December 8, 2019

Miracle City Global – 12/8/19 – Transcript

12/8/19 Miracle City Global

Anna Love. This morning I woke up crying, and I’m not a crier normally. I was overwhelmed by a sense of the presence of the Lord and his goodness, by what I’d seen him do over the last several years. I thought about what the Lord has done in me since this time last year. I know he’s done things in you, too.

This weekend I was reminded of a prophetic word I received personally and I feel it applies to all of us. It was, You’ve been in a boat going one way, and it’s been good; but it’s time to disembark. And you can’t go back. The boat is broken and destroyed so you can’t go back. You’ve gone as far as you can in the river and it’s time to start climbing.

We’ve entered into a new way. We’ve been one way for so long. It’s been good and there have been so many good things, but the Lord in this last year has brought us to a new place and it’s up. It’s been going higher. I was overwhelmed by how good the Lord is and his presence in here this morning. I just want to acknowledge his presence. Because he is so good and he is so worth it. He loves us so much.

This morning I believe we all have a divine appointment. I believe the Lord is coming in. We’ve been talking about deliverance and healing and being set free for the last several weeks. I believe the Lord this morning has such a divine appointment for each of us and he is settling things and he is healing things.

I was reminded and seeing all the things at one time, and just such an overwhelming sense of his presence. The Lord showed me he has been setting us up for today over the last few weeks for a divine moment. There are so many moments and so many things in the Lord that He has a time for them. But there are some things we can step in today or tomorrow and it will be okay. But other things have to be this very hour or this very minute or this very second, right now.

I believe that’s what we are in. We are in the moment with God. He’s brought us to this moment. And you couldn’t have been here another time. Things happening in your life, my life, it couldn’t have been another time or another day. It couldn’t have been sooner. It had to be now.

Last week we talked about Fulfillment. Don’t let go of the promises he’s given you this year. Don’t let go of those promises. If they haven’t manifested but you know they’re for this year, you still have three weeks left. Our belief determines behavior. If you’re standing and waiting for something, but in the back of your mind you’re thinking, That’s never going to happen, then it probably won’t.

We have to change what we believe. If we believe who God is and he is who he says he is, and that his promises are true, then we can’t let go of the word and we have to believe it to be the truth—because it is. I want all that he says.

I was thinking about last week—Fulfillment. I was thinking about Wednesday, how powerful in here it was—Testimonies and Miracles. And the word the Lord gave me about Faith and about faith testifying to us. And even the faith of God on the inside of us is testifying to our spirit even when we feel faithless.

This morning is December 8. Eight represents new beginnings. It’s not just a fresh start. It’s the new beginning like the resurrection of Jesus. It’s the new beginning because something died and now something has come to life again. I believe there are things in us that have died but the Lord is resurrecting them this morning.

It’s not just a new beginning like we’ve never been this way before. No. It’s the surrendered sacrifice of laying your life down. It’s the testing that you’ve been through and it’s waking up to life. It’s waking up in the resurrection of your life unto Christ that he has for you. It’s waking up into the promise. I believe this morning we are waking up to the promise.

Fulfillment, testimonies, miracles—we’re there. Expect miracles. Remember: Belief determines behavior. If you expect miracles, you will see miracles. The Lord says we don’t have because we don’t ask. If you ask, he’ll give. So Lord, we ask for your miracles.

We’re also in a season of dreams. This hebraic month of Kislev is all about dreams. To rest in the Lord and dream dreams, and trusting him. It is about the dreams we dream at night, but so many of us have little pockets of hopes and dreams that deep in our heart of hearts we long for. But in our will and our mind we’ve determined that probably  it’s not going to happen. So there is so much pain involved in something that is so precious to you. And it’s like, I want to want this, but I don’t want it to hurt.

The Lord is saying that it’s time to dream those dreams again and to let hope rise up in you, because he has so much good for us and he is pouring out his goodness.

Proverbs 13:12 NLT. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.

This weekend the Lord was showing me and speaking to me in the night as I went to sleep, Do not self-sabotage. The Lord is setting up your promise. He is setting up that thing that you’ve waited for. It is coming. It is here. Do not self-sabotage. What happens is that if you still have hope deferred over this situation, you’re tree starts budding and it starts looking like life is there, and you take something and knock it down.

The Lord says, Don’t self-sabotage. Don’t let fear be the driving force, because fear, when it’s our driving force, leads to failure. That’s not the season we’re in. We’re in the season to conquer, to stand up and be fulfilled. We’re in the season to see our tree of life.

Lord, we thank you that we’re in the season you destined for us. Lord, I thank you that we can mark this day and say, That’s when things started turning. That’s when we saw our tree of life rising up. Lord, we thank you for fulfillment. We thank you for our promises. Lord, I thank you for the manifestation of dreams.

It’s so important what we think upon, our thought life, our internal conversation we have going on.

II Corinthians 10:5. We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. Here’s the key.

You capture like prisoners of war every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.

It’s time that we make our thoughts bow in obedience to the Lord. When I was thinking and praying about this, the Lord reminded me of John 10:10. It talks about how Jesus has come to give us life and life more abundantly. If anything we’re thinking about and dwelling on isn’t giving us life, it has to bow to the obedience of the Anointed One.

It’s time that we start calling those things that are not as though they were. The Lord is bringing Resurrection Life to your life. He’s bringing resurrection life to your promises. He’s bringing resurrection life to your hopes, to your dreams. He’s even bringing resurrection life to your will, not in a willful, ungodly, unrighteous way, but in your will to live, your will to dream, and your will to be who God has called you to be.

He is setting us up to where our desires match up with his desires. I really want you to take hold of this this morning. Like I said, This is a divine appointment. It’s not hype or a feel-good to make us have a better day. It’s what the Lord is saying to us now. He wouldn’t say it if he didn’t mean it or if he wasn’t serious.

As we worship this morning, I want you to take hold of every dream, every promise, everything the Lord has said and told you, those deep things that only you and the Lord know about. I want you to pull them down into the right now. Even if it’s not necessarily for this very moment, if we pull them down and we believe and take hold, the Lord will start setting them in place. Because we know they’re coming. We believe they’re coming so they can be set in place.

I believe the Lord is healing heart issues this morning. It’s the heart issues in the determination of our will.

This is very personal to me. It’s about hope deferred. I’ve walked through some really hard things in the last five years and the Lord has healed my heart of those issues and situations, but I’ve noticed that people have great intentions and even driving in this morning, I realize some of the words and encouragement were actually encouragement. I questioned if people were ministering to me out of their soul or out of what they desired to see in my life. But I know this morning, even if they were doing that, the Lord set it up because of what he showed me this morning.

I had one prophetic word after another about some future things in my life. Some things that should make you excited and happy. But every time I heard them, it was like a slap in the face and all I could think was, I don’t want that. I don’t want that in my life. I don’t want that situation to come. I don’t want that.

So for the past five years, the word would come and I would say, I don’t want that. I don’t want any part of that. I just want you, Lord. The Lord showed me this morning that his word is true and his word stands. And I repented for rejecting the promise. I repented for rejecting the things he has set apart, set aside and had waiting for me in his timing. But I believe I’m not the only one who has done that.

I believe that every time that word came forth, because it was the same word, same situation, same feeling, same thing, it was like, Lord, I understand people want me to enjoy life and all these things, but it’s not okay; it’s not right; I don’t even want this.

He showed me as the word came over and over again, and even though I wanted to resist it and get out of here, it’s was, No, Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember.

As I said, this morning it’s Divine Appointment, a day of remembrance. Even those promises, even those things that feel so painful, the Lord is saying, Take hold of them. Because he’s bringing us out of the hope deferred place. Our tree of life is not just a little seedling. It’s a big big big tree. And this morning we’re going to see the fruit of it.

We do a one-word principle here at Miracle City. In 2018, I was at Glory of Zion and the Lord started speaking to me about three years—2018, 2019 and 2020. And the things to expect and the things to see in that three-year time period.

My word for 2018 was Trust; for this year 2019, it has been Surrender; and my word for 2020 is Restitution. I believe the Lord, through trusting, through waiting and being willing to lay down our lives and surrender to him, he’s bringing restitution to us. He’s bringing restitution to promises. He bringing restitution to all the situations. All that stuff you had to walk through, he’s bringing restitution. 2020 is a double year. 20 represents redemption, completion, perfection.

That doesn’t mean we’re perfect, but there are some things in our lives the Lord is bringing completion to and perfection to and everything he’s bringing redemption to. I hope this has grabbed your heart this morning and you’ve positioned yourself in this to receive all he has for today.

So Lord, we just thank you. We thank you for what you’re doing. We thank you, Lord, that you are our living hope. That our hope is not deferred. That our hope is not gone. That our hope is not lost. That our hope is risen this morning inside of us. Lord, we fix our eyes on you. We say Yes to your word, your will, and your way.

