12/29/19 Miracle City Global
Judah Goes First
Anna Love. The Lord has been stirring in my heart that Communion song we sing. In the chorus it says, This is where the dead things come back to living; I feel my heart beating again. One of the cords for this whole year has been, Don’t forget your promise. Don’t let go of your promise. Stand for your promise. Stand for your family. Stand for your children. Stand for your marriage, etc.
Here we are at the last few days of 2019 and we’ve been doing so much standing. Think back to the first of the year, standing for 70 Days, standing for righteousness in the nation, all the things we stood for. I think it’s important this morning that we literally position ourselves to stand in the place to see the promise of God in the last few days of the year, that he said that the promise was here.
The word the Lord gave me this morning was Steadfast, and what needs to be steadfast, and how steadfast God is. But he’s calling us to be steadfast. In James it says, Having done all to stand, stand.
Steadfast means to be resolutely, dutifully firm and unwavering; firmly fixed in place and unmovable; it’s not subject to change; it’s firm in belief, determination or adherence. What are God’s promises? His promises are Yes and Amen. God and who he is and his person is never-changing. He’s unwavering. If he says it, it is. He never goes back on his word. He’s not a man that he can lie. That’s one of the biggest promises. He never changes his mind.
Steadfast means to be fixed in direction; steadily directed; as a resolution; faith; unwavering; constant; dedicated; devout; devoted; down the line; faithful; fast; good; loyal; staunch; steady; it’s true, true-blue; it’s relentless; it’s rigid; it never changes.
If you’re steadfast in something, you never change. This morning my call to you to come to the front and stand, if you’re not willing to stand in a place for whatever God says, is it really worth it for you? If the only thing he’s said is, Having done all to stand, stand, and keep standing; if you sit down thinking the promise isn’t for today; I’m waiting for this promise but I’ll just sit down and rest for a while.
We’re supposed to rest, but if he’s called you to stand, you need to keep standing. He never says to stand a little while, and then take a break for a little while from standing, and then come to what you’re standing for. How bad do you want it? How much do you want to see the promise fulfilled?
He led me to Hebrews 10, which is a great representation of his steadfastness and what he’s called us to. It’s about the sacrifice Jesus made but it’s also about the life that we can live. I want to charge you with this and then we will step into a time of worship. I believe this morning the Lord is answering the questions.
We have a few days left in this year. If you’ve been standing for something or waiting for something, then I believe for fulfillment to come in the next few days. If it’s not the fullness of the promise, I believe the Lord to give you direction to get there in the coming days and weeks.
Hebrews 10 NLT. The old system under the law of Moses was only a shadow, a dim preview of the good things to come, not the good things themselves. The sacrifices under that system were repeated again and again, year after year, but they were never able to provide perfect cleansing for those who came to worship.
If they could have provided perfect cleansing, the sacrifices would have stopped, for the worshipers would have been purified once for all time, and their feelings of guilt would have disappeared.
But instead, those sacrifices actually reminded them of their sins year after year. For it is not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. That is why, when Christ came into the world, he said to God,
“You did not want animal sacrifices or sins offerings. But you have given me a body to offer. You were not pleased with burnt offerings or other offerings for sin. Then I said, ‘Look, I have come to do your will, O God—as is written about me in the Scriptures.’”
:8 First, Christ said, “You did not want animal sacrifices or sin offerings or burnt offerings or other offerings for sin, nor were you pleased with them” (though they are required by the law of Moses).
Then he said, “Look, I have come to do your will.” He cancels the first covenant in order put the second into effect. For God’s will was for us to be made holy by the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all time.
Under the old covenant, the priest stands and ministers before the altar day after day, offering the same sacrifices again and again, which can never take away sins. But our High Priest offered himself to God as a single sacrifice for sins, good for all time. Then he sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand. There he waits until his enemies are humbled and made a footstool under his feet. For by that one offering he forever made perfect those who are being made holy.
And the Holy Spirit also testifies that this is so. For he says, “This is the new covenant I will make with my people on that day, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.”
Then he says, “I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds.” And when sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices.
So as we are transitioning from 2019 to 2020, whatever you’ve messed up on or gotten wrong, whether it was this year, 5,10,15 years ago, wherever you’ve been stuck in the past, let’s leave it in the past once and for all. Let the blood cover it. Let the blood penetrate it.
:19 And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the most Holy Place. And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water.
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins. There is only the terrible expectation of God’s judgment and the raging fire that will consume his enemies. For anyone who refused to obey the law of Moses was put to death without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Just think how much worse the punishment will be for those who have trampled on the Son of God, and have treated the blood of the covenant, which made us holy, as if it were common and unholy, and have insulted and disdained the Holy Spirit who brings God’s mercy to us. For we know the one who said,
“I will take revenge. I will pay them back.” He also said, “The Lord will judge his own people.” It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Think back on the those early days when you first learned about Christ. Remember how you remained faithful even though it meant terrible suffering. Sometimes you were exposed to public ridicule and were beaten, and sometimes you helped others who were suffering the same things. You suffered along with those who were thrown into jail, and when all you owned was taken from you, you accepted it with joy. You knew there were better things waiting for you that will last forever.
So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.
“For in just a little while, the Coming One will come and not delay. And my righteous ones will live by faith. But I will take no pleasure in anyone who turns away.”
But we are not like those who turn away from God to their own destruction. We are the faithful ones, whose souls will be saved.
This morning my charge to you is to stand in the place, in the holy place you’ve been called to, to stand on the other side of the curtain, to stand in the way that Jesus has opened for us, to not make common his blood, to not make common his sacrifice, but to really see it for what it is, because there’s power in the blood of Jesus. There’s power in the sacrifice of the Lamb.
I think a lot of times we become so accustomed to his blood, we become so accustomed to his sacrifice, we become so accustomed to his death on the cross that we forget the power in it. It’s one thing to talk about it and talk about it and talk about it, but do you really believe it? Do you really believe that blood covers a multitude of sin? Do you really believe that there is power in the blood to heal the sick? Do you really believe there is resurrection power and life in the blood of the Lamb, because that is what the Word says.
If we are really true believers, then we need to take God at his word and begin standing on it. The only reason we don’t see the promise fulfilled is because we’re not willing to stand.
So Lord, we thank you for this morning. We thank you that our eyes are wide open and that we are filled with the wonder of who you are. Lord, we make much of your glory. We make much of your blood. And we make much of your person in this house. We say, Come and have your way.
I thank you that anything that has been dead is coming back to life this morning. I thank you that any place where we have felt dull or dim, any place where we’ve felt the sentence of death, God, I thank you that life is coming back into us, that we can feel our hearts beating again, beating with your rhythm of life.
Lord, I thank you for your righteousness being poured out this morning. I thank you that you are bringing us back to center, Lord, that you’re bringing us back to you. We set our hearts and our minds on you, Jesus. We set our hearts and minds on things above. Lord, we say we will stand. We will be your steadfast lovers, your burning ones. We’ll stand in that place to see your promises fulfilled.
Holy Spirit, come and move in this place. Come and have your way. Come and consume us, God, with all that you are. As we enter into a time of worship, I want you to position yourself in your heart and your mind to hear and to see what the Lord has for you. I believe this morning is about the corporate, but I also believe this morning is very personal. If you need direction, if you need answers, the Lord is giving those this morning. So we say, Here we are, God. Have your way in Jesus name.
Kimble Love. I just want to encourage everyone. When Anna said Steadfast this morning, it took me back about 25 years ago when Betty and I were in youth ministry. We had a youth worship band and their name was Steadfast. They were anointed, awesome. When they decided they wanted to produce a CD of their original music, unbeknownst to them, there was already a group that had trademarked the name Steadfast.
