February 6, 2019

Miracle City Global – 2/6/19 – Transcript

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Miracle City Global

Kimble Love. Good evening everyone. Welcome to Miracle City Global. We’re so glad you’re all here tonight. We’re about to step into a time of worship intercession and seek the Lord, seek His face. How many of you are expectant tonight? Well, you’re in the right place. I really believe God is going to show up and give some instruction to us tonight, some strategy, some equipping so that we can go forth and be all He’s called us to be.

Father, we are gathered here tonight to worship you in spirit and in truth. Father, we have our ears open and our hearts prepared to hear your voice and to receive your plan, your purpose, your strategies. We give you permission to come, to order and direct our steps, to reveal hidden pathways, to close doors that need to be closed, and open those that need to be opened, Lord.

Father, I thank you that tonight that we realize we’ve entered into a new season, a new era. And Lord, we don’t want to look back, but we want to look ahead, look forward into our purpose and our destinies, to see your glory and your goodness overtake this world once again.

Lord, I declare that we are willing vessels, desiring to go forth to be your hands and your feet in the earth. So Father, have your way tonight. Show yourself mighty. We willingly submit to your Lordship and your authority. Breathe your life. Release those rivers of living water to flow forth from our inmost being. And that we would be displayers of your glory throughout the earth.

Father, we bless you tonight. We say, Have your way, in Jesus name. Amen.


?Anna Love. Let righteousness arise. God raise up your standard.

I can hear the sound of a remnant rising, an army rising.

I can see the light of the Son is shining through and He’s raising up righteousness.

Remnant rising, can you hear it? Sons and daughters rising up. Court’s in session.

Court’s in session. There a sound coming out and it’s routing out the enemy.

We keep pressing on. We will receive our orders from the King.

Running to the battle line. I’ll be a David. I’ll run. Run without fear. Run to the battle line.

You’re an army dressed for battle. Take the land.

Oh the weapons of our warfare they are mighty through our God.

We cut off the giant’s head. We eat giants for our bread.

Mighty mighty mighty mighty warrior. He’s a warrior. He’s a warrior.

Wake up child. It’s your time to shine. You were born for such a time as this.

This is the anthem of our generation. Here we are God. Shake our nation.

All we need is your love. You captivate us. He’s calling us to rise up in our nation.

Righteous remnant arise. Take your place oh Lord in the center of our hearts.

Take our place in the center of our nation.

You won’t relent until you have it all. My heart is yours.

I’ll set you as a seal upon my heart, as a seal upon my arm.

Come be the fire inside of me, the flame within my heart, until you and I are one.

I have heard your call and I will respond. We have heard and we respond.

Are there any righteous among you? Says the Lord. Oh He’s calling his people to arise.

Will you be my standard in the earth? Will you rise up righteously?

Let the righteous arise. We’re gonna change the world.

I wanna be a history maker in this land, a speaker of truth. Oh it is written.

The remnant will arise. It’s here.

Betty. Thank you Lord. Righteousness exalts a nation. You are here in our midst.

We believe in the power of your blood. Your remnant’s rising in our land.

Anna. We believe in you, in the power of your blood.

Betty. The voice of the blood in our land speaks a better word.

Lane Bass. Abba, tonight we ask you to wake this nation up. We ask you to wake us from our slumber in Jesus name. Right here Lord, and all God’s people agree with me, I ask you to sweep this nation with your wind, with your love, with your water. Holy Spirit blow over this nation. Lord, I ask you right now in a tangible way to sweep over this nation.

Awaken us from our slumber, each and every one in the Bride of Christ, in this Warrior Bride that we are. Awaken us, oh God. Awaken us, oh God. Awaken us, oh God. Hei. Wake us from our slumber. Let us walk and live with the anointing, in the anointing, that we were called to walk in and live in and have our being in. Let us abide in you as a nation, Father. And change this world.

Break off the lies that it’s some lofty thought out there somewhere. No. It’s who we are. It’s who we are. We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Let us live like it, Father. Abba. Abba. We cry to you, Lord. Light a fire in us. Light a fire in me. Light a fire in each one of us, Lord, that we might stand and declare the works of the Lord and the Word of the Lord, and see a nation turn from utter destruction to life and life more abundant.

