3/1/2020 Miracle City Global
Judah Goes First
Anna Love. This month of Adar is about being happy and entering into Joy. It’s the month to overturn worry and fear. I know we’ve all been really busy, but I was seeing that the Lord wants to remove any anxiety, any feeling out-of-sorts, or the busyness or cares of life.
Adar is glorious, fire, strength, to be wise, to be made great, to be made honorable. It’s the month to overturn worry with the release of supply. A lot of times we get hung up on the things we need or the things we’re lacking or the cares of life, the cares of this world. The Lord wants to show us that our blessings are not just on the way, but our blessings are here.
Psalm 98 NIV. Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things. His right hand and his holy arm work salvation for him. The Lord has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations.
We’ve been singing, The hand of the Lord is stretched out and pushing back the resistance. I enjoyed hearing Chuck Pierce say this weekend that with us being in 2020, in 5780, it’s not just about the hand of the Lord being stretched out pushing back the resistance, it’s both of his hands, it’s double.
It’s like the full strength, the full power, everything that God is, he is pushing back any resistance, any darkness, anything that’s trying to come against his original intent for our lives. He’s pushing it back, pushing it away.
:3 He has remembered his love and his faithfulness to Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn—shout for joy before the Lord, the King.
Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy; let them sing before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples with equity.
I believe the Lord is saying this morning to allow him in, to break down your walls, even the walls of protection that you’re trying to put up, consciously or subconsciously. Just lay before the Lord, and let him bring the supply; let him meet the need; let him answer the question; let him overturn the worry.
He’s saying it’s a month of joy, a month of happiness, so no matter what, we should stand on that. We should stand on what he’s saying for us in this time and in this season.
Psalms 98 TPT. Go ahead—sing your brand-new song to the Lord. He is famous for his miracles and marvels, for he is victorious through his mighty power and holy strength. Everyone knows how God has saved us, for he has displayed his justice throughout history.
He never forgets to show us his love and faithfulness. How kind he has been to Israel. All the nations know how he stands behind his people and how he saves his own. So go ahead, everyone, and shout out your praise with joy.
Break out of the box and let loose with the most joyous sound of praise. Sing your melody of praise to the Lord and make music like never before.
When I read, make music like never before, it’s like a brand-new sound. You may have been excited before. You may have been happy before. But this isn’t going back to what you’ve known. It’s breaking out into something brand new. I believe that’s where we are.
:6 Blow those trumpets and shofars. Shout with joyous triumph before King Yahweh. Let the ocean’s waves join in the chorus with their roaring praise until everyone everywhere shouts out in unison, “Glory to the Lord!”
Let the rivers and streams clap with applause as the mountains rise in a standing ovation to join the mighty choir of exaltation. Look! Here he comes! The Lord and judge of all the earth. He’s coming to make things right and to do it fair and square. And everyone will see that he does all things well.
Lord, we thank you for this morning. I thank you that your joy is in this house. Just as joy was set before Jesus that he could endure the cross, that same joy is set before us this morning. No matter what circumstances or situations, or what life looks like, we choose joy this morning.
Father, we choose to enter into your happiness. I thank you that your wind is stirring, that your fire is coming and spreading in this place, touching hearts and minds, that it’s changing lives. Lord, change me first. I thank you that we are encountering you in a new and mighty way.
Father, I thank you for new visions, new songs, and new words. Not going back to what we’ve said before or seen before, but it’s a brand new day. That we step into it. We step into it fully expecting you to come and move like we’ve never known before. We make much of who you are.
Jesus, we make much of who you are. Let your glory come and fill this place. Let your glory come and fill your people this morning. Father, I thank you that you’re filling us up and you’re pouring us out. We join with heaven this morning and we say have your way. Come and move in this place in Jesus name.
?We welcome you in this place. Come and have your way. Spirit, come move over us. Come rest on us. Joy, begin to rise. Our God exchanges old for new. We are exchanging old for new. We make the exchange. There’s nothing your love won’t do. There’s power in the blood, the power of the cross. We invite you in.
Holy Spirit you are welcome here. Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere. You’re the one we love, the one we adore. You’re the one we came here for, Jesus. Holy Spirit come and dwell in me. Let your glory radiate through me. I was made to carry your glory. It’s all for you, Jesus. There’s no end to the affection you have for me.
Betty. Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, come and REST, in us, on us. Seven-fold Spirit of Jehovah, our God, come and rest on us. Spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and fear of the Lord. Make us of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord.
Release your breath. Release your fullness. Father, pour out your Spirit in wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you. Face to face in this place. Thank you, Lord. Praise you Father.
Anna?We wanna be face to face, heart to heart, eye to eye. Holy Spirit, hover over us. Come rest on us.
Betty. Praise you, Father. Jesus, we worship you. We magnify and glorify you, Lord. Thank you for instruction to bring miracles into Miracle City Global. It is time for us as the sons of God to manifest your fruits, your gifts; to manifest your glory on earth as it is in heaven, Jesus, to move in the greater works, because you’ve going to the Father. To move forth, to march forth, in the commission of the Lord.
So we welcome the fullness of the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, in our midst. We acknowledge this is your house, Father. So have it your way, God, in this place today. Separate us unto yourself, Lord. Separate us in that place of intimacy with you today. Awaken us in your righteousness and your truth. Awaken the gifts that you’ve stored within us individually and corporately.
Holy Spirit, we welcome your hovering. We welcome your workings. We welcome your administrations. We welcome the gifts. We welcome the fruits. We acknowledge that apart from you we can do nothing. It’s not by might nor by power, but it’s by the Spirit of God. So we invite the Revelator, the Teacher. We say Yes Lord. We thank you for this day again. Jesus, you are the Apostle and High Priest of this house.
Father, I thank you for those you’ve appointed to be with us today. Jesus, you are working with us to confirm your word with signs following. Thank you for not only activation of the gifts of the Spirit in the lives of every believer, but for full function. So Lord, awaken our ears to hear, our eyes to see, our hearts to understand by revelation what you are releasing to us today in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.
PowerPoint. The Gifts of Father, of Jesus, and of Holy Spirit
There are gift lists within the Word of God. When we talk about gifts of the Father, we’re talking about redemptive gifts. Some people call them motivational gifts. Every human being enters into the earth with gifts given by the Father. Once you are born-again then we call those gifts redeemed because they begin to function in and through the Spirit of the Lord, and what maybe wasn’t godly functioning through that gift, the Lord begins to transform us.
The seven gifts of the Father. Romans 12:3-8.
Prophet, Servant, Teacher, Exhorter, Giver, Ruler, Mercy.
It’s been taught through Arthur Burke and others bringing revelation on the redemptive gifts. Cities have redemptive gifts. States have redemptive gifts. Nations have redemptive gifts.
Mississippi is a Prophet state. We are a state that has voice. Prophetic words spoken over the state of Mississippi is that Mississippi is like a rudder who turns a nation. There are first fruit things that have come out of the state of Mississippi.