They were pretty bummed out because they felt that was the name the Lord had given them. One Wednesday night in youth ministry, I was ministering on being steady, being sure of what you believe and standing for what you believe, and a phrase came out of my mouth, If you remain steadfast in all of your circumstances, then the things you are standing for will become something real. And the light bulb came on.
They took hold of that and their name became Something Real. I want to encourage you in that. Remain steadfast in all of your circumstances, and that which you are standing for will surely become something real.
Betty Love. I’m hearing the Lord say, as Anna began speaking about the blood, that the Testifier is here. There are three that are in agreement, the Spirit, the water, and the blood.
?So Holy Spirit, come and testify. Come and glorify. Power of the blood. Power of the name. Power of the Word. It’s Jesus. We honor you.
How much more will the blood of Christ cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death so that we may serve the living God.
?Draw near. Come on and draw near. Come on and draw near. Come boldly by the blood. Come boldly by the blood. The worshipper, saturated, covered in the blood.
Anna?Take me back to the Garden. It was all so simple. It was easy to love. No space between us. It was easy trust. Here’s where the dead things come back to living. I feel my heart beating again. Feels so good to know you are my friend. This is where I’m meant to be. You’ve already approved of me. You’re welcome here, Jesus.
If you want it, come and get it, for crying out loud. Let go of your heart. Let go of your head and feel it right now. Just receive it. We make much of your blood. We make much of your love. We make much of your promise, oh God.
Bring me to higher love. No one else can do me like Jesus. Here’s where the dead things come back to living. Feels so good to know you are my friend.
Betty. Lord, we worship you, we celebrate you. What a friend we have in you. More than a friend in Jesus. Father, we thank you that you have renewed for us a good month, Lord, as we are closing out a decade and entering into the new. We’ve come through the Pey Gate, where the price has been paid by the blood of Jesus. You’re the Gate, the Door, the Veil. You are the three entrances into the Almighty, and we’ve entered in through You.
Father, this is your Miracle City. Lord, you’ve come with the Angel of Your Presence and the Fullness—Father, Son and Holy Ghost—to fill this place in every way. We thank you, Holy Spirit, that you have separated us unto Jesus, unto the Father, unto the work to which you have called us. Lord, we thank you.
?This is the month of your Goodness. This is the month of your goodness. So let your goodness come in us.
Let your goodness fall like rain. Let your glory fall like rain on us. You’re so good to us. There’s no end to the affection you have for me. Break down our walls, oh Jesus. Your goodness is running after me. I surrender now.
All my life you have been faithful. You have been so so good. I will sing of the goodness of God.
Betty. Amen and Amen. Praise God. We speak healing and full recovery to Brad this morning. Also to Lee Smith and his family. His dad, Coach Jerry Smith, passed into glory last night, and heaven is celebrating. We thank the Lord that he is the comforter and he is comforting each one of those family members. Glory to God. (train whistle) Hear that train.
We’re going to step into the month of Tevet. It’s connected with Dan and it’s about the Judge. In Hebrews it talks about voices that are speaking out of the heavenly realm. It says we’ve not come to a mountain that can’t be touched, but we’ve come to Mt. Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem. Our citizenship is there. It talks about those voices and I usually start at the bottom because I like to start with the blood.
It’s the voice of the blood in Hebrews 12 that speaks a better word. The Mediator of the New Covenant, who is Jesus. And then it talks about God the Judge. I want God the Judge to be speaking on my behalf, especially because of the blood and the Mediator. I know that when God judges in my life, he judges righteousness. It’s like him dropping a plumb line.
So rather than running from my Father, I want to run to him because I want his judgements to bring me into divine order. It’s a whole different perspective. He’s not coming after me with a whip. He’s coming after me in righteousness. And he has established his righteousness in us as believers. Because of what we believe we’ve been made holy. We’ve been made righteous in the eyes of the Father. Our spirit man is alive in Christ.
So I want our entire spirits, souls, and bodies to come into alignment. The Lord said to me this morning, “Heal the soul and it will heal the body.” Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits. There is a spirit, soul, body connection that God is bringing into order in our lives.
This is the month of the judges, the tenth month. It’s the month about authority. The stone is turquoise. The tribe is Dan. A month of holy anger or righteous indignation. Be angry and sin not. This is a good time to fast to purify the blood and your heart and your brain. The number is ten and the constellation is Capricorn, the goat. The scripture is Ephesians 4:26.
Tevet is the tenth month of the Hebrew year. It’s a time to see with the eyes of the Father. We are headed into 2020, a year of vision. It’s going to set you up for a decade. The Lord is wanting us to have a clear view. You can either look with the good eye or you can look with the evil eye. It’s a choice. It’s how you view your world. You can either see the glass half full or half empty.
The Lord is wanting to uproot the negative out of our lives. He is wanting us to look through his lens. He is saying, Let me revision you. Let me bring you into proper alignment so you can see clearly. Yeshua’s eye is the good eye. And the promise of Psalm 27:13 is a now word.
I love what Danette said. We do not follow the Hebrew calendar at Miracle City Global. The Hebrew calendar follows us. Because we are born again, born of the Spirit, we follow and have Holy Spirit working in our lives, what God is doing in each season, because he is in us. It’s what Israel does by tradition.
So in knowing the calendar, just as we have come through Christmas, we know that this is the time of year that the whole world recognizes the birth of Christ. So the same time every year, December 25, the whole world is going to acknowledge that Jesus Christ was born and he is the Savior of the world, whether people want to embrace it or not.
You can’t take the Christ out of Christmas. You can try, but you can’t take the Christ out of the world because if you did we wouldn’t exist. People just don’t know it.
So by us as a people allowing Holy Spirit and embracing the Father’s plan, it’s one of the things that sets you in the cycle and the circle of blessing of the Lord to practice first fruits.
Last evening at sundown, even though we couldn’t fully see it, we stepped into the new Hebraic month of Tevet. And it is packed with prophetic promises. It is a kairos time for you and me, an opportunity for us to step in and come into agreement with what God is doing and saying. Lord, I want that in me. It’s also a spiritual checkup and clean out.
What is he checking up and cleaning out this month? He is going to deal with the way you see. And it’s going to set your course in the new year. And it’s going to cause your vision to come into 2020, in a new order, seeing the way God sees it. If you can see the way God sees, you can get there. Why? Because Jesus said, I only do what I see my Father doing.
So if you want to see what the Father is doing, you’re going to have to see through the eyes of Yeshua, through the eyes of Jesus. What is he going to do? What is he dealing with? It’s a time he wants to cleanse our blood, our heart, and our brain. He wants to get our thinking right. So the outside influences of food and circumstances and situations that want to come and dictate to our physical body—he says, Let me bring your body into order. Will you give me some time during this month, and will you fast?
It is proven that if you do a three-day fast, it cleanses the blood in your physical body and it gives your brain and your heart a restart. I want you to hear me very carefully. I understand some people have issues in their bodies and they have to eat a little something. You follow Holy Spirit, but you don’t have to eat the nabs and the candy bars and cookies, etc., that we feed our flesh with. Me first. We’re just coming out of that season.
I want a reset. I want a reset in you and a reset in me because I believe this is our season to possess the land. I believe the provision is upon us. I believe this is his land and his city and we have an opportunity to be a prototype of what God is doing in the earth. To be a model of transformation for future cities. (train whistle) I agree.
I am still confident of this. I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. That’s the scripture. And it’s not redundant. Well, you talk about the goodness of the Lord all the time in this house. Yes, we do! That’s why we’re still here. Regardless of the circumstances or the situations or the mess ups or the clean ups, it’s because of his goodness.