We ask it now, Father. We agree with your Word. I say, America, Awaken from your slumber in the name of Jesus. Let us pant for you as the deer pants for the water, Lord. And rely on you as our only strength in Jesus name.

Betty Love. Praise you Jesus. Where two or more agree as touching anything it will be done. Father, we thank you that you’re not done with this nation. Lord, we come into agreement for the ordained days that are written in our books. We say, Let your kingdom come. Let your kingdom come here, Lord. Let your kingdom come now, Lord. On earth as it is in heaven.

Lord, we come into agreement with every true rhema word spoken to your people. We come into agreement with every true prophetic utterance, every true redemptive word that’s been spoken about this nation. Lord, I thank you that it is culmination and convergence time.

Lord, we thank you for the call and the cause and the catalyst of righteousness that you are releasing in this hour. You are raising up your righteous remnant to decree your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. To release your righteousness into our land, into our territories, tents and treasuries, our spheres of influence, into the places that we have jurisdiction, where we live and move and have our being.

Lord, I pray it would be as Joshua, that every place that we set the soles of our feet over this 70 day period, that your very righteousness would flow out into the land and it would change the landscape of a nation.

We come into agreement with the intercession of Jesus seated at the right hand of God the Father, making intercession for us all. We pull that intercession into the now to every place Lord God, every place that you’ve ordained. For you’re able to save completely those that come to God through you. Because you always live to intercede. Ruach. Holy Spirit come and move. Come and move. Holy Spirit. Ruach. Come and blow. Come and breathe. Apart from you, Lord, we can do nothing, but in you and through you and by you we can do all things.

Father, I thank you tonight that you give us an ear to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is speaking to the Church. Lord, I thank you that you awaken a spirit of revival, awakening and reformation in the hearts of your people. And Lord, those that are here tonight, I pray that you would set a fire, a righteous holy fire, on the inside of us, Lord, that wouldn’t go out. We say, Make us a house of prayer.

?Anna. Make me house of prayer. Oh Lord, Make us a house of prayer.

May the fire on my altar never burn out. Make me a house of prayer.

Betty. We are His house. He said, My house shall be a house of prayer for all nations.

PowerPoint. Reformed. Raising up Righteousness.

Last Wednesday morning the Lord gave us a prayer mandate that we’re picking up.

I want to share what the Lord gave me.

To the righteous remnant rising,

For the last several years the Lord has continually resonated reformation and   transformation within my heart.

If you were to ask me I would tell you that I have a nations call. I have a call to the body of Christ, to this nation, and to this state, to this city. We started out in ministry in the early 80s and went AWOL about six months. A lot can happen in six months. But then the Lord put us back on track and did a great restoration work in our lives. In 1986 we stepped into ministry and I ultimately staffed, which is really unheard of in an evangelical Presbyterian church; and had an incredible spiritual father who held to the Word of God; and a spiritual mother who gave me a great foundation. It wasn’t a denominational foundation. It was a foundation in the Word of God. He was a Word man and it served me well. Because of that foundation, as a child with Baptist roots, and being in an evangelical Presbyterian church, that was another grounding. Again, I’m thankful to the Lord that I never had to unlearn a denomination.

I’m not talking about denominations, because I go in and out of denominations, from Baptist to Presbyterian, Methodist, Church of God, both Churches of God, Assemblies, interdenominational, and usually it is to introduce, especially in denominational churches, people to the fullness of the Spirit. And not only that, to equip them.

In all the ministry over the years, what has burned in my heart, and what I have believed to see, is the ministry of Jesus manifest in the body of Christ. I don’t mean just in an individual.

I believe that the Lord is raising up an apostolic prophetic army that will move in the power of Almighty God, that will move in the greater works. Everything that has been spoken about who we are, what we are, I believe is upon us. I have a 30 year anniversary of when the mantle, the call on my life, became known to me, what ministry gift I was to the body of Christ.

There are things you and I have carried for years that we are here and we are in a place of birthing. I believe that our bowls are full. I believe it is a fullness of time.