Usually you have a dominate gift and a secondary gift in this list. When you begin to mature in Christ, those gifts will begin to mature in you. They’re resident already, but they are going to be present.
Today as we process and walk through wherever Holy Spirit is going to take us in this study in Core training, I’m calling our spirit men to attention. I’m putting a demand on what is stored in your gift mix. When I say for your gift mix to function, all three sets, it’s because you have gifts resident in you. And when I say, I call your spirit man forth to rise up in His true righteousness and holiness, that’s right out of the Word of God.
Then when I put a demand on your gift mix, I’m saying, Come forth, gifts. Paul said, Fan into flame the gifts of God. Why am I saying that? Because gifts are weapons. We need to break off religious structures. When people say, I don’t have to have that prophecy thing. I’m like, Big mistake. So you mean you don’t want the heart, the mind, the counsel of God spoken in your life?
And when you open your mouth you don’t want to speak forth the heart, the mind, the counsel of God? You know, that’s going to work somewhere, because it’s God. I want everything he has for me. And I don’t want to be immature about it. Or try to sound pious when that’s really pride. Because what we’re saying is that we don’t need what God is giving us. We need them.
Gifts of the Son, Jesus. Ephesians 4:11. Five-fold Equipping
Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher
These are ministry gifts, people who are set in the Body of Christ. There has been an epidemic of people coming forth and saying, I’m this and I’m that; and some really are. I can’t wake up and decide I want to be a prophet because I saw it in the Word of God and I want that gift. You don’t get that gift unless God ordained before the foundations of the earth like he did with Jeremiah.
Jeremiah, before you were in your mother’s womb, I already knew you. I had already created and coordinated in my heart and mind, I knew, what I was going to form before I put you there, and began to create you in your mother’s womb. Because I had seen you; I had purposed you; and I had ordained you for the nations. So God decides. These are gifts given by Jesus. If they are functioning in maturity, they are an extension of himself.
For years in areas of the Body of Christ—I don’t want ungodly, false apostolic authority. I don’t know where people get off thinking ministry gifts have a right to be mean to people or lord it over. Well, I’m an apostle and it’s just the way I am. Get over yourself because I don’t see Jesus doing that.
I’m talking about taking an attitude because you’re this or you’re a prophet. Gifts function and have their highest authority when they function in love. And that doesn’t mean you don’t speak the truth. Faith worketh by love. How do you know if it’s really God? If you have not love, you are a resounding gong. The greatest gift is love. What is real love? It’s God.
These five-fold ministry gifts are an extension of the Lord Jesus Christ himself. They are not in a pyramid. I saw this years ago in my early 30s about the five-fold ministry. The church is built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets with Jesus being the Chief Cornerstone. If you truly function in a ministry gift, you are foundation, and it’s about building people individually, corporately, and generationally. It’s like, Get on my back. You are face down in the dirt, now.
The nine gifts of the Spirit. I Corinthians 12:4-11.
Everyone of you have a primary gift from the Father and a secondary, and you have the ability to come forth in maturity in all of them. Some people might not tell you that, but I’ve seen people take a gift list test and they have three or four that are really high. There is a dominate one but they have matured in the Lord and those gifts are beginning to manifest, because Jesus walked in the fullness of all of them. Everything we see here, Jesus walked in the fullness of it.
Every one of the gifts of the Spirit, you should desire. You should ask Holy Spirit. When it comes out of Anna, or Kevin, or Lane, or Jacob, or Michelle, when we’re singing it, it’s Now. When we’re saying Holy Spirit, Come and rest on us, I’m expecting it. And he’s not coming to rest for nothing. He’s coming to do his marvelous work, and if there’s something that needs to be done in you or me, come on and do it. He’s looking for a willing vessel. Who wants to? You need to be, Here I am!
So when the gifts start moving, and they should be moving every time we come together, and when he go out there, they really aught to be moving. You’re a willing vessel. Okay Kevin, sing that part. Okay Nancy, bring that vision. Paint that picture. And what did you see in it? Laurie, bring that rhema scripture.
Wanda, what are the angels doing in this place? What are you seeing in here with that seer anointing today? What do you need to release in the spirit realm? Some things you’re just working and then others, you’re going to come and say, Hey, I see angels doing this and this and they’re unpacking this.
When the word of the Lord comes forth, that gift operates. It’s supernatural. We have an opportunity to reach into that dimension or that word or that revelation and bring it home.
There are nine gifts. This was the best found treasure. I was late 20s when all of this this awakened to me and I could not get enough. I felt like I had found the best treasure in the world. I would look at the gifts, read about them, and I wanted them. I found out you could see in the Spirit. I met Wanda Sumrall and she moved in the Spirit and I wanted that.
I’ll never forget, standing in my house, she laid hands on me and she prayed with me. I had seen occasionally, but if she can see like that, then I want to be able to see like that, too. We’re not talking about a ministry gift. We’re talking about a son of God who the Lord says, Paul, I’ve chosen you to know my will, to see the Righteous One, to hear words from his mouth, and to be a witness of what you’ve seen and heard.
If you’re a witness, it’s not second-hand. You’ve got a first-hand, up close and personal, interactive view of it. That is our heart. That everyone in this place and watching, those in alignment with us, will awaken to your true identity in Christ Jesus. It is the season of where we are right now. The Lord is bringing forth the hidden figures, those that have been in the Cave of Adullam, those that have been in the secret place, and he is going to bring you out with power. And he’s going to work with you and me to confirm his word with signs following.
It’s time for function and not flake and weird. It can be weird enough anyway, okay? Go talk to some of those prophets in the Old Testament. They did some stuff, now. I want to be plum lined in righteousness and truth. I don’t want error. We don’t need it. We don’t have time for it. So we want to wash with the water of the Word.
We are a strong apostolic prophetic house. There is no doubt. And you guys are functioning in the gifts. And there’s more room for all of us. More growth. I don’t care how well you hear God, you see in the spirit realm, how prophetic you are, there is no substitute for the written Word of God. And if you ever feel like all you want is the Spirit and you don’t need the Word, you’ve have just gotten messed us and drank a whole bunch of cool-aid.
And we are responsible. We are an apostolic hub that supplies into the state, this region, and even this nation. So there is a responsibility of one generation declaring his works to another. And that we hold to the truth.
The nine supernatural manifestations of Holy Spirit reveal God’s heart and mind through vocal expression and demonstrate God’s power and wisdom. They are listed in
I Corinthians 12:8-10. Verses 7 and 10 declare that every saint is given one or more of these gifts to bless the Body of Christ and demonstrate the Gospel to the world.
These gifts are given believers according to the will of Holy Spirit, but they may be activated by faith. Because of the nature of our house being apostolic prophetic, the ministry of Jesus, and we believe in the functionality of the gift, and you are in a house where the prophet is resident, when the gift of prophecy starts flowing, in this house it’s easy for you to hear God. It really is. Because we welcome the atmosphere. We welcome God and heaven, whatever he wants to do. It’s his house.
