9/11/19 Miracle City Global
Kimble Love. Good evening and welcome to Miracle City Global. So good to see you. We’re in exciting time. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that 18 years ago today we suffered a national tragedy on 9/11. I’m sure you can remember exactly where you were and what you were doing. From when that happened, there was such a unity that came to this nation. People were on their knees, in churches, praying, and putting down their differences, and putting each other first.
I was looking at that today and thinking, Just look at where we’ve come in 18 years. But I was reassured of this. God is on the throne and he is in control. He watches over his word to perform it.
So Lord, tonight as we remember those lives that were lost, those that perished on 9/11/01, I ask that your peace and your comfort, that your grace and your mercy, would still surround all of those that lost loved ones.
Father, I pray for the families of the first responders, the police, the firefighters, the paramedics. Father, for the families of those on those airplanes. I declare today, Lord, that your peace that passes all understanding will draw their hearts and minds to Christ Jesus.
Father, I pray for the people of this nation, that we would see your goodness in the land of the living. I ask in the name of Jesus that you continue to extend your grace over this great land we call America. That you would turn the hearts of fathers to their children and that the hearts of the children would be turned to the fathers. That you would come once again and heal this land. That the great divide would be brought together.
That your righteousness, peace, and joy through your Holy Spirit would draw all men unto you. May the cross of Christ be magnified, be high and lifted up, that eyes would be opened and hearts would be changed, that ears would be unstopped. That you would according to your word take the foolish things of this world and use them to confound the wise.
Father, we remember the sacrifices of our men and women, but we remember the ultimate sacrifice of you sending your Son Jesus to this earth to die on a cruel cross to take all of our sin away and to redeem us back unto you. So Father, today we declare that we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, and I declare that the nation of the United States of America would see and take hold and understand and embrace the great price that you paid for our salvation.
As we enter into worship, Lord we ask that you just breathe fresh new breath of life upon us. That you would blow across this land with your Spirit. That you would come and deliver and heal and set free those that are lost and those that are bound. That we would celebrate in the glorious victory of your kingdom advancing throughout the earth.
Father, we honor you tonight and we bless you. We say, Come and have your way in the precious name of Jesus. Amen and Amen.
?Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Sing of his promises forevermore. All your promises are Yes and Amen. We step into freedom. Spirit come. What you spoke is now unfolding. And all your children shall behold it. Spirit come. So pour it out. Let your love run over. Here and now. Let your glory fill this house. Let me see your beauty. Delight in us oh Lord. I delight in you oh Lord as you delight in me. You raise your banner of love over me. What a mighty fortress is our God.
We welcome you in this place. To meet us face to face. You are our deliverer, the one who brings healing and perfect peace. Only you can change our ways. We embrace your change.
There is resurrection life in all you do. We love you. And we’ll never stop. Can’t live without you Jesus. This is for you Jesus. You set all things right. Wash us.
Anna Love. This week it’s been confirmed to me to embrace the ‘realness’ of the person of God. I was reminded of the song, Draw me close to you. It talks about God being our friend. I know we’re in the season that ‘My beloved is mine and I am his.’ We don’t want to loose the connection. If we loose the connection there’s dormancy in the relationship.
I was reminded of Nita’s word about the things that had been dormant in our lives coming alive and coming out of dormancy. My prayer tonight and what I’m seeing now if for us to embrace the person and presence of God, to embrace him as our friend. And any place we’ve lost that connection, just to invite him in and open ourselves up to him, any place we’ve cut ourselves off because of worry or fear through the ‘what ifs.’
One thing that’s been resonating is that any kind of contingency plan we have, the Lord is saying, ‘Let it go.’ Any place you’ve been trusting him for something, but in the back of your mind you’ve had a contingency plan, he saying, ‘Let it go.’ Because he is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. I believe that relationship, that friendship, that wanting to be with him is being restored even now, tonight.
So Lord, I thank you that our friendship with you, that one-on-one friendship, that true place of intimacy, of knowing you, and letting our walls down, (gap in recording) We say we repent right now. There is nothing off limits for you. I thank you that you’re tearing down walls and strongholds, and false belief, and even unbelief in our lives.
Any place we’ve been fearful to let you in all the way, we just remove it and we lay it down. Father, we let go of control. We give you control. All control. All authority. We give you all authority in our lives. Father, I thank you that you are restoring our friendship with you, that you’re restoring our relationship with you, that you’re bringing true intimacy with you in our lives so that we can say, ‘My beloved is mine and I am his.’ And it won’t be empty words but there’ll be fullness, there’ll be stability and there’ll be substance to those words coming out of our mouth.