When Chuck Pierce and his team came to USM for Mississippi Soaring. I woke up on August 3 out of a dream and we were clocking into Kairos Time, into God opportunities. The Lord said as those opportunities come to you and me and we respond to them, and we step in—opportunity can knock on your door all day long, but if you don’t answer and respond to the opportunity—Kairos is about a door opening for you. And you have a choice whether you’re going to step through that door or not.

I believe that many of you in this room tonight, those that are watching, had planned on going here, I would say to you, Get ready for your Kairos moment, and when you respond to it, you’re going to come into a fullness.

We have stepped into the Hebraic month of Adar. It’s a double month, Adar I and Adar II because we’re in a leap year; we’re in a pregnant year. This is a time to give birth to what you’ve been carrying. It’s a culmination and convergence of time.

On August 3, Chuck Pierce decreed and declared over the state that only by Holy Spirit would we be able to birth new prototypes out of the state of Mississippi. But we were going to birth prototypes. I believe we’re here. I believe the Lord is going to come again again in your heart, in your dreams, in your vision. He is going to bring forth. He is going to revision you to see. He is going to bring you to a point where you already know that you know that you know what He’s saying, and you’ve been carrying that for years. And then He is going to open up prophetic revelation, His heart, His mind, His counsel to you; and He is going to pro-horizon you and expand that horizon so you can see your next.

Some of you have felt like you have come to a dead end. And I hear the Lord saying, Look and look again because you’re not at a dead end. God is never at a dead end in your life. He’s got a book that has a hope and a future and an expected end.

So on August 3 we were at USM, Mississippi Soaring. Then at the end of the month, Dutch Sheets and Chuck came back to the state with Mississippi Moving, a group of leaders in the state Kimble and I are part of. We hosted the Mississippi State Ekklesia Launch out of Brandon. In the midst of that worship this is what came to me.  I didn’t see it until yesterday when we were in the Madison Portal.

On that Saturday morning in the midst of worship at Hope Fellowship in Brandon, I saw angels come in like on a landing pad. They began to land with these large containers and put seven across the front. More than one angel was assigned to each container. As I watched them like I’m looking at you, I wondered what they were doing and what those containers were. It was a huge canister and when they took the lid off of it incense began to rise out of it.

The Lord said, It is every prophetic prayer, it is every time my people have picked up my rhemas, it is worship. And they brought that which was in the heavenly realm into the earth realm. Seven represents completion.

So when we moved forward, because we were to host Mississippi Prophetic Summit in October, I thought well they’re already here, we’re just going to stand in this place and the prayers are already here. No no no no. I didn’t think about it anymore and He did something different. It was good, but I saw those again yesterday.

For the last several weeks the Lord has been resonating the line of a song in my spirit. When I would wake up, during the day, laying down at night, waking in the middle of the night, I would hear Him say, I’m raising up righteousness. Raising up righteousness. We’re raising up righteousness. Anytime I wasn’t engaged, it was resonating.

On January 30, a week ago today, the Lord brought to my remembrance a powerful revelation He had given me years ago. It was about our righteousness as sons of God. Righteousness exalts a nation. And I had a vision of a grassroots movement of the body of Christ standing in the gap in their territories, their spheres of influence, and decreeing and releasing the righteousness of God in Christ to bring reformation and transformation to our nation. Not a hard thing.

When I say that, it’s every day you get up and present yourself to Him and release His righteousness. I thought about the power of the righteous decree, not only the voice of the decree. We have been made the righteousness of God in Christ because of what we have believed. A righteousness apart from the law that comes by faith. He made Him, Christ Jesus, who had no sin, sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God.

Isaiah 54. In righteousness you will be established. Oppression will be far removed. Terror will not come near you nor fear. If anyone does attack you, says the Lord, it is not my doing. And whoever attacks you has to surrender to you. No weapon formed against you will prosper, and you will refute every tongue that rises to accuse you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication is of Me. In some translations it says you will refute in court.

I want to ask you again what I asked you Sunday. How many righteous people are in this room? All of us. All of us that said Yes to Jesus Christ. I’m not waiting to be righteous. In the eyes of God, when you said Yes to Him, He imputed righteousness to you. It wasn’t anything that you could do to earn it. Righteousness has a voice that speaks and it says, Romans 10:9-10. Dynamite dynamite dynamite . . .TNT. Righteousness has a voice. And it says, If you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and you believe in your heart, you will be saved. When you are born-again and you get re-gened and regenerated, righteousness comes in. Your spirit man comes alive. And Holy Spirit comes to live in you and me. He’s not here for a moment and then gone. And He doesn’t checkout. He is here to hold the house and we are sealed. He is here for the long haul. Forever.