So it’s not going to be hard for you to hear if you want to hear. It’s not going to be hard for you to see in the realm of the spirit. I’m a seer. Kimble’s a seer. How many seers are here? We have nine seers resident right now. And everyone of you can see. Ears that hear and eyes that see. So it’s not hard to see visions here. Because where two or more are gathered together as touching, there’s going to be a manifestation. The realm is open. It’s just, where is your focus? Where is your fix? Let it be on Him. See through His eyes. Hear through His ears.
These gifts are given according to the will of Holy Spirit. But they may be actually activated by faith. They are weapons of warfare for the saints to destroy the works of the devil and bless humankind. The reason it says humankind is that it’s not just for believers. God will use the gifts of the Spirit to bring people into the kingdom. And he will also use those gifts to demonstrate Jesus and who He is to the non-believer as a witness.
I Corinthians 12:1-11 NKJV. Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant. There you have it. So ignorance is not bliss. That is not what God wants you to be ignorant about.
:2 You know that you are Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, however you were led. Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.
So when the gifts are moving among us, when we function, it’s going to glorify Jesus. I’m not here to glorify myself. I’m here to be a conduit, to allow the Lord to work through us, through me or you.
:4 There are diversities of gifts but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:
Some translations say, for the common good. So it is a common good for the community of believers for the gifts to function.
:8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.
:11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things distributing to each one individually as He wills.
When we invite Holy Spirit to come and hover, and to come and move, we are giving him an invitation to manifest himself and to manifest the gifts. Again, he’s looking for a willing vessel.
Worship Team, it was awesome. Thank you for your sacrifice in going to Little Rock, Arkansas. I know we had a long haul there and a quick turnaround time. But I want to thank you all, and for your leadership. The quality of that recording for the live broadcast of those meetings is just incredible. I am so thankful for what God has done in each one of you and your willingness to serve the Body of Christ and serve our nation.
If you were at Recalibrating the Heart of America, did you see the working of the gifts, even in prophecy, as we stood on that platform and different ones began to prophesy? From Chuck to Dutch to Jackie Tyre to Tom Schleter to myself to Clay. Each one, it’s the same Spirit, it just manifests a different way.
You don’t have to prophesy like I prophesy. I really don’t want you to try to copy me in anything except imitate Christ in me. I want God to use you. There is a diversity of gifts. It’s the same Spirit, but they manifest differently through each individual. You might see and hear people who sound like so and so, and that’s okay. Don’t blast them.
If you hear someone stand up and deliver a word and, That sounds just like Kevin Long. Are they trying to copy Kevin? Get over yourself. At least they stepped up to release a word. If they’re following a footprint, Hallelujah! Sooner or later, when they’re comfortable enough, they’ll tune that down if that’s really going on. But let’s not throw them out because, They’re trying to be like Betty! I hope they’re trying to be like God in me. We’re family.
When people begin to move in gifts, they might not have it all together. But if we can’t allow room and then in love bring correction, who are we? Then nobody will move. That’s really what’s happened in a lot of places.
You are all worshipers or you wouldn’t be here, but have you ever gone somewhere and you feel like you can’t even worship? It’s like it’s shut down and sealed? And you sure better not be giving a word. I’m talking about spirit-filled meetings.
Nine gifts. You can break them into three sets. Three Revelation gifts—gifts that reveal something. Three Power gifts—gifts that do something. Three utterance or vocal gifts—gifts that say something.
Three Revelation Gifts: Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Discerning of Spirits. You need these gifts. Say, I want these gifts to manifest in my life in maturity. I welcome Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit to operate and fully function in my life to glorify Jesus Christ and build up the Body in Jesus name.
The Word of Wisdom
The word of wisdom is a supernatural revelation by the Spirit of God of the mind and purpose of God. Every one of these nine gifts is supernatural. You cannot get it by human means. Some have taught in error because they’ve not equated the gifts to be supernatural. They are supernatural gifts. I like what Chuck Pierce said, The number 80 and where we are in this decade is all about the supernatural.
The spirit realm is more alive and more real than what we’re standing in right now. Jesus said the kingdom of God is at hand. When you hear people say, Just by faith reach up and grab it, you are really reaching into the heavenly realm and you’re pulling that word, that promise, into the now. It equates to, Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. On earth, as it is in heaven.
It’s a supernatural revelation by the Spirit of God of the mind and purpose of God. It always speaks of the future. The word of wisdom can manifest in the following ways: the vocal gift of prophecy. Someone can prophesy and give a word of wisdom. The word of wisdom can manifest in visions, dreams, the audible voice, or the inward voice of Holy Spirit speaking to individuals.
You can have more than one gift operating in a particular situation. When Joseph had a vision and he saw the sheaves bowing to him and then he saw the sun and the moon and the stars bowing—his father, his mother, and his family—he saw that at 17 years old—the word of wisdom was working in that vision because it was pointing to the future of what one day was going to be. Even Jacob had an issue with it.
Let me backdrop this. Saul (Paul) has been a dastardly dude. He had been killing the Christians. He was present when the heavens opened and Jesus was standing, when Stephen was stoned to death. He was the one who kept their coats and stuff so they could hurl stones at Stephen. So Saul gets knocked off his high-horse on the Road to Damascus, and he has an encounter with the glorified risen Lord. And the people with him were so freaked out they go away.
And the one who was steeped in the law, a Pharisee of Pharisees, has a Jesus encounter that causes him to be blinded by the Light. Sometimes we need to go blind, dark, before we can really see, especially when we think we know it all, we can see it all, and we have the corner on the market.
Blindness has come upon Saul and he has to be led away. And there is an assignment for a man, a believer named Ananias. He is being sent to bring the word of the Lord to Saul and be an instrument to open his eyes. He’s received the instruction. He’s heard the Lord.
Acts 9:11-18 NIV. The Lord told him, “Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying.
I love it. God is just too funny. Yesterday in the meeting, Dutch said something, and the Lord said to me, I’m just such a ham! I’m a ham. I’m thinking some Jewish folks might have a problem with that! But that’s a real ham. You’ve acted like a real mmm, so I’m going to send you to Straight Street to straighten you out, Saul.
So go the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. 911. Acts 9:11. Did you get that? 911. I’m blind!
:12 In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight.”
I think he was 911 praying, because he has seen a vision and he knew there was a man coming to restore his sight. The Lord is telling him in a vision; he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight. So Saul (Paul) has a vision that has a word of wisdom in it. He knows the name of the man, he knows he’s coming to lay his hands on his eyes, and he’s going to get healed.
:13 “Lord,” Ananias answered, “I’ve heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your holy people in Jerusalem. And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name.”
It’s like God doesn’t know that. I’m just going to let you know where you’re sending me, now!
:15 But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go!” That was a command.
“Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”
:17 Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
I can feel Holy Spirit just pouring down on my head. Come on now. How would you like to be the sent one to Saul? I think Ananias is in that cloud in heaven right now with Paul and saying, Y’all come on.