Father, I thank you for this time of restoration. Open our eyes to see and open our ears to hear. Open our hearts to receive from you. And Lord, we pour ourselves out, back to you as a thanksgiving offering in Jesus name.
Betty. We say Amen. As we step into this next portion, I thank you that we have an ear to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is speaking and we have a heart to understand. I decree and declare that we are good ground. So is the word that goes forth out of your mouth. It will not return to you empty but it will accomplish the purpose you sent it. We say, Draw us Lord. Draw me Lord. And I’ll come running after you.
We thank you Lord that you have extended your hand to us. And that you have opened you hand to satisfy us with good things, Father. Holy Spirit, we acknowledge our total dependence upon you. We ask you to come and carry us tonight. We thank you for the now of heaven in our mouth. And we give you all the glory; we thank you that heaven is here; that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses; that everyone here and watching is awakened in their spiritual senses to be able to hear and see and taste and receive and understand. Father, we consecrate and commit this time unto you in Jesus name.
Anna touched on what Nita released on 9/1. The Lord had me go back and read the transcript from the service on 9/1 and then on 9/8. There are words that have been spoken to us. There’s not doubt in my heart and mind that they are the words of the Lord. I know the hand of the Lord is extended to us, and the Father’s help is upon us. He is our shield and our very great reward.
As I revisited the word of the Lord spoken through Dottie, I could see a glory cloud around us, individually and corporately. And contained in the glory cloud around you is the word of the Lord that has been spoken over your life. Every promise of God that has been uttered, that has been spoken forth, the word of God is alive. The word of God is eternal. Heaven and earth will pass away but the word of the Lord stands forever.
When the Lord gives you a word, the enemy cannot stop the word of God. When it is a true word from God. If God is saying, Miracle City, the doors are open. Satan can’t shut the doors on Miracle City when God is saying, Be opened. When you receive a word from the Lord that you are healed, and God said you’re healed, it’s written in the book and the Word of God comes alive to you, and you have it on his authority that you are healed, who can say you’re not?
No demon in hell can override the word of God unless you allow it. I believe the Lord is wanting the faith of the Son of God to rise up in you and me like never before. For example: When he says, Be opened, it’s opened. When he says the door is shut, it’s shut. It’s a word, a promise. God says, I will open doors for you that no man can shut. And what doors I shut, no man can open. So why do we think a demon can shut it? God is alive and he is real and he is in real time.
Yesterday we came from awesome meetings this week. Yesterday morning Michelle posted a palindrome on facebook. On 9/10 we entered into a ten day event that will not occur again for another century, another hundred years. A palindrofme can be with letters or numbers. Left to right reads the same as right to left for the next ten days. The date of the day is 9/10/19 forward and 91019 backward.
The word wow backward and forward is wow. When the Lord revealed to me I was pregnant with a girl, he said her name was Anna. Anna, forward and backward, either way you read it. The same thing with Hannah.
We’re in the year of 9s, the year of Ayin Tet. Tet is 9, where we get the Hebrew word ‘tov’ which is ‘good.’ From the head of the year last year until the head of the year Sunday evening 9/29, we’re in the Hebrew year of Ayin Tet. The first time we see the word ‘tov’ which is ‘goodness’ is in Genesis when the Lord said ‘it was good.’ Light be, and it was good. I love God and I love to read the Word of God and see how he acts and works, and he created me. He’s good! Isn’t he awesome?
We’ve been in an entire year to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. So our expectation should be, we’re in a kairos season, an opportune time, every time, to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. And Tet is in the shape of the womb. It’s a year of birthing. You’re going to birth something.
We’re entering into the fall festivals, the fall feasts. It’s the time of fulfillment. This is a year like none other. On the 9s. Nine in the Word of God—there are nine fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. Nine gifts of the Spirit: word of wisdom, word of knowledge, gift of faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, discerning of spirits, prophecy, tongues, and interpretation. It’s bells and pomegranates. This year is an incredible year and I want you and me to finish well.
When I saw all these 9s and that it ended on 9/19/19, the night of Mary Martha, the last night of the palindrome, you and I in our lifetime will not see it again. We’ll see it from another realm. I asked the Lord what this meant. He said, It means I AM. It’s a sign of the season you’re in. On Sunday you had them reach back to recover what’s been lost. Whether you’re going left to right, forward or backward, you have a ten day season to recover in your life, in your land, what’s been lost. It’s a recover time. It’s a reset time. It’s a preparation for where we’re going.
I believe the heart of the Father to us tonight is that he wants us to know he is extending his heart and his hand to us in this season. You’re going to know that you know you can trust him and take him at his word.