I could see when we were singing this morning, I could see the Father fashioning you and me. I could see our spirit—weigh this and if you can’t handle it just toss it on out. I could see our light. I could see our glory. I could see us pre-body. We were spirit beings that came out of Christ, and God knew us before the foundations of the earth. Before we were in our mother’s womb, what were we? Were we nothing? No, we were something in the Son, and he brought us out of the Son. We are part of the Son. He is the Light of the world and we are his light here now.
If God knew us before, we had to exist. I don’t understand that. I’m not trying to mess with anyone’s theology, but I have enough, two or more witnesses in scripture where he said, Jeremiah, before you were in your mother’s womb I knew you. I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; to give you a hope and a future.
Read Psalm 139. You can’t outrun God because his goodness is just going to keep running after you. And he will catch you. And if you’re a believer he already has.
Psalm 27:13 I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. I would have just given up. We have not given up. As the scripture was read today, My confidence is in the Lord.
Overview of this month. This is the month to break the power of the evil eye, to cut off the evil watchers. In Luke 10:19, the Lord says, I’ve given you power and authority to tread upon serpent and scorpions, to overcome all the power of the enemy, so nothing shall by any means harm you or fail to meet the obligations of covenant to you.
When it says, I’ve given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, that word scorpion, in the Greek, in Strong’s Concordance, it’s a watcher. There are evil watchers. There are demonic spirits or watchers that watch us. Some are assigned to families, family lines. They know exactly what punches our buttons and they look for that opportunity.
Anna was reading a book recently and it was talking about in the courtroom how the perverse spirit, how the demonic spirits work, and how they twist things. If they are working in an environment, for example: If Dottie said something to me, they could twist those words and my hearing and my perception of what Dottie meant, by the time it comes to me, could be totally different from the intent of her heart. So they are manipulating the circumstance.
They are manipulating the spiritual climate and atmosphere over cities. What if we put a block? You can put a block on your phone. That means you don’t get any calls from that number. What if we put a block on the evil eye and the evil watchers? And said the third eye of the medium is shut, witchcraft is bound, and every demonic entity in this region, we put a block on the evil watchers.
But I believe before we can put a block on the evil watchers, we need to take responsibility for where we’ve given them place in our lives. In order to do that we’re going to have to deal with something. We’re going to have to deal with anger and residue. And today I guarantee you, we can walk out of here in freedom and liberty.
The tribe is Dan. It means to judge, to minister or plead a case. Dan is likened to a snake who bites with the venom of his anger. The eye of the snake, Satan, is the evil eye. You can’t be double-minded. In other words, you can’t have fresh water and salt water flowing out of the same stream. You cannot waver.
If you are wavering, you are unstable and you can’t expect to receive anything from God—if a man lacks wisdom. We are in a month of maturity. It is where, Consider it pure joy, my brethren, whenever you fact trials of many kinds, because the testing of your faith produces perseverance, and perseverance must finish its work that you be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
This is a time, a month, a season, to come into maturity. So how do you deal with circumstances? You count it all joy. That word ‘count it’ or ‘consider it’ is ‘Rule It.’ Rule it with joy. Kimble’s word for 2020 is JOY. So we’ve got Joy standing in the house. Joy. So we’re going to rule this house with Joy. And by ruling with Joy, we’re going to come into maturity. We’re going to grow up in our salvation. Because no matter with we face, no matter what we see, we’re going to see through the eyes of Yeshua, Jesus; and therefore, the One who embraced the cross, despising its shame—how? why? who? For the Joy set before Him! There is an end. And it’s a God end. And it’s a good end.
The stone is the beryl stone. Its description is greatness. The original meaning is to beat down fortified cities. The negative side is shouting glory and putting up a good show, but not knowing the One who came to give us life and more abundantly. It’s always a dual deal that presents itself to you and me. We always have a choice. We can choose life and blessing. We can choose death and curses. And we choose that moment by moment by what we’re faced with.
Relationship, friendship, intimacy with the Lord is key. Otherwise, what is coming out of your mouth is hollow. You have no clout in your shout. In this decade of Pey, here we are at the first of the new year of 2020 and what is He doing? I want to cleanse your heart and cleanse your blood in the natural. I want to deal with any ungodly structures, any way that you’re seeing things through the evil eye, through Satan’s eyes rather than seeing through My eyes. I want to take care of double-mindedness. I want to take care of any place where you are conflicted within, and I want to release light and truth to you. And I want to bring you forth in intimacy and relationship with me, where when you open your mouth and speak, power comes out.
Over the last several weeks, as a body, and as ministry teams, we’ve been praying prayers and they’ve been getting answered. My nephew that is in a faith-based rehab right now, had his first conversation with his parents on Christmas Day, and he was repenting. Not just for the season, but for the years of the pain that he had inflicted on them and others. Why? How?
He was so far down the hole, people said there was no returning. Everything that could have been done had been done years before, and there was nothing, nothingness. But in this house, in light of a miracle that glorified Jesus, the faith of the Son of God rose up in the corporate body enough for me to call out his name—and God heard it and he acted. And we’re seeing miracles.
It’s like Kimble said, The miracle is in your mouth. Who do you know? You really need to know somebody to get that done. Know the One that can.
The star cluster is Capricorn, the Goat. It is said that immaturity’s major character flaw is an ‘evil eye.’ Watch how people respond. Do they get mad quick or not? How do they respond to a situation? The enemy is going to trap-set you and me to cause us to be offended. Jesus did not say, If you’re offended. He said, When you’re offended.
What this means to the Jewish Rabbis is being stingy with people. While maturity is seen as a good eye or a generous person. Capricorn the Goat will bring us a message of a generous person in the star system. Testimony will express either maturity or immaturity. What are you testifying to?
I thought, look at the testimonies. We were already posturing toward this month. We’re a forerunner house and things begin to happen here before it gets out there. Do you understand that? We get a first look. So it’s not uncommon that we pick up and we look at where we’re stepping into the new month, and for two or three weeks we’ve already been talking about it. Hearing it. Saying it. Seeing it.
This is a time of miracles and extending what we have. War against the mammon structure this month and understand the power of giving. Watch for your opportunity to give. God loves a cheerful giver. And giving is not just finances. It’s part of it. You need to sow a first fruits offering, whether you’re prepared today or next Sunday. But a first fruits causes the entire batch to be holy. It sanctifies your giving for the whole month. It’s the first dollar.
Ayin is the Hebraic alphabet letter for the month and it means to let the good eye see. The symbolic meaning is to see, know and experience. How many of you in this season want to see, know, and experience the Lord? Paul had an experiencial knowledge of Christ. Your testimony is going to be in direct relationship to your relationship with Him. You won’t be able to testify what you don’t know.
Paul said, The God of our fathers had chosen us to know his will, to see the Righteous One, to hear words from his mouth, and be a witness of what we’ve seen here. That’s testimony. It’s personal and it’s corporate.
The sense that we’re dealing with is anger—holy anger and righteous indignation. Anger in itself is not a sin. It’s what you do with it.
The organ is the liver. These medical people, Brenda, Shelly, Kevin, and others, can tell you that the liver is a very important organ because it purifies. When the liver is purified, the brain and heart also function properly. How many of you want healing in your heart and your brain? Lose the ungodly belief. If he did it for one, he can do it for another. Look at the patriarchs. Look at Moses. Look at the people in the Word of God. God has a full number of days for you and me.
You can live those full number of days, I believe, in health because the blood covenant has made a way for us. So my expectation is not that my body will break down. My expectation is that the Lord will cause me to be wise in the care of my body. But that also what he has said to me through more than one person, As Asher, your strength will equal the full number of your days. So I expect for the full number of my days to be in health and life, because God said that it is my will above all things that you be health even as your soul prospers.