:18 Immediately something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized, and after taking some food, he regained his strength.
What did we see? Paul had the vision and it was future. It was going to happen. When you have a word of wisdom and it’s out there, you can pull it into the now. We’re in the river.
Joseph received a word through a dream which revealed to him God’s plan and purpose for the future of his life. Moses received the revelation of the Law in an audible voice as God gave it to him. Can you imagine that? The Law concerned God’s purpose for Israel. Noah received a word of wisdom concerning future judgment and peril, and he built the Ark and saved his household. Everyone around him thought he was crazy, a lunatic. They didn’t know what rain was, much less a flood.
But all of these were the word of wisdom functioning. These are just a few examples. Many Old Testament prophets prophesied concerning future events. These future events are all words of wisdom.
The Word of Knowledge
The word of knowledge is the supernatural revelation by the Spirit of God concerning facts in the mind of God concerning people, places, and things.
Word of wisdom is future. Word of knowledge is facts given supernaturally by the Spirit of the Lord and they are concerning people, places, or things. This gift reveals things that are now or something that has happened in the past. The word of knowledge can manifest in the following ways, so be open.
The word of knowledge can operate through the vocal gifts of prophecy, visions, dreams, the audible voice, or the inward voice of Holy Spirit speaking to the individual. How many of you have been somewhere and God said, I want you to go up and speak to that person? Or, I want you to give that person $20? Or, I want you to pay for that person’s meal? Or, I want you to buy their groceries?
Or you’re standing in the checkout line and you have no clue, and it’s no light thing—I want you to tell that person that God loves them, that Jesus loves them. Nine times out of ten I can guarantee you, they are in a place in their life—we’ve all been there—where we just need somebody to put their arm around us and tell us that they love us. Or that God loves us and we’re not alone.
That’s the word of knowledge. It’s, Do this right now. The word of knowledge operates in this house continually. You’ll hear me say, He said don’t do that. He said we’re through. He said this. It’s now. He’s telling me now what is, what to do. It’s prophecy, but it’s a word of knowledge. It can operate through the inward voice of Holy Spirit speaking through the individual.
Paul’s portion in seeing the visions spoke of the future. Ananias’ instruction was, Go do this now. So it was a fact. He told where Saul was. He told Ananias what to do. And it was an action, right now. Go do the deal. Do you see the difference?
Examples of the word of knowledge is John 4 with the woman at the well when Jesus said, You’ve had many husbands and in fact the one you’re with right now is not your husband. He was telling her the facts. One of the first times I ministered in Jackson as a young woman, this young girl stepped up in front of me in the ministry line and the Lord began to read her mail. It was word of knowledge. It was fact. I’m not kidding, but she probably jumped up in the air three feet backwards. How did you know that? Well, I didn’t, but God did. It’s a now word. Usually that now word is really a thing to bring them in to draw them closer to God.
What really sealed the deal with the woman at the well was that Jesus operated in a word of knowledge and because of that she said, I can see that you’re a prophet. She recognized that, but it caused an entire community to hear the gospel. The whole region was shifted because one man named Jesus functioned in the word of knowledge.
II Kings 6:9-12. The man of God sent word to the king of Israel: “Beware of passing that place, because the Arameans are going down there.” So the king of Israel checked on the place indicated by the man of God. Time and again Elisha warned the king so that he was on his guard in such places.
Have you ever had God give you a warning about where you were or where you were going? That was a word of knowledge. Because of the warning, you can be on guard. You can know. In our early days of learning the gifts, we were coming down the street to our home and I heard, Beware. Beware. I’m telling Kimble. No one was in the house. Later that night I start hearing, Beware Beware Beware.
Lord, I don’t understand this. Then the neighborhood dogs start barking. And the Lord said, They are here now! I tell Kimble and he looks out our front room window. I hear wind from him running through the house and I just bail off the bed onto the floor. He said, There’s somebody in the car. But they got scared and ran away before he got out there, because I think it was probably a really big angel that scared them.
We found out that other cars in our neighborhood had been broken into. All of the Bicycle Gang got caught. They heard the wind, too! It’s fun. It can be very serious and you might laugh later, but it is a neat thing to work with the Spirit of the Lord. If you don’t know yet, when he’s saying, Beware Beware Beware, you’re going to find out what he means. That ‘Beware’ and ‘They’re here,’ is a word of knowledge.
With Ananias and Sapphira, that was a word of knowledge that gave a fact of what they had done. They had not told the truth. If that’s not a demonstration of kingdom, I don’t know what is. God is a God of mercy and grace, but you don’t come up into the house of God when the glory of God is manifested to the degree that it was—and we will see it again—and flat-out lie to the Holy Ghost. It’s not going to be good. And who knows when that last moment is? I don’t want to be on that side.
Through the manifestation of the word of knowledge, the church can be purified, the distress comforted, and the saints gladdened, lost property recovered. How many of you have lost something at home—keys, glasses, etc.—Holy Spirit, help me now! And you got a picture of it and saw right where you put it or it came to you? It’s so and so. Then you had it. Why didn’t I ask him in the first place? Through the word of knowledge the enemy can be defeated, and the Lord Jesus Christ glorified.
Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Man has not revealed this to you, Simon bar-Jonah, but my Father in heaven. Thou art the Christ. It’s who you are. He got a word of knowledge.
Discerning of Spirits
In the time and season that we live in in the Body of Christ and where we’re only going in the future until Jesus comes, whether that’s 100, 200 years, or we run out the calendar from 5780 to 6000, only God nows the moment and the time. But we can know the season. We’re in the last days, and the glory and the power of God is going to come in a greater measure than we have ever seen, without measure, working through the Body of Christ. It is what it is.
And our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, authorities, powers of darkness, spirits of wickedness in heavenly places, thrones, dominions. There is a whole hierarchy of the kingdom of darkness. Satan is not Jesus’ nemesis. He is not His equal. He is a created being. And you and I in Christ have more authority that satan has to crush him under our feet.
The enemy and religion will try to keep you bound and make you think you don’t have any authority to bind the enemy and drive him out of your land. I looked up what Jesus said in Mark 16: In my name they will drive out demons. That means to hurl them out. Drop kick the devil out of somebody’s life. Drive them out. Have you ever seen someone driving cattle? Drive him out.
As long as you put up with him or think, I don’t have any authority to do this, Jesus. I can’t do it because only Jesus can deal with the devil. I’m like, You are so bound. I will bind the enemy out of my life and from my family. He will not come in and wreak havoc, especially when I’ve discerned him. This is my space, so get out of my space! God wants us to occupy with his presence. I’m amazed at people who do not understand their authority. We have authority, not in ourselves, but through Jesus.
Discerning of spirits gives supernatural insight into the realm of the spirit. To discern means ‘to see.’ It’s hooked to the Seer anointing. There are three types of spirits that we deal with in the spirit realm: divine, satanic, and human. We really need to recognize these. And we need to quit calling the flesh the devil. Some stuff is flesh. It’s not the devil. It’s just people’s flesh. Can satan work through that? Absolutely!