Psalm 3 TPT. Lord, I have so many enemies, so many who are against me.
You might not feel that in the natural realm. I hope you don’t, but there is a war raging around us, and the enemy is looking for an opportune time. And I feel many are in a place of feeling like they are being squeezed, pressurized, don’t know how much more I can take.
I decree and declare over us tonight what the Lord said to me. When I say, Door, be opened, no demon in hell can shut it. Our Father is faithful. This is the scripture. He’s not a man that he can lie, nor a son of man that he can change his mind. When God gives you a promise, even though three days from now it looks like all hell is breaking loose; and I don’t know how this can happen; he said he was bringing increase to me and my bank account is pretty low so what is up with this?
What’s up with that is that you’re going to take hold of what God has said, and you’re going to keep putting the Word of God on that and against that thing, until you see the manifestation on earth as it is in heaven. It’s a no quit, not gonna let up, not gonna give up; not gonna let the enemy destroy my family, my children, my marriage. I’m going to stand and see the salvation of the Lord in the land of the living because God said I would see it.
And there are things we’ve been carrying for years. And promises maybe even a week ago that God said. And I’m ready for the God ‘saids.’ I’m ready for ‘it is written.’ He said, You are in a year and you about to enter a season, a ten-year decade, where the ‘it is writtens’ are going to come alive and manifest on time, immediately. Suddenly you’re going to see manifestation like never before. So there is a realignment and a reset that is taking place in us and in the Body of Christ because the Lord is preparing you to be his mouth is a new era and a new season.
So before you enter in in this 40 day period of returning to the Lord, it is a season where the Lord says, I want to bring you into alignment; any place you’ve gotten out of alignment with me; any place that fear has taken up residence; any thing that the enemy is coming to steal, kill or destroy, I want you to recover. I want to bring healing and wholeness so that when that trumpet sounds, you’re going to come out of the gate running in a new year. He doesn’t want us to play, run, or fight injured. He wants to bind up the broken places. He wants to bring us out of the cave of debt, distress, and discontentment, and give us a new ‘you.’
I’m coming back to this because it’s important. When the Lord gave us the metamorphosis word, that we were in the canal, like the Panama Canal, you can’t make this up. It was that dovetailing between Av and Elul. I awakened in the middle of the night and I hear Panama Canal. What? I looked at those three sets of locks.
We started with the Miraflores. It’s to see or watch the fruit. The Lord is saying you are in the canal. What kind of canal? Panama means butterfly. It’s a transformation, metamorphosis, that God wants to bring into our lives before we enter into the new year.
We have recovered but still there have been elements. I had set ten days to be off going into 2019. Many of us had the virus hit our family like we’ve never had. I was sick for ten days. All the plans of working in my garage and storage units didn’t happen. So when I hit the new year I wasn’t at the top of my game as far as feeling well in my body. I was still having to recover.
I didn’t know if we were going to have a Miracle City because I hadn’t gotten the new word or vision for the next. So I had to take hold of what he had said before and hold on. I felt so bad in my body I said, Are we just done here? Because we need this and this and this. Are we done? He said, You’re going to create it by the words of your mouth. Your word for the new year is Launch.
That word came alive in me and took hold of me and brought me up and out. And we’ve been trying to catch up all year. Understand what I’m saying? It’s been a lot in a good God way from the 70 Day Decree on.
This Head of the Year is different. He wants you to recover ALL before you enter into the next. He does not want us to enter into a ten year season the way we have in the past. He is giving us an opportunity.
You know David had an issue. He was at Ziglag. He’d already been anointed king. It had already been declared over his life but it didn’t look anything like that. There was a process to the palace just like with Joseph. The Word of God says the word tried Joseph until it proved true. The Word of God has tried you and me. Prophetic words and rhema words that God has given you, it will try you. Why will it try you? Because it’s going to take anything that is you, out of you. If it’s not kingdom it’s not going to stand.
I remember training and equipping a young man years ago. He said, I can’t understand why this is gone and this is gone and this is gone and this is gone. He was quadriplegic and he said, I feel like everything is gone except God. I said, You know why? Because every leader and every warrior comes to a place that they’re going to stand in the field and if the only one standing in the field with them is Jesus, they’re still going to be able to stand.
You’re in an apostolic equipping center and house. Can you stand in the field with Jesus and nobody else is standing with you there? Every son of God in this room, you can. You might not like it. It might not feel so good, but there is one that will never forsake you. He will never leave you. Paul said, At my first offense, nobody was standing with me, but the Lord came and stood with me. I have been there done that several times in seasons in my life, at different times. Whether it was real or imagined.
