August 7, 2019

Miracle City Global – 8/7/19 – Transcript

8/7/19 Miracle City Global

Kimble Love. Welcome to Miracle City. We’re about to step in tonight and worship the Lord and have an awesome time together. I pray you’re all doing well and I declare you’ll be doing better when you leave here tonight. God is good and he’s moving. This is his house and we submit to his lordship, authority, power, and might tonight in Jesus name.

Father, we’re gathered here tonight to honor you, to worship you in spirit and in truth. We yield to you and we say come and have your way. Come and do what only you can do, Lord. I thank you that you’re here and that you watch over your word to perform it in our lives.

Father, I thank you that you care for us and know every need that we have. I am fully convinced that you are a need-meeting God. You take care of everything that concerns us. So tonight we just roll everything onto you. We humble ourselves before you. We look to you with eyes of faith, knowing full well that you’re going to do everything you said you were going to do.

Father, we honor you tonight. We declare that Jesus is Lord, and we worship him and him alone. So have your way in our midst tonight. We bless you. Amen and Amen.

?Thank you for your blood that was shed. Now nothing can hold me back from you. Redeemer of my soul. Your love will never let me go. Jesus, you make all things new. Jesus, you’re the King upon the throne. You’re making all things new.

You breathe in new life. Come and breathe on these strings.

I see new life springing up from the ground that looked dead. He’s making all things new.

Betty Love. Here we are Lord. We have come to do your will. It’s written about us in the scroll. We’ve come to meet with you, Lord, to create with you, to release your word. To release your will, your purpose as it is in heaven. Your kingdom come. Your will be done. Where there is a will there is a way. Let the books be opened. Turn our ear to heaven. Turn our hearts to you. Release your word, your will. Make a way on earth as it is in heaven.

?I count on one thing. God has never failed. He will not fail me now. He’s working all things out. Yes I will lift you high in the lowest valley. Yes I will bless your name. All my days, yes I will. I choose to praise, glorify the name of all names. Nothing can stand against. All my days I’m gonna sing your praises.

All my days I’m gonna shine your glory. Let your glory shine. So the world might see and know you, Lord. That you are good. My heart is the wick. Your love is the flame, and I’m gonna burn for your fame. Let us burn for you.

Humbly I stand, an offering. With open hand, Lord I bring. Everything and nothing less, my best, by all. You deserve my every breath, my life, my song. I surrender all. You’re worthy of it all, Jesus. You can have it all Lord. This heart is now yours.

Jesus, worthy of all praise we could ever bring. We live for you. Holy, there is no one like you. There is none beside you. Open up my eyes in wonder. Worthy Worthy Jesus.

I will build my life upon your love. It is a firm foundation. Our hope is in you. We will not be shaken. We will trust in the Lord our God. We will not be moved.

Jesus is alive today. Our living hope. No matter what we face. Every sound, every voice, every song coming forth around his throne. Every tribe and every nation. I can hear the voices rising. Coming together. Every generation. The Song of all Songs. You won my heart. You’re picking us up.

You’re almost home now. Please don’t quit now. You’re almost home to me.

Just keep running after my heart. Just keep running to my arms.

I will dream. I will let you dream through me. I won’t be afraid to dream. I won’t be in doubt or unbelief. Dreams really do come true. Oh oh dream weaver. To dream the impossible dream. He says, Reach out to me and I’ll take hold of you. Make all these dreams come true, every promise. I will take hold of you.

Betty Love. Ephesians 3:20 AMP. Now to him who is able to carry out his purpose and do superabundantly, more than we dare ask or think, infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams, according to his power that is at work within us.

MSG. God can do anything, you know, far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams. He does it, not by pushing us around, but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us. Glory to God in the church. Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus. Glory down all the generations. Glory through all millennia: Oh, Yes!

TPT. Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination. He will out-do them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.

Now we offer up to God all the glorious praise that rises from every church in every generation through Jesus Christ, and all that will yet be manifest through time and eternity.

Imagine that, in this place, reading this scripture, Paul is saying, We are offering up all praise. All praise that has ever been released through every church through every generation for all time, we are just going to offer up to you right now, God, in advance. All of it in advance because you see the end from the beginning.

?All honor and all praise, given to you right now oh God. Because you deserve the highest praise. We give you the highest praise. Highest praises Lord of all. You’re so worthy. You’re worthy of it all. I will build my life upon your love. It is a firm foundation.