I want the full benefits of the New Covenant. I want Jesus to get his reward. I want his testimony living in me, that I’m walking in health and living life to its fullest. That’s not releasing condemnation. That is telling you what my goal is in this house. That whoever walks through that door, they encounter the risen Lord in his glory and they are delivered, healed, and set free by the power of his presence. That there will not be said among the heathen, Have they no king? It is time for cities to be ruled by Jesus Christ.
Building Blocks for the Month of Tevet
Psalm 27. The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid? I think that entrance right there is key. The Lord is my light and my salvation. How are you going to see with the good eye? You’re going to stay in the light. You’re going to look from the light and you’re going to see.
The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life. What if we stepped into 2020 with God being the stronghold of our life? If he’s the stronghold of your life, that means you don’t have any others. How strong is our God? How strong is the Lord? Too strong!
:2 When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall.
How many of you are ready for the enemy to stumble and fall? This can be our declaration every morning. This is the first day of Tevet. What if throughout this month, the next 29 days, every morning or evening we decree and declare, The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? You know where fear is going to go? Out! You know what’s going to be released in you and your house? Light and salvation. The Lord is the stronghold of my life. You know what’s going to fall? Ungodly structures in me and you.
:3 Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.
Sounds a little like Psalm 91. A thousand may fall at my side. Ten thousand at my right hand. But it’s not going to touch me.
:4 One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
I know when I came in here this morning, when I walked through that door, I was made to be in the house of the Lord. I know that. When we began to worship, and when Lane began to sing that part about the glory and the goodness, and he just mixed this worship in this entire house, I thought, Oh my Lord, my God! Why wouldn’t he want to build this city? Why wouldn’t he want to release this sound? Why wouldn’t he want to transform this area? Why wouldn’t he?
There’s no reason he wouldn’t want to. He’s just looking for a people who will not be afraid, but take him at his word. Let him work in us. And not be prejudiced—those people. I don’t want to hear that because I don’t feel that way.
:5 For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.
:6 Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the Lord.
:7 Hear my voice when I call, Lord; be merciful to me and answer me.
Here it is. What are we about this month in the natural? The liver that cleanses the heart and the brain. If he’s doing it in the natural, he’s doing it in the spirit.
:8 My heart says of you, “See his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek.
We’re going to get aside a time of fasting as a body beginning at sundown. Some of you may have already started fasting. I’m not negating that. Beginning sundown on January 5, we’re going to have a 21-day fast. I want to encourage you to do it. In that fast you might want to include a one day or three day water fast.
I understand some people have to take a little something into their body because of medicine or other things. I’m not overriding the power of Holy Spirit, but I’m telling you to follow Him. Ask the Lord—ATL. But we’re going to fast, not because I’m trying to make brownie points with the Lord, but I want my being decluttered.
It wasn’t what I was looking for, but when Kimble III passed, what immediately hit me was a three day fast. I took a little food here and there, but it was a clean out that came to this system, and I know that clean out and the prayers of the saints enabled me to stand and preach a message of life at his funeral. Because I was seeing through a different lens—the lens of the Father.
:9 Do not hid your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, God my Savior.
:10 Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me. Teach me your way, Lord; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors. Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, spouting malicious accusations.
:13 I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Some translations say hope. Hope in the Lord.
Building blocks. What are we talking about? The Word is what builds you and me.
Psalm 32:8 CJB, is a key scripture for this season. I will instruct and teach you in this way that you are to go; I will give you counsel; my eyes will be watching you.
It’s an Ayin month where you have the eye of the Lord upon your life and he wants to revision you to see through his lens. He says, I will instruct and teach you in the way that you should go. I will watch over you and guide you with my eye.
Isaiah 11:1-5 A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might (power), the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord—and he will delight in the fear of the Lord.
He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist.
When I say these are building blocks, if you really want to do your homework, if you want to be there, take Psalm 27 and decree it every day. Take every day and quote Psalm 32:8. Where do you want to be? I want to be in the vision. So I want part of my prayer to be, Father, I thank you that you instruct and teach me in the way that I should go. That you give me your counsel, and your eyes are watching over me. I’ve got the eye of the Lord. Who has stood in the counsel of the Lord that I might instruct you?
You can have it all. But it’s going to cost your all. This standing and sitting down, and standing and sitting down, and lazy casual Christianity, is not going to get you where you want to be in this new decade. I’m just being real with you.
All of you have worked jobs and you’ve worked jobs to your best ability and excellence. And then you’ve slacked off in places. Or you’ve worked with people who half-heartedly do their job and you’re doing their job and yours too. It’s time for you to be who God created you to be and function in the fullness of all that is within you. Don’t try to be like somebody else. And if you have a particular function in the Body of Christ, don’t think everybody else should do what you’re doing. That is an ungodly belief.
Not everyone is called to helps ministry. Can everyone help in some way? Absolutely; we’re family. Everyone is not called to preach the gospel from a pulpit. But sometimes because other people aren’t doing what you’re doing, you’re offended. Can’t do that. Do we need to function? Yes! And if everybody functions, everyone’s going to be playing a part in this house. We have responsibilities at our house that we do—chores. And if one doesn’t do their chores we all know it. Just saying.
The tribe is Dan. Dan means judge, to minister, or plead a case.
Genesis 49:16-18. Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, a viper by the path, that bites the horses’ heels so that it’s rider shall fall backward. I have waited for your salvation, O Lord.
There is a redemptive thing to Dan. Dan had a bite. He had an issue with anger. But the Lord’s redemptive plan is that he strikes the heel of the enemy and causes the enemy to topple off of his horse.
I’ve waited for your salvation, O Lord. That’s part of the prophesy of Dan. What can we expect to see in this season? The salvation of the Lord. I’ve waited for it. It’s like Anna said, For years we’ve waited for it. Now let’s receive it. Let’s birth it. Let’s embrace the baby.
Samson came from the tribe of Dan. Samson did not mature. He did not judge himself. His two major flaws were as follows: he was unwilling to deny his flesh and he didn’t take his calling seriously.
So this is a major reset. Me first. The Word of God says, Give no place to the devil and make no provision for the flesh. So as we are getting ready for a decade of creating with the Lord, and a season of putting feet to the vision, where does he bring us? To this place. And he says, It’s time for you to judge yourself. Because if you’ll judge yourself through the eyes of the Lord, it’s not unto death. It’s death to the flesh but it’s life in the spirit. There’s no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Samson didn’t do that. We know what happened. In the end he lost his vision. He was bound. He got the anointing cut off, because the anointing was his hair. He played a game with Delilah, and you can’t play with the devil and not get cut, unless you repent quick.
Repentance and our promise came in the beginning. I love it. The blood is ready to wipe out anything and everything and give us a clean start, a fresh start. I want to give you a new brain and a new heart, tin man. Hahaha! He brought down more of the Philistines in the end. There was redemption. What does that say? ?Your goodness is running after, running after me. God still loved Samson.
I don’t want to be in a place with my eyes gouged out and the anointing cut off to have to come back to my senses. How far will you go before you’re going to come up? Because he’s not going to let go of you. He has a reach that will reach anywhere. That is the truth. So don’t misrepresent our Father because he’s a good Father.
Instruction for Construction
The Lord wants us to grow and mature so we can lead. We can engage in warfare and cause the enemy to fall backwards. Take a look at your life, your call, your birthright, and your destiny. Let spiritual blindness be broken off now in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your eye gates be cleansed and your vision restored. I want that.
Ask Holy Spirit to search out the deep things of God and make them known to you now. Do you know who you are? Do you know where you came from? Do you know where you’re going? Jesus said, I know where I came from and I know where I’m going. He knew at 12 years of age who he was and where he needed to be. I had to be in my Father’s house.