I will give you another Counselor, One just like Me. You have the greatest Intercessor living on the inside of you. You have the Spirit of Righteousness and the Sprit of Truth and the Spirit of Faith and the Spirit of Shalom. You have the Spirit of the New Covenant who will conform you and me to the image of Christ. And He will write the Word of God on the tablets of our hearts and our minds. He will do an inward out work. And He is faithful.

On January 30, 2019, the Lord brought to my remembrance about the revelation of what He had years ago, that if people would stand up in their sphere of influence and release the righteousness of God, it would change the atmosphere. It has the power to change the city. God is looking for you and me. Righteousness exalts a nation. We are entering into a place of raising righteousness in the 70 Day Decree.

So I had the vision. I saw the body of Christ standing in the gap in their territories, their spheres of influence, decreeing and releasing the righteousness of God in Christ to bring reformation and transformation. Immediately, last Wednesday morning, the Word of the Lord came to me and He said, “I am raising up righteousness in the land. Rally the righteousness remnant for the next 70 days to stand before me in the land to decree and release the righteousness of God in Christ that is stored in them as born-again believers. We are raising up righteousness in this nation.

You’re going to have court every day. The Word of God says we are to come boldly unto the Throne of Grace. We have an invitation to the Court of the Lord. There is an Appeals Court in Heaven.

He said, “You’re going to have court every day and I’m going to give you verdicts and things that will bring change every day, progress every day. Did I not tell you I’m going to change a nation? I am raising up the Josephs, the Daniels, the Josiahs, the Nehemiahs, the Esthers in this hour. You’re going to embrace the Josiah Anointing. Judah is plowing and Josiahs are rising to bring reformation in our land. Embrace it. Josiah reformers. Josiah Company. Josiah Generation. The Josiah Anointing.”

Soon and very soon we’re going to unpack about Josiah. He was one of the greatest reformers in the Old Testament, truly. He’s the only king that tore down every one of the high places. He cleaned it all out. So it’s a good anointing. It comes through Jesus.

On February 1, 2019, during a gathering of worship and prayer on Friday evening, I had an open vision of Martin Luther nailing the 95 Theses to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, that became the catalyst for the Protestant Reformation. The Lord began to speak to my heart and said, “No delay. Start the 70 day righteous decree on Saturday, February 9, 2019, through April 19, 2019. It will end on Passover. For once again I will see the blood covenant and hear the cry of a righteous remnant in the land. It is time. You covenant with death will be annulled. Your agreement with the grave will not stand in this nation. The sin of the nation has reached its fullness. But the bowls of all the prayer movements have reached their fullness.

I will see and hear the outcry of my people and tip your prayer bowls, America. Revival, Awakening, and Reformation will come again again to this nation.

Raising up righteousness.

He said it. I believe it. You can mark it down. It’s coming. There is no way that I could have an open vision as tangible as I am looking at you right now and see and know that it was Martin Luther, only to look the next day and see that it was the church in Wittenberg. I knew immediately who it was and what he was doing. And it was a sign. He is raising up righteousness.

When the Lord said, No Delay, I was like, we have relationship with people all over the state in different denominations, in other states and places in the nations; Lord just give us a little bit of time. We have nothing yet, written on this or created to even generate the word. And He said, You can’t delay. There are people already picking this up in Jackson and Louisiana saying, We’re going to do this. It’s going out of facebook and I talked with Dutch today and he’s helping us with some decrees. It is going to go out. You may ask if such a small number can do this, but we’re not the only ones that are praying or have a prayer assignment.

I want you to remember the conversation between Abraham and the Lord. He is looking for partners.

There is a call to the righteous remnant, the sons of God who are willing to stand in the land for 70 days, decreeing and releasing the righteousness of God. Will you hear the voice and the sound of the voice of the Spirit of the Lord giving a clarion call to the gates? A clarion call to the sons of God who would be willing to stand in the land every day for 70 days decreeing and releasing the righteousness of God beginning on Saturday morning. 70 days.