Betty. We honor you. We honor the tribe of Judah. We honor you in this place, the Father’s house. We welcome heaven in this house. Revelator. The voice of the Lord upon our waters. We honor you, Word of God.

Father, as we take this time in your Word, we give you the tablets of our hearts and our lives. Holy Spirit, write on us. We humbly accept the Word of God inborn by nature. We acknowledge where we are in this prophetic season, Hebraically this month of AV. We acknowledge that the Lion has roared.

Lord, you never do anything in the earth without revealing your plans to your servants the prophets. Lord, we acknowledge that we are a prophetic people, and we are in the end times, the last days, and Lord, you have poured out Holy Spirit. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty, there is freedom. Holy Spirit, we acknowledge you. The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon us. We acknowledge the Creator. We acknowledge the Spirit of Truth, God who shows us what is and what is yet to come.

We welcome you Holy Spirit, your voice upon our waters, the Spirit of the Lord, for Father, you sent forth your Spirit and they were created. So Lord, we thank you. We thank you for your Spirit of wisdom and revelation, Spirit of wisdom and understanding, manifesting to us and through us tonight.

Holy Spirit, apart from you we can do nothing. Lord Jesus, we thank you that you are working with us tonight to confirm your word with signs following. I thank you for everyone represented here in this room, for those that are aligned and connected with us in this season, Lord, for your redemptive plan that you are opening and releasing even now to your church.

Father, we recognize that we are in a season of birthing, of conceiving and also giving birth to what we have carried. We are entering into our land and into the inheritance. Father, tonight you revealed that you are ready; even now you are restoring lost inheritances in our family lines. I thank you that it is restoration time. I thank you that it is recovery time. I thank you Lord God that we are birthing the new.

And Lord, in this month we will see your goodness in the land of the living. We will give birth to what you have planted within us. We will enter in to occupy our inheritance, the land, and the promises that you have ordained for us personally, corporately, generationally, and territorially. And we honor you in that, Father, in Jesus name. Praise God. Thank the Lord for his presence and what he’s doing here. This is about fulfillment of the words and promises spoken to you. I can guarantee you, that what you are carrying to birth in this season, you will birth.

I had two assignments last week: to reread the journals beginning in January 2019 and come into agreement with every prophetic word he had spoken personally, corporately, territorially, over our state, and over our nation. Then it was to read this book, The Best is Yet Ahead. I was going to order 30 or 40 to have on hand, because I recognize as an apostolic hub it is a book that needs to be on our must read list. I could only find one!

The information you already know, but it is presented in such a manner that I knew it had to be somewhere in GOZ. I found a revised version, God’s Now Time for Your Life. Because it’s a now time teaching. Instead of six chapters, there are nine chapters. We’re in an AYIN TET year, the number 9. God is on the 9s. We have been birthing things all year long on the 9s.

We birthed the 70 on February 9. It ended on April 19. We have been all over the 9s. So for there to be nine chapters, I feel like it’s another sign. Betty, this is my birthing season for you and yours, and those that have been carrying dreams and visions for years and years and years. You may say, I haven’t had it for years but it feels like a long time.

I believe that whatever you are pregnant with in the spirit by the Spirit of the living God, you will birth it. I believe that we are birthing the vision of Miracle City, Hattiesburg. So this book is about you being equipped to fulfill your prophetic destiny. The video and teaching will be on our website, loveministrieslive.comand on our pages.

Pressing toward prophetic fulfillment. The Lion has roared.

This is an excerpt from a teaching on AV I put together a few years ago. This is awakening something in the spirit realm and in us.

The Hebraic month of AV. The very word AV means Father, Will, Desire. Father God has a desire for you. The Word of God says that when we delight ourselves in the Lord, he will give us the desire of our heart. It’s just the truth. I believe any true desire that God puts within us, we begin to ache for fulfillment. We are standing right now in the month of the Father.

And he has a will for you. I love the saying, Where there’s a will, there’s a way. I want everyone of us to fully take hold of, there is an ‘It is written’ for you, that has your name on it. The seeds of ‘it is written’ are planted on the inside of you. It’s in your DNA. Like code is written for a computer, God has already imbedded within our spirit men the word, the will, and the way.

