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1/30/19 Miracle City Global
Kimble Love. Good evening Miracle City Global. Glad to have you here this chilly afternoon. Let’s step into worship.
Lord, we come before you in the name of Jesus and we thank you for your goodness that’s ever extended to us. Father, I thank you that you so graced us and delivered us from a pit and set our feet upon a solid Rock. I thank you that you have delivered us, you will deliver us and you continually deliver us. Father, that you fill us with your Holy Spirit. That you give us the ability to stand. That you lavish your love upon us even when we’re unlovely. Lord, that you remain faithful even when we’re faithless.
Father, I thank you that you’re a good good Father and you always do what you say you’re going to do. So Lord, we gather here tonight to worship you, to seek your face, to hear your voice, to listen to your word, to be equipped to go forth to advance your kingdom in this earth. So Lord, have your way tonight. Holy Spirit, come live and move and have your being in our midst.
Jesus, we declare that you are the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. We honor you tonight in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.
?You are moving in this place. You are moving in power and might. The Lord is our stronghold. We’re taking our land. It’s in His hands. We’re in His hands. There’s a sound, a song ringing in the air of the Redeemed. We’re rising up in righteousness.
Betty. Righteousness exalts a nation. We release the righteousness of our God in Christ Jesus in this place, in this nation.
Anna. We release the righteousness of God in our nation.
Betty. We decree the righteousness. King of Righteousness.
Anna. Release your rule. Release your power in our land. Release your righteousness. Release your kingdom.
Betty. Kingdom of God is here. The righteousness of our God is here. Righteousness.
Anna. People, come to your senses. People, open your eyes. Open your ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.
Betty. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we take authority over the spirit of blindness and deafness that has come among the people of God, that has come against even the people in our spheres of authority and influence. We bind the god of this age that has blinded those who can’t even see and receive the light and the glory of the gospel of salvation. We release the light. We release the light. We release the light of the glory of the gospel of the kingdom. We come into agreement right now with heaven for those appointed unto salvation. Even now we decree and declare the Jesus Christ saves. There is no other name in heaven or on the earth or under the earth by which man may be saved. People open your eyes.
Anna. People come to your senses. People open your eyes. There’s a call in this hour. It’s got to be destiny. Remnant, it’s your time to rise. It’s not time to hide. Righteous remnant, it’s your time to shine.
Betty Love. We want to lift up intercession right now for the church, for the body of Christ. I can hear the letters when Jesus addressed the church. He was not addressing unbelievers. He was addressing the church. The seven churches. Holy Spirit is highlighting the Laodicean church. That spirit is trying to highjack of church of America.
Revelation 3:14. To the Angel of the church in Laodicea, write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other. Because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I’m about to spit you out of my mouth.
You say, I am rich. I’ve acquired wealth and do not need a thing, but you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you today to buy from me gold refined in the fire so that you can become rich and find clothes to wear so that you can cover your shameful nakedness. And salve to put on your eyes so that you can see.
As the new song began to come forth, People, come to your senses. People, open your eyes, I believe that when we release a song, a word, it should always come to us before it goes out.
So Lord, any place that we have been defiled in our eye gates, our ear gates, any place that we have been desensitized to You, Lord any place that we are unaware that we are naked, pitiful, and poor, I ask you to bring the salve and put it on the eyes of the Church. Let us not be lukewarm. I pray that we would be hot and on fire for you.
Jesus said in :19, Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am. I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
So right now Lord, we just say here at Miracle City Global, even in the city of Hattiesburg, and in the state of Mississippi, we open the door, Lord. We open the door. We open the door to intimacy and fellowship with you. Lord, this is not a salvation scripture, it’s not a new birth scripture, even though people use it that way. It is that you want intimacy with your church to come. In Jewish tradition to have someone come in with you and sup with you and share a meal, that was a very precious thing.
So Lord, we hear you knocking and we open the door of our hearts. We open the door of our homes. We open the doors of our territories. We open the doors to our spheres of influence and we say, Jesus come in. Come in and sup with your people. Come in Lord and have fellowship and intimacy with us. Come Lord Jesus. We welcome you Lord. We roll out the red carpet to you in the city of Hattiesburg, the state of Mississippi, this nation. Let righteousness come in, come in. We welcome you.
:21 To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the church.
So wash us. Some of us need to go like that blind man when Jesus took the mud and spit and put it on his eyes, and He said, Go and wash in the pool of Siloam. Siloam means ‘sent.’ The Lord is saying it’s time for the Send. Wash our eyes. Wash our eyes. Open our ears. Open our eyes. Revision us.
Anna Love. As we were singing People, come to your senses. People, open your eyes, I kept seeing pictures of a man with long hair. The Lord showed me that man was Samson. He said the spirit we are dealing with is a spirit of Delilah. And it’s coming to try to seduce us. It’s coming to cut our hair. It’s coming to lull us to sleep. It’s coming to gouge out our eyes. Tonight we say we will not be dragged off. Our eyes are open. Our eyes are fixed on Him. Our eyes are fixed on Jesus.
