July 28, 2019

Miracle City Global – 7/28/19 – Transcript

7/28/19 Miracle City Global

Judah Goes First

Kimble Love. Praise the Lord. Welcome to Miracle City this morning. We’re glad you’re here. We’re about to enter into worship. Judah goes first. I’m excited and expectant about what the Lord wants to do today. I pray you are, too. I ask that you enter in and focus on Jesus, that you would seek him while he shall be found. Because he is ready to do great and marvelous and mighty things in our lives. And I’m ready for him to do it. I really believe the Lord wants to do some trading and exchanging here today. So be prepared. Get ready. Be ready. Because today is your day. Glory to God.

Father, we come before you today in the name of your Son, Jesus, and we thank you that you are here to do business with us. And Lord we’re here to do business with you. This is your house and we are your people. And we submit to your lordship and your authority. We say have your way. We open to you Lord. Come and show yourself mighty. Release your purposes into us and may we take hold of them by faith, believing that we’re going to walk in the fullness of all that you desire.

So Father, we honor you today with our worship. We’re here to give you praise and glory. Have your way, Father. In Jesus name. Amen.

?Kevin Long. I am waiting. In your presence all fear is gone. In your presence is where I belong. Father I’m returning to things I used to do. Cause nothing really satisfies like when you speak my name. I was made for your presence Lord. We were made for love. I finally found where I belong. In your presence. To be with you Jesus. Delight in me oh Lord. I am my beloveds and he is mine. Take delight in me.

Lane Bass. I feel a stirring within me. I felt a struggle in myself the last week or two. To realize that it’s God’s desire to delight in each one of us. I think we live in the church culture that unfortunately takes away from that and doesn’t give us that teaching; or we did live in a church culture that took away from that. I feel the Lord is wanting to restore that place of simply him loving us. Right here and now.

?So we agree with you Lord. We agree with your Word. You delight in us. You dance and sing over us with shouts of joy and celebration in song.

?Delight in me oh Lord.

Nita Maselle. I don’t know if any of you have had any place of resistance that you’ve felt recently, but one thing I notice that I’m hearing from the Lord is that people face some resistance. Jesus faced resistance. In the spirit realm there’s resistance. When the angels were going in response to Daniel’s prayer, they faced resistance. So it’s not that you’re not going to have resistance when you’re walking with the Lord. We’re one with him. We’re members of his body. The Spirit of the Lord resides in us. And you will face resistance.

But we have to learn to not allow resistance to stop us. We have to learn to press through. I was in a place this week where I realized this was a resistance. Some times we go through places we’ve not had resistance and it’s been a joy. And then a resistance comes and you have to recognize that it’s a resistance. That it is not going to stop you, and you’re going to press through. Because resistance cannot remain.

As you’re in the Lord and in the body of Christ, it cannot remain. It has to go. So you stand and you press through.

I was also seeing this week that there may be some shaking going on. We know that everything that’s not of God, everything that’s of the world can be shaken. But only that which is true and good and that which is spiritually God cannot be shaken. What you have from God cannot be shaken. But the world may go through some shaking.

We have to learn to press through resistance and be able to stand so that when the world has some shaking going on, you’re not standing back there shaking with the rest of the people. But you are the one who knows how to be stabilized in an unstable time and step forward in the stability of the Lord against the resistance. And be the one who can reach down and help that person who is shaking.

The shaking is going on because the people weren’t listening to the voice of the Lord and they weren’t dealing with it then. And if you have dealt with it and you have pressed through, and you’re walking with the Lord, and the world starts shaking, you’re the one that the Lord can use to step out and to be the hand of stabilization for people who have not been stabilized yet, who have not learned how to press through the resistance, who have not dealt with their stuff, who have not been listening to the Lord. And you’re in his body. You hear him. You are one with him.

There is a unity of the Spirit and you hear his voice. And you know him. You are able to stand in the shaking. You are able to stand against the resistance. And you are the one he wants to use when the world shakes. Don’t be afraid of some shaking.  Because there needs to be some shaking to bring about the stabilization the Lord wants to bring. He wants to use us as his stabilizers in the earth.

Father, I thank you that we know you well enough to stand against every resistance in the spirit realm, every resistance in the earthly realm, every resistance of our enemy, whatever is blocking or trying to stand against or slow us down. In the name of Jesus we say No to all resistance. You have to go. You have to move. You cannot remain in Jesus name. We press through in the name of Jesus Christ.

Father, I thank you for a stabilization of the heavenly upon us. That we would be able to walk in a stable place. That our footsteps, and the place where we put our feet, that there is stabilization in the earth because of heaven, because of heaven on us,  because of the Spirit of the living God within us.

And Father, I thank you that we will be people who are able to take the hand of others and pull them up and pull them out and lead them into a place of stability. Lord, that will be there when they’re ready to hear. Some people have to be shaken before they will listen for it.

?Worthy to receive our praise. Holy, Son of God. You are awesome, God of power, Lord of glory. Come and fill this place. We acknowledge his glory filling this place. King of glory have your glory. You are awesome. Fill this place. You are filling this place. You fill each one of us.

Nita Maselle. I saw us standing on places that were unmovable. They were unmovable points in the earth. There was movement in the earth but the place we were standing was unmovable, unshakable. We are standing in the unmovable One. Our stronghold is the Lord. He’s the strongman for us in this hour. The Lord is our Strongman. He is stronger than every other and he is unmovable. He is our foundation and we are grounded in him and standing in the earth. And he is unshakable and unmovable.

Lord, we give you all the glory.

I’ll tell you what I did with that resistance this week when I realized what I was dealing with. I laughed. I laughed. And that’s what you can do because you can rest in the Lord. If you meet any resistance, you just need to laugh at it.

We are standing in the strong tower of the Lord and he is not shaken. He is not moved by anything. Father, I thank you for that. I thank you for stability in the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you that you are our strong tower and we run to you and we are saved. Your salvation is all over us.

Father, I thank you that every resistance that tries to come, we meet it with you. And you are the Strong One, stronger than every other. I thank you for that in Jesus name and give you all the glory. Praise you Jesus.

Kimble Love. I’ll echo that resistance word because there is resistance in the world that we’re going to come up against. I’m in total agreement that we have to stand. But the flip side of that. We can’t walk being in resistance to the things of God. We’ve got to stop resisting him.

