August 13, 2024

Prophetic Word – 8/13/2024

“I AM calling this nation starboard! IT IS TIME!” (8/13/24; Betty Love)

This morning I heard the Lord say,
“I AM calling this nation starboard! IT IS TIME!”

The definition of Starboard is the right side of a ship or aircraft looking forward. It also means to turn or put (a helm or rudder) to the right.
The Lord over the years has called Mississippi the “Rudder State”! Mississippi, a state that would be instrumental in RUDDERING the nation of America. We saw a manifestation of this word from the Lord as Mississippi took the Dobbs case to the Supreme Court which resulted in the LandMark Decision with the overturning of Roe vs Wade after nearly 50 years! Of course, Mississippi was not alone- for many across the nation and around the world added their decrees and the power of agreement to see this take place- It represented years of diligent prayers and prophetic acts to see the manifestation of the overturning of Roe!

So, today, Mississippi, United States of America Ekklesia-
Let us war with this Word!

We come into agreement with your word, “I AM calling this nation starboard! IT IS TIME!”Out of the State of Mississippi- The Rudder State and joining with the Ekklesia across this nation,

We Decree: United States of America, according to the word of the Sovereign Lord, we decree STARBOARD AMERICA! IT IS TIME! To the Right- to Righteousness you will turn in the name of Jesus Christ!