So we say, People, come to your senses. People, open your eyes. I thank you Lord that we open our eyes tonight. We come to our senses.
?People, come to your senses. People, open your eyes. Fixing our eyes. Fixing our eyes on Jesus Christ.
Betty. First love. First love.
?He’s drawing us, calling us, come back to your first love. No more wavering. Can’t have it both ways. Where our city, where our state, where our nation said No, we say Yes to your Spirit, God. God, you are welcome in our city, state and nation.
People, come to your senses; people, open your eyes.
I will let the King of Glory enter in. He’s the Lord strong and mighty in battle. He’s our King.
Break down the walls. Push back the dark. Light of the world move in our hearts.
Come and burn us with your fire. Let wickedness burn up.
Rick Riley. As I listened to the song, I see the song speaking to the world, Open your eyes. And God began to speak to me. This is what He said:
Listen to Me. I give you a new tongue, a new language. My language does not, will not change. Listen to My voice, hear Me and open your mouths to speak My language. The world WILL hear you but only if you speak My language. They will see My voice coming from you that will produce Life. To you, I give a new language. Receive it and know that I AM is speaking.
Betty. We say Yes Lord. We open our mouths.
?We yield to you. With our words, we yield to you. We give you our mouths. Oh, fill them Lord.
Break down the walls. Push back the dark. Light of the world move in our hearts. There’s a stirring in the Spirt, Heaven. Something Holy. Can you feel it? Heaven.
Let your glory and your power, let your majesty and worth flood the earth.
Let our voices rise, all creation cries, join with heaven’s song singing out an endless alleluia. There’s nothing better than this right now. There is no one like you, Lord Most High. Jesus, be the center of our lives, of our focus. We build our lives upon you, upon your love.
I see the lightning. I feel the thunder. I hear the voices proceeding from your throne, Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty. You are Holy. Lord you love is unchanging.
Betty. We honor you Lord. We worship you. We’ve come to honor you. To honor you. To worship you Lord in spirit and in truth ‘cause you’re holy. You’re so holy Lord. Righteous One. We worship you Lord.
Betty Love. I want everyone to ask Holy Spirit to bring to your remembrance the most precious worship moments that you’ve had with the Lord, with Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. The surrender moments.
This morning I saw the Father open books. How many have ever gotten a precious card from somebody and you saved that card and you go back and open that card?
I saw the Lord and He said, I am opening up. Every act of true worship, every time incense rises, every time you offer up worship to Him, it goes up. Incense rises and it’s not lost. It’s alive. I literally saw Him open up our books and I saw incense come off the scrolls of our worship. And He inhaled. He breathed it in.
Cornelius offered alms to the Lord and the Word says his alms, the offering, came before the Lord. I see Him rejoicing over every offering we’ve ever given Him. He said, I’m reaching back to every offering, every act of worship, every part of worship. Any time that worship has ever come out of you, Betty, I’m reaching all the way back. I’m opening the books.
We give you our worship. We give you our praise. We give you our lives Lord. You’re so holy. You’re so worthy of our worship and all our praise. Amen and Amen. Praise God.
I want to thank you Lord, for Judah. Thank you for worshipers. I want to thank the Lord for the intercessors, for the gap-standers, for those that are interceding and a part of the prayer network of this ministry. I don’t take it lightly. I want to say Thank you to the intercessors. Thank you to the apostolic leadership of this house, because what I’m seeing is that it doesn’t creep or crawl or get by. Our God is a wall of fire round about us. And His glory is filling our land.
I had one of our intercessors come to me a few weeks ago and she shared about a seducing spirit. What the seducing spirit was trying to do was draw her away from her first love. The book of Ephesus is one of the main epistles in the New Testament.
Watchman Nee wrote a wonderful book on Ephesians a long time ago, Sit, Walk and Stand.
The book of Ephesians opens with where we are seated. Praise be to the God and Father who has blessed us in the heavenly realm with every spiritual blessing in Christ. He chose us in Him. When you start reading the ‘in Hims’ and who we are, you just read the first chapter of Ephesians, it will blow your socks off.
Pour out your Spirit of wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of you so that I may know you better, the eyes of our hearts being enlightened. It talks about where we’re seated. It’s a good thing to sit down in Christ and be in Him and take a load off. And everything that we receive in Christ Jesus.
And then it’s about our walk, how we live our lives in the earth. The third and final part of Ephesians is about our stand. It tells us where our warfare is. Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers and authorities, the power of darkness, and spirits of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Therefore, put on the full and mighty armor so that when—it doesn’t say ‘if’—it says when the day of evil comes, when the day of wickedness comes, you will be able to stand your ground. And having done all to stand, stand. So it’s one of the chief epistles. Ephesus was a power church. But the first letter in the book of Revelation is to the church in Ephesus. Every church except Philadelphia had an issue.
He said to the church at Ephesus, You have lost your first love. You have works. You have this and this and this is good and this is good, but you have left your first love. When the intercessor shared the dream, she had had it three times. In the dream she was being drawn away from her first love, mesmerized, seduced. Only when she looked in the face of her husband were her eyes opened. I think it’s interesting that in the dream I shared Sunday, only when I looked in the face of Kimble was I awakened to the full scope of it.