There is a place where I can guarantee you, you can stand. Because he will enable and empower you to stand.
James Nesbitt is a prophetic artist and musician. He does a prophetic picture for every new Hebraic year. This picture for 5780 is the mouth of the Lion. It’s going to be a ten year decade literally of the word of God coming out of our mouth, out of the lion’s mouth. I have anointing in my hand just lifting it into the atmosphere talking about this. Faith is not a feeling, but his word is alive. He is ready to take hold of the word and pull it into the now.
So, the lock word he gave us, the Panama Canal. We’re in a metamorphosis time, a transformation time. Romans 12:1-2. From right to left, we go from the Miraflores Locks to the Pedro Miguel Locks, to the Gatun Locks. Those are the three sets.
The Miraflores Lock is one and it means watch or see, Behold the flowers, or flowers view, to look at, to watch the flowers. The Lord said he wants to pro-horizon you and show you the end from the beginning.
This came froth in the Columbus Portal Saturday. He will stand you up at the beginning of this new decade and if you are willing, he will open up a ten year window to you. He’s showing you the end from the beginning. He will show you the fruit. Have you ever wondered why he shows you the end from the beginning? So you won’t quit. Because you know that you know, God will visit you. He will open up the call on your life, the promises on your life, and he will give you such an encounter with him, that hell can’t talk you out of the promise.
Kimberley Davis. He already knows who he wants you to become. So he creates your ending. Jesus was already slain from the foundation of the world. So he had to come in and fulfill what his ending was.
Betty. So we’re going to see the end from the beginning. As you go through this place, the Lord is bringing you to a high point. On the mountain of the Lord it will be revealed. And Pedro Miguel means Rock and Who is like God? He is going to take you to a place in this transformation and you are going to be at a high place, standing on the Rock; and out of your mouth will come, Who is like our God?
The last locks, I know we’re here. I knew when we gave this word the last of July, first of August that we were transitioning. Anna said Sunday, If you do not cross over you get stuck. You have got to cross over. The Lord said, I’m not just putting you in a birth canal, I’m putting you in a transformation canal. And you’re not going to be the captain of the ship. When a ship comes to the Panama Canal, you don’t get to navigate your ship through the canal. They have specially trained pilots that will come into the wheelhouse and they will bring that ship through the locks.
My ‘jib sail’ word from now until January 1 is Navigator. That says to me that the Navigator is Holy Spirit and whatever I’m going to transition through or where we’re going to move as a house in leadership, I’ve got a Navigator on board and his name is Holy Spirit.
The reason I know that I know this is on the mark and he is bringing us through a birthing, a transformation in our lives, pro-horizoning us, giving us a word or promises or vision to press to: He is going to place us on the Rock, because that’s where we are—his name is Jesus. When we see what we see and we hear what we hear, we’re going to cry out, Who is like our God? And it’s going to be settled in us. My feet are planted on the Rock. The one who is in me—there is no one like Him.
When you get to the last locks, instead of being one, there are three separate locks. Gatun, believed to come from the Spanish word meaning feline or catlike. When I read that, the Lord immediately said, It’s the Lion Locks. The Roaring Lion Locks.
I believe we are in a transformation season and a recovery—restoration of relationship with Father; with Jesus as our King, and we are his servants; and Jesus as our Bridegroom and we are the Bride. And he wants to restore families and relationships. If there is any unforgiveness or breach in relationship, this is the time to get it right.
This is a time to look back over the years, and since last fall, and if there is anything you need to repent of, do it. It is a return in the air. It is a spiritual thing that is happening right now. I can guarantee you will see prodigals come home. You will see hearts and minds shift and change. Because it’s just in the atmosphere.
It’s like what I said Sunday. I encourage you to look at what was shared about the Hebrides Outpouring in Scotland. They tell the story of how at 3:00 in the morning Awakening hit the island, and people who didn’t know God, didn’t know Jesus, woke up in the middle of the night and started coming into the streets and going to the church; and falling down, crying out to be saved. That’s a sovereign sweep.
What we’ve been talking about and decreeing and standing for, and what I’m confident is coming to America, is not just revival. Revival is for the Church. But an Awakening that is going to change an entire nation, that is going to open us to Transformation, and then Reformation will come. How long it will last, I don’t know, but we are poised for harvest.
You might say, It looks like things are going from bad to worse. So? Because sometimes it gets darkest before the light comes. And satan thinks he’s won. Think about when Jesus hung on that cross and all had scattered and fled except his mother and some of the women and John is still standing there. They’re coming by and saying, If you’re really who you say you are, come down off that cross. Oh, he said he was this.