We say, Let it be in our lives. Let is be in our lives. We stand up in your promise. We stand up in your promise, God. We stand up in your promise because all your promises are Yes. All your promises are Amen. All your promises are coming to fulfillment in this hour.

Lord, I thank you for dreams. I thank you for visions. Lord, I thank you that we will dream a dream again with you. The Lord is saying it’s time to let him dream with you. I don’t know if this is for somebody in this house or watching, but I hear the Lord saying, Don’t be afraid to make plans. Because you think if you make plans you’ll get your hopes up and the plans won’t happen. The Lord says, Don’t be afraid to make plans. But in your planning, let me plan with you. In your plan-making, do it from a place of surrender. Let me guide you.

Lord, we thank you for your plans for our lives. We thank you that you are awakening us to dreams, to visions, to hopes. Lord, I thank you for so much joy in this season. That any doubt, any unbelief, any fear, any discouragement, can go right back to hell where it came from. Lord, I thank you that we have stepped into a new way. That we’ve stepped into something fresh. We’ve come through the pressing and we receive and take hold of that new anointing.

Lord, I thank you for resurrection power and life coming to the Body. I thank you for resurrection power and life coming to your people. Lord, I thank you that you’ve made us ready to run in this season, that you’ve made us ready to soar in this season. We say our hope is not lost but our hope is in you, Lord, in Jesus name.

?Let my faith arise oh Lord. Faith is rising. I can see the love in your eyes. Laying myself down, raising up the broken to life. Come alive. Come alive right now. Take off those grave clothes and come into the light.

Lane Bass. When you feel like God is highlighting that scripture Anna mentioned earlier about how hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a promise fulfilled is a tree of life, we can’t get caught up in hope deferred. We’re right in the season where we have to shake it off. Not in our own strength, but we have to let the Lord lighten our load in the name of Jesus.

So right now, Lord, we just submit to you. We say where there has been hope deferred, and hope deferred is an understatement for what many have gone through, Father; it feels like death. But God, who is rich in mercy, Lord, you have come to give us a tree of life in that place where death was so evident that it stunk. It’s like Lazarus. My God, who is rich in mercy, called into the grave, in that place of hope deferred, and it seemed like it was only death. He said, Lazarus, come out. Lazarus, come on out.

?Come out, come out of the grave. Come alive. Your mercy changes my heart from the inside out. We receive your mercy.

Danette Riley. During this month of Kislev, Rachel died while giving birth to Benjamin. Just before she died, she name Benjamin, Ben-Oni, which means ‘son of my sorrow.’ But Jacob intervened and said, No, his name will be Benjamin. He was the only son born in the promised land. We are in our promised land. The Lord wants to remind us today, Do not die while giving birth to your dream or dreams. Some are in the birth canal of transition. It’s dark and it’s painful. Like Lane said, it is a death.

Like Anna said earlier, this is resurrection. But just like Jesus, before there could be a resurrection there had to be a death and there had to be a burial. Resurrection day is coming, Body of Christ. The Lord today would say, Hang on. This is a day of remembrance. The Lord said today, This day has been earmarked. Anna said that it’s a moment and it is a moment.

The Lord is saying to us today some of us will remember before this moment and after this moment.  A change. The resurrection is going to be so profound in your life that you’re going to remember this moment before and then the after, in Jesus name.

Dottie Duckworth. Early this morning the Lord said to go to Ezekiel 37:9. Also he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath. Prophesy son of man and say to it, “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, they they may live.’”

As I read that I thought about all those who have been through the hurts and pains, the sicknesses in our children, the stuff in our lives that has happened, and I started praying, Lord, we’re walking alive, but we want to live. We want to live. So we call for the breath of God to come and to breathe on us today and give us life. To breathe on the dead places and cause them to come alive. Today is a day of new beginnings.

:12 Therefore prophesy to them and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.

:14 I will put my Spirit in you and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land.

That means to be at peace, to set you in place. In some instances it’s to move.

Then you shall know that I the Lord have spoken and have performed it, says the Lord.

Father, we thank you that this is an earmark day. We thank you that you’ve heard the cries of your people and that you are bringing new breath in each one of us and into our situations. Lord, I come into agreement with the word that Anna and Lane spoke this morning.

Fire of God, come. Fire of God, come. Fire of God, come. I see the fire of God landing on each person. Breathe, Lord, Breath of God.

Rosemary Byrd. This morning coming in I saw the overcast and Father said, Stay in the boat. Rays of sunshine came through the clouds, and he said, As Noah, there’s a covenant. I have covenant with you. No matter what it looks like in the natural, no matter what you’re going through, no matter, stay in the boat. Stay on course. Because the Son, Christ, is coming through. Stay in the boat. Stay on course. Covenant.

?Anna. Somewhere over the rainbow, the dreams you dare to dream really do come true. We declare it this morning.

Lane?We say, Come alive, to all the dead places in our lives. Breath of God, Breathe. Breath of God, Breathe. We need your breath.

?Awake awake all you dreamers and be free to dream the dreams of Him who can never be defeated. Arise arise all you sleeping, sing the song of our redemption. Come alive. Come alive. Wake up all you dreamers, sing your song of freedom. The God of peace will soon crush satan’s head. He’s under my feet. Sin, you’ve been defeated. I’m out of my grave.

Danette. I hear the Lord saying that we’ve been marked for this moment. When Anna released earlier about the moment that we’re in and about how critical and important it is, the Greek in Strong’s 4743, stigmae, means a moment, a point of time, an instant. That word comes from stigma, which is a tattoo, mark, or brand. As she spoke she declared that we are sealed in the Lord. We are branded and the Lord would say to us we are marked and all the things we’ve been through that have tried to kill us, destroy us, the battle scars—the enemy would say to us these have disqualified us—but the Lord would say, Look through my eyes.

What you have been through, nothing has been lost. Nothing has been in vain. Nothing has been wasted. Everything you have been through, every trial, every death, these are the qualifiers. The Lord said you are qualified. What the enemy tried to use to take you out in this past season, the Lord will use to take you in and over in Jesus name.

?Anna. We receive healing now to our hearts and minds oh Lord. This is the moment.

Anna. Lord, I thank you right now that you’re removing any unholy veils. You’re removing anything that would keep us from seeing or entering in. Anything that would blind us. Anything that would keep us from seeing what you’re doing. Anything that would keep us from seeing you, your promises, or the good things you have for us. I thank you the veil is torn; it is ripped off. There is nothing separating us from what you have for us.

I thank you that things are not behind the curtain and covered up anymore. But the promises you have for us are out in the open. I thank you that Miracles are up for the taking. I thank you that healing is the children’s bread and at your table there is plenty. Lord, I thank you that you’re not in the other room and that you’ve come to meet with us. Everything you have is in the room. Everything that you have comes with you. Everything you are comes with you. We step into it. We step into all your are, Lord. We step into all you have for us..

Lord, I thank you for dreams in this season, dreams coming alive. I thank you that places where our hearts are dead, they come alive. I thank you that where our trees have been diseased that you are bringing healing all the way down to our roots. I thank you that you are healing us from the inside out and the outside in.

Father, I thank you that your fire is coming and you are breathing your breath of life on the fire that you’re igniting in us. Fan into flame, fan into flame that passion, that desire. Fan into flame what you have for us. Lord, in every heart and life, those here and those watching, do it Lord and do it more. Do it Lord and do it more. We want more of you. We’re not satisfied with what you’re even doing now, God. We want more of you. More of you. We want all that you have for us. We want all you want for us, God.

?You are beautiful in all your ways, Jesus. How wonderful, how lovely are you, Lord.

Betty. Lift your voice to the Lord and tell him. You need to own who you are, your identity in Christ.

?How wonderful, how lovely are you Lord. Yes you are.

Betty. Come on. Fix your eyes on Jesus. Set your heart and mind on things above where we’re seated.

?There is none as beautiful as you.

Betty. He’s releasing the light of his face to shine on our face. You want to turn your face to him. He’s here. Where two or more are gathered in the name of the Lord he says he is in our midst. He’s present. He inhabits the praises. His presence is here. The Angel of the Presence of the Lord is in this place.

We’re in a time of dreams and visions. Have you ever seen a photographer try to get a view of something and with their hands they make a frame to frame the picture they want. The Lord showed me in this season of dreams and visions that we are going to step into the entire year with 2020 vision. We’re in a month of dreams and visions and the Lord showed me in the midst of worship this weekend, that you’re going to find your vision in Worship. (Hands up framing the picture of what he’s showing you in Him)

I had my hands up worshiping the Lord and I saw a view finder. Your worship will open the eyes of your spirit. John was in the spirit on the Lord’s day and he saw. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I release the seer anointing upon every believer in this room and watching. It is your birthright to see the Righteous One and hear words from his mouth.

I have chosen you to know my will, to see the Righteous One and hear words from his mouth. You will be a witness. You’ll be a testimony of what you’ve seen and heard. Dreams and visions. Beautiful. Beautiful. You are so beautiful.