I think the Lord is saying that it is face-to-face time with Him. This is not a time and season, Miracle City Global/Love Ministry families, body of Christ, where we need to lose our focus. We need to keep our focus and our heart set on Him, our thoughts set on things above. The Word of God says in Hebrews some powerful things for us.
It says to set our hearts and minds, to fix our thoughts on our Apostle and High Priest, Jesus. It says to set our eyes on the Author and the Perfecter, or Finisher, or our faith.
It says, Since we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, throw off any besetting sin, anything that would trip you up, and to run the race that is marked out for us. Fix our eyes on Jesus. It says in Colossians 3, Set your hearts and minds on things above where you are seated.
Anna hit it right-on. I had not even thought about trading on the ungodly trading floors with Delilah. But the whole dream that the intercessor had is rooted in Delilah. It’s wickedness. The Lord says, I am wicking out wickedness. I am dropping a plumb line in my church.
We are about to write a book in 70 days, another devotional. We came out with 50 days of Catching an Early Flight and the Lord did many things with that book. But today, there is a countdown starting on February 9 going through April 19. I am going to invite you and anyone else the word goes out to in this nation, facebook, wherever we can light it up, wherever you can send it out to your people, how about for 70 days believers standing up across this nation and presenting themselves to the Lord every morning and every evening and releasing the righteousness of our God in Christ Jesus. It is 70 days to decree righteousness, to see you and me and our spheres of influence, our cities, our states, and our nation come out of captivity, and come out from the spirit of death. What we are dealing with as a nation that I saw very clearly, is this nation has been seduced.
The word of the Lord that I received in 2012 about America is that this nation would be like Samson. She is going to get her hair cut, her glory cut, but just like Samson’s hair grew back, she would be restored.
I can hear the sound of rain coming to America again. But before the rain, the fire is coming. And it’s going to burn and it’s going to ignite a fire in the heart’s of God’s people like never before. He is going to once again light the lamps and restore people back to their first love.
We are dealing with a lot of spirits. Our best place is to submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from us. We are in a war. But I don’t mean to be demon-phobic. We are to be sober and alert because we have an enemy that prowls around like a roaring lion and he’s seeking whom he may devour. I’m not in season and neither are you. This is a time to be clothed with the Lord. To not be wishy-washy. Present yourself to Him everyday and say, Here I am, God. Do whatever you want to do with me today. I submit and I surrender. It’s full meal deal.
I want to deal with Delilah first. We have two intercessors that have had very clear dreams. Dottie sent a word this week about Absalom that we put on our prayer network. We are going to address Delilah and we’re going to address Absalom.
We are decreeing and declaring that we are not giving place to the enemy. When I say that, me first, Lord.
Delilah’s deception. Exposing the spirit of Delilah.
When she cried out, The Philistine’s are attacking you Samson, he woke from his sleep and told himself, I will go out like I did at other times like this and shake myself free. But he didn’t know that the Lord had abandoned him.
I think everybody in here is familiar with the story of Samson. Samson was one of the last judges of Israel. He was a Nazarite so he had a vow not to cut his hair—seven braids. And he had a power anointing, strong and mighty. The Lord set him in the land to take out the Philistines. He did not steward the anointing or the gifts of God on his life very well because there was a Delilah in the picture.
The word of the Lord came and I take it as the word of the Lord that came out of Anna’s mouth. I appreciate her honoring the house because she called me over and said, This is what I’m seeing. I said, Sing it.
Recently Holy Spirit began revealing several end time demonic assignments that have purposed to lure or keep the body of Christ in a slumber or neutralized state. When the enemy attempts these attacks it’s always with a purpose to get us focused on the flesh man, diverting or desensitizing our spirit senses and spiritual awareness. The end result will obviously be a weakened sensitivity to the voice, power, and strength of God operating in and through us.
Satan knows if God’s people are weak and spiritually anemic, in a manner of speaking, he can advance his kingdom of darkness and neutralize God’s voice. power, and influence that is coming through God’s people.
All sin brings a weakness to our spirit until confession, repentance and restoration toward God is pursued. Delilah’s name literally means languishing and seductive. It also means a pining away, to become weak or faint, to suffer neglect, to be deprived of something, and to decrease in vitality.
The spirit of Delilah is sent with an assignment to a child of God weary in warfare or spiritually desensitized in their spiritual life, a warrior who was once advancing and operating on the front lines, so to speak. Someone God was using to overthrow darkness and they were seeing darkness pushed back and defeated. Satan sends this spirit in to seduce the flesh man, neutralizing the spirit man, cutting off God’s strength and power from operating in the believer’s life.
The spirit of Delilah wants your spiritual sight, your vision, your spiritual strength, and your spiritual life. We know what happened. Samson was playing a game. We don’t need to play with the anointing. He was playing a game with her. She would tie him up because she wanted him to tell her where his strength came from. There are some things we don’t need to tell anybody.