I wouldn’t want to be in the wrong position standing on Golgotha when the storm clouds came; or in that temple when the veil rent. There was a shaking and a quaking, and hell knew they lost. Hell has lost. Satan has been defeated. It is written. We have the end of the Book. It is the truth.
Psalm 3 TPT. Lord, I have so many enemies, so many who are against me. Listen to how they whisper their slander against me, saying: “Look! He’s hopeless! Even God can’t save him from this!”
Ever felt like that? Pause in his presence
:3 But in the depths of my heart I truly know that you, Yahweh, have become my Shield; You take me and surround me with yourself. Your glory covers me continually. You lift high my head when I bow low in shame.
If we really believe the Word of God, this is for us. Does David have a better relationship with God than we do? No. He loves us. In this Passion Translation, in the book, you see the commentary and resource background, that this is not a fluff word.
He said in the commentary on 3:3: Many translations render this, You are a shield around me. The ancient Hebrew can be translated, You O Lord are my Taker.
Last week the Lord gave me a rhema in Genesis 15:1 when he said, I am your shield and your very great reward, Abram. So when the Lord said, exceedingly abundant reward, I began to look it all up. I know what to know more of what you’re saying to me. This is a covenant promise and you gave it to me as a rhema, so you are my shield Lord, and my very great reward. And by the way, if you’re my shield, then you’re Miracle City Global and Love Ministry families’ shield, too. Just want you to know that, Lord. Take him at his word, as it is real.
So when I read, You O Lord, are my Taker, the implication is that God shields us by taking us into himself. Jesus Christ is the Taker of humanity, the One who was made flesh. He not only took our nature, he also took our sins that he might take us into glory.
But when it says, You are my Taker, I have revelation of when Abram believed and it was credited unto him as righteousness. That word believe means that God actually brought Abraham into himself. He’s the Taker. And we have a better covenant, speaks better things. Because not only when we believed did God take us into himself, we came into Jesus, and God came into us in the person of Holy Spirit. Jesus said, I am in the Father and you are in me and Holy Spirit is in you. I think that’s pretty covered.
The enemy lies and tries to get us to believe that God is not trustworthy or that he’s not got us. He goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. But he is not The Lion.
And we are coming out. Whatever you have been in, I decree and declare by the grace of God, by the hand of God, by the Father’s help, we the people of God are coming out. And the enemy can’t stop it. He is going to be in trouble for a ten year season because we are coming out of the Lion’s mouth with a roar. With the now of heaven in our mouth and a prophetic season and decade that he can’t stop it.
He hates the prophetic. He hates it, hates it, hates it. So if he can’t discredit it or have people say it doesn’t even exist today, or get people into error, then he will do whatever he can to stop it. But the Lord says, Do not despise prophecy, speaking forth the heart, the mind, the counsel of God. And do not put out the Spirit’s fire. But test all things. And hold to that which is good. Test it by the Logos, the written Word of God.
There is fire that is going to come out of you and shut the enemy down. So his last ditch efforts, he’s about it. But God says, I’m even setting the date of the day, either way you read it, because I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. I change not. Step into the glory and redeem the time. Make the most of every opportunity. What is the opportunity? Recover all. I’m doing it. This really grabbed me.
:4 I have cried out to you, Yahweh, for your holy presence. You send me a Father’s help.
How many want a Father’s help?
Psalm 37:40. Because of their faith in him, their daily portion will be a Father’s help and deliverance from evil. This is true for all who turn to hide themselves in Him.
Because of their faith in the Son of God. And you may feel like your faith is really low right now. So? So? Every man has been given a measure of faith. The faith of the Son of God is living on the inside of you and me right now. The word of faith is near us. It’s in our heart. If we confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord, we are saved.
Everyone of you in here has been saved. You obviously took God at his word and confessed his name, you believed in your heart and you were born again, born of the Spirit. So he says, because of their faith in him, their daily portion will be a Father’s help and deliverance from evil.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, or trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And deliver us from the evil one.
So, because of their faith in him, their daily portion will be a Father’s help and deliverance from evil. This is true for all who turn to hide themselves in Him.
I did a word search on a father’s help. I pray Holy Spirit will awaken in you such a hunger for the Lord, for himself, and for his Word.
Psalm 56:9. The very moment I call to you for a father’s help the tide of battle turns and my enemies flee. This one thing I know: God is on my side!