Review the prophetic words and rhema words that God has spoken to you. Renew your heart and your mind to what God has said. Come into agreement with him and his word.
These are all instructions that will build you in this season and prepare you to step and move forward.
Ask Holy Spirit to reveal anything that has perverted or diverted you in any way—deliver and heal and fill you now.
Review your education and what you need for your next phase. Receive instruction, direction, and any training necessary for your next step.
This is a month to fast. Either a full or a Daniel fast is suggested.
I’m not putting law on anyone. You need to seek the Lord. But we need to clean out the atmosphere of our house. If what you’re letting in, what your watching and your listening to is bringing defilement, it’s going to affect how your see and how you hear. Let’s ask Holy Spirit to cause us to be hypersensitive, not religious but hypersensitive to what we’re looking at, listening to, and taking into the temple, so that we can get a true reset and realignment for the assignments.
Dottie Duckworth. I had an interactive vision. This is part of the vision. I was in the presence of Jesus and there were others around and he was serving me bread and wine. When I took a piece of the bread, more grew back. He gave me a drink of the wine and the cup filled up. Then he placed a white thin robe on me and it was clasped with a stone. When you showed a picture of the beryl stone, that’s what it was. That’s what it was.
Betty. The Lord woke me up in the morning of the 28th. He said, From now until I tell you to stop, I want you to start taking Communion every day, but rather than taking it in the morning, I want you to take it in the evening. God’s day goes from evening to morning.
I want to encourage you. If you’re a believer, everyone of you in this room can serve yourself communion. Get bread. Get some juice, wine, whatever the Lord releases you to do. But get some fruit of the vine. Ask the Lord to sanctify it and partake of the body and the blood of Christ. And have Communion with him.
What if we do that through the month of Tevet? It’s about spirit, soul, body wholeness and healing. Praise God. This month, Communion.
Dottie. After he placed the robe on me, after it was clasped with the stone, he gave me the bread and the wine, and there were so many that were reaching up, like you see fans reaching up at a concert. They were hungry and hurting and he said, Feed them.
Betty. Part of what I’m going to be bringing are the words the Lord released this week to me each day. On the 26th he said, I want you to come to the table, and it was the table in the Temple, which is the Table of Showbread. It’s called the Bread of Faces because it represents the twelve tribes of Israel.
Our face is forever before the Lord. And there are people that need Communion, that need to go back to the Garden, that are believers. There are people yet that are coming into the kingdom, that will partake of the body and the blood so that they can have life, and they can receive their healing.
She is confirming on this day that we’ve gathered at the head of the month to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the church. He’s saying, Eat my body and drink my blood, and receive resurrection power and life. Because there is a whole army out there that needs to be delivered and healed and set free. So I’m calling you to feast upon Me. And I’m putting a new stone on you, and I’m putting a white robe on you, and I’m putting fresh garments on you.
And you’re not going to just be having an empty shout or an empty word. When you open your mouth I’m going to fill it with power and authority, and you’re going to judge righteously on my behalf. Amen and Amen.
Father, I thank you that you seal this portion in our hearts this morning. We say Yes and Amen to what has been said and released and sung. Father, I’m so thankful for each one that has come in this morning with their portion in Jesus name. Amen. Amen.
Mid-Morning Service
?I hear you calling me a saint. Have your way in me. Oh, Oh, this is the sound of freedom calling. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.
Betty. Praise God for freedom. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Lord, I thank you for freedom in the house, freedom in our lives, freedom in the temple, freedom in the sanctuary. Lord, we thank you for the freedom song and the freedom sound that is resonating out of every believer in this place today. Lord, we give you all the glory. We give you all the honor and the praise.
We thank you, Lord, for your sound and your song that you have set within us your people. We give you glory. We give you glory and we release our sound this morning, our frequency. Every believer in this room, you have a sound within your spirit man that comes out of your mouth. And your sound is distinct. It’s not like any other. Your Father in heaven recognizes and knows your sound.
So Lord, today we thank you that you have set us in freedom, and we welcome the fullness of all that you are doing in us and in this place, even in our nation, in the world, in your people. Amen and Amen. Praise God.
Kimble. I’m just going to thank you in advance for your faithful service to the work of the ministry here at Miracle City Global. God has place you here and he has given us an awesome army. And everybody’s not here yet. Others are coming. But he is preparing the house to be ready for the multitudes. This is going to be a year of joy and a year of success. We’re going to see the manifestations of those things. We’re going to launch, be successful, and do it with joy.
Joy is going to manifest in our midst. When you think about joy, it’s happiness and being blessed. But really, joy is revelation. When you know what the Lord is doing and about to do, and you have the understanding and the wisdom, that will make you joyful. It says that Jesus went to the cross, despising the shame, but for the joy that was set before him, he endured it. That joy is revelation, because Jesus knew what was up. He knew what was going on. He knew what was to take place…..We are at the right place at the right time to see God’s manifestations come forth in our midst.
The song they opened with stirred in me and I could hear, I was lost but now I’m found. I was blind but now I see. I was bound and he set me free. So therefore, I am free. As we worship, I want you to stand to your feet. Betty was talking about each one of our individual sounds.
If you’re a parent, you have children, and it doesn’t matter which child makes a sound, you know which one is crying out individually. You don’t have to look and see, but you hear the sound that’s being released. Our Father in heaven hears the sound that we release. Each one of us is uniquely and wonderfully made. We have our own fingerprint. We have our own intellect and characteristics. God made each one of us unique.
So when our sound is released, God knows who we are and where it’s coming from. So today as we enter into worship and I release the sound on the shofar, I want you to release your sound into the atmosphere, to cry out to your Father, to say, Lord, I am here and I know that you hear me.
Lord, we thank you for this day. I thank you that we are uniquely and wonderfully made in your image. You created us and put within us a sound that is uniquely ours. We want to honor and worship you today, and we want to release that sound you’ve place within us. May it fall upon your ears and may you hear every sound we release and act upon it.
Send forth the manifestations of our cry because you’re a good good Father and you are for each and every one of us. Lord, we desire to see your purposes manifested in our lives as we go forth into this successful year of Joy. So Lord, we say, Come by your Spirit. Breathe life into our desires and show yourself mighty in our midst as we release our sound unto you in Jesus name.
?God, wonders are still what you do. Come and do what you do. There are miracles when you move. This is a move. Spirit move on through. We are ready for you.
Anna. I will let you move me with your Spirit. I will move with you. I feel your stirring. Yes, we are moving. There is a move. Heaven is here.
Anna. I feel like this morning our declaration is moving from, It’s coming, to, It’s here.
?So we say, God, your miracles are right here. We say healing is right here this morning.
?Lane. You are in the air I’m breathing. We acknowledge you as our friend, Father. You are closer than a brother, Jesus. You will never leave. You will always stay right by my side. Jesus, our hope and strength. We give you the highest praise. You deserve it all. Jesus has overcome. To you belongs the glory. It’s all for your glory, Jesus. Catch me up in your story. All my life is for your glory. My God, my glory, my delight. It’s deep in my soul.
Kimble. Lord, we bring you all of the glory, all of the honor, all of the praise and the worship. You are worthy. We honor you today with our worship. Receive it, Lord, as a living sacrifice. May it be pleasing unto you. We ask in Jesus name. Amen.
As we continue to worship, we come and bring our tithes and our offerings and our first fruits for the month of Tevet. As Betty shared earlier, that’s the first of our increase. Because the Lord is faithful and true and he always blesses what we do. As as come today and bring what he has so blessed us with, he is going to bless and multiply it, not only for this house but back unto you. Because we are those who desire to reap what we sow. We want to sow good gifts, righteous things unto the Lord.