Samson had a weapon and his weapon was his hair. That’s where the anointing was. What does hair represent? Covering. Glory. So his covering and his glory got cut off. He just thought it was like all the other times when she shouted, The Philistines are upon you, and he got up. But this time he couldn’t get up because his strength, his weapon, his armor, his defense, was gone.
This spirit comes to weary, wear out, discourage, cause believers to be despondent. The enemy is intimated by every believer awakened to Holy Spirit and desires to seduce with the purpose or end result of taking your eyes off the spirit realm and I would say, taking your eyes off your first love. I tell you, I don’t want my eyes on the spirit realm if I’m not looking through the first love. It’s Him.
This spirit wants to divert your attention to the satisfaction of your own flesh. The spirit of Delilah will buffet you in your times of spiritual weakness with messages of false comfort and false affection. It will continually speak to you about all the materialistic things or lust of this world that you have been deprived of by serving God.
Again, the goal behind this spirit is to neutralize your effectiveness in the kingdom by blinding you to the spirit realm and God’s heart, keeping you focused on your own self-comfort.
The spirit of Delilah as an end time spirit: releasing compromise in the Church to weaken God’s power in His people. It works through deception, presenting satisfaction of lustful desires. We perceive we will bring gratification to our identity and flesh. The spirit of Delilah will buffet with temptation in times of weakness which will increase in intensity until you feel worn down and give in.
Guard the affections of your heart. In Proverbs it says, Guard your heart, for it is the well-spring of life.
Samson’s sexual lust caused him his eyes, his strength and power, and eventually his life. Likewise, the spirit of Delilah wants to take you captive until you lose your spiritual sight, your vision, your strength, and ultimately you lose your spiritual life.
How do we fight this spirit? Resist it’s buffeting. Stay strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Keep your spirit man strong. How? We build ourselves up in our most holy faith. We pray. Jesus said the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. We put on the whole and mighty armor and we live a life of abiding. And we guard the good deposit; we guard our hearts with the help of Holy Spirit. We’re not alone in the fight. We’ve got God on the inside of us.
When we stop doing the things we know to do, that’s a big mistake. We wash with the water of the Word. We present our members unto God a living sacrifice. Do not conform to the pattern of this world. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. How does that happen? You read the Word. I don’t care if it’s one scripture you meditate on all day long, just get a word. Acknowledge Him. Keep your focus on Him.
Wherever I go, I am aware that He is with me. I have my ear open to hear His voice. There is a place where every believer can come to where you practice His presence. If you begin to walk and act like you’re aware and keep your focus on Him, it will change your life. You will stop saying things you shouldn’t say. When you really start reckoning Him there with you and in you, and your ear is open to Him, it won’t be just stopping you from saying what you don’t need to say, you’ll know. Sometimes He’ll say, Do not say that. Or it just won’t come out of your mouth. Nothing’s there.
Keep your spirit man strong. We stay strong when we are abiding in the Word, Jesus, when we pray and praise and worship God in our everyday life. We are in spiritual famine and drought when we do not receive the Bread of Life, Jesus, by His Word and the Reign/Rain of His Spirit, His Presence. Stay in alignment and fellowship with the body of Christ. Submit yourself then to God and resist the devil and he will flee from you.
I am not going to ignore a dream from an intercessor, and if she has it three times, that is a warning to us that the enemy is going to try to seduce us. We already know what he is trying to do, so we are saying right here tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Father, any place that I have knowingly or unknowingly come into agreement with the spirit of Delilah, any place that I’ve allowed a seducing spirit to come into my life, into my marriage relationship, or any other relationship, any place that I have knowingly or unknowingly opened the door to Delilah in my mountain of influence, in the church, in Miracle City, in Love Ministries, in my workplace, wherever I am, Lord, wherever I work, wherever I live and move and have my being, any place that I have knowingly or unknowingly opened myself or exposed myself to a seducing spirit, tonight I am standing up and standing before you and I am repenting, Lord. I repent. I ask you to forgive us for any place that we have compromised the call, the anointing, or the gifts that you have put within us and upon our lives.
Father, any place where we have dishonored, where we have left our first love, Jesus, I pray right now in your name that you would open our eyes to see. The song of the Lord that you released in this house tonight, People, come to your senses; people, open your eyes. Lord, forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Come into our places of authority and our spheres of influence. And this spirit of Delilah, any place that we have traded on the ungodly trading floors with the spirit of Delilah, Father, we repent and we renounce and break agreement in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Lord, I ask for a cleansing of our eye gates and our ear gates. Lord, we say No to ungodliness. We say No to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. We acknowledge that we are crucified with Christ and we no longer live, but the life we live in the body, we live by the faith of the Son of God. So Lord, let there be a cleansing. Let there be a sweeping of the temple. And Lord, any ungodly soul ties to people, places or things, any ungodly agreements or alignments, we call that cut off right now in Jesus name. We shut the door.