That is why he wants to restore you to intimacy with him. He doesn’t need to know it. So that you will know who he is and, When you call out my name, and you know wherever I am, I’ll come running. Running to see you again. Doesn’t matter what season it is. Wherever you go, he goes, because he’s living on the inside, and he’s made a decision that will not be reversed.
I have sealed you with the promise of my Spirit guaranteeing what is to come. He is in the house.
Psalm 57:3. From heaven he will send a father’s help to save me. He will trample down those who trample me. He will always show you love by his gracious and constant care. This is His Word.
Psalm 60:11. Give us a Father’s help when we face our enemies, for to trust in any man is an empty hope.
Psalm 61:2. For no matter where I am, even when I’m far from home, I will cry out to you for a Father’s help. When I am feeble and overwhelmed by life, guide me into your glory where I am safe and sheltered.
He is your shield and your exceedingly great reward.
Psalm 72:12-13. He will care for the needy and neglected when they cry to him for help. The humble and the helpless will know his kindness, for with a father’s compassion he will save their souls. They will be rescued from tyranny and torture, for their lifeblood is precious in his eyes.
Psalm 106:44-45. Yet even so, you waited and waited, watching to see if they would turn and cry out to you for a father’s help. And then, when you heard their cry, you relented and you remembered your covenant and you turned your heart toward them again, according to your abundant, overflowing, and limitless love. Limitless.
I was reading some of the transcripts and the Lord gave me some examples. When I say the door is open, What makes you think the enemy can come and say, No, it’s shut? He can’t shut a door I said, Be opened. If God says, Be opened, no one can shut that door. He is wanting you to become his mouthpiece so that when he reveals the written word, the Logos, the rhema to you, or he puts a word in your mouth, and he says, Be healed, you know when it goes out of your mouth nothing can stop it. It’s going to manifest. That’s some clout. That’s the roar out of the mouth of the Lion. The Roaring 20s.
I was thinking of where he is telling everything he is about to do to Israel, and he has had it with Ephraim. He’s laying down the judgment of what’s coming, and then it’s like he comes to himself and he says, How can I give you up Ephraim? How can I give you up? I saw that it doesn’t matter what we’ve done or where we’ve been, the power of the blood and the love of God who did not spare his only Son, but gave him up for us, how will he not along with him give us all things.
That’s what the scripture says. That’s the Word of God in Romans, that he can’t deny himself. How can I give you up, Ephraim? Sin is sin, but I don’t think any of us have done what Ephraim did. I really don’t. So if he is going to spare Israel, or you look at Israel’s history in the book of Judges: They get a judge and they’re serving the Lord and walking with the Lord, and then they go whoring after the Baals. They fall into sin and they’re in the sin cycle. They might be there 8 years, or 40 years, or 20 years, who knows.
Then they decide to cry out for a Father’s help. What does he do every time? He raises up a deliverer. Because he is a good Father, and it is in his heart to rescue his people. So your rescue is here. Your recovery is here.
Psalm 108:12. Give us a Father’s help when we face our enemies, for to trust in man is an empty hope. It’s a repeat.
I’m hearing and seeing that the Lord wants his Word to become alive in you, alive in your home, alive in the atmosphere, in a way you’ve never experienced before.
I want to release two words. I encourage you to read the transcripts from 9/1 and 9/8. This is the word of the Lord spoken through Nita 9/1/19.
Nita Maselle. I’m overwhelmed with gratefulness and gratitude to the Lord because of what he gave me this morning. It’s an announcement. It’s good news. It’s from him and it’s not because anybody deserves it or has earned it. You can’t.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I declare that your dormant season is over. Your dormant season is over. He is raising the dormant. It’s almost like things were dead or never existed, but they were there all along. They’ve been dormant and lying in you—gifts and talents and callings and assignments that were dormant. And you haven’t realized; some of you had no inkling they were even there.
And he is raising them up like he is raising the dead. It’s going to bring new assignments and new methods. You’re not going to be able to learn it from the past or learn it from the old. (Betty. Because it’s a new season.)
This morning I got up and I walked through a Time Frame in my house, and I saw a Time Frame. I remembered the pictures on my wall Betty had used as an illustration to say that he was giving it to us frame by frame.
Betty. In Nita Maselle’s home where we do the Brandon Glory Portal, she has entire one wall that is full of framed pictures of her family. When she first decided to do that, she had painted all the frames and she had arranged them on the wall with no pictures in them. But she had them hanging in the arrangement she wanted them. She sent me a picture and said, See my frames I’ve been working on? Now they have pictures in them.
The Lord says, You’re going to frame your day by what you say. God has your layout.
Nita. Like you look through a frame, and it’s like instruction; it’s to culminate into what we’re going into, where he’s bringing us.