The Word of God tells us that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. How many of you like to be rewarded? You know you can be rewarded in positive ways that are a blessing. But you can also be rewarded in a negative way. Have you ever heard the term, Do stupid things, or play stupid games, and win stupid prizes? Well, we are not of that.

I want to walk in the fullness of God. I believe that today there is going to be some trading and exchanging done in the Courts of Heaven today. I’m not going to say that the Courts of Heaven are out there somewhere. The Courts of Heaven are here. We’re in the courtroom right now. Court is in session.

Father, I thank you for this day. And I thank you that you have gathered us here today to open our hearts, our souls, and our spirits to hear from you, Lord, to stand against resistance. But at the same time Lord, that we would not resist what you’re trying to do in our lives individually and collectively.

Father, we’ve held back for far too long, holding on to worthless things. But Father God, I thank you that you will take our worthless things and give us heavenly treasure. You are a rewarder of those that seek you. And Lord, where we have held onto things that we thought were of great value, may we trade them into you for your updated new version that is better than anything we could ever hope for, think or imagine.

Father, I thank you that no good thing will you withhold from us when we walk uprightly. And Father, help us today to choose to decide to walk uprightly, to let go of worthless things that we’ve held onto, to receive the full riches of your treasures in the earth as we go forth in the fullness of sonship. Father I thank you that we are here and for what you’re doing in the earth today. And Lord, we say continue to do your will in Jesus name. Amen.

Hebrews 10:35. The Word of God says, So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. In this day and age sometimes it’s hard to remain confident in what you’re doing. Because there is so much resistance out there to the truth of God that is trying to make us waver. To come off of what we really believe. I believe that God is the Creator of heaven and earth. I believe he sent his Son Jesus, his one and only, into the earth to pay the price, to become the sacrifice. The ultimate purpose of God’s vision for us is through Jesus.

I’ve heard people say, Do you believe in that man upstairs or that man in the sky? Isn’t that foolish? Ever heard that? I don’t worship a man in the sky or riding on a cloud. That is a kind of foolishness. But I worship the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings whose domain is in heaven. It’s not in the sky but it is an actual place, and he rules and reigns over the entire universe.

God is God and those voices are not. Those voices are the resistance that are trying to get us off of what we believe and who we are and who God is. God is God. And God is having his way in the earth. And he will have his way in your life if you will submit to him totally and completely and quit resisting him. He is a gentleman. He’s not going to beat you up and force-feed you to believe in him.

He will give you every opportunity to trade with him. To take your sorrows. To take your disappointments. To take your shortcomings. To take your wickedness, your rudeness, your anger, your bitterness; and give you righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

God will take those bad things and give you good things. Or he will take bad situations and turn them to the good. So do not throw away your confidence in him. Stand on the truth of your faith and you’re going to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. He wants better for us than we want for ourselves. And I’ve got some pretty high standards. I’m like, It can’t get any better than this.

But God is greater and he wants better for us than we want for ourselves. So if you remain and stay in your confidence, you’re not going to be disappointed. Because God will deliver on what he says he’s going to deliver on. You’ve got to quit resisting. That’s a good word, just awesome.

You need to persevere. That means to keep on keeping on. Don’t stop. No quitting. Even when it hurts. Keep pressing in. Endeavor to persevere. Don’t put up, shut up, back up; but go forth.

So that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. Have many of you have promises from God? We have to persevere. We’re going to stand. We’re going to be in our confidence. And we’re going to see his promises fulfilled.

:37 “For, in just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay.” The delays are being postponed, and the goodness and fullness is coming upon us now. Now is the time. How many need some ‘nows’ to happen in your life? How many of you need some suddenlies to manifest? We all do. But God is faithful and true. I’ve learned this about God. He is never a day late or a dollar short.

Many times we think, This is a good place for God to show up. If he didn’t show up, that’s because it wasn’t time. He doesn’t base what he does on our time. Everything he does is on his time. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.

I know you can relate to this. But I’ve said many times, This would have been a good time for God to show up and do something. And some time passes and you look back. I’m glad God didn’t do that. I would have been in a world of trouble.

Every situation and circumstance that we go through where we think, God you need to do this—you know a lot of times we’re good at directing Him. Anybody ever directed God or tried to direct Holy Spirit? I see you smiling out there. Nobody wants to raise their hand. That’s alright. You just answered. God is in charge. It says that he orders and he directs our steps. I think a lot of times we try to get the cart before the horse.

But he is coming. He will come and not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back I will not be pleased with him. But praise God we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed. But of those who believe and are saved. He is for us and not against us. And will do things beyond your wildest imaginations if you’ll just seek him and give him all your heart.

How many of you have ever held onto things because one day you’re going to need it? Are there any packrats in here? Most of the stuff you hang onto, you probably won’t ever use—99% chance you’re not going to use it. But we hold onto that 1% chance that we’re going to need that one day.

I heard the Lord say that it is time to trade off those things. To get rid of them. To move on. To make place and make space because he is about to release and deposit within us and to us more than we’ve been holding onto forever that’s worthless and doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. We’ve got to make room for the outpouring that he is in the process of releasing to us now.

We are in our time of suddenlies. But we have to prepare the house. We have to prepare our hearts to receive the bountiful blessing that he is releasing to us. And he is going to do that to us if we remain in faith.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. Our walk is by faith. Our hope is by faith. Our faith is believing that we’re going to see the promises that God has spoken to us. If you don’t have faith you can’t please God. He operates in faith, by faith, through faith, and we walk by faith, not by sight.

So many times we get ourselves in dilemmas and situations because we’re walking by sight, and we’re looking at things in the natural. God is spirit and God births things in the spirit, but then he brings them forth in the natural. Well, I just don’t see how God can work through this. Or, This isn’t going to happen unless God does it. God takes immaterial things, or pulls things out of the spirit.

I’m not talking about a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. That’s smoke and mirrors. God is the Creator. It comes from his mouth, from his Word. He speaks it, and it happens. That is our God. And he’s beyond our stinking thinking.

And God doesn’t make suggestions. He gives commands. I had a dream recently where I saw all these people gathered with suitcases and luggage filled with their ‘stuff.’ They were there to make an exchange of their stuff, junk, garbage they’d been holding onto for years and years, and trade it in for good stuff.

