re going to hit a season of travail even when they are there. A season of fasting, of worship, the disrupter, the disrupter, and I hear the Lord saying, I’ve created you to disrupt also.
I hear the Lord saying stop going with the flow of the family. You’ve been going with their flow long enough. You need to get into the crimson flow. You need to get into His flow. Begin to embrace His flow. You need to embrace His purpose. You need to embrace His destiny. They are watching you, decrees the Lord. Not only are your families watching you but heaven is taking witness, taking witness today of your choice, and your plan and your purpose.
Prophetic Word to Prodigals
Lord, give us hearts that weep for the prodigals. Give us hearts that will stand on the front porch watching for the prodigal. Prodigals are weeping. Prodigals are weeping. Prodigals are weeping. Prodigals are weeping. Prodigals are weeping. Can you hear them? Can you hear them? Listen! Listen! Listen!
The prodigals are weeping. Can you hear their sound? Can you hear the despair of the prodigal? Can you hear the weeping of the loved one? I hear the Lord saying be consumed, be consumed with the prodigals. Call out for them. Call out in the spirit to your prodigal right now. Call out into the spirit realm to your prodigal right now. Call their name! Call their name! Call out to the prodigals in your family.
Lord, I pray for a spirit of weeping and travail to begin hitting us for our prodigals. Do you hear their cry? Do you hear their sound? The prodigals don’t have a sound of joy. They may try to make you think they do. They have the sounds of stress and distress. They have the sounds of wounds.
Some of the prodigals have been wounded because of the church. Lord, we ask you to forgive us for wounding our prodigals. Wash us and cleanse us, Lord. Father, Father, Father! We call those prodigals into place. We call the moms and dads. Some of them are prodigals. We call the sons and daughters, granddaughters and grandchildren. We call to them in the spirit realm right now. And we say go to them, Lord, go to the prodigals and begin to awaken them.
We call for the restoration of the prodigals. Lord, you said in your word that no one says restore but God; I want you to hear our hearts. Hear our cry today, Lord. We are crying out for the prodigals, restore! Restore! Restore! Lord, you are going to restore them. You are going to restore them.
Lord, restore your judges of old in the land and restore this state and our nation according to your Kingdom blueprint for reformation and transformation. In Jesus Name, Amen.
A very special thanks to Jenny Lynn Firestone who provided so many of the prophetic words for Florida for us today!
The Feast of Tabernacles
“For seven days you shall celebrate a feast to the LORD your God in the place He will choose, because the LORD your God will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands, so that your joy will be complete. 16Three times a year all your men are to appear before the LORD your God in the place He will choose: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles. No one should appear before the LORD empty-handed.17Everyone must appear with a gift as he is able, according to the blessing the LORD your God has given you.…” (Deuteronomy 16:15-17; BSB)
Ask the Lord about your Tabernacles offering! Honor the Lord with your First Fruits!
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