I walked through my room and I walked through a Time Frame. And I saw the Time Frame. It’s like you look at a movie and they have a past era, and everything looked different. The layout was different. The clothes were different. The styles were different. I think about a movie in the 50s and how different it looked. It’s like that.
I saw everything like it was a past era and I knew everything was different and new, and we were stepping into it. And it was going to look different. It felt different. I don’t know what it’s going to look like yet, totally. But he did tell me, “I’m raising the dormant. I’m raising the dormant.”
Where you’ve operated in partial. Where you’ve operated in some things. I see him raising those dormant gifting and talents in you. It’s going to culminate to a whole new level. And it’s going to operate in a different way. There are going to be methods, new functions, new assignments. It’s going to be a whole new era.
We’re in a new era and a new season. It’s going to function different and look different. And the style is going to be different. And you’re going to be able to see a big
demarcation from the past season to this new season. It’s changing. It’s all changing. Don’t try to stay in the past. It’s new.
And you’re only going to get the instruction from him as it comes frame by frame. The culmination and convergence into a new level, into a new place, into a new conscience. We have so much in us, Betty. You have so much in you. So much.
I have let my roses go dormant all summer. You don’t let roses go dormant in the summer. I put no fertilize on them, no food, no sprays, nothing. I did nothing to them. I didn’t trim them. I don’t know why I’m doing this. This week I was outside and I was hearing, Okay, trim them up and feed them and let them have some bloom in them. I’m like, it’s the end of the season.
I know he’s let some things get dormant so that you could establish the roots, to be able to carry the load that’s coming, the production that’s coming. But your dormant season is over now. Now. And it is time to trim up and get ready to bear the load and go. It’s going to be beautiful. It’s going to be awesome.
I’m overwhelmed. Because I know what the Lord is saying. And I know we have stepped into the new. We’re in it. We’re in it. And I’m excited that he is bringing to life in us everything that was lying dormant. He’s bringing a culmination and convergence like Kimble’s word. I’m overwhelmed.
I’m overwhelmed because we don’t deserve it. We haven’t earned it. And we can’t do it. But we can just allow him. We can just present ourselves and let him show us. Let him give us instruction and let him tell us how to function in this new place.
Father, we just thank you for it. We thank you for the new. Lord, we’ve laid down our lives for this. We thank you for the new. Our ending is here. It is time and I thank you for it, Lord. And we say, Yes. We yield to what you want to do. We yield to your charge/change. We yield to how you want us to function because we’ve never seen this before. Nobody can instruct us in this. Only God. Only Jesus. Only the Lord.
Father, I thank you. I thank you for the new. I thank you for the clarity. I thank you for the frame by frame. I thank you, Father, for discernment. That we recognize where the voice is coming from. That we recognize the difference between the voice of the Holy Spirit and the voice of our soul. Between the voice of familiar spirits and the voice of God. Lord, that we recognize the difference. That we know. We do not follow any other voice but the Lord, in Jesus name. Thank you for it, Father.
Betty. Can you say Amen to that word?
Nita had another word. You need them. This was Sunday 9/8.
Nita Maselle. I saw the Lord reaching down and pulling people up. He was lifting people up. He was rescuing them and raising them up. And then I saw us reaching down and pulling people up and rescuing them. The word I got was First Responders. He wants us to be his First Responders. A first responder to him and then a first responder for him to raise people up.
I was getting that if someone was not ready to receive, then don’t take on a spirit of rejection. Just brush the dust off and keep moving because I can see that he’s going to bring us into effective places of ministry. And just because one is not ready to be pulled up, don’t take on rejection but keep moving because there ware going to be very effective places of ministry.
On the way here I was even thinking, How do you change people when they don’t understand truth, and they seem lost and they don’t see truth? It was like, Present Me. Bring me. How did I open up to be able to see things in a different light? It’s because of Jesus coming into my life. It’s because he began to impact me. And I thought, Oh maybe I don’t know everything. Maybe I got it wrong. I was open to gain more understanding.
But I see us in that rescue mode, pulling people right now. It’s like, Don’t be stopped by one rejection. Just keep going because I see effective ministry coming.
So Father, I just thank you for placing your Spirit of rescue upon us. I thank you for your Spirit that causes us to be your First Responders. And Lord, I thank you that you know where people are ready to be rescued. You know where a ministry will be effective. It’s an on-time thing. And I thank you for that. I thank you for the opportunities, and that you open our eyes to see and that we are your rescuers in the earth in Jesus name.
Betty. I don’t think she was thinking about 9/11 today. But he has called us to be responders. First to him and then to them.