The Lord is saying it’s time to trade in your stuff for the right stuff. Exchange what you’ve been holding onto thinking that maybe somehow, someway, someday, this is going to be of value to me. But the Lord is saying to unpack that. That it’s time to exchange. And that it’s time to receive the fullness of his blessing upon you. It’s here, folks. It’s here.

When you think about treasures and provision, etc., I think about finances and being economically fit and prosperous. That’s all well and good, but before we can be fully functioning economically and financially stable, we have got to receive the main ingredient that God wants to give us. And that is His wisdom and His knowledge. I’ve read stories, Oh Lord I wish I could win the lottery. I’m not promoting gambling. But these people who come into large sums of money or win a lottery end up being in worse shape than before they had those riches. Because they didn’t have the knowledge, wisdom or understanding of how to operate, how to invest their money, and how to live with that type of wealth coming upon them.

How many times have you read stories about professional athletes who have these multi-million dollar contracts? And then when the game’s over with, in a couple of years they’re broke? We need the wisdom, the knowledge, and the understanding that only comes from God’s order to operate and to perpetuate the blessing that he wants to release upon us.

Proverbs 2:1. My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding—indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.

First thing first. We need the wisdom, the knowledge, and the understanding of God so that we can navigate this place called the world in which we live. So many times we try to take our own understanding and operate in the world, but what we’re doing is operating in the world system. God’s kingdom is above that. God wants to teach and train and equip us to have dominion in the earth.

You read about people in the Bible who followed God, who listened to God—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, all of these patriarchs. They were healthy. They were wealthy. And they were wise. But it was because they listened to the Lord. They followed his principles, his precepts, and God rewarded, God blessed. Was their life a bed of roses? Absolutely not. They had problems. They faced difficulties. They had struggles. But at the end of the day, God was God, and that was who they listened to. That’s who they followed.

Would they stray occasionally? Absolutely. But they were so in the know of God, he would bring them back. They would come back, seek his face. And God blessed them, empowered them, and equipped them to go forth.

For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding. He holds victory in store for the upright. He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and he protects the way of his faithful ones.

We’ve got to walk the walk. We can’t just talk the talk. We’ve got to walk the walk. We’ve got to put action to our words. We’ve got to put faith, belief, understanding, and perseverance to our lives in order to see the full results of what God desires to do.

We can’t keep doing what we’ve been doing, that hasn’t been successful, and hope God is going to interject and take what we’ve been doing and say, Okay you’ve done that for so long you’ve perfected it; I’m just going to go ahead and bless that. No. We can’t do what we’ve always done and expect a different outcome. Because if we always do what we’ve always done, we’re going to always have what we’ve always had. God wants us to change. But he’s not going to make you change.

He will speak us and show us a better way, to walk in the fullness, the receive the blessing, to improve on your situation. But we have got to be to the point where we’re willing to listen, to take hold of the counsel of God, and to do what he says.

There’s a program on television called Restaurant Impossible. Robert Irving, an Englishman, and American, is the host. He goes throughout America to these failing restaurants, where they’ve done all they know to do. He comes in, thoroughly surveys the facility, the menu, the staff, the profitability or unprofitability; and brings suggestions for improvement. He brings a formula or a recipe to save the business. And many times he meets resistance such as, I’ve been running this restaurant for 15 years, 20 years. Daddy or Mama ran it; now I’m running it. This is the way it’s always been, etc. to the point of, How dare you come in here and tell me to do something different.

Has God ever mentioned something to you, that you might do something a different way? And you’re like, I don’t want to do it that way. Yet this man goes in making suggestions, and he’s sometimes met with resistance, sometimes acceptance. There’s always a resistance or hesitancy when he makes a suggestion because the people there have been doing this for so long.

But throughout the show the resistance begins to crumble as he shows them a better way. Many, they’re trying to do too much. They have a vast menu, trying to do everything and cater to everybody because this is what everybody else is doing. But he shortens the list, taking things off the menu, keeping certain things that he kicks up a notch, or spicing them up, or changing them up.

He changes the decor. He spends $10,000 in 48 hours and turns it around. It’s amazing. God wants to come in and rearrange your restaurant. He wants to take you out of loss mode and put you into profitability. He wants you to quit trying to cater to everything that’s out there and focus on what he’s called you to do.

We’ve got too much stuff we’re trying to hang onto in case we may need that at some point down the road. It’s really worthless. If you have stuff packed up in a box that’s been there 15 years, or 20 years, you probably don’t need it. God wants us to get rid of our stuff and focus on what he has called us to do.

You can’t please everybody. Many times we try to please everybody. God wants us to please him. If we please God, everything else will fall into place. If it doesn’t fall into place, then it doesn’t matter anyway. Because God says you don’t need that. Don’t go there. Seek his face and his kingdom and his righteousness, THEN everything else will be added unto you.

So as Robert goes through these restaurants, he deals with the resistance; he deals with the people not wanting to change at the beginning; but as the changes begin happening, and the renovations begin manifesting; and as the people being listening and he shows them how to do greater things and better things with less effort, they start to get the picture. He takes a sinking ship and brings it back onto the surface and it’s cruising.

That’s the way God will operate in us if we will just listen and let go of the worthless idols. If we give him the stuff we’ve held onto. If we quit resisting the prompting of his Spirit and allow him to permeate our spirits. And open our eyes to see and our hearts to receive, then we’re going to begin to operate a lot more fully in the sonship he’s allowed us to enter into. Because he’s for us and not against us.

So please hear my voice and do. I’m not saying this. The Lord is saying this. So, me first. Quit resisting. Let go of the stuff you’ve held onto that you think is going to increase in value someday, or you may need it someday. And take hold of what God is wanting to give us. Because his stuff is valuable NOW.

He holds victory in store for the upright. He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless. For he guards the course of the just and he protects the way of his faithful ones. You want to be secure? You want to be whole? You want to be protected in all you do? Then walk in the way that God has marked out before you. Don’t look to the left. Don’t look to the right. Don’t do the ‘what if’ thing. Trust him and him alone.

:9 Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair. We have a sense of knowing what’s right and just and what’s fair. Many times that will fall in the trap of trying to please everybody. To be right. To be just. To be fair. Most of the time we need to hear the Lord and see what the Lord says about it.