But to operate and function in this gift and why it’s so necessary, is you will be able to actually see what is God, what is satanic, and what is human. Discerning spirits may be seeing the image of God, the risen Christ, or the Holy Spirit. John in his vision on the Isle of Patmos saw the Holy Spirit as seven spirits before the throne of God. That simply meant that he was seeing into the spirit realm and the seven aspects of the Spirit of God.
It may also include seeing the cherubim, the seraphim, archangels, or the host of angels. These are the divine spirits. The theophanies of God are the God sightings. Adam and Eve had a relationship with God. He would come and walk with them in the cool of the day. When they hid after they had done the dastardly deal and sinned and fallen, after being duped by satan, they covered themselves and hid. Adam said, We heard you walking in the Garden and I was afraid. He could hear God walking, now! They heard him walking.
Abraham lifted up his eyes and he saw the three visitors approaching. Ezekiel by the Kebar River looked out in the distance and saw God coming in a hurricane. He fell as if he were dead, and he was caught up in visions. He could hear the whirling wheels and he saw One having the likeness of the Son of Man. If you want to begin to see God, go to the Word of God first, and just start at Genesis. You can google theophanies in the Bible. We have so much technology right now. It will take you from Genesis to Revelation of all the God sightings.
Daniel: A throne appeared and a river of fire was coming out of the throne. And One like the Ancient of Days took their place. Isaiah: In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord high and lifted up, and the train of his robe filled the temple. And the seraphim were going back and forth. We’ve had seraphim manifest in here and at the Ardor Building. We were messed up in a good God way. They were there.
We’ve had power angels come and deliver scrolls. That might sound weird to somebody but you need to read the Book. When we begin to see, we need to know, Is it God? That’s where discernment comes in. When a spirit is operating, you can actually see into the realm and recognize whether it is God or not.
May we be like Smith Wigglesworth. Satan came into his bedroom. He saw who it was, turned his back and said, Oh, it’s just you, and went back to sleep. That’s authority. Knowing where somebody’s coming from is so important.
Discerning of spirits also includes discerning of satan and his legends, the discerning of human spirits, the good and evil tendencies in the spirit, or the power that is good or evil behind any manifestation. All such visions would be a manifestation of the gift of discernment of spirits. You can be in interactive visions. You can function with heaven.
Zechariah 3:1-5. Then he showed me Joshua the high priest. He showed me. I saw. I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day and I saw. John on the Isle of Patmos.
Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right side to accuse him.
So Zechariah is having a vision. I believe he is seeing Jesus, the Angel of the Lord. Jesus is standing there. And he is seeing Satan, too. And he is seeing what Satan is doing. Satan is accusing the high priest of Israel, Joshua, ranting on him, now.
I just saw this differently and it’s a thought here. You would think that Satan would be standing at the right side of Jesus, talking to Jesus about Joshua. But Satan was standing at the right side of Joshua whispering in his ear. How many of you have the enemy ranting on you? And doing it before the Lord?
:2 The Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?”
:3 Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. The angel said to those who were standing before him, “Take off his filthy clothes.”
The Lord is giving instruction to the angels. Change his clothes.
Then he said to Joshua, “See I have taken away your sin, and I will put fine garments on you.”
That fine garments is a raiment. It is a mantle of war. You are dealing with the dude now, and he is raining on your parade, and he is continually accusing you, so we’re going to get off these filthy garments, and I’m going to mantle you for war. And he promises Joshua, If you will obey me, I’ll give you charge of my courts.
Now here is the interaction.
:5 Then I, Zechariah, said, “Put a clean turban on his head.”
He had on filthy clothes and the high priest turban, the mitre, and Zechariah is like, No, he has clean clothes and a new mantle. That will never do. Put a clean turban on his head.
So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him, while the angel of the Lord stood by.
They obeyed Zechariah.
Then the angel of the Lord gave this charge to Joshua: “This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘If you will walk in obedience to me and keep my requirements, then you will govern my house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you a place among these standing here.
“‘Listen, High Priest Joshua, you and your associates seated before you, who are men symbolic of things to come: I am going to bring my servant, the Branch. See, the stone I have set in front of Joshua! There are seven eyes on that one stone, and I will engrave an inscription on it,’ says the Lord Almighty, ‘and I will remove the sin of this land in a single day.
He’s in it. He’s seeing it. And he’s prophesying it. And God did it.
So you’ve got the Revelation Gifts:
Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, and Discerning of Spirits.
How many of you want to see in the spirit? How many of you want to receive from the Lord? Father, right now in the name of Jesus, we thank you that you have poured out your Spirit abundantly upon us. Lord, you have anointed us, set your seal of ownership upon us, and given us a guarantee of what’s to come.
Father, as we are bringing forth the teaching of the gifts of the Spirit, we as a people, individually, corporately, say earnestly and eagerly, We desire spiritual gifts. Because you would not have us ignorant of the supernatural, of the spiritual. So Lord, I thank you for awakening our understanding, awakening the gifts that are stored within us, and bringing them forth in maturity.
We say Yes to the word of wisdom. We say Yes to the word of knowledge. We say Yes to discerning of spirits. I take authority over the spirit of fear, and anyone in this house or watching that has said out of their mouth, I’m afraid of what I’m going to see. I’m afraid of what I’m going to hear. I break that in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Because God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind. We say, Lord, we welcome the Seer anointing. We welcome discerning of spirits to fully function in the house and in us individually and corporately as we go. We say Yes and Amen in Jesus mighty name. Hallelujah. Glory.
Mid-Morning Service
?All my love and affection belongs to you.
Kimble Love. Hallelujah. Welcome to Miracle City today. We’re in store for an awesome encounter. I want to share Luke 9 with you today. It’s good to me how you’re just going about your business and God drops something in your spirit. He just tells you something. He dropped a word in my spirit this morning and then he gave me this scripture today in worship.
Luke 9:28-29. Eight days later Jesus took Peter, Jacob (James), and John and climb a high mountain to pray. As he prayed his face began to glow until it was a blinding glory streaming from him. His entire body was illuminated with a radiant glory. His brightness became so intense that it made his clothing blinding white, like multiple flashes of lightning.
That’s pretty intense, isn’t it? The word he gave me was ‘Intense.’ I thought it was the place campers slept! Haha! Actually it means, of extreme force, degree, or strength. So when Jesus was on that mountain with his disciples, the glory of God, the glory of heaven, manifested upon him and through him as he was praying. And his entire being began to glow. The scripture goes on to say that even his clothing began to shine intensely like flashes of lightning.
I was trying to visualize what was going on there. Then it says immediately two others showed up with Jesus in that glory. It was Moses and Elijah, and they were recognizable because Peter and John knew who they were when they saw them. They recognized them. As this was going on, it said the disciples had become drowsy. Have you ever been in a prayer meeting and got drowsy? You just feel like you need to lay before the Lord?