?How beautiful, how lovely you are. Beautiful Jesus. You captivate me. You captivate my heart with one glimpse of your eyes. There’s no end to the affection you have for me.

Betty. We can talk about him. We can come to church. We can come to meetings. We can talk about God all day long or we can hear other people talk about their encounter with him; or we can encounter him. I like what worship leader Misty Edwards, consecrated, separated to the Lord, sang years ago—I don’t want to talk about you like you’re not in the room.

I think in the Body of Christ, in certain circles—and I think we all lived there at one time—there are people even in kingdom houses, still living there. Come together and it’s man’s agenda, not God’s agenda. I’m not throwing stones because I know better. That body that may not experience the Lord in worship like maybe you or I do, they’re part of our body, so if we start throwing stones, we’re really hitting ourselves. We’re for the body of Christ, every born-again believer who has confessed Jesus Christ as Lord. They’re born-again whether they embrace the fullness of what we believe or not. I’m going to embrace them because they’re a part of the body of Christ. One day we’re all going to get to heaven and it’s really not going to matter.

What matters is how you and I respond to him so that we can respond correctly to one another. Today, the Lord is ready to prepare you. He’s going to do a reset in our hearts and he is going to bring us into a place of intimacy with him that I believe is going to wreck us. I believe the Lord is ready to show you and me what’s really important.

He’s going to give you vision and revision you now. Don’t wait until you step into 2020 to try to get a vision from the Lord. We don’t want to equip you there. We will, but we’re starting the equipping now.

You’re going to have a vision of God for your life for the new year we’re entering into through intimacy and worship. Get your view finder out. Life your hands unto the Lord and worship him with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Love the Lord your God with all of your heart. That’s what the Lord is coming for today. He wants to remove anything in our lives that is taking our affections. He wants to remove offense.

Kimble Love. As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, they came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary who sat at the Lord’s feet. The place of worship. The place of revelation. The place to gain wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. Anybody got stuff going on? Things that pull you away? Distract you? Hinder you? Sometimes overwhelm you?

So she came to him and she asked, Lord don’t you care? My sister has left me to do all the work by myself. You ever felt that way? I’ve got to do it all. I have no help. Tell her to help me. Jesus said, Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things. But only a few things are needed. Really, only one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen correctly.

In other words, whatever you have, whatever you think is important, that has kept causing you to go to and fro, to come into fear and anxiety, doubt or unbelief, try to control a situation, when Jesus is present, and I really believe he is present here today, our place, our position is at his feet to receive all he desires for us to receive. He wants better for us than we want for ourselves.

So don’t miss your appointment today. Open the eyes of your understanding. Those dreams, those hopes, those visions, the things you desire, only Jesus can provide that.  He is the only one. He is the way maker. He is the miracle worker. He is ALL that we need. He’s a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

In the next few verses it says that Martha and Mary had a brother names Lazarus. The Word says Lazarus took ill. Jesus was away and they sent him a message that Lazarus was sick. In the meantime Lazarus died and was buried in a tomb. Mary and Martha were at home with their friends and relatives mourning with them.

When they got word Jesus was on the way, Martha got up and went out to meet him. She said, Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died. And Jesus said, Martha, I’m here. You’re brother will live again. She said, I understand that at the resurrection in the last day he will arise. But Jesus made a profound statement to her. He said, Martha, I AM the Resurrection and the Life and I’m here NOW.

He asked, Where is he? He knew where he was. Send for your sister, Mary, to come. The word got to Mary to come to where Jesus was and Mary jumped up and took off. Everybody said she must be going to the tomb so they went to mourn there. We do that. We testa-moan instead of testify. Quit your testa-moaning and start testifying.

They go to the tomb and there is Jesus. He saw the doubt and unbelief. He understood the agony of losing someone, but as Anna shared, sometimes we need to allow our hopes, our dreams, our visions, to die in order that they can be resurrected.

Jesus said in a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. Glory to God. He came hopping out of the grave. The Word says his hands and feet were tied with linen cloths and his face was covered. Wow. Life came into that which was dead. It was resurrected. You don’t have to wait for resurrection and life to come when the Master is present.

And the Spirit of the living God is in this place now to restore, revive, to resurrect, to breathe life on that which you thought was long gone. Even to breathe life into your thoughts where you have disqualified yourself. Where you’ve said, Well I’ve missed it. I’m too old. It doesn’t matter where you are. If you are standing upright and you are living and breathing and occupying space, when God shows up, when the Master is present, all things are possible.

So do not miss your time of visitation because He is here. He is now. And he is ready to save, to deliver, to heal, to set free, to provide and take care of every need that you could ever have on this earth because he is a good good God. And he is for us and not against us.

So step in. Cast off your anxiety. Cast off your fears. Take hold of the hope that you have in Him and talk to Jesus—not at Him. Because he is here to bring forth the fullness of his purpose in our lives.

Lord, we just bless you today. We thank you that you’re moving in our midst. We know that you are the way-maker, the miracle worker, the promise keeper, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Lord of lords and King of kings. Who will always do more than we could ever hope for, think, or imagine.

So Lord, we open up to you. Come and do what only you can do. Stretch our hearts, our minds, our souls, and our spirits, and increase our faith. May we totally rely on you, in your name. Amen. Amen.

Betty. Pat got her word and she needs to say this because you need to know what’s here. She ran up with great excitement as Kimble spoke and said, I have my new word for the year 2020. We will do the decree on January 5, but I think there is something for you and me here, because when she decrees her word it’s going to find it’s place in you and me.

Pat Bode. The new word He gave me to share is Double Anointing. Years ago He prophesied He would go beyond my expectations. I’m claiming the year 2020, He is. Double Anointing.

Betty. You know He says, Double for your trouble. Even now I announce because of the blood of the covenant—it’s a familiar scripture, but don’t be too familiar with the Word of God that you stop listening because you’ve heard it so many times.

May the Word of God never lose its wonder, because He is the Word. May we never lose our wonder. May we remain teachable. May we remain yielded to the Lord. May we let our Father be who He is. He is the potter and we are the clay. Come shape us and make us and mold us today.

If there is any attitude or action going on in our lives, or our thoughts, or flowing out of us that’s not of the Lord, let it be gone now in the name of Jesus Christ. Let the anointing of the Lord, the Double Anointing come in us right now to destroy every ungodly yoke; every ungodly soul-tie to people, places, or things; every ungodly belief; every ungodly attitude or action or stronghold.

I decree and declare that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty through our God right now to the pulling down of strongholds. And I decree and declare that any stronghold that has a hold of you or me, any imagination, any high thing in our life that is exalting itself against the knowledge of God, it comes down NOW in Jesus name.

I command our thoughts to become captive to the obedience of Christ. Let the obedience of the Son of God rise up in us now to punish every act of disobedience. You release the vengeance of God on the enemy, and I’m not talking about people. When you see people behave badly consistently, we all better be listening in here. If you are consistently behave badly, or you are consistently doing something that is not of the Lord, and it’s consistent in your life, you’ve got a demonic spirit.

Well, believers can’t have a demon. Yeah! Right? You sure can. And he will traffick and trespass in your soul and even afflict your physical body if you let him. This is a time God is going to deal with the squatters. He is going to deal with the familiar spirits and territorial spirits that have wanted to run rough-shod over your life.

And we are saying, Out! In the name of Jesus Christ. Fear, Out! In the name of Jesus Christ. Doubt and Unbelief, Out! In the name of Jesus Christ. Infirmity, Out! In the name of Jesus Christ. Quit coming into agreement and thinking like the world. I listen to people’s conversations and sometimes I just try to be nice, but I’m just saying, Don’t be saying what’s going to be going on in my life.

If you want to be 80 and broken down, be 80 and broken down, but I’m not gonna be. You’re going to have what you say you have. My strength is not diminishing. It’s increasing. I choose to believe the Word of God spoken to me. That my strength will equal the number of my days. Moses’ forces were not abated. His eyes didn’t grow dim.

I’m not trying to put condemnation on anyone, but stop projecting what you’re going through over people. Because they don’t want it. Come on. God is here and He is moving in our midst to set the captive free, to bring us out of strongholds and mental illness. I’m tired of mental illness being in the church, and whopped-out thinking. And petting it. I do not want to pet the enemy. He is not my friend. Infirmity is not our friend. Sickness is not our friend. Pain is not my friend.

I don’t need God to teach me something (by pain.) There is no way I’m going to put pain on my child the teach them something. Society would call that abuse. We have a good Father who is for us. And so for you and me, he has provided everything that we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him. His divine power has given us everything for life.

If Jesus Christ said, I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly, what is your expectation? The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I’ve come that you might have life. All my sheep hear my voice and follow me. It’s time for us to take God at His word and allow the Lord to direct us rather than ourselves.