And when the Lord speaks there is going to be a dividing line. And people don’t like that. The world doesn’t like that. The world doesn’t like to be called out on anything. The things that are happening in this nation today, there’s a spirit of resistance and lawlessness and pure evil that has come and blinded the hearts and minds of people. We’re in a war. We’re in a battle.

But I declare and I am seeing that the righteous judgments of God are coming down and I’m going to side with him. I’m going to trust in the Lord. I believe the Lord. I believe the Lord is doing a mighty work in this land today and the resistance is kicked up. But we’re going to stand firm. We’re going to persevere and we’re going to see the goodness of God in the land of the living. We are in those days and we’re part of the goodness.

For wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. Discretion will protect you and understanding will guard you. He is our hope and our future. He is our strong tower. He is our shield and our buckler. He watches over his word to perform it. And we’re here to go forth as his ambassadors.

Look, God has got you. And he wants to take your worthless things and give you the best of his treasures. The best of his provision. The best of his wisdom, knowledge, and understanding so that we can navigate this earth and display his glory wherever we go, and whatever we’re doing. And not get caught up in the pettiness of the things of the world. But to stand in the fullness of his Holy Spirit, speak his word, and see situations change.

So trade your sorrows. Trade your shortcomings. Trade your inconsistencies. Trade what you think is valuable into him and he’ll give you fulness of all that he is. Praise God.

Father, I thank you today that you are moving mightily in the earth. I thank you that you are watching over your word to perform it in our midst. And I just pray right now that your word that has gone forth this morning has made an impact, has stirred us and compelled us and caused us to think. Lord, that we would clean out the junk, the stuff, the clutter, that we have carried and hung onto; and that we would exchange it for your righteousness, for your peace, for your joy, for your wisdom, knowledge and understanding. That it empowers us and quickens us and gives us the ability to stand, to persevere, and to go forth and be all that you created us to be. Father, I don’t want to be half full and I don’t want this body to be half full. But Lord God, I want us to be full, even overflowing with your fullness. Father, I thank you that you have called us to be rivers of living water and that we flow in the fullness of all that you created us for.

So Father, help us to lean not on our own understanding but to trust in you and you alone. And that we would see the fullness of your provision, your bounty, individually and collectively, so that your kingdom can be high and lifted up and magnified and brought forth throughout this earth in ways we’ve never imagined.

We honor you Lord and we bless you. I bless these people, this house, this land, this state, and this nation. That your righteousness comes forth and you are exalted in Jesus name. Amen and Amen. Praise the Lord.

Mid-Morning Service.

?All my days, Yes I will lift you high. I choose to praise, to glorify glorify the name of all names. Nothing can stand against. All my days, Yes I will.

Kimble Love. Amen. Say, All my days, Yes I will, glorify the name of the Lord. Amen. And that’s what we’re here today to do, to glorify Jesus. We yield ourselves to HIM and let him have his way. Glory to God.

I’d like to welcome you all here this morning. I’m excited to be here and I’m excited you’re here. God is moving in a mighty way and I just ask that you open yourselves up to receive from him today. Today is a new day and we’re walking in a new way. We’re going to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. And I’m here to receive everything he has for me. And I pray that you are, too. Let’s step into worship and the the Lord do what only he can do.

Father, we thank you for today. We thank you that you’re moving mightily in our midst. We yield to your Spirit. Holy Spirit come and do the will of the Father in our midst, in our hearts. Father I ask that you change our minds and we will not be led by the things of this world, but we would be moved by your Word, by what is says and what you say. May we step up and step into our purpose like we never have before. That we would see the fulfillment of promise and the manifestations of your Spirit in our lives individually and collectively.

Father, I plead the blood of Jesus on this house. Lord have your way. We command resistance to go and the fullness of your goodness cover us like the waters cover the sea. Have your way, Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.


?I open up to you this love that makes me new, that carries me. From the head to the heart, you take me on a journey. We get lost in you. We take ahold of you. I found your love in the open fields. You’ve taken hold of us Lord so we can take hold of you without letting go, cause you love us. We’re not letting go of you.

As we take hold of you, take hold of us. We’re not letting go.

Betty and Worship Team. We believe Lord every promise. We’re not letting go. Can’t let go. I know you’re not letting go of me, of us.

Betty. Never will you never leave us or forsake us. Even when we’re faithless, you’re faithful. You’ll not deny yourself. You’re not letting go. You pull me in close. Never let go.

Betty. Lord we’ve come to look to see what you will say today, to me, to us oh God right here right now. I’m looking to see.

?My soul sings how I love you. I’m pulled by the gravity of love. Open my eyes to see the wonderful mystery of love. You’re my everything.

Everything I ever wanted /needed I found in you Jesus. My soul sings how I love you.

I can see the lightning. I can feel the thunder. I can hear the voices proceeding from your throne. Only one word comes to mind. Only one word to describe. Holy Holy Holy are you Lord God Almighty.

There is no one like you. You are Holy Holy. We bow before you. We submit to your will. We cast down our wills. Lord your will is perfect. We bow down.

Holy Holy are you Lord God Almighty. Everyone in the temple cries Holy. Join with all the angels singing Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty. You are faithful, you are. You’re word will never end cause you are the Word. You are Holy, Lord. Have your way.

Betty Love. Father we thank you for the glory of your presence. We welcome your holiness in this place. We acknowledge heaven. We acknowledge your glorious throne Lord. We welcome the voice of the angels. We welcome the voice of the living creatures that cry out Holy. We agree Lord. We welcome the glory of your presence and your voice upon our waters. You are the Word, Jesus.

Kimble Love. Amen. Praise the Lord. I’m giving you an opportunity right now to exchange. So don’t resist. The Word of God says to bring the whole tithes into the storehouse so that there will be plenty. Plenty to do the work that he’s called us to do. As we continue to worship, we’re going to bring that which the Lord has so blessed us with. As his anointing is upon it, we’re going to exchange our gifts into the ministry and see a supernatural return on that which is sown.

God is good and he is moving mightily. And I want to sow into everything that God is doing. Because we ‘ain’t seen nothing yet.’ Oh but get ready, get ready, get ready.

As we come today and bring our tithes, offerings, and first fruits into the house, we are going to partake of the Table of the Lord. We’re going to celebrate Communion. We are going to take external elements and place them into our body and commune with those things which are eternal in Christ Jesus.