It said they had become drowsy, but when the glory of God showed up and the radiance of that anointing manifested, it says they were fully awake. I said, Lord, what’s up with this? He said, My glory, my anointing, the power of my presence, is coming to a degree and it’s going to be so forceful and strong, that those that are looking and expecting are going to receive it. But even those that have been sleeping are going to be shaken from their slumber, and I’m going to cover the earth again with my fullness like the waters cover the sea.
Church, I want to say today, it’s not something that’s coming. It’s here. I say to those that might be (drowsy): Wake up! Sleepy Christians! Because the power of Almighty God is moving across this land even now as I speak. I say, Lord, we embrace your move. We are awakened. We are vigilantly watching. We are preparing and are prepared to receive the fullness of your glory upon your people, upon your church, upon this city, upon this state, and upon this nation once again.
Father, we say, Send forth the fullness, the intense measure, of your glory so we can go forth and run and not be weary, walk and not faint, and do those exploits that you have called us to do. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen and Amen.
How many of you are ready to run? I’m ready. I’ve been waiting for this for 30+ years. The children of Israel wandered in the desert 40 years. I’m not wandering anymore. I have entered in. You have entered in. So let’s get ready to run and do the stuff that he’s called and appointed and anointed us for such a time as this to do.
I wish I could make you guys get excited. I know how it is and how we are. We get the ho-hums. I was driving down here this morning and I had that ho-hum feeling. I was thinking, Lord, I’m not going to have the ho-hums. My word for this year is Joy. Lord, I need to be joyful. If you said my word is joy, I need to be joyful.
So I start singing that child’s song, I’ve got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart. Yeah!With the doldrums! Then I start laughing at myself because it wasn’t very joyful! But the more I sang it, the more I laughed; and the more I laughed, I could feel the joy begin to roll and to stir and to come up.
And then I got to that verse that says, And if the devil doesn’t like it, he can sit on a tack. So I’ve got the joy and it’s here to stay. Amen. Glory to God. I declare Joy upon you. Be joyful even if you don’t feel like it. Because the joy of the Lord is your strength. Let’s worship this morning.
Father, we thank you for this day. We thank you for your joy. I thank you that you have raised us up to be a people who are intensely looking for your glory to manifest in our midst. And I thank you that you have prepared us for such a time as this. We will not be denied. We will not be passed over. But we take hold of the promise of your word and we see it fulfilled in our midst in Jesus name. We honor you today and we worship you in spirit and in truth. We say, Have your way, Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.
?Thank you, God. You make everything new. You give me beauty for ashes. You are beautiful.
Betty. Shine your light, Lord, and let the whole world see how beautiful you are. From the mouth of the Lord it will be revealed. You have sent forth you light and truth and you have brought us to your holy mountain. Lord, we say, Let us be transformed. Let us be transfigured from the inside out with your glory, with your lightnings, Lord, glorious glory, transformed, shining light.
Nita Maselle. The new is overtaking the old. I saw the Pey in the mouth of the Lion and I saw what was being spoken like wind, like the whirlwind, white winds, coming out. And the new was overtaking the old. I thought, some of the things that we need to say to form what he’s saying, he’s already told us in the past. We are standing there and and we go, Well, yeah, I know you showed me that. I know you told me that. But I haven’t seen it yet. He says, Don’t say, I haven’t seen it yet. Now is the time for it to form, so say what I have said and watch it be formed in the now because it’s now time for the new to overtake the old.
That’s what I was seeing and I was remembering things he had said to me, and even though I haven’t seen it yet, I know it’s a time of refreshing, and it’s now, and you’re in it. And the new is overtaking the old, so say those things that he brings to your mind. Say those things even if he spoke it and showed it before. Say it now. Say it when he brings it to your attention. Don’t say, Oh I haven’t seen it yet. Now is the time to speak it forth and see it go forth and overtake and change the circumstances.
So Father, I thank you for that. We thank you. We say Yes to the New. And Yes to the new formation that is overtaking the old and making changes. We say Yes to what you’re saying for us. We say Yes. Remind us even of words that you’ve spoken before that we’ve let go of or we’ve not seen them form yet. Remind us, Lord, so that we can step into the refreshing, the renewal, and what you’re trying to bring us into. We thank you for the New in Jesus name.
Betty?We’re gonna step in the river. Everybody in this house. Come on and step in the river. Jump in the river.
Anna. Gonna step in the river, jump into the river. You’ve got just what I need. I jump in the river. We come alive in your river. From your throne a river flows and brings new life wherever it goes.
As a prophetic act blue fabric is laid out for us to ‘jump into the river.’
Betty. He’s got just what you need. It’s a miracle. You’ve got just what I need—it’s a healing, it’s a refreshing, it’s whatever you need.
My God, our God supplies all of our needs according to his riches in glory. I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me. It makes the lame to walk and the blind to see. It opens prison doors, sets the captives free. I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me. Rivers of living water. Rivers of living water. Let us continually be filled with your Spirit, with your rivers of life, your rivers of living water. You’ve got just what I need.
Anna. You’ve got just what I need, Jesus. I jump in the river. From your throne a river flows and it brings new life wherever it goes. Open wide the mouth of your river. Let your fresh water come in. We come alive in the river. Your waters are rising up.
I hear the sound of your waters, I hear the song of your river, bursting forth. Spring up a well. Burst forth right now. Father of many waters, come and stir up our waters.
Betty. We’re drinking today. We come to you, Jesus. You are our source of life. If a man is thirsty let him come and drink. Come to the river; come to the Lord our God; come to the living water. We’ve got a river living on the inside of us.
We’ve had a breach now. I hear the Lord saying, It’s not going to be backed up, stopped up, held up. But there’s a release of the mighty rushing river of living water coming out of our inmost beings this morning, flowing.
He’s raising up a standard over us.
Anna. I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me. Spring up a well in my soul, that makes me whole, and give to me, that life abundantly.
Betty. There’s a release coming of the Spirit of the Living God within us. The rivers of living water. He’s life-ing us today with the New, with the New, with the New New New. And he’s saying, Forgetting those things which are behind. Philippians 3. And we’re going to press on toward the mark of the high calling of God.
I see it’s not really about in this place at this time. Pressing on. Just let the river of God flow out of your inmost being. And he’s going to pick you up in the flow of the river and he’s going to propel you into your Next.
?I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me.
Kimble Love. Praise God. As we continue worshiping, we want to give you an opportunity to come and sow into the work of the ministry, to bring your tithes, your offerings, your first fruits if you haven’t done that this month. Our God is so good. He is the God of the Breakthrough. I really believe we are in a season of supernatural multiplication coming upon our income, coming upon our money.
Because God has called us to do miraculous things. So therefore, he’s going to miraculously supply. I want to encourage you to obey the Lord with your finances and see if he doesn’t pour out blessing upon you, more than you could ever hope for, think, or imagine. We are in that season to receive the promises of God.