Anna. As I was studying on the 5th—Grace—the Lord had me in John 10:10. It’s a scripture we all know. It says, I’ve come to give you life and life more abundantly. It’s really a salvation scripture, but the Lord was showing me that it’s not just about our salvation, but the Lord has come to give us a good life even here on the earth.

TPT. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect, life in its fullness until you overflow.

AMP. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance, to the full until it overflows.

NLT. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

MSG. I came so they can have a real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.

Voice. I came to give life with joy and abundance.

NIV. I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.

Betty. This is the word the Lord spoke to me. He said, Ransomed. Redeemed. Ready. He added, When you get down to the Pey Gate, I want you to take the Pey Gate. That’s exit 80 at Moselle. He said, You’re going to enter in through the Pey Gate, the mouth of the Lord, and when you come out of the other side, my mouth, my voice, is going to be coming out of you. Ransomed, Redeemed and Ready. The Remnant, the Ruwach, My Ruwach is rising in my Remnant. I am looking for a place of rest and I’m going to find rest in you and you’re going to find rest in me. Because I have rested my case.

He said, Today if you hear his voice don’t harden your heart, but enter into his rest. He said Israel had the invitation to enter into his rest, but they did not take him at his word and mix that word with faith, the faith of the Son of God. They had the ability to believe God because he said the word is near you; it’s the word of faith; it’s in your mouth; it’s in your heart. He has put a word in your mouth that will cause you to overcome.

What are you going to choose to respond to? Today the Lord is looking for a response. The Ruwach of God, the Spirit, the Breath of God, is rising in the remnant. Because he has found a remnant that is Ransomed, Redeemed, and Ready.

He said to me, I have redeemed you from the curse of the law. I found a ransom. Jesus is our ransom. It says that he has redeemed us from the curse of the law. How have we been redeemed? We’ve been purchased off the slave market of sin. We have been ransomed from the kingdom of darkness. And we have been purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. We don’t belong to us. We belong to Him. And in belonging to Him, everything this is His, is ours.

He wants us to live our life in Him. He wants us to have abundant life. Does that mean that we will be free from struggles? No! But that means that no matter what we face, what the situation is before us or we’re in, we’re going through it. We’re going to come out on the other side. I think the problem is that we get stuck in a rut with ungodly mindsets or offense or woundedness, or correction comes into our life and rather than admit, Hey I do have that thing going on in me; we just want to deny it and blame somebody else. Me first. Quit blaming other people for your stuff and take responsibility.

The Lord is wanting to bring you forth in your true identity. He is saying, No more identity theft. It’s time for you to know who you are and whose you are so you can rise up in His power and possess your promise. This is not a time that God wants you wandering. He wants you to enter in. We have come full circle, church. That’s where we are. We have come full circle.

You have come to a point and time again. You have done a 360 degree come around and you are here again. What you decide today is going to determine whether you are going to be part of this Remnant Rising in this nation and in the earth, kingdom advancing in 2020. And I know it. As for me and my house, we’re going, we’re serving the Lord.

You’re here because God has chosen you to go. God has chosen you to be in His army. He has chosen you to be a part of the creative power of Almighty God. You’re going to create with the words of your mouth and right now we are creating every day. That’s what he wants to shift. What are you creating?

There are unredeemed places in our lives that pop up. I know the blood of Jesus has redeemed us from everything. But when you have a thing that is a ‘thing,’ this ‘thing’ going on in your life, that is a place where you’ve not allowed the power and the glory of God to have its place. So sometimes we say that’s just an unredeemed place in your heart, and that unredeemed place is a place where darkness can traffick. And you keep getting trap-set.

The Lord said to me today and I’m releasing right now, you’re hearing it as I’m hearing it, I have come to set you free from the snare of the fowler. I am ready to release dreams and visions upon you. Everyone of us in this room should be having dreams and visions in this season. Because prophetically it is our season. It’s the time to do that.

Why does he want to give you dreams and visions right now? They have a purpose. God used dreams and visions several times in the Word of God to communicate with His people, both people who were believers and non-believers. God used visions in the Old and New Testaments for several different reasons: to reveal his plan, to protect his plan, and to put his people in places of influence.

God wants to visit you NOW, tonight, this afternoon, in this meeting this morning. In worship, you’re going to have your view-finder. And it is dogmatic because you’re going to hear it come out of me, out of Anna, out of Danette. Lord, we fix our eyes on you. We set our hearts and minds on things above. We fix our thoughts. You are setting yourself and your thoughts on Him, because I don’t want you looking here (horizontal).

It says when the three visitors came to visit Abraham, it says he raised his gaze. He looked up and saw into another dimension and realm, and he recognized the Angel of the Lord, the visitors.

Ezekiel is by the Kebar River on the Lord’s day and he saw. Those around him didn’t see but they knew. He hadn’t checked out. When I ‘roared’ he didn’t check out. I didn’t plan to ‘roar.’ I was just going to give you a nice nice word. Ransomed. Redeemed. Ready. The Ruwach, the Breath of God, the Spirit of God, Resurrection Power is rising in the remnant so the Remnant can run with the vision of God and the plan of God, and it’s personal and it’s corporate.

There is no reason you can’t encounter God. In fact, you’re chosen to encounter Him. Some dreams are cleansing dreams. Have you ever had a dream where you’re in conflict with somebody? That is dealing with the conflict that’s in your soul. Have you had a dream where you’re in conflict with somebody and you really are in conflict with them in the natural? There are things God will give us in dreams to warn us, to protect us.

He gave Joseph a dream. A 17 year old young man has a dream. It was his destiny. It was his birthright. Some may say he didn’t process the dream correctly. But if his brothers hadn’t put him in that pit, would he have been in Egypt? God never misses anything. Even what the enemy means for harm according to Joseph, You meant it for harm but God meant it for the saving of many lives.

Even the worse mistakes that you and I make, God will turn and work for the good. And the sin in our life he’ll say, What sin? He doesn’t keep a record of it. He wants you and me to come out today and be free and be revisioned to see. He is going to awaken His seer anointing in you.

You are in a house with an apostle who is a seer. I have both rivers running and I’m not boasting in me, I’m just thankful to God because I have audio and video. And I started with audio, hearing God, hearing the voice of the Lord. When the Lord speaks to me I hear Him like I’m talking to you, but on the inside. We have conversation.

I remember when the Lord launched me and I met Wanda in 1989 and she saw. I didn’t want Wanda not to see but I thought, Lord, if she can see, I have to see. And I’ll never forget. It was in my living room in my house; she laid hands on me; she prayed for me and God opened my eyes. For a long time every now and then I would have a vision or a dream from the Lord, but I wanted to see like I was hearing. I hungered for it and I ached for it. But you know I really didn’t have to do anything but receive it.

I had tried. How many of you have hungered and wanted to see in the realm of the spirit, and you’re straining to see? I think that was an outline of something—maybe! When it’s there, it’s there as plain as day. Sometimes it might be when your eyes are closed and sometimes it might be when they’re wide open and you see the picture within. I don’t know how to explain it. But you see it. It’s clear.

How many of you want 2020 vision? I decree and declare 2020 vision. I decree and declare, Let the Lord first come to our heart, and any ungodly beliefs, any ungodly thinking, any place where we have believed the lie of the enemy, that we could not see or we could not hear God, or experience Him, anything that’s been in our thinking, our ideas, our imaginations, anything that is not of God, anything we have been taught that does not line up with the Word of God, let it be cast out right now in the name of Jesus Christ.

Some people have not seen because they’re afraid they’re going to see demons. If you’re afraid of what God might show you, or what you might see, I believe this: You’re not going to see anything Holy Spirit doesn’t want you to see. That is fear. So right now let’s repent.

Some people don’t see and they don’t hear God because they’re afraid of what God is going to ask them to do, or what God is going to ask them to give up. When I was a teenager I thought if I was too goody-goody with God I was going to die and I didn’t want to die. I wasn’t ready to leave the world. I liked the world. The world will be your friend for a while. There’s pleasure in sin for a season. But then it will drop kick you. That is the truth. So I had ungodly beliefs.

There are people who are, Oh I don’t know if I want to see; I don’t know if I want to hear. I’m afraid. That is the devil. That is not God. That is not you being humble. That is the devil that is robbing you of your birthright as a child of God because you are chosen. You didn’t choose Him. He chose you to know His will, to see the Righteous One, to hear words from His mouth, and to be a witness of what you’ve see and heard. Acts 22:14-15

I have taught that scripture for years, since I was in the Presbyterian Church. How many of you in this room this morning are taking God at that word? Me first. How many of you want to know the will of the Lord? It is My will above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. It’s My will that you let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, only that which is used for building others up.

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. And he follows that with, Don’t let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth. So if you’ve got a filthy mouth or you’re talking about people—Well I was just talking to Betty about that—I don’t want to hear it. Unless you are coming to me as the apostle in this house because you have a conflict and you want to see it resolved, I don’t want to hear garbage about people.