We also come to the Table of the Lord to celebrate the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On the night that Jesus was betrayed he met in an upper room with his disciples. The Word of God tells us he took bread and broke it and said, This bread is my body which is broken for you. Whenever you eat of it, do this in remembrance of me.
After the meal he took the cup, blessed it and said, This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Whenever you drink of it, do this in remembrance of me. Today we obey the Word of the Lord and come to the Table of the Lord to eat of the bread and drink of the cup. When we do that, we’re identifying with the sacrifice of our Lord, the pain, the suffering, but also the joy he experienced fulfilling his purpose he came to the earth for.
That purpose was for me and for you, so that we could live a life of godliness, that we would be redeemed by his sacrifice, by his blood. That means brought back into right relationship, back into the family of God so to speak—restoration and resurrection because of the sacrifice of Jesus.
Today when we come and partake of the elements, remember the work of the cross. Remember the body and the blood of Jesus has set of free from the law of sin and death. And that we have life in Him, through Him, and by Him forevermore. As we partake of the elements I believe we are taking the very spiritual DNA of Jesus into our bodies. And through this there is salvation. There is deliverance. There is healing. There is wholeness. There is soundness of mind, provision, and prosperity that Jesus has purchased for us.
So Lord, today we thank you for your sacrifice. I thank you, Jesus, that you came, that you lived and you died and you rose again, and that you brought captivity into freedom. Lord, we declare that we are free by the blood of the Lamb. So Lord, sanctify and bless this Table. Bless each one of us as we come today. Empower us and equip us to enter into this season, full of your righteousness, your peace, and your joy, in your name we pray, Jesus. Amen and Amen.
?Spirit lead me. Take me deeper. In your presence, Lord, there is light, there is peace, there is joy.
Betty. Father, thank you for your goodness, that you have presenced yourself in our lives and even in this Miracle City Global today. Lord, we just glory in you and we glorify your name. And we come to give you glory. In this place, Lord, I thank you for ears that hear and eyes that see and hearts that are open, prepared to receive your Word.
Holy Spirit, we ask, Teacher, Revelator, come now and move in us and carry us. We welcome the testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of prophecy. Lord, we thank you for this new Hebraic month packed with prophetic promises. Lord, I thank you that we will see and are seeing even in this place today the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
You are our light and our salvation. You are the stronghold of our lives and we thank you for intimacy, that we are in a season where you are looking and seeing within us, and causing us to see through your eyes. That the eyes of the Lord as upon us in this place today. Lord, we thank you for the promise that your eyes are upon our land from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.
We thank you for this Ayin month, this Hebraic year 5780, and this new month of Tevet. We welcome and acknowledge the goodness of the Lord in this place today. All honor to you, Jesus. We give you—Father, Son, and Holy Ghost—the highest praise. We thank you for the power of the blood that covers and, Lord, that you shut us in with yourself in this time, in Jesus name. Amen and Amen. Praise God.
There is a portion of the song that Lane, you were singing, We give you glory.
You never know how real Jesus is until you’re in the pressed place. Lee Smith is here this morning and most of you know I call him a spiritual son and he’s part of our family at Miracle City. Last night about 10:30 his dad, Coach Smith, passed into glory. But where did you see Lee when he came in? He came in beaming. He came in worshipping. You think, How can you do that? It’s called authentic faith.
It’s called, when it’s time for someone to go home you can gather around their bed and release them into glory because you know who they are and whose they are and where they’re going. I said to him this morning, There’s no closer place you can be than in worship. Because there’s a new person in the cloud this morning that I believe is a part of the cloud here at Miracle City, because there’s a son in the house who’s come to worship God and give him glory.
?When all hope is gone and your word is all I’ve got, I have to believe you still bring water from the rocks to satisfy my thirst, to love me at my worst. And even when I don’t remember you remind of my worth.
I don’t trust in my ways. I’m trading in my thoughts. I lay down everything ‘cause you’re all that I want. I’ve landed on my knees. This is the cup you have for me. And even when it don’t make sense, I’m gonna let your Spirit lead.
Betty. Praise you Lord. We give you all the glory. All the glory. All the glory. You know, the glory is yourself. When your glory rejoices in his presence, regardless of your situation or your circumstance. When you think your Hallelujah is gone, you Hallelujah anyway. And you worship Him anyway. And you glorify Him anyway. Your glory just gets up and rejoices because it’s who He is.
?All of the glory. It’s yours. It’s yours. It’s yours. It’s yours.
Betty. Father, thank you that we are crossing over and Lord, we are going to praise you on this side of the vision. We are going to praise you before we see manifestation because we know you are faithfully watching over your word to perform it in our lives. I decree and declare in this season, in this month, we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. So be it, in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.
I say, Spirit lead me. I have the rest of the powerpoint on our Hebraic month of Tevet from this morning, but I know there is something before that, and we will see how Holy Spirit puts this together.
Throughout this week, each morning the Lord has given me something. I want you to know that He will give you something every day. If you don’t already have a journal or a notebook, go buy a notebook; a spiral will do just fine. You need something that is a book so you can keep what he gives you together.
You will hear me say over and over that our Father is a good farmer. And he has seed selection of His Word that he wants to sow into your life on a daily basis. You put it together in a week and you’ve got a crop because it’s an Amos 9 kind of sowing. It’s going to bear fruit. The word that goes forth out of his mouth accomplishes what he sent it to do.
Everyone of you should have some kind of contact with someone that the Lord will give you an outlet to release the word. I can tell you the words the Lord has given me are for a personal basis, but they’re also for a corporate basis. It’s for the body of Christ.
From last Sunday, the 22nd, the Lord spoke to my heart and he’s been speaking all week. I believe if you will prepare now, get a notebook, and meet daily with the Lord, especially set the precedent in this month, it will stick with you throughout the rest of the year. It takes, Kimberley tells her it takes 21 days, to establish a habit. From the teacher, thank you.
We are calling this body to corporately enter into a fast on sundown, January 5, 2020. It will be the fast the Lord requires of you. One of the most important fasts I believe we can start with is Isaiah 58. It’s about a fast of your words, not letting unwholesome or malicious talk come out of your mouth. For the house, I’m asking you as the apostle, I’m requesting that you do an Isaiah 58 word. Why?
Because if you’ll do that for 21 days and not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouth. This is the month where the organ is the liver, and fasting has been medically proven to cleanse the heart and the brain. The Lord wants to get our spiritual heart and our mind renewed to his heart. If for 21 days we begin to fast anything that is going to defile our temple, our eye gates, our ear gates—I’m talking about unwholesome talk, graphic stuff, pornography, whatever it is. Turn on regular TV and you’ve got some stuff going on these days.
I’m not trying to be religious or legalistic. I just saying, if we’re going to fast, don’t leave your barn door wide open when you’re saying, I’m taking 21 days to separate unto the Lord. If it’s a Daniel fast let it be a Daniel fast. If it’s fasting sweets and carbonation, whatever He says to you, do that thing.
Some of you might have within the 21 days a day where you just drink water. You might fast meat. You might do a three day fast within the 21 days where you do something specific. ?Spirit, lead me. There’s the key. But I’m asking you to do something led by Holy Spirit. And read Isaiah 58. And let that definitely be part of your fast.
Hebraically and prophetically we’re in the month of Tevet. It’s where we get the word Tov, in Genesis in the very beginning where the Lord said he saw that it was good. The word for good is Tov. So this is a month of goodness. I have encouraged you as a house to read for the 21 days, even starting today, Psalm 27. The Lord is my light and my salvation. I would have despaired if I had not believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Not to zero in on Lee, but yes, we honor your father and his life and his family. They saw the goodness of the Lord. He shared with Laurie and Kimble and some of us how hospice said it could be into Sunday, and his mother just made the decision. Sometimes you make a decision in that. Because it’s a God decision. Kevin certainly knows this and several of you in here; and I know Chris knows this, where it’s time to go. And the only ones holding them here is family. When the family can celebrate life and say, We just release them—the sons, the wife—Yay! It wasn’t long and he was gone. Happy day!