Seth Yates said Yes. I knew the line of the song, We’re raising up righteousness. I asked Anna and it came from the song, Strike the ground on the wells of revival. He wrote the song and did it for Azusa Now. Anna messaged him; and we have Sam. All these suddenlies are happening. It’s really phenomenal. We’ve been on the road all week, leaving tomorrow, and we’re trying to get all of this done.

Anna came in yesterday and said she felt like we needed a video and Sam is a great videographer and he may be able to put something together for us. She reached out and he said he could get it done quickly for very little money. I think he’s sowing a seed in us. Praise God. I pray God to multiply that. We talked on the phone and I cast the vision and what he got is just awesome. He’s still working on it.

And I thought, Oh I would really like to do that song. Because that’s the song. That’s the catalyst for it. Anna reached out and just got word back from the song writer that we can use it on the video, free.

So there’s the call to the righteous remnant. Romans 3:21-22. It is written. It’s very important if you are going to receive a call and you’re going to stand up for a cause, you really need to know what you’re standing up for and if you have the authority to do what is being asked of you. If you don’t, then you’re ineffective.

:21 But now, apart from the law, the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the law and the prophets testify.

:22 This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile. Praise God.

When you believe and receive and are born again, you are born into righteousness.

There’s a call to the righteous remnant and then there’s a cause: Raising up Righteousness in our nation. When we say, in our nation, that seems so vast, but if you will stand in your sphere of influence, whatever mountain of society you find yourself in, whether it’s business, education, arts and entertainment, wherever you live and move and have your being in your spheres of influence, your territory, your tent, your dwelling place, your treasury. It’s about treasuries, too. It’s about our gifts. It’s about our wealth. It’s about all of it.

The Lord is going to drop a righteous plumb line in you and me, and a plumb line of His love in this nation. And what has drawn up off-course and the sin that has been so prevalent, He is going to deal with it.

Proverbs 13:34. Righteousness exalts a nation; but sin condemns any people. Some translations say, Righteousness exalts a nation; but sin is a disgrace to any people. I thought about our President and Make America Great. One translation says that, Righteousness makes a nation great. I believe the only way America is going to be great is because God is great. 12300

Ezekiel 22:30. NLT. (This is really the cause.) I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I’ve taught on this for many years, and I know the Word of God says here that the Lord sought a man to stand in the gap on behalf of the land so that He would not have to destroy it.

The rest of the verse says, But He found none. That says to me that the eyes of the Lord are moving over the nation of America in this hour because our bowls are about to tip over in a good God way and I believe He is mobilizing an army of His people like never before. And I believe that we’re not the only one with the assignment. I wouldn’t be surprised if some we don’t even know about have the same assignment.

I, Robot doesn’t have anything. We watched that movie a long time ago with Will Smith. It was about an army of robots that were asleep, that were to wake up at a certain time and take over the world. We aren’t robots. I know this. The Lord says that He has chosen us to know His will, to see the Righteous One, Jesus, and to hear words for His mouth, and to be a witness of what we’ve seen and heard. He is raising up a righteous remnant.

NLT. I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone who would stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land.  I have known, and some of you have a life call, to build the ancient ruins. We’re sitting down here on East Pine because I see Glory Valley down here. I see transformation. I don’t see just non-profits down here, I see incubating businesses that will be viable and produce for a city and a region.

I looked for someone who might rebuild the walls of righteousness. I know the Lord has been doing this in me and I believe He’s been doing it in a lot of people. Nehemiah birthed a burden. Nehemiah is a rebuilder. He built the wall. But Nehemiah was working for the king, for Cyrus. He was the cup-bearer. In order to fulfill the word of the prophet Jeremiah, God moved on the heart of a king. When God gets ready to move, it’s going to be personal, it’s going to be corporate, it’s going to be prophetic. He is going to let you know His heart, His mind, His counsel, because where there is no prophetic revelation, God’s people are destroyed.

Where there’s no vision—it’s not just vision, it’s vision with revelation and understanding of who He is and what He’s called you to do. He’s moving. Holy Spirit is moving over our waters. He is moving over a nation and He is ready to create, asah, by the words of your mouth. He is ready. Heaven is ready.

