August 28, 2019

Miracle City Global – 8/28/19 – Transcript

8/28/19 Miracle City Global

Kimble Love. Welcome to Miracle City Global. We’re glad to see you here this evening. We’re about to step into worship and see what the Lord wants to do with us tonight. It’s been a good day, a beautiful day. I’m just expecting God to do mighty things in our midst. So take up your positions as we enter into worship tonight.

Father, we just thank you that you’ve given us the opportunity to gather here this evening to worship you, to seek your face, to hear your voice. And Lord, I pray you receive the worship that comes up from this house. That is be a sweet-smelling aroma unto you, pleasing unto you, Father. Because we’re here to honor you and to give you praise and to give you glory.

Father, we ask you to open the windows of heaven, that you breathe your breath, your life, upon us. And that we flow with your Spirit tonight. Have your way in Jesus name. Amen. Let’s worship together tonight.

?My fear doesn’t stand a chance when I stand in your love. I’m standing in your love.

Anna Love. As we stand in this place tonight, it’s been in my heart that we need to come in here—it’s not about whatever need we have, even though that is important to the Lord—but whenever we come into this house on Wednesday nights, we need to come and present ourselves to the Lord and we need to ask him what he’s saying to us as a family, as a corporate body. Because every one of us has a part and a piece to release.

So when we come in our question should really be, Lord what do you want to say to us tonight? How do you want to use me tonight? I’m available to be used by you, Lord, tonight. Whatever you want to show me. Whatever you want to say through me or sing through me. That should be the position that we offer ourselves in. Because he’s not about one of us having a song or one of us having a word, but it’s about all of us.

?We’re standing in your love.

Betty Love. I want us to lock shields. I hear the Lord saying he wants us to lock shields together. One can put a thousand to flight. The Word of God says, How can one man chase a thousand or two put ten thousand to flight unless their Rock has sold them, unless the Lord had given them up. And there is a principle in agreement.

The Word of God says that in righteousness we are established. Oppression is far removed. I feel like the oppressor has been working overtime, even trying to keep us out of the house. And we need to stand together as one. I felt so weary right before it was time to come, I just got in the bath again. Washed my hair again. Sometimes when you get a shower it renews your strength and you’re ready to go again.

As I began to get ready, I just felt this oppression. Looking in the mirror as I was combing my hair I thought, This is ridiculous. Get thee behind me Satan. In righteousness I am established and oppression is far removed. Terror will not come near me nor fear. If anyone attacks me, the Word of God says in Isaiah 54, it’s not the Lord’s doing. And whoever attacks you, whatever attacks you, has to surrender. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.

I want you to know that I’m aware that we are in a war zone. We’re in a war zone as a nation. And things are shaking. But I’m not moved by what I see because I know we are going through.

So tonight, I believe the Lord’s heart is for us to lift up the Shield of Faith, individually, corporately, over our families, those in alignment with us, over our territories, tents, and treasuries. We are in a precursor to move into in this new Hebraic month that is coming. It’s about restoration. It’s in the air. The Lord wants to draw his sons and daughters. He wants to draw our hearts into a place of intimacy with him. He wants to restore the joy of your salvation. When this is right (vertical), these things (horizontal) will be right. Listen to me. When you’re aligned with him, then you can be relational with others.

It’s about restoration, first with the Father/son relationship. Fathers and children. First the Father wants you to have that place of intimacy with him. As a child of God, as a son of God, he wants you to know who you are in him and whose you are. And the authority that he has vested in us.

And not only that, it’s a time for fathers, parents and children to be restored. I told Anna this morning, I was outside and I looked into our breakfast room, and I remembered this time of the year several years ago with Kimble III, at a time when God had restored and brought him home. When that began to take place, I remember sitting at the table and saying, Son we’re in the Hebraic month of Elul. It’s the time when God restores the children to their fathers, to their parents.

So it’s time to get restored. Us to Him so we can be restored to them. And it’s serious. Don’t you give the devil ground in your life.

Not only that, it’s about the restoration of husbands and wives. Marriages in this nation are shaking. I was on the phone for thirty minutes, the whole time I left my house, praying with someone over a marriage situation. It’s time. We need to lay ourselves down. We need to give up the right to be right.

We need to be willing to let God go to the core of our beings and fill us, deliver us. He wants you to know him as Husband, as Bridegroom, as his Beloved. It’s about blood covenant. It’s also about restoration. He is our Master. We are his servant. He is our King and the King is in the field. That means Jesus as King is going to come into your workspace and help you there.