As we come today, we’re going to come to the table of the Lord and partake of Communion, the bread and the juice, the body and the blood. The Bible tells us on the night that Jesus was betrayed, he met with his disciples in an upper room. At the supper, he told the disciples, This will be the last time I will partake of this with you until I return.
After the meal he took bread and he broke it and said, This bread is my body which is broken for you. Whenever you eat of it, do it in remembrance of me. Then he took the cup and said, This cup is the new covenant in my blood which is for all who believe. Whenever you drink of it, do this in remembrance of me.
He was saying that he was about to lay down his life. He was going to shed his blood. His body was going to be beaten and broken, because he was going to a cruel cross and lay down his all for us, so that we could be redeemed. That means brought back into right relationship with Father God. So that we could live a life of godliness in the earth.
Because apart from Him, Jesus, we can do nothing. We can’t save ourselves. We can’t deliver ourselves. We can’t heal ourselves. But he is the Savior. He is the Deliverer. He is the Healer. And he paid the price for all of us, for all of that, so that the Father would be pleased.
So when we come today and take the elements, the bread and the juice, into our bodies, we recognize the body and the blood of Jesus. And when we take those elements into our bodies, we’re saying Yes to the full benefits of the new covenant. We’re saying Yes, that we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. We’re saying Yes to the spiritual DNA of Jesus entering into our body, to supply all that we need for life and godliness in this earth, as we remember the great price that he paid.
Lord, today we thank you for the sacrifice of Jesus, his broken body and his blood that was shed. As we receive these elements, Lord, we declare that we are recipients of the fullness of the new covenant that he purchased for us with his life on that cross. Lord, we rejoice that he’s not dead, that he’s alive. He is resurrected and sits at the right hand of you, Lord God our Father.
And he continuously lives to intercede for us, calling us into our purpose, filling us with his Spirit, so that we can accomplish all that you created us to accomplish in this earth. So we honor you today and we remember. We give you praise and we give you glory. We love you, Jesus. Continue to have your way to us and through us. Amen and Amen.
?You are my Champion. I am who you say I am. I have the authority Jesus has given me. From your throne a river flows.
Betty Love. Lord, we just honor your presence, that you’ve come today to life us from the inside out. You are our Champion, Jesus. You have conquered all and you’ve made us more than conquerors. So we yield to your resurrection power and life. Even in the book of Isaiah your Word tells us to forget the former things. Behold, I’m doing a new thing. So Lord, we’ve come to look to see what you’re doing today, to be meeting in your presence.
?Come and have your way in us. Come and have your move in me, Lord. For it’s in you I live and move and have my being. So come and live and move and have your being in me. I’m not going to fight it anymore. I’m not resisting. I’ll not resist you. I’ve come to open up my mouth to let you fill it.
I’m hearing the Lord say Isaiah 45:11. There have been different seasons in my life and opportunities in many of your lives where you’ve seen a demonstration of the Spirit’s power. There were times we took up banners and I began to worship in the mid-90s. I would be in meetings and I had a white banner. On one side it had Jesus and on the other it had Salvation of Jehovah. Isaiah’s name means Salvation of Jehovah.
Our commissioning as the Body of Christ, what we’ve been called to do, is the ministry of Jesus which is Isaiah 61 and Luke 4:18-19. The Lord said to me, Betty, your ministry will be Salvation of Jehovah. I saw myself worshiping with that banner. I even saw myself in other countries with that banner. It was not that there was power in the cloth or any supernatural ability in that flag. It is what it represented. Flags speak.
In the spirit realm, flags used in worship are declaring. Just as in the earthly realm, who are we? What banner are we under? What does this (American flag) represent? The United States of America. And I am so thankful.
And we pray for the peace of Jerusalem. (Gets the flag of Israel.) I’ve had the desire to move this one (flag of Israel) over here (beside the flag of the United States of America) because we are a friend of Israel. We have been grafted in. Praise God. When you bless Israel, you get blessed. Because it’s been spoken. It’s part of the Word of God.
I am thankful that as the United States of America, we have a covenant root with the nation of Israel. And we have a President that has done what no other President in the United States has ever done. In 1948 Israel became a recognized nation. Jerusalem is their capital. Yet because of all the conflict, there has never been anyone until now that was willing to stand up with Israel and say, Yes, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and we’re going to recognize it and we’re going to stand with Israel.
Our flags. Amy and Donald Rylander. I remember the day that Amy called and said the Lord had commissioned her to design a flag for the State of Mississippi called the Flag of Hope. People don’t know what things represent, and sometimes people need to go and find some history and go deep.
As these flags are being represented in the spirit realm, we know the first Appeal to Heaven flag came through George Washington, and then Dutch Sheets had a word given to him and he resurrected the Appeal to Heaven flag. We are where we are as a nation right now because of a people who have responded to the call of God. But we rallied under a banner and his name is Jesus Christ, and this became a rallying point for us to appeal to heaven to say, Once again, God, hear the cries of your righteous remnant and tip the prayer bowls from the heavenly realm. We’re in that now.
There have been different seasons where I saw the demonstration of the power of God. In the 90s, we would be in meetings as I traveled and the Lord would say, Wave the banner. And I would see entire congregations go down under the power of God. You can’t do that but He can. And healing and deliverance. And the one-worders. I’m saying this because the Lord is wanting to bring you into a functionality that you’ve not moved in before. But it’s there. There is an unction. You have an anointing from the Holy One of Israel and you know the truth.
The Word says, As that anointing is real and not counterfeit, you don’t need anyone to teach you. Don’t get off into error. It doesn’t mean, Well, just get rid of the five-fold ministers and anybody else that’s going to teach; we don’t need teachers anymore! Praise God that we have equippers. That means that you have a teacher, God in us, God with us, living on the inside of you. You have the author of the book. You have the Revelator.
You have the One living in you who knows how you were created and coordinated, and how you’re supposed to flow and go. You’ve got a prompter. So there have been different seasons. In one season I particularly loved was the, Command ye me this concerning my sons. Ask of me concerning my sons, and command ye me this. So it was real simple.
If I was in a meeting, whatever the Lord said he was going to do, it was so. As he began to reveal, I loved praying for the sick or praying for people with depression or oppression, or dealing with the devil. Just say, Out! In Jesus name. Then the Lord would say, Command it so. I command it so. And they get healed. They get delivered on the spot. Any kind of pain.
There was a long run, and it’s not gone. It’s still resident. Anyone that was in a meeting with us and had chronic pain, they were delivered on the spot. I’m not boasting in me—I can’t do it on my best day—but the One who lives in you and in me. There is an anointing of the Holy One of Israel on your life, and you are carrying the virtue of the living God. You have rivers of living water living in you now. You have abundant life.
Every believer has resurrection power and life. Stephen was a table waiter and he was working miracles. There is a fire and a river of living water that God is releasing out of you. And I’ll pick up what we heard in Arkansas, It’s coming like a geyser. You can’t cap it, shut it off, stop it, because God is going to have his kingdom plan and purposes for his people and for the land. He’s not trying to be God. He is God.