I have made a decision. People that come and talk to me about other people and leaders, I am going to say that you need to go and talk to them, or let’s sit down together and let’s have reconciliation. I’m talking about with another believer. As long as you keep this ‘thing’ going on, you’re just going to have this ‘thing’ going on. It does but it doesn’t matter with they’re doing, it’s not really costing them, it’s costing you.

The Lord is ready to bring you and me into places of intimacy like we have never known. And it’s more than that. He wants to use you in the harvest. If you are not allowing Him to plumb line you, to awaken you, to Himself; if your affections and your eye gates and your ear gates are taking in things that are not of God, and you’re taking into your heart things that are not of God—what you eat is what you become. You are what you eat.

So the Lord is calling you and me and he’s saying, Will you allow Me to separate you unto Me this day? I have ransomed you. I’ve redeemed you by My blood. I want the curse of the law no longer operative in your life. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death. What law is operating in the members of your body and my body? Is it the law of life?

I’ve come that you might have life. You can have life even when everything around you is falling apart. I heard what Kimble said. It was a good word. On December 14, 2012, at 4:00 that morning I got a phone call. My mother had passed. Instead of immediately getting in the car and going to Vicksburg, I was standing up in Philadelphia, Mississippi. I was going to preach the gospel because that was my assignment.

This is Sunday morning. I had seen my Mother on Friday. Kimble and I had gone up on the 14th, his birthday, and I saw the cloud of witnesses. I loved my Mother. Still love my Mother. I had called everybody I knew their prayers worked. They were not going to move off of faith. I called a handful of people and said, I want you to pray. My Mother loved Christmas and I really wanted her to live through Christmas.

When we entered into Vicksburg, eyes wide open, standing in the heavens, I saw both of my grandmothers and I said, Well, this is a done deal. I knew it. We were done. Yay God. She’s a believer. She’s going home. Let us celebrate. All the day before she had gone into a ‘coma’ thing. My sister called on Thursday evening saying she had taken a turn for the worse. She doesn’t know anybody. She’s out.

That Friday morning at 7:00 I called because we had 24 hour sitters at the rehab facility. From the hospital to there she just declined. The sitter answered and said, Mrs. Betty Lynn, would you believe it? She’s awake. Mother heard her and said, Is that Betty Lynn? I want to talk to her. She put her on the phone and the first thing she said was, When are you coming? I said, I am in the car. I’m on my way. Got off the phone. Looked at Kimble and said, I know it’s your birthday, but she’s awake and she said, When are you coming?

So I’m like, Rally the prayer warriors, only to enter into Vicksburg and see my grandmothers standing in the heavenly realm. And I thought, Well, this is done. Had not told my Dad or siblings we were coming. Pulled up at the hospital the same time as my Dad, who was parking the car, and the three of us walked in together. She was sitting up and I got in the bed with my Mom. I said, Mother, what’s your favorite song? In the Garden. So we sang, In the Garden. It was a wonderful time. She knew Kimble and she knew Daddy.

We got in the car about 2:00 that afternoon. We had an assignment at the Children’s Hospital in Jackson. We went there and prayed for a child and came home. Then she coded on Saturday morning. My sister called and she and my brothers were on the way. I said, Unless you need me, there is nothing I can do. I’m hearing the Lord say I have an assignment. The last preaching out on the road is Sunday, and I need to complete my assignment. They said, We’re absolutely fine with that.

She died twice in the ambulance on the way. One of my siblings could not let her go. They brought her back in the emergency room. They went through the process until 4:00 Sunday morning. Some people can’t let go. I understand that. There’s no condemnation. I’m making a point here.

Because of my relationship with the Lord, even in the face of loss, my Mother passing. I’m preaching. First thing I said to my Mother when I hung up the phone was, Well, Mother, I know you know what I do now and you know where I’m going. The best thing I can do today to celebrate your life is preach the gospel. Let the dead bury the dead because she’s not dead. She’s alive.

Kimble III passed, guess where we were on Wednesday night? We didn’t cancel service. We came to worship. You know why? Because I know there’s a cloud of witnesses. And he was in the cloud. The closest place to heaven I can be is in worship.

A remnant is rising out of the earth that is of a different breed. And the Lord wants to do a work in you and me this morning from the inside out. He wants to rest in you and release his rest to you so that a peace comes to you that passes all understanding. That is going to drive out anxiety. That is going to plumb line your soul and your body and your spirit in alignment with Him.

Not only that, He said, My Ruwach is rising in the Remnant. I didn’t know what they were talking about this morning. I couldn’t hear it. For all of us in this room, there is resurrection power and life, and the Spirit of God is not coming to blow your doors off. He is coming to release His Breath, Realign, Reset, and Revision you. And to free us. Ransomed, Redeemed, and Ready. It’s an invitation to me and it’s an invitation to you. Will you allow the Lord to manifest Ransomed, Redeemed, and Ready? He wants you to be ready. He makes us ready.

So if there is anything that you know, any aught you have with anybody, with me, get it right. Repent now. When the Roaring 20s come, we’re going to be running.

So Kimble is releasing the word, Resurrection Power and Life, and standing right here waiting is a Double Anointing. How many of you want double for your trouble? Even now, because of the blood of the covenant, we’re in the covenant month, I announce I will restore twice as much to you. I will bend Judah, your praise, as I bend my battle bow. We’re in the month of the Archer. On the altar are the arrows.

I will bend Judah as I bend my battle bow and fill it with Ephraim. I’m going to take your praise and I’m going to bend it as a battle bow. And I’m going to take an arrow called Ephraim—what do you fill a bow with? An Arrow. I’m going to shoot double fruit into wherever that arrow is going. Your worship is sent in this season. Where do you need fruitfulness in your life. Lord, let’s take this worship and let’s release it into my finances.

I’m going to worship you over my finances. I’m going to worship you over, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and supplies all of my needs according to His riches in glory. I’m going to worship you over the original intent of my life. The Lord wants you to find your identity in Him, not in what you do, but in who you are in Christ.

As a minister, and we’re all ministers, as a musician, if your identity is in that guitar, Kevin, and what you do on this Worship Team, you’re in for a rocky ride. I can say that to Kevin because I know that’s not so. I know he’s rooted and grounded in the Lord. But if your identity is in what you do rather than who you are, it’s going to cause you to be real insecure.

Anna’s identity is not in playing the keyboard or leading worship. We’ve been in meetings and people have come up to her and asked if she’s on the platform or leading worship with the team, and she said, No, I’m not. They said, Well, you need to be. And even had another apostle say, I’m going to tell so-and-so to put you up on the platform. Her response is, No!

If you can’t sit out, then your identity is in what you do rather than who you are. Same for me. Is your identity in your job? Is your identity in your children? If your identity is in your children, especially those of us that have grown children now; if your identity is in your children from the time they are little until whenever, you’re going to ride a roller coaster. If your identity is in your spouse, same thing. Your identity must be in Him.

I believe this is what the Lord is saying. Jeremiah 31:1-14. “At that time,” says the Lord, “I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people.” Thus says the Lord: “The people that survived the sword found grace in the wilderness of exile—Israel, the Northern Kingdom, when it went to find its rest. “

:3 The Lord appeared to me, Israel, from ages past saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you and continued My faithfulness to you.

I believe what the Lord is saying to us  in this room is, I am drawing you with cords of lovingkindness. I want to bring you and open your eyes to the original intent. I want to take you back to the beginning. I want you to remember who you are and whose you are.

:4 Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt, O Virgin Israel. You shall again be adorned with your tambourines and timbrels, and go out to the dances of those who celebrate.

:5 Again you will plant vines on the mountains of Samaria; the planters will plant and enjoy the abundant fruit in peace. For there will be a day when the watchmen on the hills of Ephraim cry out, ‘Arise, and let us go up to Zion, to the Lord our God.’”

I don’t know if you’re aware of this or not, but every time we come together in His name, heaven is here. We are in a house that is an open heaven. And we are connected to Zion, to the city of Jerusalem in the heavenly realm. And heaven is moving in this place and God is here in His Fullness. There are angels that are moving and working in this place. It is so.

:7 For thus says the Lord: “Sing aloud with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the first and foremost of the nations, the chosen people, Israel; Proclaim, give praise and say, ‘O Lord save your people, the remnant of Israel.’ Behold, I am bringing them from the north country, and I will gather them from the remote parts of the earth; among them will be the blind and the lame, the woman with child and she one who labors in childbirth, together; a great company, they will return here to Jerusalem.

:9 They will come with weeping in repentance and for joy, and by their prayer for the future I will lead them. I will make them walk by streams of waters, on a straight path in which they will not stumble; for I am a Father to Israel, and Ephraim is My firstborn.”

How many of you know that God is our Father?

:10 Hear the word of the Lord, O you nations, -1129 and declare it in the isles and coastlands far away, and say, “He who scattered Israel will gather him and he will keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock.”