We’re not anywhere near done, and if I’m stepping on your toes and you feel, Oh she’s talking to me, come on now. It says to me a door is wide open. Come home. We are entering into metamorphosis. You’re either going to let God be God in you and I’m going to let God be God in me, and we’re going to let God do that work and you are going to go into all that he has ordained for you, or you’re going to disintegrate in this place.

Your relationships will fall down around you. Have you given your heart to someone else? I’m just being real. Adultery? Alienation of affection? You will uproot your harvest. So you need to repent quick.

If it was up to me to hold this house together we might as well quit. If it is up to me to keep the devil off of you we might as well quit. But the one who is greater is living on the inside of you and me. He has a plan for our lives. It’s personal. It’s corporate. Stay out of the affairs of the world. I know you’re seeing on facebook the shaking. Don’t get involved in something; you don’t even know people or need to voice it. Stay out of it.

Unless you are relationally involved with someone, you don’t have a right to say anything about it. And that sounds like I’m railing. But I’m being real.

God is saying, I’ve got this. We’ve got this. Will you let me work in your heart and in your life? Will you let me bring restoration to your heart and the places where you need it? Some of you have been in situations and you haven’t moved beyond that. I’m not talking about going back. Keep moving. But God.

So tonight, I don’t know what has been warring against your soul, or what the enemy is trying to trap-set you up in. But I want you to know that our God is able and he will, and he has risen up on our behalves. I don’t know if you’re dealing with lack of resources, lack of finances, but the Lord is our Shepherd and he says, You shall lack nothing.

He is going to give you a word. It is like a jib sail that you’re going to be able to put out and it’s going to catch the wind, and it’s going to cause those sails in your boat to fill up, and take you in the direction God has ordained for you. He wants you to function in his heart. He wants us to function as a house.

So it is a new day on Wednesday night. We don’t get to lose another generation. We don’t need the enemy to come in and destroy anymore homes. I’m not just talking about here. I’m talking about across the board. Husbands, love your wives as Christ loves the Church. Wives, honor your husbands.

If we all did what the Word said to do it would be a whole different day. We would be serving and so out-giving each other, relationally. Yay God. Things are about to shift. ?Here I am. Here I am Lord. Change me. Change me.

This is my surrender. And this is my surrender. I’m falling into you. I’m letting go. Surrendering all to you. I give you control. You can do what you wanna do. Bring restoration oh Lord. There’s power that breaks off every chain. There’s power in your name.

Betty. We send forth the power of your name, Jesus.  In your name, Yeshua, release the full authority of your name over our families, over our children, over our marriages, over our lives; over our territories, tents, and treasuries. Over this city we release the power and authority of your name, your name that delivers; your name that heals. In your name there is salvation. Power in your name Lord.

?There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain. I see those chains falling. The Chain-Breaker is here.

Betty. We come into agreement Jesus with your intercession. We acknowledge you as our Apostle. Lord, it takes a first to take out a first. Lord, release your apostolic anointing over this house, over those we’re in alignment with and have connection with, even now. And we come up under the power of your name. The name of the Lord is a strong tower. And the righteous run into it and they are safe.

?There is power in the name of Jesus.

Betty. All authority. All authority. We release the power of your name over our families, over our land, over our seed, over our gates, over our cities, over our state, over our nation, over our territories, tents, and treasuries, every sphere of influence that you’ve given us. We honor you. We live up your name, Jesus. And we receive and release the power and authority of your name.

We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony and we love not our lives unto the death. In the name of Jesus, we speak in new tongues. In the name of Jesus, we drive out demons. In the name of Jesus. Power in your name. Lord, you said to ask in your name. Lord, I am asking for the redemptive plan that you have for us, for your people, individually and corporately. Your redemptive plan for our land, for families, for our cities, for this state and this nation.

Lord, your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, in us, in us, in us. Separate a people unto yourself, oh God. Separate us. Here we are Lord. Here we are, Father. We’ve come to do your will. We yield to the power and authority of your name, Jesus. You put your name on us. And where your name is, you command a blessing.

How lovely it is when brethren dwell together in unity. It’s like pouring out the oil on the head of Aaron. Can we agree in this house tonight for the healing of families? Yes. For restoration in the body of Christ? Yes.

?For healing and restoration with our Father in heaven. He’s drawing us. He’s pouring out his goodness. He’s pouring out his glory. Come and change us in your glory.

?Kevin Long. You are my Champion. Giants fall when you stand undefeated. Every battle you’ve won. I am who you say I am. You crown me with confidence. I am seated in the heavenly place, undefeated, with the one who has conquered it all.

I have the authority Jesus has given me.