Nehemiah was in service to the king. When he was given the report about the condition of Jerusalem and the state of the wall, it crushed him. He went into fasting and prayer. Have you ever seen or heard something that just broke you? This past week with all the abortion blasted everywhere, and baby body parts, I was broken and weeping and gut-wrenched. When we get gut-wrenched for a people who are lost and for a nation that has fallen into depravity, then you will birth a burden and you will stand in a gap on behalf of the land.

I think we’ve thought, If my people who are called by my name  will humble themselves and pray, repent and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and save a bunch of people. It says, I will heal their land. Our land is mourning because of all the bloodshed, because of broken covenants, innocent bloodshed, immorality. But God. There is a remedy. We’re it. There’s a remedy. There’s a cause like never before.

There’s a call and there’s a cause. He is raising up righteousness in our nation. And He is looking for sons of God who are willing to take their place to rebuild the wall of righteousness.

II Corinthians 5:21. God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. So you have the call and the cause and then the catalyst. The catalyst is the voice of righteousness. I would say, Tag you’re it. We need to quit thinking somebody else is going to come and do it for us. The Lord is looking for partners who will come into agreement, who will hear what He is saying, and be an echo to decree and declare His word in the earth.

It says in Job 22 that if you will decree a thing, it will be established. And light will shine on your path. He will even deliver the one who is not innocent or not clean through the cleanness of your hands.

Proverbs 13:34. Righteousness exalts a nation. We’re entering into a 70-day decree releasing the righteousness of our God in Christ Jesus, through your life, into your territories, tents, treasuries, spheres of influence, gates, cities, states, and the nation. To see reformation and transformation come to our nation.

It’s an invitation to join us in the 70 Day Decree Raising Righteousness. Daily, you will release the following decree at the beginning of your day. Then as you go throughout your day may you manifest the righteousness of Christ in every place that the soles of your feet tread. Our prayer is that you yourself will become the righteous decree in the land.

In addition, we’re going to be posting daily a devotional during the 70 Day Decree on our website and on facebook. That’s loveministrieslive.com. This is a draft of the decree. When you stand up each morning, I want you to catch (it) and for the Lord to birth a vision in you that you are the righteousness of God, and everywhere you’re going, not only are you going to make the decree, not blasting anyone just going about your normal activities, and as you go your mindset is, I’m releasing the righteousness of my God in Christ. Every place, like Joshua, that I set the soles of my feet, I am releasing righteousness. Now, if that’s not power, I don’t know what is. I believe. I believe He’s going to do it.

The Decree:

Lord God, we present our members unto you a living sacrifice. In the name of Jesus Christ we acknowledge and declare that we are the righteousness of our God in Christ Jesus. Righteousness exalts a nation. We stand before you in the land that you have given us and we decree and release the righteousness of Christ into our territories, tents, treasuries, spheres of influence, our gates, our cities, our states and nation to bring healing, revival, awakening, and reformation to this nation of America.

Father, let your Spirit of Righteousness be released and established in us, in every place you have given us jurisdiction and every place that the soles of our feet tread for your glory. Let your righteous kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Plumb line and plow this nation with your righteousness in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I’ve got one of the best decree writers looking at this, so when he finishes with it, I don’t know what it’s going to look like. I know this is a pretty good decree. I know that whatever you decree, if you will truly take it—and reading does count—and decree it every day. It’s going to be on our facebook pages, my facebook. It’s going to be shared with everybody that we know. You will have it.

Anna has set up the power point with days 1-70, all 70 days. Whatever the final decree is, it won’t be long before it will be a part of you. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word. Romans 10:17. It’s going to become alive in you. Your mind is going to be renewed to: I am the righteousness of my God in Christ. If you have dealt with any place of worthlessness or identity theft, the Lord is going to legitimize you with the Spirit of Adoption. Not only that, we can’t plumb line for a nation if He’s not going to plumb line us first.

I see this. You drop the plumb line of Jesus Christ Himself who is our righteousness, it’s going to kick anything in our lives out that doesn’t need to be there. At the end of 70 days, we’re going to look real good in Christ if we will stick to it and be faithful. I can guarantee you that your environment is going to shift. You cannot make this kind of decree, especially when He said to do it—that’s really the key.