I want you to know the season that you are in, and your opportunity and mine this morning in this house is that we have come again again full circle and where we have been scattered in any area of our life, God is saying, I am gathering you to me, ready to open your eyes to see what I have for you.

:11 For the Lord has ransomed Jacob and has redeemed him from the hand of him who was stronger than he.

This is the promise. God not only did that for Israel, but the Lord our God through Jesus Christ, has done that for you and me. We are now joined with Israel and he has ransomed us, he has redeemed us from those enemies that are stronger than we are strong. And it doesn’t matter what enemy you are dealing with, your God, my God, is stronger than that.

So the strength and the hand and the might of the Lord is in this house, and the Lord is saying, Don’t lose your wonder. Because I am among you in this season to release signs, wonders, and miracles, and you’re it.

“They will come and sing aloud and shout for joy on the height of Zion, and will be radiant with joy over the goodness of the Lord—for the grain, for the new wine, for the oil, and for the young of the flock and the herd. And their life will be like a watered garden, and they will never sorrow or languish again.

:13 Then the virgin will rejoice in the dance, and the young men and old, together, for I will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and make them rejoice after their sorrow.

:14 I will fully satisfy the soul of the priests with abundance, and My people will be satisfied with My goodness,” says the Lord.

How many of you are ready to be satisfied with His goodness?

So Father, right now right here in this moment, I thank you that you have Ransomed, Redeemed, and made a people Ready for yourself. I thank you, Lord God, that you are ready in the worship today to open our eyes to visions and dreams. And to open our ears to hear your voice.

I decree and declare that we will not harken unto the voice of a stranger, but we only harken unto the voice of the Good Shepherd. You are here in our midst today and where the Spirit of the Lord is Lord, there is liberty.

I decree and declare that the Liberator living on the inside of you is realigning you in your birthright and your destiny today. Because today is the day of salvation. And I hear the Lord saying, Salvation is going to work from the inside out. He is going to infuse your entire spirit, soul, and body, with His blood, with His Ruwach, and with His Word, His Spirit. The Ruwach is the Spirit of the Lord.

And the Lord says, In the last days I will pour out my Spirit. So he is pouring forth his Spirit into your spirit, into your soul, and your body in order to bring freedom. Freedom in your mind, will, and emotions. Freedom in your physical body. There are people being healed right now. There are people being healed at the cellular level. There are people being healed. His DNA is in our DNA now.

We have a new bloodline. And there is power power wonder-working power in the blood for your physical body, for your soul, and for your spirit. He’s washing hands in this room this morning. Just go ahead and put your hands out and let him wash your hands. No more sticky fingers.

I hear the Lord saying he is anointing the ear, the thumb, and the toe. There is a priestly anointing. The priestly anointing of a worshiper. The priestly anointing that draws near to God.

I take authority over the spirit of fear and I bind it from every believer in this room. Somebody in here had a tangible fear—fear of failure, fear of uncovering, fear of this, fear of that, fear of weather, fear of death, fear, fear, fear, fear of the opinions and faces of men, all kinds of fear. If there is any smidgeon of fear, I hear the Lord saying it has to go now in Jesus name.

Spirit of fear, we bind you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We’re going to back up a step, Father, I repent for any place that I’ve allowed fear to come my life whether through the bloodline or the territory I live in. Whatever has caused me to be afraid or have any form of fear in my life, Father, I just repent because fear is the opposite of faith.

Lord, your Word says you have not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. So Lord, where I have believed the lie of the enemy, and been prone or given to fear, I just repent and renounce and break agreement with that right now. The Lord says whatsoever you bind on earth is already bound in heaven. There is no fear in heaven. The only kind of fear in heaven is the reverent awe of God that causes living creatures to cry out, Holy Holy Holy.

So right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we take authority over the spirit of fear that has been a strongman in any person’s life in this room or even in the bloodline, that has been a territorial strongman, and we bind that spirit of fear in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Because the Word says whatsoever I bind on earth is already bound in heaven. So we bind that spirit. We uproot it. We tear down the stronghold. We uproot, tear down, destroy, and complete overthrow that thing and cast it out of our lives in the name of Jesus Christ.

Lord, I thank you for clean hands and a pure heart. Thank you, Father, now let your love, let your peace, let righteousness, peace, and joy fill every believer. Praise God. I thank the Lord that the pilot light is on, the slow cooker is on. It means we’re going to take a break, but he has put the fire in you today. He is turning up the fire.

Even as you fellowship and even as you take a break, he’s going to be working in me, and he’s going to be working in you, and when we come again again to step into worship, we need to get a view finder out because you’re going to see. Some of you are going to see for the first time. Yay.

So Father, every word, every song, every heart grown, spirit grown in this room this morning. That it Lord, now, and saturate every heart, even those that have come in, and let the pilot light blaze up in us and work in us this morning, because you are raising up a Remnant that are Ransomed, Redeemed, and Ready with the Ruwach Rising in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.

Mid-Morning Service

?Lift up the gates. Open wide the doors. The King is coming. Jesus, Warrior Jesus.

Brad Roney. Scripture. The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. The world and all who live in it. He founded it on the seas and established it on the waters. Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? The one who has clean hands and pure heart. Who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god. They will receive blessings from the Lord and vindication from God their Savior. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob.

Lift up your heads, you gates. Be lifted up you ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty. The Lord mighty in battle. Life up your head, you gates. Be lifted up you ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord, He is the King of Glory.

?Our God is with us. Let’s rise up. Now his kingdom comes. Now His will be done. Welcome, King Jesus.

Kimble. Hallelujah. Praise the name of Jesus. Jesus, you are welcome here at Miracle City Global today. Come and do what only you can do. Praise God. I welcome you all here to Miracle City today. I declare that you’re not here by accident. You’re here for a purpose because Jesus is here. The King is in the house and he’s ready to save, heal, deliver, and set free, and to bring forth that which you need. He is our hope in time of trouble.

He is very near, closer than our very breath. He is our heartbeat. He is our hope, our strength, our future. He’s our eyes and our ears.

Rashod said he had a vision of an ear just clogged up with junk. He was referencing Jesus calling out to Lazarus. Jesus proclaimed in a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And sound goes forth and causes breakthrough.

Today, in the name of Jesus, where your hearing has been clogged, blocked or hindered in any form or fashion, where you’ve gotten accustomed to only listening, not hearing, I command your ears to be opened, that you will hear the voice of the Lord, that breakthrough comes, and the fullness of Almighty God that he desires to speak into your life is heard and received in Jesus name. Praise God. Y’all are going to hear like you’ve never heard before in the name of Jesus. Glory to God.

I’m glad to be here and I’m so glad you’re here. I’m excited about what God is doing. I want to encourage you. Where it feels like there is no hope, Hope is here. Hope is here. Nothing is impossible for our God and he will do all that he said he was going to do. So take hold of it and believe it and don’t take any substitute. If he said it, it’s yours. Hang onto it with a bulldog grip. Fight tenaciously. Never let go. Never never stop. Never never quit. Come on.

Quit being worried and worrying Him for the promise. You don’t worry God. God’s not worried. So take those things you worry about and worry Him with it. It’s just a figure of speech. Take hold of your promise and never never stop until you see it manifest.

Lord, we’re here today to worship you. We thank you that you’re moving in our midst. Father, I thank you that you’re doing all that you said you were going to do. We’re seeing it. We’re experiencing it. We’re taking hold of it. And Lord God, we will not be denied the fullness of our purpose that you created us for.

Father, I thank you that you have raised us up as a mighty end-time army, that we’re not just a people that talks about stuff, but we go forth and do the stuff, because we are backed with the host of heaven. The angel armies go before us and have made a way. And Lord, we walk in the path you have marked out.

Lord, have your way today in this house and in our hearts. Speak to us. Revive us. Restore us. Resurrect us, Lord. That which we have cast off, that which we think has died and diminished, Lord, we ask that you breathe your life upon it. That we take up all that you said is ours. No longer will our hope be deferred. But our hope is reality. It comes forth and manifests by your glory, by your power, through your grace, and through your mercy.

Lord, we trust you. We believe you. We know that you’re going to do everything that you said you would do. Father, have your way in Jesus name. Amen. We’re going to enter into worship. Pull out your view finder. As Pastor Betty was talking about the view finder, I was having an image of a View Master. Who had a View Master when you were a kid? We’re going to look at things through the view of the Master today. We’re going to see what he wants to show us. And he is going to order and direct our course. So put your viewer up. Get your frame up. Direct it to heaven. And see what the Lord is going to reveal to us today.

Father, we thank you that you have given us a view, a view of heaven. And Lord God, we call it forth into the earth so we can see as you see and do as you do, as we go forth displaying your glory, walking in the fullness of sonship. Lord, have your way today in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.


?You are here moving in our midst. We worship you. My God, that is who you are. You never stop working.