Betty. Don’t give up. Don’t let go. On don’t you give up. Don’t let go. Because the Lord your God is not letting go. He’s our Victory. He’s our Champion. He’s has stood up on our behalf. God is well able to deliver. God is well able to save. God is well able to restore. He’s doing it.

?I have the authority Jesus has given me.

Betty. Heaven and earth will pass away but the Word of the Lord stands forever. We’ve been born again of the incorruptible seed, of the living, enduring Word of God. You are the Word, Jesus. We welcome you in our midst. You are our Champion. You are our Victor. And we honor you, Jesus. We honor you. You’re the God of miracles. You are the God of breakthrough. You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You’re our Defender. You’re our shield and our very great reward. You are our Prince of Peace.

?We give you the highest praise. Our Champion. He shall reign forever and ever. His kingdom will never fade away. He’s standing on our behalf. Jesus, you’re making a way

Rosemary Byrd. Tonight as we were worshiping and praying Father said, Look to the cross. His blood is enough. His blood will take you there. I decree and declare Jehovah Nissi, his Banner. We run to his name. We run to his blood. And anything that tries to bring in fear, you’re cast down. Anything that tries to trip us up in our mind, you’re cast down. Because by the blood of Jesus Christ we’ve been bought. He is our strong tower. He is our Deliverer. He’s the one that goes before us.

So I declare and decree, We are his church. We are his family. And he is our Banner.

Betty. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty through our God to the pulling down of strongholds. We cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God in our lives, in our spheres of influence, in territories, tents, and treasuries.

We cast down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We command our thoughts to become conformed to the obedience of Christ. Let the obedience of the Son of God rise up in us. Resurrection power and life.

Anna?When the enemy comes in like a flood, you raise up a standard. Raise up a righteous standard. Let obedience come to the house of God. Let repentance come to the house of God. We let go of the old ways. And we step into the new way. We lay ourselves down at your feet. Surrendering everything. Let us be obedient, not self-righteous. Let us stay humble, Lord. I will be your standard.

What is a standard? It’s a miracle. What better way to step in than as a miracle. Let your Body become your miracles. Let your sons and daughters become your miracles. In our actions and attitudes and the thoughts of our hearts. Let miracles break out. Let them break out. They have to break out in your people first.

Turn our hearts, oh God. Turn our hearts to you, God. Let us come back to our first love. Turn our hearts to you, God.

When the enemy comes in like a flood, you raise up a standard. You don’t leave us as orphans in the flood. You are good, so good. I won’t fear the weight of the water cause I know my Father. I’m not going under.

Betty. Father, we invite you to come and work with us. We won’t resist you. You are drawing us with your cords of love. No off limit places. As Anna released the word on Sunday, you said you were calling the prodigals home. And I saw that we have prodigal places in our hearts. Some of us have the elder brother syndrome.

We all have hurts in our lives. Will you let go. Will you let him? That is everyone in this room. No one is immune to this. The line of a song hit me this morning. The end of it is, We are victorious. While we are standing for our breakthroughs or standing for our deliverances, we’re seeing healing; we’re seeing breakthrough; we are seeing manifestation. We know we are at the threshold of this thing.

The enemy is doing what he does. He’s trying to resist it. But he can’t stop it and he knows it. So this morning, that little portion of the song, when I felt my hallelujah was tired, it just rose up in me, Lord are we on the mark? Are we where we’re supposed to be? Are we hearing right personally and corporately as a house? When my hallelujah was tired.

So I asked Anna what the song was and started worshiping to it. At the same time the Lord quickened me to turn on Glory of Zion. Chuck was prophesying. He said, The pilot light in some of your lives, you feel like it’s gone out. The Lord said in here on Sunday morning, Your pilot light is on. While he was saying some of you feel like your pilot light is going out or has gone out, the Lord was saying in this house, Your pilot light is on. You can’t make it up. There’s something called alignment. Because he’s doing it. So if your hallelujah is tired, just surrender. Just surrender and worship.

?You brought me to the end of myself. Just when my hallelujah was tired, You gave me a new song. And I’m letting go, falling into you. And I confess I still get scared sometimes but your love comes rushing in. All the lies that screamed inside grow silent. You are reminding me of things forgotten. With your arms around me, fear is no match for your love. You want my heart, so I’m letting to. Everything’s gonna be alright. Rock-a-bye.

Betty. We believe Lord. I believe every word you’ve spoken to me.

Anna. I believe. You said it. That settles it.

Betty. I believe, Lord. You said, Only believe. I believe Lord, that you open blind eyes. Open our eyes, physically, spiritually. Open our eyes. Take off the blinders so we can see.

?Open our eyes. Remove the scales from our eyes. Time to step into the light.