In James 1 it says, Humbly accept the Word of God inborn by nature. It’s in your nature. Not in the Adamic nature, but in the God nature through Jesus Christ. That’s why you hear people say we’re like concentrate. His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness. Do they still make orange juice concentrate in the can and you add water? You add water and you get orange juice or lemonade or whatever that is. In that can is OJ. You just had water.

I want you to know there is some O Jesus on the inside of us. Just add the water of the Spirit. Just come into agreement with what God has written. David said, All the days ordained for me were written in your book, Lord, before one came to pass. I just want the book. My prayer over you is, I just want your book. I just want you to be and manifest all that he has created you to be. And I won’t be satisfied until you’re there.

Paul said, I am once again in labor until Christ is formed in you. Be formed in me, Jesus. Lord, fill out in me. Grow me up. Mature me in what is written in my book. So this is the month our Heavenly Father’s desire and will come forth in your life.

Hebrews 10:7 is an echo of where we were in Psalm 40 on Sunday. This is Jesus.

Then I said, Behold! Here I am. Behold! It’s me. Here I am. I’ve come to do. I’ve come to do. That word ‘to do’ is asah. I’ve come to create. I’ve come to do your will, oh God. To fulfill what is written of me in the scroll of the book. I think in the Passion it says the prophetic scroll, the prophetic book.

That needs to be every morning, or before you go to bed at night. Here I am. I’ve come to do your will, oh God. It’s written about me in the scroll.

The other thing God is doing in this season is a Psalm 16:7 work.

Psalm 16:6-8. The lines of my boundary have fallen in pleasant places. Surely my inheritance is delightful.

This is about inheritance. This is the season of crossing over and possessing your inheritance. It’s all about your birthright. It’s what we talk about—birthright and destiny. It’s about you getting there.

:7 I will bless the Lord who counsels me, even at night, my reins, my conscience, my kidneys, instruct me.

So this is where we are. When you lay down at night in this season, not saying God can’t do it at any other time, but this is a time that he will literally take hold of your reins. He will take hold of your bowels, your womb, and he will counsel you. How many of you want the counsel of the Lord? How many of you want him to take hold of the womb and counsel you there? Take hold of your reins?

And there might be some turning going on. I don’t want to be like a horse that has to be led with a bit in its mouth.

Psalm 32:8. I will instruct and teach you in the way that you should go. I will counsel you and watch over you.

Psalm 16:7. I will praise the Lord who counsels me. Even at night my heart instructs me.

Again, it is not the heart as we think of. That is not LEB. That is reins. That will take you back to Psalm 139 where he says he knit us together. It’s the reins. He took hold of my reins.

I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand I will not be shaken.

Therefore, my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices. My body will also rest secure.

Because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. That’s a promise.

This is where we are.

You make known to me the path of life. You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

He wants to make known to you the path of life. And not only that. You are going to birth what you are poised and ready to birth in this season, but it’s also time for you to receive your next. So he is going to make known to you the path of life. He’s going to make known to you what is your next.

He is going to speak it to you in the midst of Judah, in the midst of praise. He is going to release his voice, his word, his instruction to you. Even in the night when you are sleeping, he is going to take hold of you and counsel you. And when you hear it and you receive it through a dream, vision, word, the voice of the Lord speaking in your ear, you’re heart is to believe it, receive it, and then speak it forth. It’s going to run your path out.

I can say with confidence, He is going to build these cities. He has a blueprint in heaven, and it’s coming, and the provision’s coming. And we’re not stopping just with cities. I’m talking about miracle cities, because I believe we’ve got cities, and we’ve got states across this nation. I believe there are souls, and there’s power evangelism like we’ve never seen. I believe there was a taste of this in here on Sunday morning.

I believe that what God has said to me, he is well able to perform. He will do it. He makes known the end from the beginning.

Prophesy our destiny. Hear the Lion of Judah roar.

This is key. If this is not a part of you, write this scripture down. Get it in your spirit. Begin to decree it and declare it.

Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.

So I can guarantee you, if something is happening on earth, somebody knew it was coming. God never does anything without revealing his plan. So if he says, For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future, don’t you know he is going to let you in on the plan? How can you live a plan, believe a plan, if you don’t know what it is? So this is discovery time. This is reveal time.