On the night that Jesus was betrayed, he met with his disciples in an upper room. In the course of the meal he took bread and broke it and said, This bread is my body which is broken for you. Whenever you eat of it, do it in remembrance of me. Then he took the cup and held it up and blessed it. He said, This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Whenever you drink of it, do it in remembrance of me.

So today in accordance with the Word of God, we are going to come to the Table. We are going to eat of the bread and drink of the cup. We are going to recognize the body and blood of Jesus. And we’re going to take those elements into our bodies, and we are spiritually and naturally saying, Receive the full benefits of the new covenant that you purchased for us.

We’re saying, Jesus thank you for redeeming us, for bringing us back into right relationship and fellowship with our Father. And we receive those full benefits for life and godliness in the earth as we go forth.

So Lord we thank you for the cup and we thank you for the bread. We thank you for the sacrifice, the price that you paid. And we thank you Lord Jesus that you arose from the grave and you live evermore at the right hand of the Father to make intercession for us your people. And Lord today we just thank you for your sacrifice, for your full provision, that you’ve allowed us to become heirs, joint-heirs, co-heirs with you Lord Jesus. And we declare that you rule and reign forevermore. Have your way. Amen and Amen.

?You break down my heart. I’m listening. Every cell in me must respond to the rhythm of your heart, to the hope within your arms. You came. I knew that you would come. You sang. My heart, it woke up. You are a miracle working God. You came. I knew that you would come.

Betty Love. Praise God. Lord, I thank you even as Kimble was decreeing that God is never late. He’s always on time. Lord, we want to honor you. I declare over our lives and over the land and release into the atmosphere, over our territories, where you live and move and have your being; your territories, your tents, and your treasuries; over our spheres of influence—I’m not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone that believes, first for the Jew and then for the Gentile.

I’m going to decree again. I’m not ashamed of the Gospel. I’m not ashamed of the Gospel. Hei hei hei. I said, I’m not ashamed of the Gospel. Oh the simple Gospel. That Simple Gospel song. Because it’s the power of God unto salvation for ALL who believe. He opens blind eyes and deaf ears and raises the dead.

And when there are armies surrounding us, oh he has the power to open our eyes to see the angel armies. And it doesn’t matter what it looks like. It doesn’t matter how great the odds look. Our God is able and he will. Never have the righteous been forsaken or their seed begging bread. Our God is faithful. So I’m not ashamed of the Gospel, the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ, for in him is salvation.

In him is deliverance. In him is healing. In him is resurrection power and life. If you don’t know this today. Right now we’re living eternal life. You’re not waiting to get to heaven to be eternal. When you said Yes to the Lord Jesus, you were made eternal. You’re born again. Born from above. New creatures in Christ.

Lane?I wanna know you Lord like I know a friend. So I’m laying down all my religion. We surrender to you. I want to know you Lord. I will rejoice in the simple gospel. I will rejoice in you Lord. Break down our walls.

Betty. Breaking out. I’m not ashamed.

I will rejoice in the simple gospel, in you.

Betty. Nothing can separate us/me from Jesus.

There’s no amount of untruths that can separate me from you.

Betty Love. Romans 8:28. And we know in all this that God works for the good of those that love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Father, right now I pray for a drawing. I pray for a heart to heart, spirit to spirit, face to face. Lord, I pray for an explosion of a spirit of worship and praise within every believer in this room. Lord, that you would literally draw your sons and daughters with your cords of love. And you would pour out your Spirit, that you would infuse our entire spirit, soul, and body with your Spirit and truth and your Word and your blood.

That we may know you Lord. That we would have eyes to see. That our ears would hear and be attuned to your voice. That we would know and recognize you Lord.

?I want to know you Lord. I want to see your face. I want to hear your voice. I want your words to come alive in me Lord. I want the Spirit of Truth to come alive in me. I want to know your glory first hand, first hand. No second-hand account of you will do me any good. I was made to know you. I was made to walk with you. And live in you. And move in you. And have my being in you.

For every heart in this room Lord, awaken awaken us. Awaken awaken us to know you. To see you and hear you. Not gonna let no rocks out-praise me Jesus. No more alienation of affection. No more divided heart in my allegiance. I pledge my allegiance to the Lord. I yield to the Son of God and to the One who saves me. I raise my gaze. Thank you Lord.

I just sense that the Lord really desires you, your heart, your life. He doesn’t want you and me just going through the motions. You never want church to be normal. He doesn’t want you to be normal. In fact, the Word of God tells us in the book of Hebrews that we’re just sojourning through this earth, that we have citizenship in another place. The Word of God calls us a peculiar people.

He doesn’t want you to be ashamed of your past. We don’t want you to be ashamed of today. The Lord just wants you to know the power of the blood and the power of the new birth, the power of the Spirit of the Living God that’s within you. He has anointed you. He has set his seal of ownership on you. And he has given us his Holy Spirit as a guarantee of what’s to come.

The Word of God says in Romans 8:28. I believe what the Lord is wanting to do is that anything that has prevented, perverted, or diverted, whatever obstacle, whatever has been resisting or blocking or hindering, wherever you have boxed God in, the Lord is just going to—what box? We need Him. We need the Lord. Families need the Lord. Children need the Lord. Parents need the Lord. Grandparents need the Lord. Businessmen need the Lord. Governmental officials need the Lord. Doctors need the Lord. Millionaires need the Lord. It doesn’t matter where you are in life. Every human being needs the Lord.

And just because you receive the Lord doesn’t mean that you cease to need the Lord or to know the Lord. Not knowing him and how he is and how you are and who we are as the body of Christ will cost us. I’m seeing today that the Lord wants you to know the power of his love. And the power of his presence. And the power of his Spirit that is living on the inside of you. That the Lord has committed himself to you and me. And it’s not here today and gone tomorrow. He is in for the long haul.

There is nothing that you or I can do that is going to change God’s mind because Jesus made it up. And it’s settled. It has been settled in heaven. If you never knew where you stood with someone, or if you had citizenship. And you were in and out, in and out. How many times do you get your name erased from the book until there’s a hole there? There’s no stability in a relationship like that.

Jesus Christ is our sure foundation. He is the stability of our times. He is faithful. I love the Word of God and I really feel like sometimes there is a deficiency and a lactose intolerance of the Word of God in the body of Christ. I believe the Lord not only wants us to grow strong on the milk of the Word, but I believe he wants to give us meat. I believe he wants to fatten us up in the Spirit.