We decree and declare in our lives, in our land, in our territories, tents and treasuries, in this house, the spirit of Delilah is not allowed. Seducing spirits are not allowed to operate in our lives or at Miracle City or in our Love Ministry families. We say No in the name of Jesus. And we receive your anointing, Jesus, that destroys every ungodly yoke. We say, Lord, baptize us afresh. Realign our hearts, Oh God, and give us a new heart. Give us a clean heart, Oh God, an undivided heart. And restore to us, Lord, our first love. Reset our eyes and our ears and our hearts. We yield our lives to you, Jesus. We thank you Lord for bringing restoration on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus name. Glory.
When you start getting calls and people having dreams. Anna and Kimble and I had this conversation. When we set our Task Force and set our Gatekeepers and Intercessors, I said this is the way it is: there is nothing that I want hidden. I am opening us up for them to see. If they don’t see and we’ve got something going on personally in our lives. Hear what I’m saying. God is a good Father and He is merciful and He will work with us. But in all of our lives there comes a place where enough is enough, and if we don’t listen to Him, then He is going to send somebody else. So I will tell you this, Nita, Gail and Larry can all testify that we are open. We’re not a perfect people. Are you? But I will say this. I want a clean house and I want a strong house.
If there is something that I’ve done, and we all do sometimes, I want to repent quick. If the enemy is coming, I want to sound the alarm. If you have intercessors that really hear and see, and they do and they dream dreams, and they call you up and say, I saw this and this or I got this, it’s coming. It’s coming unless we stop it. So, you get a dream, a vision, a word, it’s not to lay down and take it. First, it’s Lord, search me and see if that’s there. The next thing is, you look into the body and begin to repent and take it out. Like I said, it’s not going to creep or crawl here without it being known.
That’s not to be mean or for us to control or for leaders to control, it is what it is and I’m not playing church. I’m not.
I’ve seen the church play church and play games and manipulate and control and won’t bring correction because it’s going to upset somebody in the body. We don’t work that way here. We’re not even set up that way. I don’t want anyone to leave who is called to the body but I’m not going to be manipulated or water down the Word. If something’s not right, first with me, we’re going to deal with it. It’s not to throw people under the bus. Our heart is to bring restoration and to do it the right way and to follow the way of love.
But people bowing up and getting factions in the body, mad about this and upset about this and I got my feelings hurt. And you’ve got leaders who won’t bring correction. Then you’ve got people in the body who say, Why don’t they do something about that? Well if they do, all hell is going to break loose. We don’t play that way. I’m not.
We were on a prayer strike this afternoon with another intercessor who was leading and Dottie walked up. I said, Yay God, reinforcements. After we did our prayer initiative, we circled the place where we were and a rose was floating on the water. I picked it up and Dottie said, The Lord as my witness, when I walked up here He said, Everything is coming up roses. Think that was a sign your assignment was complete? Hit the mark? Glory.
I got a text from Dottie this week and made the decision to post it on the prayer network. Monday 5:38 a.m. Thank you, Dottie. She said,
“Good morning. As I was just starting to pray this morning I heard ‘Absalom.’ I repented for me and my house and for Miracle City Global.” Can you say thank you for intercessors? “Time won’t allow for any further reading up on it this morning. I had to look it up because I didn’t remember anything about Absalom. I decree that any spirit of Absalom trying to come against the leaders and ministry of Miracle City Global and Love Ministries as well as our families be cut off NOW. I close the door to any open places for Absalom to operate. I pray that any that are walking in fear and not taking their place as a leader in their home or businesses will rise up and take their place. I decree that we will honor all God-given authority.”
“I heard the Lord say, Beware but unafraid.” So, the intercessor got a warning and responded to the warning. “I know this was for my family personally and for the corporate. I believe there is an urgency to cover our leaders from President Trump, families, leaders in house, MCG/Love Ministries. I sense a great shaking about to come to us individually and corporately. While I know we shouldn’t walk in fear I feel the fear of the Lord all over me that makes me want to weep and go really really low. I don’t understand all this nor do I know exactly what to do. I am willing.”
The way you combat Absalom, part of it is humility. The very thing that drives an Absalom spirit is pride. Even though she said, I don’t understand this but I just want to weep and I want to go low, that’s the right decision. It’s coming in the opposite spirit.
Then she said, “I try to pray about certain things and I feel capped, like there is a blockage.” I don’t take that lightly coming from an intercessor. So if there is a capping and a blockage, that says to me that there might be a cap or blockage in the body. It all matters. You test all things and you hold to that which is good. She said, “Like hitting a wall. Maybe the Absalom spirit is part of that. God wants us to stop TRYING to love people and just love them. We can only do this with His help. I know you know this. It’s just been in me today.”
Out of that, Gail, Nita, Larry, all of us on the phone Monday: You need to teach this on Wednesday or Sunday. We need to know and understand what we’re dealing with so we can be aware. This is harvest time. We’re going. This is a year to give birth to vision and what we’ve been carrying. What does the enemy want to do? Seduce you off your promise. Why is the Lord saying, I’m wicking out wickedness? He wants you to have the promise.
In the book of Job, Job said, If I looked at a woman lustfully, that would have been a sin that burned down to Sheol. It would have uprooted my harvest. Sexual sin uproots your harvest. Delilah is an enemy that will come to uproot your harvest. Absalom will get you hung.