Betty and Anna. Open the eyes of our hearts. Pierce my heart, God. Draw out the pain. Draw out the shame. Go to the very core of my being. Removed deception, self-deception, enemy deception, wrong mindsets, ungodly beliefs, ungodly soul-ties to people, places or things, wrong thinking. Wash us with the water of your Word, Lord.

Holy Spirit of Truth, come and permeate us. Any place that we’ve exchanged the truth of God for a lie; the glory of God for worthless idols. Lord, we repent. Forgive us. Forgive us of doubt and unbelief, and giving way to fear. Or receiving the counsel of the world over your counsel, Lord. Turn on the light.

?Let truth arise in hearts. I want to see you. Open the eyes of my heart Lord.

I see you high and lifted up, shining in the light of your glory. Pour out your power and love as we sing holy, holy, holy. I want to see you.

Betty. Because when we see him, when we behold him, that’s when we get transformed. Glory to glory. Glory to glory.

?In your presence, in your glory, is transformation. Won’t you step into his glory wholeheartedly. He’ll transform you. Transform us, God.

Betty. Every hard heart. Every place of unforgiveness. Every place of hopelessness. Every hold out place. Love of God overflow.

?Love of God, permeate oh my soul….

Betty. Father heart of God, overflow. Every hard place. Every hope deferred place. Every place of disappointment, disillusionment. Every let-down place. Every fear place. Every place of pride, self-will, self-love, self-ambition. Love of God.

?Jacob Long. If all it costs me is everything you can have it all. I surrender all.

Anna and Betty. Make us clean. Wash us. Wash us in your water.

Betty. Cleanse our consciousnesses from acts that lead to death. So that we may serve the living God. Blood of Jesus, cleanse our consciousnesses from acts that lead to death. So that we can worship. So that we can serve. So we can lay our lives down. Oh, pray in the Holy Ghost.

Kevin. Holy Holy Holy are you Lord.

Betty. Don’t let go of the moment. The Lord says it’s important. Stay present in his presence. I will turn the hearts of the fathers toward the children. And the hearts of the children towards the fathers. Right now in this place, in our lives, in the body of Christ, there’s another in the fire with you and me.

He said those ungodly cycles that have kept you going around in circles, cycles that just keep coming around and around and around again; some are the same time every year. Some are just coming out of indebted place and getting on your feet again, and something comes to devour your finances. Something else breaks.

Or the light just begins to open in a relationship, maybe with your child or your family, maybe with a mother or a father, or a brother or a sister, or in a marriage, and then it just slams again.

But the Lord said, “Those cycles have now become like a roundabout.” That circle pattern has many exits that you can come out. There’s not just one way out in this season, in this time, in this capsule—our ungodly cycles, those ungodly structures that have bound you—maybe it’s a mindset; maybe it’s an ungodly belief; maybe the enemy is tormenting you.

I’m speaking out. People are watching. Maybe you opened a door to pornography and those thoughts just keep wanting to grab you, even if you haven’t done that in years. Maybe you were abused as a child and thoughts want to grab you. Maybe it’s sexual sin. Maybe it’s ongoing. Maybe it’s an addiction. Maybe it’s a fear structure.

But whatever that structure is, it’s now become a roundabout. Because you are going to have an opportunity to exit.

The Lord said, “Let me collapse the structures of old. Look for the way out in the roundabout. Your exit is clear.” It’s time. ?So in this moment, Lord, here I am.

See, I’m saying as the apostle here and as one with Kimble, there are no limits. We open the gate. We open the doors. We say, Swing wide ye heavenly gates. There is nothing off-limits to our Father. This is his house. This is his work. This is his city. And unless the Lord watch over the city, the watchmen watch in vain. And unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. He’s talking about building the family.

So we say, Lord come into Miracle City. Come into the Body of Christ. Come into the Church of Mississippi and build your house. Arrange your Body. ?I surrender.

?Kevin. His glory knows no measure. His power can’t be questioned or contained. Jesus, enthroned upon the praises of our hearts. You’re the King and you’re the center of it all. The triumph of his name will never end.

Betty. We love you Jesus. I love you Jesus. Cause you first loved me. Cause you first loved us. Oh we love you Jesus. Draw to me Jesus. You are the center of it all.

?Anna. Draw to me Jesus. I’ve made my heart a home for you alone. My heart was made for love. Can’t live without you Jesus. My lover is Jesus, you alone. Oh we love you. My heart will follow wholly after you.

Betty. Lord we thank you for your presence. I heard the Lord say, “You always make a place for me.” And Lord we want to say, In your word you said, If you love me you’ll obey me. This is out of the book of John. If you love me, you will obey me; and I and my Father will come and make our home in your heart.