This was Dottie’s word and this is where this message really formed for tonight. When I read her word I literally saw a glory cloud around us. I see that the word of God is living and alive. If you were to google a picture and pull up ‘cloud of scriptures,’ word all around you. There is a cloud of glory words around you, Jacob, that have been prophesied, that have been spoken, that spoke you into existence.
Dottie Duckworth. 9/9/19. This morning as I started to leave the house, I had been cleaning out and had some CDs from when we were in Ellisville. One was from 2009. It was prophetic prayers and words for me personally. I put it in my car and I listened to it today. As I listened to it I remembered every word and every person that came with a prophetic word. That was 2009 and we’re in 2019. It is about the 9s.
The Lord said, What is today’s date? It’s the 8th, new beginnings. As Anna came with having the revelation this week of where she was last year opposed to this year, well, God’s plan didn’t change, because she transitioned. All that word was still there. As I heard those prophetic prayers coming to me this morning, I was like, Lord, I’ve been praying prayers for something that was done in 2009 in Ellisville, Mississippi. Those words did not fall to the ground. They didn’t go anywhere.
And then I had a vision of those words swirling round and round. They were over me everywhere I went. I said, Lord I receive that word. I could see a tunnel and all those words, I understood. I transitioned. I made a transition. I’m at a different place physically, but this morning I’m in a different place spiritually because he reminded me.
So if you’re in the house and you’re feeling condemnation because you’re like: I didn’t transition well, either. Or, I don’t remember this. Or, I didn’t write that down. It doesn’t matter. It’s done. It’s all still there.
What God wants us to do today is to take what’s in front of us now. It’s an invitation that Anna gave. She came with her revelation and Nita pulled us up. So what God did this morning to me from the prayers of the saints in 2009, was pull me up from where I felt like I was stuck and had not transitioned. That’s what he’s doing.
So Father, we thank you that your words, your true words, your written word, your true prophetic words never, never, ever, ever return void. Father, I pray for every person here today that feels stuck. That they will come in to this invitation and say, Yes Lord. That’s their part and my part. Yes Lord, we come in.
We choose to come into intimacy with you. Whatever that looks like. We’re not sure. And we’re pretty sure we didn’t transition well. But there is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus and I call every prophetic word, every prophetic promise, every scripture that has come alive to you at some point in your life, to come forth Now in the name of Jesus, with power and transformation. We give you the praise and the glory, our one true King.
Betty. Faith rose in me as I read this aloud in my house. The more I read it, the happier I got. The more I read it, the more I believed it. The word came alive. Satan can’t stop what God has said.
Hebrews 11:32. And what more could I say to convince you? For there is not enough time to tell you of the faith of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets. Through faith’s power they conquered kingdoms and established true justice.
Their faith fastened onto their promises and pulled them into reality!
That’s what the Lord is saying. He wants the faith of the Son of God that’s living on the inside of you and me to take hold, to fasten. Their faith fastened onto their promises and pulled them into reality. So the cloud. They’re there. They’re alive. It’s the living word.
In order to fulfill the word spoken through the prophet Jeremiah, God moved on the heart of a king. That word was alive for 70 years waiting for the time of fulfillment. Your words are alive, intersecting their divine moment. The word of God.
It was faith that shut the mouth of lions, put out the power of raging fire, and caused many to escape certain death by the sword. Although weak, their faith imparted power to make them strong. Where we are weak, He is strong.
Faith sparked courage within them and they became mighty warriors in battle, pulling armies from another realm into battle array.
So you’re going to take hold. If he says it, you take hold of it and you don’t let go of it until you see the manifestation.
My son Timothy, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once spoken about you, so that you can fight the good fight of faith, holding onto faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith.
So you want to hold onto what he said, and don’t let go. He doesn’t take the word back. He doesn’t. He can’t. He’s committed. I want to encourage you tonight. That every word that is spoken over your life, we want to say Yes, and through him, we don’t even have to say the amen by ourselves. Through him we say Amen. Because he said Yes. So through Jesus, through him, our Way-Maker, that causes our promises not to be dependent upon us but dependent upon him, we say Amen.
Father, you are a good Father, because I had no idea how you wanted to bring the word tonight. I just had some pieces. I want to thank you from the beginning of the worship and the sounds and the songs that were released in this place, to the bringing of the word, Father, thank you for Michelle and her gifting to be able to bring what we need at that moment. Father, everyone in this room that has brought, and everyone that is watching, that has come into agreement with your word, your will, and your way. Just as those in the hall of faith, Father, let your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven in every believer, in every family, and territory represented in this room, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.