Authority is not a bad thing. Authority is a good thing. And I don’t mean ungodly authority. That’s why you need to know if you are working on a certain job and you’ve got someone who is ‘something else’ that you’re working for, you really need to know that God put you there, where you can honor the authority regardless of whether they’re righteous authority or not. That doesn’t mean you love them or that you have to agree with them or like them. By the grace of God you have the fruit of the Spirit toward them that you honor their position. And you can endure because you know you’re in the right place at the right time.
First off, I am going to say as a spiritual authority in your life, if anyone has abused you, misused their place of authority, I repent for them. And I am standing before you tonight and asking you to see that individual or those individuals that misused authority in any way in your life, and by the grace of God that enables you to be saved, that same grace that forgives you is the same grace that enables you to forgive somebody else.
If there are any authority structures in your life where there has been abuse, parental, job, spiritual, any authority structure tonight, if you still have a smidgeon of anything toward them, forgive them now and release them, that this spirit not have a place in you. I believe that part of Absalom’s coming and being able to get in in somebody’s life usually comes out of wounding and misuse of authority. So forgive and release ungodly authority.
Apostolically, truly, five-fold ministry, apostolic authority is not about being the kingpin and on the throne and ruling over the people. True apostolic authority is foundational. The foundation is built on the apostles and the prophets. So if you’re the foundation of something, that means the people are on your back. You’re not ruling over them.
Absalom is a church-destroying spirit. An Absalom spirit is the masculine form of the Jezebel spirit. Gender, as far as Jezebel and Absalom in regard to human beings, it is genderless. We know in the Word of God Jezebel was a woman. Absalom was King David’s son.
An Absalom spirit is rooted in pride, rebellion, control, jealousy and resentment against all levels of God-ordained authority in a church and other mountains of society.
This spirit believes that most spiritual authority is incompetent and is not to be trusted but that it (Absalom) is superior. So if you have an issue with authority, first ask the Lord where it came from, where is it rooted, and if He shows you an individual, ask the Lord to help you forgive that individual and release them. He’s going to do it. He wouldn’t bring it up if He didn’t want to heal us in places of authority.
There will always be authority structures in our lives. I have authority structures. So do you. First authority structure is spiritual authority. The supreme authority is God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Spiritual authority is where we connect in the body of Christ that we recognize is spiritual authority in our lives. So if you’re a part of Miracle City Global, I’m a spiritual authority in your life. Kimble has spiritual authority in your life. You’re honoring the authority in the house.
We have eldership in this house. We have people who are over arms of ministry that have authority. For example: Danette leads the prayer network. She is over the prayer ministry in this house. So I’m going to honor her authority in that.
There is civil authority. There is the law of the land. If you go out and break certain laws, you are going to jail. If you think you don’t want to be under authority, we’re already in it.
There is authority in the home. My husband is my head. We are helpmates. That’s how God made it. But at the end of the day when it’s all said and done, he is responsible. He will stand before God and give an account for the family. It’s going to go to the head. If you’re not married, then you are the authority. We share authority together, but for order’s sake, he is the head. On a job, there is always going to be someone in a position of authority. Shelly, I know sometimes you’re the authority on your floor. Is that not so? She is the authority! So the buck is going to stop there.
We do not see gender in five-fold ministry. I am the apostle in this house. Kimble has an apostolic anointing but he has a different function from me. So we’re not playing the gender thing here. If you have a problem with women in ministry, I’m sorry. I didn’t call myself. God called me. It is a gift. But thank God for a husband who blesses and releases me into the gifting. And we haven’t had the issue so why should you? That’s just the truth.
Authority in the land. Authority in families. There’s parental authority. We did youth ministry for years. I knew that when I was working with young people, it wasn’t just about me being a spiritual authority and influence in their life, I had to work with parents, too. And I wasn’t going to override the parental authority in their life unless it was abusive. And then I had a responsibility.
So I don’t care where you go, there is always going to be somebody that is in authority, or somebody in charge. Go into a kindergarten classroom, and watch the children play. Somebody’s going to be the leader. It’s not because they voted them, it’s just the way it works.
An Absalom spirit is rooted in hidden agendas, strategies, alliances and loyalties and will utilize every known wile and strategy, including but not limited to intimidation, domination, control and manipulation to further its agenda.
In the church or in the workplace setting, an Absalom spirit is your enemy, not your friend, and he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Matthew 7:15.
An Absalom spirit must be confronted and shut down, or it will seek to undermine every level of spiritual authority that will enable or allow it to sow seeds of discord, disunity and rebellion.
The Word of God says in Proverbs that there are six things that God hates and seven are an abomination. The seventh is a brother that sows discord. You don’t stir up strife in a body and think you’re not going to tell the leadership. If Anna’s leading on this worship team, she’s the authority. If Kevin’s leading on the worship team, and he will be and he has, he’s the authority over Judah that night. We honor authority. I’m not going to override Anna.
I’ve been on prayer strikes with other leaders. Even though I might be the set person over the ministry or whatever, I’m going to honor their authority on that prayer strike or whatever we’re doing. We honor one another.