And what you’re seeing on his face—beaming—of the glory of what it means to be a believer and knowing he’s home. He’s in the cloud of witnesses. That’s the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, that even in the face of death there is life. Oh death, where is your sting? Yay God.
The stone that goes with this month is beryl. It’s turquoise. The description is greatness. The original meaning is to beat down fortified cities. How many of you want to see the ungodly fortified cities or structures in your life and my life beaten down? The ungodly structures in our cities? And our communities? And even places in our cities where people don’t go anymore because of the vertical limit? What do I mean? Beyond that place there is death. God is about to transform cities. I believe it. I know it.
The negative side of the stone is shouting glory and putting up a good show but not knowing the one who came to give us life more abundantly, Jesus.
The Lord released a word to me about cities. This is a word I got from the Lord. He said, Every assembly of believers is a city. We’re a city. Whether it ever reaches it’s full potential of municipality or not. On the same day one of our members shared with me that the Lord had revealed and identified strongholds within her life that were at the very core of her beliefs, as cities. She saw these as city blocks of ungodly structures that God wanted to tear down.
The Lord is building his core, his church, his municipalities. We are destined to possess the gates and cities of our enemies. The Lord desires to bring transformation to entire cities. However, before we can be instruments of transformation to impact our cities, we must deal with the cities within.
A municipality is a city that has gained a corporate status. There is some authority there. It’s recognized with boundaries and perimeters that are established. Miracle City Global is God’s city. It’s His house. One of the scriptures says that we’re a city on a hill. We’re supposed to let our light shine.
Scripture Building Blocks
Psalm 127:1-2. Unless Adonai builds the house (that’s personal, corporate) it’s builders work in vain. Unless Adonai guards the city, the guards keep watch in vain. In vain do you get up early and put off going to bed, working hard to earn a living, for he provides for his beloved even when they sleep.
Matthew 5:14. You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
John 7:24. Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment. This is seeing yourself and others perfected in Christ.
The Lord wants to begin to bring righteous judgment into our lives. What does that mean? He wants to drop his plumb line of righteousness within us, where if there is any ungodly structure that is there. Clay, another leader, said he saw a plumb bob being dropped and it became a wrecking ball to tear down ungodly structures. Anything that is not of God in my life, any ungodly structure, I want Him to judge it. Because if He judges it, it’s going to have to go.
Father God wants you to know him and your identity as a son in Christ Jesus. He wants to bring legitimacy to you at the very core of your being. The Lord wants to deal with the ungodly structures, strongholds, belief systems—the fortified cities in your lives. Ask Holy Spirit to search out those deep things. Receive revelation and repent. Ask Holy Spirit in the name of our Lord to uproot, tear down, destroy, and completely overthrow any and all ungodly structures, and to heal and fill those places in you now.
So it’s not just about them being torn down. It’s about him coming in. If you don’t fill up a vacuum with something, the enemy will. So anytime something leaves, you want to replace it, and not replace it with another stronghold. We want the Lord to be our stronghold.
Ask for the baptism of fire. Don’t run from the heat or fire of God. Embrace his fire and let that which is not kingdom be burned up in your life. So we’re not running from the fire, we’re stepping into the fire. What do you mean by that? I’m talking about the kind of worship we were in this morning, where the glory fire of his presence comes and you just melt like wax. It’s like, Here I am, Lord. I’ve said before in the midst of worship because it’s so good, Just shoot me now! I’m out of here! He’s that good!
The Lord said on 12/22/19, The power of the promise is upon you. That was a corporate word for you in this place. The power of the promise. I don’t know the personal promises that God has spoken over your life. I don’t know everything written in your book. But I know that He knows. And I know there is power in agreement. I am coming into agreement with the Lord for you personally, for your house and everything that pertains to you; and I’m agreeing for us, that the power of the promise is upon us now.
On 12/23/19 I woke up that morning and the Lord said, Come to my table because I’ve got the bread of heaven and I want you to partake of Communion and have fellowship with Me. He took me into that picture of the room of the Tabernacle. In the Holy Place, not the Most Holy Place, there is a table that is set there called the Table of His Presence. On that table are twelve loaves of bread that the priests would set out each week on the Sabbath, from Saturday to Saturday. At the end of the seven days, they were the only ones who could eat the bread.
Those twelve loaves represented the twelve tribes of Israel. The reason they were set out was because the face of the Lord was turned towards them. Your face is in his face, whether you know it or not. He knows what you look like because he designed you. And in that day that I began to read about the bread set before the presence or the face of the Lord, the twelve cakes representing the twelve tribes, the Lord said to me—and I want you to listen carefully—A Gomer moment has been going on for many in the Body of Christ.
Gomer was married to Hosea because God required it. She was a prostitute who would sell herself, even though he had married her. She kept going back to prostitution. It was a picture of what Israel was doing because they were running after other things. They were running after the Baals rather than running after God. This word is not just for Miracle City Global. This is going out across the nation, to the Body of Christ.
A Gomer moment has been going on for many in the Body of Christ. I’m ready to shift that. And I had a vision of the Lord taking hold of our face like a parent taking hold of a child, like, Look at me. I saw him take hold of our faces and turn our face into his face. He’s saying, That Gomer moment, that thing you’ve been running after—if we look long enough, all of us have those places in our lives where we have that thing maybe. But the Lord says, I’m ready to shift that.
It goes hand in hand with the word Lane released that was powerful last Sunday morning, Laser Focus. His eyes, we’re in an Ayin month. That means the eye of the Lord is upon us.
A vision of the Lord taking hold of our face like a parent. Turn your face. Remove the distraction. I am turning hearts and making eye contact to release new vision and instruction to my people.
I want to say this very clearly. I had no idea what the month of Tevet was about. I had not read it. I didn’t remember that it was an Ayin month that we’ve just stepped into. I didn’t know it was the time he was going to cleanse the heart and the brain. But he already knew. And as a people, as sons of God, we have the ability to hear the heart, the mind, the counsel of God. So you can mark this word and take it to the bank. And if you listen to or read the morning transcript, and hear what Dottie said, you can’t make it up.
A Gomer moment has been going on for many in the Body of Christ. I am ready to shift that. Turn your face. Remove the distraction. I am turning hearts and making eye contact to release new vision and instruction to my people. It is Communion time. It’s restoration time. He said, I am ready to restore you and yours as a sign and a wonder. How many of you want to be a sign and a wonder? His restoration in our lives will cause it to be a sign and a wonder.
So he’s saying, Let me take hold of you. He’s coming as a parent. Parents, in that place with that little child, do you ask if you can take hold of their face? And I don’t mean jerking somebody. But when you take that little face and bring it into you to look into their eyes, Gotcha! I know some try to turn way, but, Gotcha! Look at me.
If Father does that to you and me, I guarantee you you’re not going to be looking anywhere else. And when you catch one glimpse of his eyes, you don’t want to look anywhere else. Because he looks at you with such love. Whether you actually discern or see it or not, that face to face encounter with God is life-changing.
And your face, whether you and I ever realize this or not, never leaves his presence. Because our angel stands before Him. It’s the truth. Makes me shake in a good God way. Praise you, Jesus.