I thought about it Sunday morning at Judah Goes First. How we lined up and came into alignment with the I Corinthians scripture that says, He sets first apostles, second prophets, pastor/teachers. And we did that. The only thing we did not name was tongues. So we just had a manifestation of tongues. Because you have a gift of tongues. And I’m not talking about your prayer language.

I believe Michael has a gift of tongues as in I Corinthians. It’s a body ministry gift. If you didn’t listen again to Sunday morning, you are missing something, now. It is something else that only God can bring about and do. There were more voices and sounds singing in here than there were people. He is all that and then some. It’s his house.

The Lion as roared. Who will not fear? The Sovereign Lord has spoken. Who can but prophesy? The Lion roars and, woah! Like, stop in your tracks and listen. Because it’s coming. And when the Sovereign Lord speaks, then we prophesy. He’s going to speak it, but who’s going to say it in the earth realm? Us. Amen?

Create it. Luke 1:37. For no word spoken by God is without power.

These are refreshers and reminders. Every word that God has spoken to you personally, to us corporately, over our territory, over the generations, every word that God has spoken has power of fulfillment.

Isaiah 55:11. So is my word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire, and achieve a purpose for which I sent it.

I didn’t say it. He did. We need to take God at his word. When it comes out of the mouth of God, man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

So every day I’m expecting to commune with the Lord. I’m going to pick up the Logos, the written Word, and I’m going to read the Word, but I expect God to make it alive. I expect a proceeding word out of the Logos, out of the written. I also open and expect to hear the voice of the Lord speaking to me. You’re in relationship with him. You’re n covenant with him. He wants intimacy with you.

Expect him to speak to you. And when he gives you a word, and you know that you know that it’s God, expect that it’s not going to go back to him empty. Because God doesn’t waste his word, now.

Create it.

Holy Spirit hovers over your deep and my deep. And when the word of the Lord goes forth, heaven runs on it. We know the scripture in Psalm 103 that the angels run on the word of God. So if you and I hear what God is saying, and we speak it forth in the earth realm, heaven will respond to it. And hell will respond to it, too. The enemy will recognize it as the word of God, and it is unstoppable. That is the key.

If we will yield to him and hear what he is saying, then you just say what you hear. Or say what you see. Be a see and say. Let Holy Ghost pull your string. And just say it. Just say it. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That is one of the most powerful promises because it is calling heaven here and now.

So when you get a promise or word from God you say, Lord I agree with it. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven in my marriage, in my family, in my child, in my workplace. Kingdom of God, come here now. And you’re releasing the jurisdiction of heaven in your midst. And when heaven comes, there is nothing that can stand against it.

There are four levels of prophetic declaration. This is based out of Ezekiel 37. We will unpack this Sunday morning.

Level 1. Coming together.

Level 2. The Breath of Life.

Level 3. Spiritual Warfare over Hope Deferred.

I believe for transformation in hearts that have hope deferred. If something is deferred, it doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. It just means it’s been a long time coming.

Level 4. Hope for the Future.

At any one of these levels Ezekiel could have stopped prophesying. I’ve applied it and I’ve looked at these principles and compared them to experience that I’ve had. At each stage He had instruction for Ezekiel, and Ezekiel obeyed.

When he first called those bones together, there wasn’t any breath in them. What do you do? I’m telling you from experience of seeing the dead raised, when I opened my mouth to pray over Anne Kellar, the word of God came out of me like a machine gun, like a prophetic faucet, and then it cut off. And there was no breath.

She was a fair-complected person, and her face was the blackest black I’ve ever seen. I don’t know how this is possible, but her lips were even blacker. She was gone. What do you do when you have an intensive care nurse that has no pulse here (wrist) and no pulse here (neck) and she is shaking her head, She’s gone.

You have maybe 8 to 10 intercessors, those remaining of Mary Martha that are left, and they are praying in tongues and not stopping. I’m the only one speaking English, and I have prayed the prayer, bound death. It really wasn’t me praying those prayers. It was the word of God coming out like a machine gun. Then it cut off and there was nothing. I didn’t know what to do.

She was laid out on the steps leading up to the platform at Grace Covenant, and the worship leader was a step above her. She is slumped down against the worship leader on those steps in an awkward position, so I put my finger under her shoulder and was going to say, Let’s do CPR.