I believe he wants us to be strong in him and the power of his might. I believe he wants us to take the land and come into our inheritance in this season.

The Word of God says here that we know. Romans is believed to have been written by Paul. I believe he’s the author of the book. And he is saying, We know. He’s addressing the church and he’s saying, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.

If you are sitting in his room, I know that I know that I know, and even before from 2000 on all we began to hear throughout the body of Christ was ‘Purpose.’ Purpose. Know your Purpose. Do you know your purpose? If you don’t know the reason God created you, he is wanting you to know that. He is wanting you to know that regardless of what life has dealt, regardless of what circumstances you are facing, or might be in right now, that God is going to take everything in our lives—it doesn’t mean he is the author of everything—but the promise is that he will take all things and work them for the good because he is redemptive.

Even when we mess up he will work all things for the good of those that love him and are called according to his purpose. If you are a believer in this room this morning, you have been called and he has a purpose.

:29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.

Those that he foreknew he predestined. I believe that we have a house of believers this morning because I know everyone in here. I don’t know all the children well but I know their parents. So I know they’re in a believer’s home. Everyone has to make a choice of what they’re going to do with Jesus. No one can save you. You are the one that’s going to have to confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from dead.

That’s the Roman Road word if you will be saved. For it’s with your heart that you believe and with your mouth you confess. We make that decision. How many of you believe that God is sovereign? I don’t have to give up freewill choice for predestination. The Word says that God already knows those that are his. But we don’t know that. And we have a message.

Every human being will come to a face to face decision of whether they will seek Christ or not, and it doesn’t matter where they are, what country they live in, I believe everyone has the opportunity to make a decision. But I can guarantee you this, those that he foreknew he predestined. He predestined to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.

Holy Spirit has an assignment. Has everyone seen Fixer Upper? Joanna Gaines will take a piece of metal and go to the metal worker. He will take a computer that is able to program the design to the computer. He keys that in and then he can cut out any lettering, any sign. It’s made from what’s in that computer. I know this. I am confident of this. God has your design. He had your design before the foundations of the earth.

And Holy Spirit’s passion is to conform us to the image of Christ and what God has ordained for us. And he is relentless to work on that as long as we are in the earth realm, until we breathe our last breath here. And I can work with him, or I can work against him. I do not want to resist God. And I don’t want to be presumptuous either to help him do things he’s never ordained.

What I want is for you and me to be in relationship with him. To know him. Before you ever do anything or have done anything, God says because we are in the Son, that he is pleased with us. One of the first things God settled with me as my Father is that he loved me and that he was pleased with me. It had nothing to do with what I could do to earn it or deserved it. It’s just a simple gift. And that became a revelation to me.

It was the biggest sit-down celebration I could ever have. Because I’m a do it right, prophet, plan and design. It’s going to be right, now. Part of my function and eleven-year vision where we were associates and administrators, my part was to walk into the room and see what is wrong with it and then have a solution to fix it. It’s part of the gifting. So if you don’t think the first critique hits here, I am harder on myself than I would be on anybody. And I’m not about giving you a task that I’m not willing to shoulder up and do it with you. It’s part of the makeup.

But this is the thing. If you have lived in a performance, and it’s not about performing for people. People perform against a lot of different things. It’s that some of us in our makeup, and I’m talking to somebody in here, it has got to be right. You’re almost warring against yourself trying to be good.

So for me in my early 20s, for the Father to come with his love and his acceptance—because sooner or later you get to the end of yourself and you lose the war. And then you’re a mess and you need a deliverer. And you need a Savior. And you need unconditional love. Because you wear yourself out and wear yourself down because you realize life is not about performance.

Your performance is only as good as the last game you played. Because you start over the next day. Ask the football players. Ask the athletes. Who are you running for? What are you running for? Why are you doing it? If you’re doing it for man, that’s a noble thing. Whatever your cause is, whatever you live for, you have to ask yourself, is it worth it?

My discovery in life is, What is worth living for? What is worth laying your life down for is Jesus Christ. I’ve gone about it in a lot of different ways, to bring about the vision of the Lord, but what I am convinced of is this. Our Father in heaven has a plan for us and it is on time. And he is here. And we have come full circle in our lives. In this season of God, it is time for you, not just me.

But everyone of us in this room have an opportunity in this season to step into our land and our inheritance. And be occupied by God and begin to occupy what he has given his life for. To allow Holy Spirit. I can’t conform myself to the image of Christ. I can’t do this on my best day. But if I allow him to work in me and work through me, he can do it. My part is to surrender. That doesn’t free me from putting feet to the vision. It doesn’t free me from co-laboring with him. From creating with him.

But there is something about surrendering to the love of God, the plan of God, the purpose of God. And to know that regardless of where you’ve been, what you’ve done, where you came from; it doesn’t matter what station in life, what you have, whether much or little, God wants to take you right where you are and to bring you into his greatness.

And Jesus is the firstborn among many brethren. He wants us to rise up in our birthright and our inheritance. We choose the rights of the firstborn. Everything that Jesus Christ has belongs to you and me. Now that is something.

:29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. :30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.

:31 What then shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? :32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, Jesus, graciously give us all things?

This is the Word of God and I love that at one point Kevin in the song of the Lord said the word of God never fails. Heaven and earth will pass away, but the word of the Lord is going to stand forever. No matter what God has promised you, when you know God has given it to you through his Word, or you know you have a word from God, he’s not going to change his mind.

How you respond will determine the manifestation of that word—believing it and receiving it. Can you thwart a prophecy spoken over your life? You can delay it. There are prophecies still waiting to be fulfilled because you haven’t obeyed maybe a simple step that God has given you to do. He says that if you’re willing and obedient you will eat the best from the land.

So there is a place where he has ordained for us to move and live and have our being. There are things God has ordained for your life and my life, but we have to respond to those. We have to be a part of it. We can’t by osmosis just think that God is going to do something. He is looking for a response and agreement. He is looking for the Amen coming out of your life and my life.

But what did God do? He gave Jesus Christ for you and me. Christ gave his life for us. It’s what Pastor was talking about this morning. There is an exchange at the Table. He took our sins and gave us his righteousness. Not because of anything that we do. It’s all about what he’s done. But how we receive that righteousness is we believe in him. And we receive him.