The Absalom Spirit. Scripture references: II Samuel 13:20-29, 14:23-33, 15:1-12. This is all about Absalom. What started with this issue. I think he already had this issue. Have you ever been around someone who was good-looking and they knew they were good-looking? Or they were beautiful and knew they were beautiful? It’s one thing to be around somebody who is really beautiful and there is a purity and a preciousness about them. It’s almost like they’re oblivious to it. It’s another thing to be around someone who is so stuck on themselves. I think he was stuck on himself.
What started the resentment and the bitterness, was that not only was he beautiful and handsome, his sister Tamar was just as beautiful. They must have been all that. The scripture says they were beautiful. Amnon was their half-brother of another mother and he was captivated by Tamar’s beauty and wanted her; he lusted after her.
He pretended to be sick and his dad, King David, came to check on him. King David had a mess with his children! He made some mistakes. Amnon told him that if Tamar could bake him some bread and feed it to him with her hand—oh come on please! I would’ve seen this coming a mile. I would’ve knocked him out of the bed. And David, because he thought he was really sick, had her come. She prepared the bread and he wanted her to come feed it to him and she did. And he raped her. I do get Absalom being angry.
She pleaded with him not to rape her, but when he did, he then despised her and sent her away. And she said, Don’t do this wicked thing. Marry me. No, he put her out. And Absalom took her into his house. She put on ashes and ripped her royal robes. He took her in and she lived with him from then on. You know what he did? Nothing. He said nothing. But he nursed a grudge and he waited for the appointed time.
He threw a party and invited all the princes to come and he had his men cut Amnon down. Then all of them fled and he got banished by David. He had to run for his life. It was a setup to bring him back a few years later. David still wouldn’t see him but finally got reconciled, only for Absalom to begin to sit at the gate. When people would go in to the city to see the king, Absalom would tell them the king did not want to see them and there was no one to hear their complaint, but he would listen to them. And he stole the hearts of the people.
He manipulated the people to the point where he overthrew David enough that David had to pack up his entire household and leave. Every time I’ve ever read this story I’ve cried. David left barefoot. I’ve been to Israel and I can see him coming out of the city going down into the Kedron Valley, going up on the Mount of Olives. They are all leaving because David said if they didn’t go, Absalom would come and attack the city, destroy it and kill the subjects. There would be a war, because there was a banquet and the horn sounded that they had anointed Absalom King in Hebron. David said, Perhaps the Lord has given him the kingdom. But the Lord will judge between us.
So David leaves. He leaves two concubines and sends back two of the priests that were watching, Zadok and Abiathar. It does not go well for Absalom. He ends up getting hung by his hair, which was long and beautiful. It weight five pounds when he cut it. It was amazing. Obviously it was gorgeous hair. David’s men and his men were fighting a war and his hair was so long that when he was riding on his horse through the trees it got tangled in the trees and he was hanging by his hair. They ran him through with javelins and spears.
Then the word came to King David that his son was dead. That the war was over and the Lord had given him the victory. Instead of rejoicing, he was mourning the loss of his son. Joab went in and said, You better get up. Would you rather all of your men and all of us die over your son, over your enemy? Get up. So he did.
The Absalom spirit is rooted in a basic distrust and resentment of one’s authority—either justifiable or exaggerated (13:20-21)
An Absalom spirit is rooted in a basic independence and self dependence—especially as it pertains to honest communication, problem solving, sharing of honest feelings, needs, wants, etc (13:20) Clear communication is very important. If you have an issue with me or Kimble, you need to come here. Don’t call five people and tell them you have an issue or hurt feelings. Just come ask me. I don’t bite. I promise. I would never want to offend or hurt anybody’s feelings. That’s the truth. If you really know me, I would not want to do that.
An Absalom spirit is rooted in camouflaged bitterness—unresolved disappointments, fear, anger, impotence, etc. (13:22)
What you’re going to see is a scripture reference for each one of these. What’s going to happen is that Wanda is going to post this. Anna is going to post this on our website,, and if you are wise, you will find the time to go back and look up each one of these scriptures and read the passage. You’ll see the characteristic.
An Absalom spirit is rooted in hidden agendas, hidden strategies and hidden alliances (13:22-29)
Basic beliefs of the Absalom spirit:
Most authority is not to be trusted. Most authority is incompetent. “I know the right way to handle this.” An Absalom spirit is rooted in hidden contempt, hidden hatred and hidden revenge—of authority and those under that authority. (13:22)
An Absalom spirit is rooted in pride. (14:23-26)
An Absalom spirit is rooted in rebellion—that will grow and grow and become unquenchable. (14:27-30)
An Absalom spirit is rooted in a deep-seated desire to be close to/next to/in a place of favor with the one in authority, but not with purity of heart. (14:30-33) He is going to court to be close to people in authority. I am not a pushover. If I am and I’m unwise, I have people around me to say, You are missing this, now. And it’s not with an ungodly motive.