When I said, Let’s, Holy Spirit said louder to me than what you’re hearing me, No! Command her heart to beat in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. When he said that, all I had to do was just open my mouth and say it. Just what he said. The response was, Aah! (intake of breath) Whoo! She started breathing. Oh dear God. She did. It was the most glorious thing. But I can tell you this, if you had looked at my face, I was aahh! But that was not what was coming out of my spirit. And that was not what was coming out of my mouth.

What if I had stopped? What if I had prayed that prayer, that first part, and when it cut off, I hadn’t commanded her heart to beat? What would have happened? That’s what he’s talking about. There are levels to prophetic fulfillment. If you do what you know you are supposed to do, and follow that instruction in obedience at that part, then your next part will come. And then the next part. Until you see the fulfillment of what he told you.

See, I had a promise. This is ’93 when Anne got raised, and I can tell you I will see other people raised from the dead. But at 28 years old in 1989, this time of the year, July and August, the Lord said, Betty, if you believe, you’ll see the dead raised. Then I would go in places and people were saying, You’ll see the dead raised. So then I come to the place to confront the spirit of death.

That night Anne Kellar had come in, seasoned, taught on the Word of God and the power of God, the power word. God is good. Because right before this happened, I had gone to the pew and picked up her offering. A lady came to me and said, I feel like the Lord wants me to pray over you in tongues. Is that okay? And I said Yes.

She put her hands on my head and she began to release a message about the power of what Michael released on Sunday morning. She had no interpretation, but louder than you’re hearing me, the Lord said to me, The fullness of my power in on you NOW. When I heard NOW, then I heard our worship leader’s voice rise above and she said, I don’t care. Get Betty now.

If I heard Danette, or Kelly, or Marian, or Brad, knowing them, and in that tone hear them say, I don’t care; get her now, (they would have my attention). People didn’t know what was going on. She had slumped and our worship leader was like, We’re in trouble, and could see what was going on. They said, Meredith is praying for her. So when she said that, I turned and I saw death, Kevin.

I guess it was God in me because I ran to her. When I got to her and I opened my mouth, the Word of God really did come out like a machine gun. It was like a prophetic word but it was scripture with unction, with power. It came, and then it just cut off like a faucet. I was like, What to do now? Because she’s dead. She was dead. Nothing. Obviously her heart had stopped.

But to command her heart to beat caused her to come alive. Within 20 minutes her radial pulse was back. Jane had someone call 911. When the paramedics got there, she didn’t have anything in her wrist. But they could get something in her neck.

It just so happened a spirit-filled paramedic that went to our church came in and said to her, Mrs. Anne, if it was anybody else we would already have them loaded up and transported. I just want to ask you what you want to do. She said, Well, I taught on the Word of God tonight. That old devil tried to take me out, but I think I became the object lesson. And I think if you’ll just let me lie here a little while, I’ll be just fine.

Her husband, who is an eye doctor, shows up. He’s hearing this, and he’s like, Let her lay there. Paramedics asked if there was any Seven Up or Sprite. Go to the kitchen and get her something. Gave her that. In 20 minutes she was on her feet, and she walked out. Got her home. Her daughter was a physician here at Forrest General. To be safe, they set up three days, a series of tests, and couldn’t find anything wrong with her. Nothing. Nothing. It was a great lesson. I don’t want to re-live it. Unless it’s the same results.

As we step out in faith, God will reveal more and more of what he has for us.

Forty days or forty years. You choose. Eleven days!

I want to give you an overview of God’s lifecycle.

Life begins at the point of conception. Birth. Then you come to an age of accountability. Rebirth, when you’re born-again. Receiving hope. Maturing in your faith. Demonstration. Manifestation. And completion in the earth realm. I will teach on each one of those things Sunday morning, along with Ezekiel 37. 9 points on the lifecycle.

Father, I thank you for your goodness. I thank you that we are in the time of giving birth, that it is manifestation to your promises. I thank you for each one in this room, those that are watching, those that are connected with us, that it is time to manifest and birth your promises, your visions, and your dreams for our lives. I thank you for great expectation.

I thank you Lord God that we are dreaming the impossible dream, because you are the God of the possible. And we come into agreement with your word, your will, and your way. And we say, Lord, be it unto us on earth as it is in heaven. Let your word, your will, and your way, be made manifest. All for you glory. In Jesus name. Amen and Amen.