This is His Word 101 anyway. But He gave it. And He said to do it. And He sees such an urgency of what He wants to do in our land and our spheres that He said, Don’t Delay! Do this now! That tells me something.

When we gather in here as a body, we are not under the law, but we keep the three feasts that the Lord says in His Word. We do observe Passover, our Lamb that was slain and fulfilled Passover. We do observe Pentecost. And we do observe Tabernacles because He said to keep those feasts. But we keep those from the perspective of this side of the cross. Amen?

So when we gather in here on Friday, April 19, and celebrate Passover, it’s going to be the end of 70 days. And I don’t know what He’s going to do; but I know He’s going to be here. I know the Lord gave Bill Johnson a mandate of 100 days and said on February 1 something significant was going to happen. Because of alignment with Bethel, David and Jo Hertel at Hope Fellowship picked up that same mandate and had a worship gathering on February 1. It’s a setup. It’s Anna’s birthday, where she wanted to go, to worship on her birthday. Thank God because had I not been there, I wouldn’t have had the vision that became a catalyst.

You are significant in the kingdom. You have a part and a portion to play. Go ask Lot, because had it not been for Abraham he might not have been around. You have a part to play. I don’t know if anybody else saw any major fireworks or anything happen on February 1, but the word was that there was going to be a shift in the nation. Well, I saw a man out of time, in time, as a sign of reformation coming. I believe enough to do this crazy thing.

Righteousness exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people. Godliness exalts a nation; but sin is a disgrace to any people. God is the only one who can make America great. God will put things in you and you won’t understand why you react the way you do. From the very beginning, from the mid-80s and from when we stepped into the fullness of the Spirit in 1989, I would hear people say, Oh the move is coming through the women; or The move is coming through the men. Thank God for Promise Keepers. The move is coming through the youth; or The move is going to come through the children. And a little child will lead them. And you’re hearing this: them, them, the next generation; We’re not going to see it in our generation.

I’m thinking, I have labored here and I’m going to see something in my generation. That isn’t what God said to me. And I’m all about platforming as far as foundation. If you’re a true apostle/prophet, you are eating dirt. It’s not a pyramid where you’re the kingpin. You’re on the bottom and you’re about launching people into their birthright and their destiny. But I have a call to the body of Christ to see you get there. It won’t be one segment or the other. We need the entire body of Christ activated and functioning in their birthright, their destiny and their gift mix—today.

And there is no junior Holy Spirit. I’m talking about mobilizing an army of children. Garrett Boswell gets some of the most profound visions from the Lord. When he comes and gives it, it’s on the mark. Trace Bass gets prophetic art. When I preached and the Lord said, Talk to the Hand, he came with the Talk to the Hand.

He is raising up an army. No word of God is without power to produce. So is the word that goes out of My mouth. It will accomplish the assignment I sent it to do. It will prosper in his hand.

For many years we’ve been able to participate in and go and drink from many different wells of revival. I’m so thankful for the outpouring in Pensacola, and different outpourings throughout this nation and even outside of this nation. Azusa was then. Pensacola was then. You can go all the way back to all the different movements of God and rejoice. We would not be here if they had not been. But I am saying to you that God is going to do something greater.

When people would say, I want revival. I want revival. I couldn’t understand it, but something in me said, No! That’s not really what I want. I do want revival but there’s something more. And then I would hear people say, I want awakening. I’m all about awakening. But still I felt there was something more. The more is reformation and transformation.

As I birthed a burden Saturday morning, I was broken over our nation. I was pouring over definitions of revival, awakening and reformation. And I saw. I want you to understand what we’re asking for. We want revival. We want awakening. And we want reformation.

Revival occurs when the spiritual fervor and practice of members of an existing body of believers is re-kindling as a result of the Holy Spirit of God renewing their prior faith which had grown cold and renewing their foundation on the word of God.

Right now in Core Training we have gone back to foundational Christianity for the definition. Our apostolic eldership and leadership in this house agreed that we needed to revisit the foundation because of where we’re launching. We have come back to the tenets, the foundation of the faith—the Word of God being infallible, inerrant, our rule of practice, what we live by. I’m not talking about taking the Word out of context.