The Word says that God didn’t spare his Son. He gave his life for the sins of the whole world. And if he didn’t spare his Son, and through the Son he has given all things, will he not give us all things in him? I believe what the Lord is saying to you and me this morning, I have not changed my mind. I have made you promises. You have believed my word. And I’ve come to make good on the word. And I want you to have a different spirit.

I want you to be in this hour like Joshua and Caleb who said, Yes we are well-able to take the land. Because it is that place again. Forty days or forty years? For me, I’m going in. It’s time. It’s time to birth vision. It’s time for dreams to be fulfilled.

So if God didn’t spare his own Son, and if God is for us, then who can be against us?

:33 Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. :34 Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

Part of what Jesus is doing right now. If you feel that ?nobody knows. Here I am. Oh how low I am. Or, how high I am. Jesus does. Jesus is at the right hand of God the Father. And this word right here says that he is interceding for us.

Athelene, Jesus is interceding for you. There his glory on that, now. Kimberley, Jesus is interceding for you. Gloria, Jesus is interceding for you, and not only for you but your whole house. Johnny, Jesus is interceding for you. Hei. Rusty, Jesus is interceding for you and that beautiful redheaded daughter of yours, too. Hahaha. Donna, Jesus is interceding for you. Do you know how much he loves you? You know about bees and you know about honey. Hahaha. Worker bee, worker bee, worker bee. A real Deborah.

A warrior rising.

Michelle, Michelle, and Michael. Hahaha. Kimberley is a Michelle, too. We’ve got four of them. It means ‘Who is like our God?’ Who is like our God, Jesus is interceding for you. Jesus is interceding for you. Jesus is interceding for you. Jesus is interceding for you. Faron, Jesus is interceding for you, and for Abigail and your whole house. Jesus, I receive your intercession for me.

Hebrews 7:25 says that he is able to save completely those that come to God through him because he always lives to intercede. Pam, Jesus is interceding for you. Summer and Gage, Jesus is interceding for you. Mrs. Rachel, looking from behind. The Lord says you’re not coming from behind. Jesus is interceding for you. Mallory, Jesus is interceding for you. Gotcha! Gotcha! He wins, Mallory. Gotcha! Gotcha!

Wanda and Terry and your whole house, Jesus is interceding for you. Shoo! Jan, Jesus is interceding for you, for Scott, and your whole house. I want everyone in this room. Kevin, Jesus is interceding for you. Carol, Jesus is interceding for you. Hei! Pat, Jesus is interceding for you. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Brenda, Jesus is interceding for you.

Kellie and Woody and your whole house, Jesus is interceding for you. God is for you. Who can be against you? This is a land flowing with milk and honey. We are well able to take this land. Well, there are giants. Like, the Amalekites are in the land. All these ‘ites.’ But Caleb and Joshua, Oh the fruit!

God has said to you and me we are well able to take the land. Take the land! Jesus Christ himself is interceding for every believer in this room, every family in this room. Every believer that is watching right now, Jesus Christ himself is interceding for you. It is a setup.  When we don’t know how to pray, the Word of God says the Spirit of the Lord in us groans with words that cannot even be expressed.

Do you ever feel like you have something going on on the inside of you and you maybe don’t know what it is, but it’s the Spirit of the Lord? We’ve got God in heaven, Jesus, via Holy Spirit. It is an inside job, committed to conform you to the image of Christ. Just like Jesus. And as he begins to conform you and transform you and clothe you in Christ, and the enemy looks at you, he doesn’t see you anymore. He sees Jesus.

When you open your mouth God says, I’ll fill it. So when you open your mouth and you begin to speak in a circumstance or a situation, Holy Spirit’s working. God’s going to give you a mouth and wisdom that your adversaries will not be able to resist or contradict, because that’s what he says. Open your mouth and I’ll fill it. Speak to the mountain. And if you believe in your heart what you say, you can move mountains. There is nothing that can separate you or me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. And he gives a list.

We have been made more than conquerors. What are we conquerors of? We are conquerors of a kingdom of darkness, that he has already conquered. We are more than conquerors. We are called to take the land. To take territories and regions. What do you mean, Take the land? It’s to possess your place that God has ordained for you before the foundations of the earth. He has the exact times and places set for us.

He already has your address before you ever move there. He’s got a good address for you. When you first walk into a place, you might think, Oh dear God! But he’s a transformer. Or you might be down here and look out around here and think, Well. Well. And it depends on how you see it. How do you think God sees this land?

What do you think he wants to do with this land? What do you think he wants to do with the people in this land? He has a plan.

So Holy Spirit and Jesus are praying, but there is something else that’s praying, too. The Bible says in Romans that all creation is groaning, longing for the sons of God to be revealed. Creation itself; how can that be? Jesus commissioned an army to go into the world and preach the gospel of the kingdom to every creature. Creation is groaning, longing for the sons of God to be revealed. To come into liberty.

When you come into liberty, when he occupies and possesses you, you’ll begin to occupy and possess the land. You can go where there have been great outpourings of the Spirit of God and movements, and even the environment, the vegetation, everything is transformed by the glory. So creation is interceding, will put a demand on the Spirit of God living on the inside of you, will begin to pull on you into your birthright. You might think that is really weird.

I was in Tupelo, Mississippi, several years ago. Gail Gilbert was with me. We had done a series of meetings, and there was a meeting in a dance studio and about fifty leaders, pastors and different people, from all over the city came. The chairs were set up like this. The Worship Leader named Cindy was working with me. She was leading worship. Gail was sitting in a chair on the opposite wall. Here are all these people and I am walking back and forth and we are in the midst of worship.

I literally felt like someone had come up behind me, and had put their hand on me, and I felt power go out from me. Has anybody ever felt the power of God leave them? Somebody put a demand on the power of God? The example is the woman with the issue of blood. She pressed through the crowd to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. She said, If I can just touch the hem of his garment. Within herself she made a faith declaration and agreement.

She had issues for twelve years. She’d spent all her money. She’d done everything she knew to do. And nothing had worked. She still had the issue, and I think sometimes that’s the deal. We do everything we know to do. We spend all our money. And we are exhausted. And exhausted our resources. So she said within herself. She knew Jesus was coming to town. And if I just touch the hem of his garment, I will be healed. The Bible says she said it within herself.