So Lord, this is your house. It’s something we say over and over again. Lord, we’ve made a place for you. And not just in this building, but in our hearts. Lord we say, Turn our hearts. The Word of God says the king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord to turn whithersoever he will. We are kings and we are priests. We are a holy habitation. We are living stones. We are his body. We are his building. We are his bride. We have been bought and purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. And the Word of God says we are not our own.

So Lord, every place we’ve acted like we are our own, and we’ve given place to the devil, and we’ve made provision for the flesh, Lord—I”m not talking about religion. I’m talking about relationship. I’m asking you to do a work in every life and in every heart in this place. That you would so pour out your love and your goodness, that any hold out places, any places of defilement within us, or any outside influences, that are trying to draw us away or capture our hearts, I’m asking you to come tonight and what you’ve been doing in here the entire evening, I’m asking you to do the work in every heart and in every life, in every family, those that are here, those that are connected with us, those that are watching tonight, Father, I’m asking for a transformation, for change.

Lord, as we finish out where we are in this month, praise, as we say in this house, our worship is our warfare. I pray that where our hallelujah has been tired, that you would quicken our short-lived mortal bodies, that you would energize us and strengthen us in our inner man by the power of your Holy Spirit.

That you would infuse our entire spirit, soul, and body with your dunamis power, the inherent power of Almighty God that you have stored within our spirit man. That your divine power that is within us would be released. That your light and your glory would so saturate and permeate us that there would be no place for the enemy. There would be no place for darkness to hide.

That we would realize that you are our safe place. And that you’re never going to leave us or forsake us. Today, let us hear your voice, Lord. Let the obedience of Jesus rise up in us so that we can be quick to respond to you. I thank you that a shield of faith, not may shields, but one shield of faith is a cover over this house and over this ministry tonight. And it is the faith of the Son of God. It is the faith of Jesus Christ. It extinguishes every flaming arrow of the evil one.

Jesus, I agree with your intercession. I agree with your prayer in John 17. Father, protect them by the name that you have given me. We thank you for the power of your name that is upon every believer’s life. We thank you for the power of the blood of Christ that speaks a better word. We thank you for the power of Holy Spirit, God in us, God with us. We honor you, Holy Spirit.

I repent of any place that I’ve resisted Holy Spirit. I repent of any place that I’ve lied to Holy Spirit. I repent for any place that I’ve grieved Holy Spirit. The Lord said to read this and to end with it and may it find a place in my heart and your heart.

Ephesians 4. As a prisoner for the Lord, then I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle. Be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you are called to one hope when you were called. One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.

But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. This is why he says, When he ascended on high he led captives in his train and he gave gifts to men. What does, He ascended, mean? Except that he also descended to the lower earthly regions. He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens in order to fill the whole universe.

It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God. And become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Father, I want to say right now, we as your people and as a house, Lord, I want to grow up. And I want this house and your people to grow up into the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

:14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things—we will in all things—grow up into him who is the head, that is Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament grows and builds itself up in love as each part does its work.

So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity with a continual lust for more.

You, however, did not come to know Christ that way. Surely you heard of him and were taught of him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. You were taught with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires. To be made new in the attitudes of your minds. To put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Therefore each of you must put off falsehood. And speak truthfully to his neighbor. For we are all members of one body. In your anger, do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry. And do not give the devil a foothold. He who has been stealing must steal no longer. But must work, doing something useful with his own hands. That he may have something to share with those in need.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths. But only what is helpful for building up others according to their needs, that it might benefit those who listen.

Now this follows this statement.

Don’t let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth. And then he says.

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you are sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ, God forgave you.

Me first. I receive it. He said to read it. So I receive it. He has ordained you for such a time as this. And I can guarantee you’re going in. The only thing that can keep you and me from going in is right here—self. But if you’re willing—I’ve come to do your will, oh God. It’s written about me in the scroll.

Our pilot light has not gone off. It’s on. So let him ignite the passion and the fire. And Worship Team, you were all over the fire Sunday morning. That’s the same thing Glory of Zion was doing—baptize us in your fire. God never does anything in the earth that he doesn’t reveal it. And you can be the first to know.

So Father, we just want to thank you for an incredible night. And we welcome your covering. And we welcome your connections and alignments. And Jesus, you are the apostle of this house. And you are the head of the body. And Lord, let each part, let each one of us become, and do our part as you have ordained on earth as it is in heaven.

Thank you for healing. Thank you for restoration. Thank you for reformation and transformation in our lives, in our families, and in our land, in Jesus name. Amen.