I’m talking about if you are a born-again believer, you can get the tenets of the faith probably down to five, eight or nine doctrines, no matter who you are. We believe that the gifts of the Spirit did not cease with the last Apostle. We believe that the gifts are operative and still operating today in the fullness of Holy Spirit. We believe in healing. We believe in the move of Holy Spirit. I’m not going to embrace Jesus and not embrace His Baptism. That’s just the bottom line.

We can look at our nation and even in the Church and what has happened is that people are not holding true plumb to the foundation on which we stand: Salvation by grace through faith; Salvation through Jesus Christ alone; the Word of God being the Word. You don’t change the Book.

Awakening is an evangelical outpouring of the Spirit of God over a short period of time in which many who were non-believers become believers founded on the Word of God in the Bible. The new beliers are then enfolded into existing bodies of believers for growing in their knowledge of God and relation with God.

These are not the only definitions for revival, awakening and reformation, but what I see more than anything is that this nation has forgotten the Word of God and her first love. When I see this, I’m saying Yes. We’ve got to come back to the Word. We’ve got to come back to the truth. We’ve got to come back to Jesus.

Reformation is a re-alignment of beliefs and religious practices to be conformed to the Word of God by throwing off beliefs and religious practices that are not in conformity with the Word of God. Reformations change people’s beliefs, attitudes and actions.

Do you think our nation needs an attitude adjustment in some places?

Those changes overflow to change church beliefs and practices, society (culture) and governments.

We were not made to fit in with culture. In fact, the Word of God says in Romans 12:1-2 In view of God’s mercy, present your members unto Him as living sacrifices. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Again, I want to invite every one of you. I want you to spread the word. We will be posting. Hopefully we will have everything out tomorrow. But you will have everything by Saturday that you need for sure. We want to invite you to accept the call, the cause, and be a catalyst of righteous reform in this nation because it’s coming. Amen? Praise you Father.

Father, we give you all glory and honor and praise. We thank you Lord that you never do anything in the earth without revealing your plan to your servants the prophets. And Lord we thank you that once again you are poised over this nation. I recognize that this country is hanging in the balance and I know that if we will respond in humility and be willing to take our place in the gap, Lord God, you’re going to build up a wall of righteousness once again in this nation and you are going to do what you said you would do for years and years and years and years.

I can hear the sound of rain coming to America again. Father, I thank you that this is going to be different from before, because all of those containers of past prayer movements are going to come together in one and the bowls are going to be poured out.

You’re going to consider the threats of our enemies and you’re going to stretch forth your hand through your people to heal and to perform signs, wonder and miracles. You’re going to activate a body that will function and walk in your ministry, Jesus. And as the gospel of the kingdom is preached, you’re going to work with us to confirm your word with signs following. And you’re already doing it.

Lord, we welcome your plumb line of love and righteousness. Because it is the goodness of God, the lovingkindness of God, that leads men to repentance. We pray that the god of this age that has blinded unbelievers and kept them from receiving the gospel of the kingdom, we pray that their blindness would be bound from them and that their eyes would be opened. Even now we release the light and the glory of the gospel of the kingdom into our spheres.

Lord God, we present our members unto you a living sacrifice tonight. And as a precursor we say, Here Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we acknowledge and declare that we are the righteousness of our God in Christ. We decree and declare that righteousness exalts a nation. And we stand before you in the land that you have given us and we decree and declare and release the righteousness of Christ right now into our territories, into our tents, our treasuries, every sphere of influence that you’ve given us, our gates, our cities, our state, and the nation to bring healing, revival, awakening, and reformation to this nation of America.

Father, let your Spirit of Righteousness be released and established in us right now, tonight, Lord. And in every place that you have given us jurisdiction and every place that the soles of our feet tread for your glory, let your righteous kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven in our lives, in our land, in our seed, our blessing, our gates, our cities, our state and nation.

Plumb line and plow this nation in your righteousness, Lord. For it is in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Yeshua Hamashiach, that we pray, for your honor and your glory, Lord.

Take this word tonight, Lord, and send it. Send it. Send it, Lord. Send it. Send forth your word. Send forth your Spirit and let it be created. We give you all glory and all honor. The hand of the Lord is stretched out and He is pushing back the resistance in Jesus name. Amen.