Kimble said this is the time to persevere. So the woman, in spite of the crowd, said I am going to do this thing. I think she crawled through the crowd. But when she touched him, her touch was different than anyone else’s. If you know the story, Jairus, who was a ruler in the synagogue, had come to Jesus because his twelve year old daughter was sick and he wanted him to come to his home to heal her.

So there is a crowd, and Jesus is on his way, with a mission to heal a little 12 year old. But then there’s a woman with an issue she’s had for 12 years. So on the way she touches him, which was something they were not supposed to do. On that touch, power went out from him and it says her issue ‘stood up.’ It’s the same word for covenant. It stopped.

I’m sure the three disciples were right next to Jesus and moving as a group, probably not very fast, trying to get him through the crowd. Think about going to a big football game, and it’s all over and you’re in a crowd, trying to come out of the stadium and make your way to your vehicle.

When it happened, he looks around. Who touched me? They’re like, Really? No, somebody touched me. Because power left him. Enough power to heal an issue that had lasted twelve years. That was some kind of pull, now. Touch. And then she identified herself.

In the meantime, they come from Jairus’ house and say, No need to come because she’s dead. And Jesus said, Only believe. He goes on and the rest of the story is that he raises Jairus’ daughter from the dead. He puts everybody outside because they’re scoffing and everything else. She’s dead. And he raised her. So it doesn’t matter what it looks like. I’ve seen the dead raised. I’ve seen cancer healed. I’ve seen blind eyes opened and deaf ears opened.

A 50 year old woman born deaf gets the new part of the ear she was missing when she was born. God can do anything. Don’t limit the Lord or think your situation is beyond. Will God not give you all things through his Son? It’s in the Word. It’s part of the covenant.

So in this meeting I felt power leave me. It’s the truth, God as my witness. My eyes were closed as I prophesied, as I ministered, because I don’t know what’s coming out of my mouth. So what’s coming out isn’t going to be colored by anyone sitting in this room.

So I opened my eyes because I’m looking for who touched me. The worship leader is over there playing and has her eyes closed. The people are in worship, and nobody has touched me. I said, Lord, what is this? And he said, Creation just put a demand on the anointing. This land that you’re standing in. What is this place? What birthed out of here? Who’s come out of here?

This is a sound portal. This is a worship portal. Music that has shaped the entire world has come out of the state of Mississippi, and standing in that land, creation put a demand on the anointing of God in me. Not as Betty, but as a son of God. Because it wanted to be liberated. So I began to bless the land, and speak liberty and freedom to the land. I never heard that before.

So I’m telling you today you have a setup for you. You have Jesus Christ himself seated at the right hand of God the Father and he is interceding for you. And it’s not just written in one place here in Romans 8. It’s also written in Hebrews 7. And he’s not just going to do a little bit. He’s going to save you completely. He is able to save completely. And he can either do it this side of heaven or there, but he will do it.

And I want him to do it this side of heaven because I want to be in on the stuff, the ministry of Jesus. Seeing lives and families transformed and reformed and coming into their destiny, and being who God created them to be in every mountain of society. But not only that, creation is groaning. You’ve got the land. And it’s back to Beau Neill.

Beau Neill said, the revelation he brought into this house, and it’s one of the greatest revelations, that Abraham didn’t just walk the land for God to show him and scope out the land. Oh he did that. But he walked the land so the land would recognize him and know him and yield it’s strength to him. I want my land to yield its strength. Yield is not just a harvest. It’s way above that. I’ll never forget. Marion and Beau came into a meeting in Vicksburg, Mississippi, ten or twelve years ago, and Beau telling me that a yield is greater than a harvest.

Christ Jesus who died, more than that, who was raised to life is at the right hand of God. He is also interceding for us.

:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: ‘For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.’

:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

:38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, :39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Where we’re weak, He is strong. Where we’re weak, he’s strong. Paul said, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Is anything too hard for our God? Our God is the God of the possible. He is unstoppable. Heaven and earth will pass away but the Word of the Lord will stand forever.

Father, across this room and as this word is going forth, those that are tuned in with us, Father I’m coming into agreement with the intercession of heaven. We come into agreement with the testimony of Jesus Christ. We come into agreement with what is written, what is ordained for the remnant, for the people of God that are in the earth in this hour. For every son of God, for every daughter, for every born-again believer.

I decree and declare your word again, corporately and individually. I agree with your intercession Lord Jesus and I call it forth in every life on earth as it is in heaven. Let the intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ and the prayers that are being released be made manifest in each one of our lives.

Let there be an exchange today on earth as it is in heaven. We yield to the Intercessor that is living on the inside of us in the person of Holy Spirit. I call our spirit men to rise up in Christ Jesus. And I call us to fully function and walk in the birthright and the destiny that Jesus has purchased for us.

I decree over every life in this room, those that need freedom and liberty, Loose that man. Loose that woman. And let them go. Loose that boy. Loose that girl. And let them go. Let them go. Release them into their birthright.

Let the land that you have ordained, the places that you have ordained for each one of us to live, let the land recognize us. Let the territories and spheres of influence recognize us as sons of God. And let all creation respond. Where it is groaning, where it is crying out, where it is interceding, Lord, for the reveal to come off of us, for the cap to come off of us.

Lord, that we step into Isaiah 60. We arise and we shine. And our breastplate or righteousness shines bright in our land, into the heavens and on the earth. Let the intercession and the intercessors have their way in our lives today. I decree again, we are not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation. And Lord, may salvation in it’s fullest expression come forth in every life and in every home, in every territory, tent, and treasury.

And may the manifested glory of God arise in us and clothe us and transform us for your glory Jesus. For your glory Jesus. For your glory Jesus. For your glory Jesus. For your glory Jesus. He’s clothing. He’s clothing. He’s clothing individuals. For your glory.  Kings and kingdoms may all pass away, but there’s something about the name. Lord, I decree and declare you have put your name, Yeshua, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, on us and within us, and you have commanded a blessing. May we yield our strength to you, Lord, and may our land yield its strength for your glory, in Jesus mighty name. In Jesus mighty name. Amen and Amen and Amen.

Every time I said Glory, literally he was clothing. How many of you recognized a clothing of glory? The clothing of glory. Just lift your hand up and say, Lord, clothe me with your glory, for your glory. Clothe me, Lord, with your glory, for your glory. I arise and shine for your glory in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.