On 12/26/19. How many of you ran on the 25th and it was a busy day? We went from Laurel to Satartia, back to Laurel, then to Hattiesburg, then back to Laurel. It was a zip of a day. So by the 26th I was tired, but I was awake. I didn’t feel very spiritual, if you know what I mean. I was sitting there with my cup of coffee, being. Then his presence began to fill the room. And he said, I’ve got a Reset for you today, Betty. And I began to hear this:
Anna? No, I can’t forget this evening or your face as you were leaving, but I guess that’s just the way the story goes. You always smile, but in your eyes your sorrow shows, yes it shows. No I can’t forget tomorrow when I think of all my sorrow, when I had you there and then I let you go. And now it’s only fair that I should let you know what you should know. I can’t live if living is without you. I can’t live, I can’t give anymore….
Betty. As I sat there that morning, I was thinking about times gone by—shoulda, woulda, coulda. Those kind of things. And this is what He said as his presence began to fill that place with me. He said, You still have every opportunity—this is to you in this room. You still have every opportunity. No opportunity has been taken from you. My time is sure. My time is pure. Reset.
When the Lord said that to me, I said to Him, I choose life. Choose life. He is saying to you and me, No opportunity has been lost! You might say, I should of done this; I could of done this; and I wish. He doesn’t care because the blood is enough. He’s saying today is a new day and a new decade is opening up to you. He knows we can’t live if living is without Him.
He is our life source. He is our way maker. Our promise keeper. Our miracle worker. And he’s doing it. So don’t give up on your dreams and your hopes and your visions, things that you saw maybe when you were ten years old or 18 or 20, 28 or 30 or 35. But I’m 60 now. Or I’m 80 now.
What is he saying? You still have every opportunity. No opportunity has been taken from you. My time is sure. My time is pure. Reset. Receive a reset right now. To set again, to adjust, to fix in a new and different way. Reset means change, reconstituted, reconstructed, transformed, renewed, reorganized. Who needs some reorganization? Revised, revolutionized, reworked, altered, amended, corrected, rectified, reestablished, regenerated, reboot. Anybody need a reboot? Just shut the thing down and turn it on again. Restart.
And then the Lord said this. On 12/27/19 I woke up ?On the twelve days of Christmas my true love said to me, I will never forget. Trust is so simple, like a little child. Today, leave the glory of the past and embrace the glory of the future. I want you to hear that. Trust is so simple, like a little child. There is a point in your child’s life where whatever you tell them, they believe it. A little child believes when someone tells them something. That’s why we need to be careful what we say if we’re not able to make good on it with little children.
All this ties back to what Anna Love said this morning. It all goes together. You can’t make it up. The Lord said, I will never forget. Trust is so simple, like a little child. Today leave the glory of the past and embrace the glory of the future. I change not, my child. There is no shadow of turning in me. I rest my case today on your behalf, to bring you into the fullness. On-time delivery. Isaiah 49 and Isaiah 45.
Then he took me to the place where He said, I have engraved you on the palm of my hand. And then in Psalm 27 that’s a part of the psalm I’ve asked you to read each day of this month, He says, Though your father and mother forsake you or forget you, I never will. He is calling you and me. I have seen some glorious things in my life. Experienced glory unspeakable. Seen the dead raised. Blind eyes opened. Souls come into the kingdom.
My father passing away into glory with a smile on his face and squeezing my hand, bye. Singing, This is what is feels like when heaven comes down. This is what it looks like. Let heaven come, worshipping. And he is out of here with a smile on his face. The coroner says, Do you know your dad has a smile on his face? Then the funeral home director says to Kimble and me, Do you know your dad had a smile on his face when we picked him up? Yes, I was right there.
It doesn’t have to be bad. I’ll fly away, oh glory. And I don’t want to go one minute before the appointed time. Because I want to finish. What resonated in me was, He fought the good fight and finished the race. Out of here!
On 12/28/19 I had a real visitation and encounter with the Lord. He woke me up about 4:00 and John 14,15,16, and 17 were resonating in me. Joshua 1:9 Have I not command you, Be strong and courageous? Do not be terrified. Do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. He was reminding me of promises he had given me in my 20s. Isaiah 49. Isaiah 45.
Zechariah, where Joshua the High Priest was standing before the Lord and Satan was there to accuse him. And the Lord rebuked Satan and said, Bring clean garments and clothe him in fresh raiment. And Zechariah said, Bring a clean turban for his head. And then the Lord gives Joshua a promise. He says, If you obey my commands I’ll give you charge of my courts. It’s about authority.
Then the Lord gave the instruction and we stepped into it as a family. He said, Every evening at the beginning of every new day, evening and morning—that’s how God’s days run—that means at sundown, early evening, I want you to have Communion with me as a family. And you’re going to do Communion until I tell you to stop. And I’m going to teach you about healing for your body because by the time you’re done, you’re going to be healed. There is not going to be a place in your body that has an issue.
You’re going to know what Communion is with me. Where did He start? He started at the Bread of Faces. My face is turned toward your face. The power of the promise is upon you. He just wants you to receive it.
And the Lord began to talk to me personally about vision for Miracle City. It began to resonate in me where the proverb says, In all of your getting, get understanding. How many of you have a vision, a promise from God? Any vision or promise that he’s given you. You’ve gotten a word from the Lord about something about your life and you know it. A Vision. A Promise.
How many of you have had the vision but you didn’t really know how to put feet to it or make it happen? Get ready for understanding to come. Understanding is coming to you. And the know-how is coming to you. This is how you do it. This is how you eat it. This is how you build it. The how-to with the understanding.
This is a month of alignment. He is going to bring you into proper alignment with Him, and proper alignment with others, so you can complete the assignments that are given to you. That is not just in this place. This is on whatever mountain of society you are in. It’s a big vision that God has for his people, and it’s time.
This morning 12/29/19, you’ve gotten a lot of scripture. Read Joshua 1. The Lord is going to give you the scope and the sequence. He’s going to give you his promise. He is going to show you your boundaries. He is going to reset and revision you for the new season, and it is a new season. And it is a glorious season.
Finally, this is exciting to me because it relates to provision. 12/29/19, Tevet 1, 5780. Early thirty this morning. Talents, Betty. It’s Talent Time. The talents are here. I will build my ekklesia. You will build generationally, territorially, nationally, and internationally. You will build kingdom. My time is sure. And the Lord began to speak to me about seeing through His eyes and with His vision.
It is Talent Time. Whatever God puts in your hand, whether it’s 5,3,1, or 10, it is time for multiplication and it is time to be about His business. It’s not a time to bury it. It’s a time to kingdom invest. And I see that as in provision that’s coming. If you take the word from beginning to end this morning, it’s the season that not only are you going to see the goodness of the Lord in the land, you’re going to actually participate in it. It’s vision time. And it’s provision time.
I want to decree and declare over you an apostolic prayer, Ephesians 1:15-23. For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I’ve not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that God, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.
I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age, but also in the one to come.
And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for every person that is in this room, every believer and those that are watching. You have brought us into a glorious season and a brand new era.
Father, I thank you that all that you are doing and all that you are saying in this season, you awaken us in your righteousness and truth to receive and be and do what you have ordained before the foundations of the earth. We thank you, Lord, that you have taken hold of our face. We thank you, Lord, that you are resetting us and bringing us into proper alignment, cleansing our hearts, our brains, our thinking.
We thank you for all that is within this Hebraic month of Tevet. And Lord, we release the former glory, thanking you for what has been so that we can embrace your future glory, the new thing that you are doing. You said, Forget the former things. Behold, I’m doing a new thing.
So Father, I thank you for vision. I thank you for all that Reset entails. I thank you for what you have released in this room today and the now words. We Choose You. We Choose Life. We Choose Communion. Because, Lord, you have chosen us, in Jesus mighty name. Amen and Amen. Praise God.