So those one-liners. We can either work hard or work smart. Working smart to me is hearing what he’s saying, and just being an echo. That does not abdicate your responsibility. Every son of God aught to be eating the Word on a daily basis or you’re going to be anemic or whopped out. God is releasing his power and his authority that is already stored in you. The authority. All authority.
I am who he says I am. You are my Champion. When I open up my mouth miracles start breaking out. Kimble was talking about being transformed and transfigured. I believe that there are going to be such manifestations and demonstrations of his power. How about when some lightning starts shooting through your clothes! Arise and shine for your light has come. The glory of the Lord is risen. It’s time.
So the now. God is going to cause you to be Johnny-on-the-spot. Grace on the spot. We’re saved by grace. The works that we do are by the grace of God, his supernatural power working in us, enabling us to do what we can’t do in our own strength. This is an invitation. Sitting right here, I felt pretty weak. I’m running on a shoestring of sleep with meetings stacked. By the grace of God He’s saying, You’re going to finish it and you’re going to be just fine. So I’m going to boast in my weaknesses so that Christ pitches a tent over me and within me.
Paul said in the Passion Translation, My weakness becomes a portal to God’s power. Your mouth is going to direct the course of your life. And your mouth is connected to your heart. And out of the abundance of the heart the mouth is going to speak. There is so much power vested in you right now and so much authority, and what is being released, God is saying, I must have your heart! It’s imperative. You’re going to be dangerous walking.
We want the power but my experience as a 27-28 year old young woman in the Lord, when God put that power in me, I felt like a little kid given a firehose. And it was bigger than I was big. I believe we’re equipping stronger and smarter at a very early age. Because we’re going to see 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9, and 10 year olds wielded by the power of Almighty God.
Isaiah 45:11 NKJV. Thus says the Lord, The Holy One of Israel and his Maker: “Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons; and concerning the work of My hands, you command Me.
KJV. Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me.
It is an invitation, not to work outside of God; you can’t do anything apart from Jesus. But as you, in this place or wherever you are, receive a word of knowledge or a word of wisdom from the Lord, and He speaks to your heart in regard to a circumstance or situation or an individual, and says, This is what you do. This is what you say. It might be, Out! It might be, Healed. Made whole! Sickness, Go! Whatever it is, God is inviting you to work with Him, to rule and reign with Him, to decree it over people so that it is established in them.
Command ye Me this. You can command God? Yes, when you hear what he’s saying and it’s really him. You can take up the command of the Lord and decree it in the earth over that situation, over that family, over that business, over that church, over that prayer group, over that university, over that school, over that media outlet. And it’s not us deciding.
But it is a people, individually and corporately, that are willing to draw near to the Lord and hear his heart, and receive his counsel. Who has stood in the counsel of the Lord that I might instruct him? He is going to give you instruction. And he is going to reveal to you your true identity and what he’s called you to do in this season.
I received a word and he showed me where he was setting me in this season and it’s two different functions. He said, You don’t have anything to hide. Just tell them what I said to you. He said, I’ve called you into the Supreme Court, into my court. And I’m going to set you in a district in the spirit realm in this nation with authority like a Deborah. But he said, You also have an Esther anointing. And that will not be removed because you have audience with me. There is a multiplicity of function and gifting that is ready and is coming out of your life NOW.
Now he is not just saying that to me. But there is a multiplicity of gifting that is going to come out of your life. I’ve never heard that before. How many of you know you’ve been called to more that one thing? You know you’ve got more than one thing you’re called to? Well, right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, just receive that anointing of Multiplicity so you can function in it and you don’t get worn out, worn down, and burned out. If he has called you to do it, the grace of God, his energy, his power, his might, the fullness of all that he is has come to help you.
Command ye me this concerning my sons. Ask of me concerning. Here’s the key. Ask of me. What’s he saying? What’s he saying about me? What’s he saying about my child? And I don’t mean witchcraft prayers. I’m talking about when you know that you know you heard God. Because if you haven’t, it’s just going to fall to the ground. It’s not going to function. It won’t fly.
Jesus Christ Himself is giving you an invitation that he wants to work with you to confirm the word with signs following. You will open your mouth this season, a ten year decade, and you have been invited to create heaven on earth. And you are going to frame your day by what you say. And the Creator and the Coordinator, God, has come to work. And he is saying, I’m ready to transform people, transform a church, transform your youth group, transform wherever you live and move and have your being. And you’re the agent of transformation. And you’re the catalyst.
This is hot off the press because I got it in here. It is working with the powerful word and scripture Kimble shared. And with what Nita brought. He is ready to transform you so that you transform your spheres of influence. And rather than the push me, pull me kind of press-through that many of us have walked in off and on for years trying to get people free, God is saying, If you will yield to me, open your mouth and that one word, that one phrase, or I’ll show you and then you’ll command it so, and it’s finished. There’s where we are.
It’s the war word a week ago. Stand at the end of every promise that God has given you, every true prophetic word and rhema word. Just stand all the way at the end of the manifestation, even though you don’t have it yet. Every true word God has spoken over your family. Every true word God has spoken over your job situation, your marriage, whatever it is. Just stand at the end of the whole thing and say, It’s finished in Jesus name. It’s finished. Decree with Him, It’s finished.
That’s where we are. Because He is our Champion. So there is an invitation to be transformed. ?You’ve got just what I need. You’ve got just what I need. You’ve got just what I need. I jump in the river.
See, that’s really it. At the end of the day, he’s just looking for lovers. He’s really just looking for lovers. If you know him and you know his love, and you have intimacy with him, even in the weakest moment you won’t quit, because he won’t let you. I want to speak encouragement and strength to you today. And I agree with God. You all know you’re sons of God regardless. And we all know that we’re the Bride regardless.
So right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of the living God and in his authority, for every individual in this room, I come into agreement with your heart, your mind, your counsel, and what is written. And an invitation given by you, Command ye me this concerning my sons.
Father, we command you according to your Word. Be it released in every heart, in every life, Rapid Righteous Change in Jesus name. Transformed. Transfigured. And new beginnings. New things in Jesus name. And I want to hear the report of what has sprung up in your life, what has been made new.
Father, we thank you for the day and for every one you’ve gathered into this place. We thank you for the 70 Day Righteous Decree that we’re in on day 22. As we have stood together today and prayed for New Jersey, we’re praying for the manifestation of that state’s birthright and destiny, your redemptive plan there. We send forth prayers to those that are not with us today for whatever reason, that you would be present with them.
We celebrate the home-going into glory of Mr. Charles Andrews today. We pray for Brenda, that you would be with her and her family. We just celebrate Mr. Charles’ life. We thank you that he’s a part of the great cloud of witnesses.
Father, we bless the congregation this day and we bless your people. We thank you, Lord Jesus. You are our Champion. Thank you for what you’ve done here today. Lord, seal it in the lives of your people and manifest your word in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.