Anna. The atmosphere is changing now. The Spirit of the Lord is here. A miracle can happen now. Overflow this place. Fill our hearts with your love. Your love surrounds us. That is who you are. You made a way for me to enter the Holy place. I am yours. You are mine. That is who you are.

Betty. Holy Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord is moving in this place. Jesus is here. Father, too. It’s His fullness. Your Fullness is in this place. Jesus. Jesus. We worship you Jesus. We fix our eyes on you, Jesus.

Father, pour out your Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you. Pour out your Spirit of wisdom and understanding so that we can know you better. Lord God, I just thank you that you’re breaking down the ritual right now and you’re drawing us with cords of love into the intimacy of relationship with you because those that know their God will be strong.

Those that know their God will be strong. And you’ll know that he’s a:

?Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, my God, that is who you are. Feels like heaven on earth. Release your sound. You’re worthy, Lord. Give me the real thing, not just religion. I want it all. I want your presence, not just a feeling. Just give me Jesus. No counterfeits. We just want you. Just give me Jesus. I just want you.

Betty. Present yourself to Him. I pray it’s the cry of your heart. I just want you, Jesus. The manifested presence of your life in me. I don’t want to hold one thing back from you, Lord. I give your permission to come in me today, spirit, soul, and body, and remove whatever your need to remove in my life.

Change me. Rearrange me. Bring me into proper alignment and order. Make me one with you, Jesus. I want to know you, Lord. I want to know you in your suffering. I want to know the power of your resurrection. I choose life, Jesus. I choose you, Jesus. I say No to death and curses.

?Kevin Long. Humbly I stand, an offering. With open hands, Lord, I bring everything and nothing less, my best, my all. You deserve my every breath, my life, my song. I surrender all. My life is yours, completely yours.

Anna. All to Jesus I surrender. All to him I freely give. In his presence daily live. I surrender all to you, Jesus.

Betty. We were in a conference this weekend and in worship I had my hands extended and I noticed the view finder. In a season and time when the Lord is releasing dreams and visions, and as we are entering into the new year of 2020, the Lord showed me the gateway, or the way for you to see and know the vision of the Lord for your life is worship.

You’re going to get revisioned in the place of intimacy and face to face and worship with Him because our Creator King, our God, says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. I knew you, Jeremiah, before you were in your mother’s womb. I believe Grace is here today. Grace is here for you and me to forgive. I didn’t know their song set today. I was like, Just give yourself to Him.

I believe every person in this room, no matter how old or how young, you are poised for the greatest season and era of your life. And you’re not going to want to miss it. I think the urgency you’re hearing out of me as an apostle in the body of Christ in a relationship to this house and others is that I don’t want to see anything bump you out of what God wants to do in your life.

There is an atmosphere that God brings of his presence and his glory. He’s here. Heaven is here. There is a realm of the spirit that is open to you and me, and Jesus Christ is the gate, the door, and the veil. He has made a way for us to enter the Holy of Holies. I am spiritually in the heavenly realm in Christ right now. I have access to heaven to see whatever the Lord wants me to see.

I just need to believe his word and not let the traditions of men bump me out of what God’s Word actually says.

Everyone in this house needs to go visit somewhere. You need to go to another church one Sunday morning or Wednesday night. You need to go to a conference. I am not boasting in self. I’m boasting in the Lord. We’re not about our time or our agenda. If you come in this place you will meet him. There is nothing keeping you from the promise of God.

I have a VidAngel on my tv. I’m not trying to cull what you watch. Some can and some can’t. I’ll just say that. Years ago there was a movie that came out called The Legend of Bagger Vance. It’s about a golf player. When I was standing in worship and I saw, I could hear quotes coming out of that movie.

We have a VidAngel and it will take anything and everything out of the feed. You can watch just about anything now PG and PG like I used to know it. I want to share some quotes about identity. This is what the Lord said to me this morning and last night. He wants you to remember.

In July when the Lion King came out, there was a roar that was released in this nation. There was a roar that was released out of the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Some of you became that roar. And that roar come out of your inmost being. When the roar was released you felt it, you heard it, you knew it.

It was a roar of release for us as a people and as a nation to remember who we are. Out of the Lion King movie—many of you saw it; many of you saw the first one—there are so many parallels that we can relate to—God the Father, Mufasa and Simba. Out of that movie one of the greatest lines is the encounter of Mufasa out of the heavenly realm, when Simba saw his father, the voice of the father. Remember who you are. That makes me want to cry.

Michael, the Lord wants you to remember who you are, who he created you to be before the foundations of the earth. All the days ordained for me. You saw my unformed body when I was knit together in the secret place. Before you were formed in your mother’s womb, Kandi, I knew you and I appointed you. Do you think Jeremiah *******was (upset) over you being his child? I don’t think so. Everyone in this room has a purpose and a destiny. And it’s time to wake up in it because he is awakening it in you.

And you’ve come again again to actually enter into the fullness of it. So don’t be offended with somebody. I can stand around some of you and I can feel the anger coming off of you because you have a spirit of anger and it’s still there. And he wants to uproot it. Some of you I can feel fear. You may ask, Does everybody see that stuff on me? Probably not.

But I want to see me and I want to be able to see you so that I can pray. Paul said, I am once again in travail. I am in labor until Christ is formed in you. He wants to mature me and mature you.

I believe if you look at the movie with the golf player. Will Smith is the older man that showed up. It’s like he’s an angel or he’s God in the movie is you listen to this. Will Smith is talking to the golfer, Junuh, who said, You don’t understand.

He says, I don’t mean to understand. Ain’t a soul on this entire earth ain’t got a burden to carry he don’t understand. You ain’t alone in that. But you been carrying this one long enough. Time to go on and lay it down.

Matt Damon, the golfer says, I don’t know how. It’s too long ago.

Then he says, Oh no sir, it was just a moment ago. It’s time for you to come on out of the shadows, Junuh. Time for you to choose.

He says, I can’t.

Yes, you can. But you ain’t alone. I’m right here with ya. I’ve been here all along. Now play the game. Your game. The one only you was meant to play. The one that was given to you when you come into this world. You ready? Strike that ball, Junuh. Don’t hold nothing back. Give it everything. Now’s the time. Let yourself remember. Remember your swing.

There is something God in you and me that you were meant to do before the foundations of the earth. There is a swing, there is a window, there is a place that God brings you to and he reminds you of who you are and what you were created to do. Some of you have never experienced knowing that. Others, at different times in my life I can tell you, I was born to do this.

I love the Body of Christ. I love everything about the Lord. I love his presence. I love his person. I love the power of God demonstrated to see us set free or encounter him or know him on a deeper level. But we’ve come again again full circle, and it’s an opportunity for you to lay it all down. Lay down your life. Lay down that thing that has followed you, maybe through your bloodline. Or has followed you for years now and you keep wondering why your time and your season hasn’t come. Why you can’t have your swing opportunity.

It might be an attitude or an action or an offense. Or it might just be fear, that you believe the lie of the enemy that you can’t do it. I’m going to tell you right now that you can do it because he’s right here with us. Grace that saved you and me is the same Grace that enables us to forgive other people. It’s not ‘if’ offense comes, it’s ‘when’ it comes. The thing about it is, we need to remember who we are and whose we are.

The next is this. He’s going to share with him about another player. This is what he says:

Fix your eyes on Bobby Jones. Look at his practice swing. Almost like he’s searching for something. Then he finds it. Watch how he settles this up right into the middle. Feel that focus. He’s got a lot of shots to choose from. Duffs and tops and skulls. But there’s only one shot that is in perfect harmony with the field. One shot that is his authentic shot. That shot is going to choose him. There’s a perfect shot out there trying to find each and every one of us. And all we got to do is get ourselves out of its way. Let it choose us. Look at him. He’s in the field.

Jesus Christ said, You did not choose me but I have chosen you and appointed you to go forth and bear fruit for the Father’s glory. We were made to take dominion. We were made to produce fruit. He created us, he called us, he’s anointed and appointed us. There is an authentic shot for you, always. And as he described how Bobby found it, I saw him resting.

Every time we come in here, I pray you are, because I’m searching. I’m resting. I’m looking for the window in the worship of what he wants to do, what he wants to say, personally, corporately. I come expecting to meet with him. I’m already talking to him before I get out of the car. But in the corporate he wants to do something. And it just might affect Washington D.C. or it might affect Cuba where Beau is. But God is always working. That’s what Jesus said.

The song that we sing, Even when I can’t see it, you’re working. He is. John 5:17. After Jesus had healed the paralytic and they were so bent out of shape because he didn’t follow the ritualistic religious mold, and he healed a man on the Sabbath, his answer to them is, My Father is always working and I, too, am working. This is what we do. We heal people. This is what we do. We raise the dead. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. We’re still working.

There’s a swing in you. There’s a shot in you. There is a vision that God is ready to open, and it’s your life. This is the last quote.

Yep, inside each and every one of us is one true authentic swing, something we was born with. Something that’s ours and ours alone. Something that can’t be taught to ya or earned. Something that’s got to be remembered. Over time the world can rob us of that swing. It gets buried inside of us under all our wouldas and couldas and shouldas.

Is that purpose and destiny and vision buried under the shoulda, coulda, wouldas? The urgency that you hear me pressing for you and me to deal with our stuff and come on, is because we’ve come again again. We’re at the crossroads and the Lord is saying, Ask. Stand at the crossroads and look. Look where you are.

Let us recognize the time and the season. I’m ready to meet with you in the night and give you dreams. And those dreams are going to open up the eyes of your understanding to your destiny. I’m ready to meet with you in the night and give you dreams that will deliver you of that thing. I’m ready to take hold of your reins in the night season, in this season, and instruct you.

I will help you navigate out of a circumstance or situation that has bound you. So you come again again. It a day of deliverance. It’s a day of destiny. And the Lord is saying, I’m ready to do this thing. We’re in a Fullness of Time. We’re in a birthing season and year. We’re in a season where we are entering into ten years that whatever is in your heart and comes out of your mouth is going to create your world. So if we don’t deal with our attitudes and our actions, and we don’t align and surrender everything to Him, then we aren’t going to have everything he wants us to walk in.  So he’s just going to have to keep working with us.

He is looking for a people who will let Him do it. I want to find my swing. I want to step in every time the door opens, the opportunity opens, whether it’s with you guys, one on one, in a group, in a stadium, wherever it is that God opens that door, I want to find that place, that window. It’s in Him. The place is a person. His name is Jesus and he accesses us. And his Spirit is in us to bring us into order and alignment so that when we swing, it’s authentic.

I don’t always bring this up but I’m bringing it up. At Kimble III’s funeral, by the power of the prayer and the abiding in the Lord, we found our window, our swing, and it caused my family members to say, Your faith is authentic. Because I was still swinging in the hardest place of my life. And so was he (Kimble), and so was she (Anna). And so were you guys because we couldn’t have done it without the prayers.

But we worked together as one and it even caused people that did not know the Lord like you do in this room to say, Your faith is authentic. My sister-in-law Toni is now in church. She said to my brother, What is it that is different about them? What is it that they have that we don’t have? And my brother in his great wisdom said, Toni, you know that movie you love, The Polar Express? They hear the bell. They still hear the bell.

The work that my Father has given you to do. You want to do the work? These are Jesus’ words. Believe. That’s what he said. Believe.

I believe for your swing. I believe that in your worship during this season, as you lift up your hands, there is a Master View Finder and he is going to open up the eyes of your heart to see him and know him in a way you’ve not known. You are going to remember and know the Father and Jesus and Holy Spirit. And in your remembering Him, you’re going to see Him and you’re going to see who you are in a whole other realm.

Say, Yay Jesus. I have a whole other powerpoint with nine slides and this is how good he is. And this isn’t just me hearing what I want to hear. He said, Don’t go there. You’ve done a beautiful job. Now they have what they need. I rest my case.

Kimble. God still does good things. Miracles happen every day. He’s real and he wants us to accept him as real, to take him at his word and believe like a little child. I’m not promoting Christmas, but when you were a little kid, you believed. Mom and Dad told me when you quit believing he quits coming. I still believe. You know where I’m coming from. I believe. ’Tis the season. It’s His season. It’s His season. Winter, spring, summer or fall, he’s got them all. I celebrate him every day.

As we celebrate him today, we bring our tithes, offerings, first fruits. We are going to give unto the Lord what he’s placed with our hearts to give. And we’re going to come to the Table of the Lord and celebrate the death of Jesus, the life of Jesus, his resurrection power, the price that he paid for our salvation, our deliverance and our healing. He is so so good.

I was reading earlier. When God does something, when Jesus does something it’s always more than we could ever hope for, think, or imagine. When Jesus was on the cross and he said he was thirsty, the guard put the sponge on the end of the stick and raised it up and it was wine vinegar. It said he tasted it and gave up the ghost. He said, It is finished, and he was out of here.

As soon as that happened, thunder came. There was a great earthquake. The veil in the Temple was ripped from the top to the bottom. The rocks split. The tombs came open and many holy people that were dead came forth and entered the city. As I’m reading that, I’m thinking, That wasn’t on the third day. That was as soon as Jesus died.

Listen now. Listen. This may be revelation. This was revelation to me. The Word of God says that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. When Jesus said, It is finished, the Word says he went into the depths of Hades and led the prisoners and captives out to freedom.

Listen. The resurrection power that raised Jesus wasn’t just for Jesus. It reached to all of us. It reached to those tombs. I’ve been in Jerusalem. I’ve stood on Golgotha. I’ve looked out over the land around the holy city. There’s nothing but tombs. When he comes back, because he is coming back, there’s gonna be a whole lotta shaking going on.

The goodness of God, the power of God is far-reaching. It doesn’t only come into your situation to touch your need, but there’s an ample supply and an ample provision.

When Jesus had that last supper with his disciples in the upper room—sure it was for them right there, but it has reached to all generations. Even then, he saw us. Even then, he knew where we were going to live and move and have our being. What our purpose was. Let’s ask the Lord today.

And as we come to the Table to partake of His broken body and drink of the juice that represents His blood, if you don’t know or you haven’t found your swing, ask Him to reveal it to you, to show you, and let it come to you.

As Jesus sat that night in that upper room with his disciples, he took the bread and broke it and said, This is my body which is broken for you. Whenever you eat of it, do it in remembrance of me. Then he took the cup and blessed it and said, This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Whenever you drink of it, do this in remembrance of me.

So today as we take the bread and drink of the cup, we’re taking the very DNA of Jesus into our bodies, his spiritual DNA, through the bread, through the juice, and we’re saying, Thank you, Lord, for redeeming us, for bringing us into right relationship with Father, accepting us as sons and daughters and giving us the ability to walk uprightly in the fullness of our purpose.

So Lord today, we thank you Jesus. We thank you for your sacrifice. We thank you, Lord, that when you came it wasn’t just then. It was far-reaching. It reached to us and it is reaching beyond us for those that are coming and those that haven’t even come yet. Lord, we celebrate the fullness of purpose. We celebrate that we are covered by your blood. That we have been saved. We have been healed. We have been delivered, Lord, and have every need provided through your grace and mercy unto us.

So we thank you, Lord, for your death. We remember your agony on that cross and we realize you took our place. You did what we couldn’t do because you love us that much. And we thank you, Lord, that you’re not in that tomb. Oh that tomb is empty! Because you have come out and gone forth. And you sit at the right hand of the Father forevermore, making intercession for us.

I can hear Jesus in his Arnold Schwarzenegger voice, You can do it! He’s calling us forth. So Lord, we celebrate your Table. We celebrate your goodness. We celebrate, Lord, that you are revealing to us even now, our purpose. We’re finding our swing and we’re walking in fullness. We bless you, Lord. Continue to have your way. Amen and Amen.

?This is the air I breathe. Your holy presence living in me. This my daily bread. Your very word spoken to me. And I, I’m desperate for you. And I, I’m lost with you. Jesus, friend forever.

Dottie. When Betty gave the movie quotes, I saw a scroll open up in the heavens and the blood of Jesus just pouring out on that scroll. I said, Lord, what am I seeing? What is this? I knew it was an ancient scroll. That it had been there before the foundations of the earth. And the blood of Jesus was pouring out on that scroll before the foundations of the earth.

Then I was reminded of this scripture and as I read it I could see it on that scroll. I’m going to read it out of The Passion Translation. I am the Way. I am Truth. And I am Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with Me. To know me is to know my Father, too. And from now on you will realize that you have seen Him and experienced Him.

I thought, That’s really good. Then Betty gets up to speak and as she’s going through the whole thing about your swing, and knowing Him, and you will know that you’ve seen Him, the Lord said, This is That.

Father, I thank you that before the foundations of the earth, written in the ancient scroll, written on our hearts, were everyone in this room and everyone that has been born. And before the foundations of the earth, our swing was written down. And it was covered in the blood of Jesus, and you breathed life on it.

So Father, right now in the name of Jesus, I call forth every birthright and destiny to rise up in your people today, and they will know that they have seen and they have heard the living God, the Father, because we are yours. And because we come covered in the blood of Jesus, we are right with you. We have no shame. We will walk in our birthright and destiny. We will find our swing and we will know.

Father, I thank you that as people leave this place today, that they will be reminded all through the day and the days to come, and the weeks to come, and in the nights, of who you are and who they are, and because of who you are, because of the precious blood of Jesus that was poured out before you ever left heaven speaks a better word, over every pain, every doubt, every heartache.

Lord, I thank you that we’re gaining ground, that we’re catching up. It’s a Catch Up Time. No one lagging behind. Hup 2 3 4 walk through the open door. Hup 2 3 4 walk through the open door. Thank you, Jesus.

Betty. We worship you, Lord. That’s enough said, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.