An Absalom spirit is rooted in impressing and stealing the hearts of the people who are under authority in order to eventually “dethrone” and replace the one in authority. (15:1-12) I have seen it over the course of almost 36 years of ministry in many different places. One thing the Lord taught me in the very beginning is to honor authority. I knew about honoring authority from my parents. I knew about respecting authority. It’s like Anna said, It’s one thing to be submitted to God, but it’s another thing to be surrendered to Him. If you are submitted and surrendered, it won’t be hard to honor authority.
An Absalom spirit manifests in self-promotion (15:1) I’ve been in places where the senior pastor was speaking and another leader say, I could speak better than him. I could minister better than him. I could do that better than him. And I’m thinking, I am moving away. One of the ministries Kimble and I were at for a short season—and it was the Lord—we knew the Lord was releasing us, but one of the key reasons that made us leave really quickly, was because we began to have other people come and say to Kimble or to me, You are really more like the pastors here. You really have more of a father’s heart than this leader does.
When you have leaders saying that to you. We didn’t receive that. We didn’t agree with that. It made us run. You don’t take that kind of compliment. You don’t because it is a train wreck waiting to happen. If you know that the leader in authority is misusing their authority, there’s a way to deal with that if there is someone over them. If you can’t deal with them, you deal up. But you don’t vent down into a place or vent out, because you bring division and you divide a people.
If you’re on the wrong side of it, you’re going to be in the crossfire. You need to stay clean. You need to say it to them. Or if you don’t have another authority present, then you leave. It’s as simple as that. You deal directly with the individual or the authority or you go if God will let you go. There are places we’ve all had to stay or we’ve had to finish when we really didn’t want to.
But the seed you sow today is what you’re going to reap tomorrow. That’s why if any of us have ever operated in an Absalom spirit, it will come back and bite you. It is 101 in leadership, whatever seed you’ve sown. It’s not funny but I have worked with people, trained people. I’ve seen them do stuff they shouldn’t do and when they start leading people, they’re like, I have this person and they just keep doing this and this. I say, Well, ask yourself if you’ve ever done that anywhere. If the answer is No, then yay God. If the answer is Yes, my word to them is, Repent quick and shut that thing down.
An Absalom spirit manifests in a carefully constructed and carefully projected image—one that is designed to impress. (15:1) Absalom would have 50 men running in the street ahead of his chariot.
An Absalom spirit manifests in manipulation (15:1)
An Absalom spirit manifests in selfish ambition—disguised to appear as service to others. (15:2)
An Absalom spirit manifests in opportunism—self-advancement at the expense of others. (15:2)
An Absalom spirit manifests in divisiveness, antagonism, and negative criticism of authorities to promote self. (15:3)
An Absalom spirit manifests in rebellion and/or insurrectionism. (15:4)
An Absalom spirit manifests in false humility. (15:5)
An Absalom spirit manifests in thievery—stealing the hearts and loyalty of the people away from their true authority. (15:6) I can do it better. I understand what you’re going through.
I have seen in places people get corrected when they have real life issues that they need to be corrected in love. Then they go out and cry to somebody. I’m sure you’ve seen it in the workplace. You bring correction to somebody, then they go to their nearest and dearest, They hurt my feelings. I can’t believe they said this to me. Well, they just hurt her feelings. They should have never said that. Just look at those scars on my baby’s back. Oh dear God. They just reenforced what they need to be delivered from. And you’re in it with them, now.
If you pick up someone else’s offense, Proverbs says it is like picking up a dog by the ears. You can’t put it down without getting bit. I don’t know very many dogs that would let you pick them up by their ears. If they’re right and somebody comes to you with a grievance tell them, You need to talk to Kimble and Betty or you need to talk to Betty. Any time there is some of this in this house, ever, since we started New Covenant, I know about it. If somebody has their feelings hurt, it might not have anything to do with me, I’m usually going to get 2, 3, 4 phone calls about the deal. If somebody’s even asking about our government or man/woman issue, I’ll get 3, 4, or 5 phone calls. They’re going through the body asking questions. It is what it is. Sometimes I’ll never say anything. I’ll just wait until it plays itself out or I have an opportunity, Do you have a question?
You know what happens? The stuff that normally goes on to cause church splits, biddies stirring the pot, it’s not going to happen here. I’m not going to do it. He’s (Kimble) not going to do it. We’re not going to do it. We’re going to be a family. We might hurt each other’s feelings at times, but we’re going to forgive and repent and restore quick. We’re a family. You’re not always going to agree with me. You might not like me. It’s ok. My feelings aren’t hurt. Ok? But I love you. I love the body of Christ. And I’m telling you, there’s been too much stirring—not here. I’m thankful. I don’t see that in this house. It has been a wonderful thing to lead and co-labor in this work, this field from the very beginning.
Because He said, I’m going to teach you how not to do church. I’m talking about a religious structure that hurts people and wounds people and it swings both ways, whether it’s people in leadership or people in the body. We need to understand that we are a body and we have a head. His name is Jesus. There will always be places of delegated authority in any structure you’re in. So make sure you’re in the right place and embrace the grace of God so that you can honor and work with and walk with people. Because you’re going to be with people the rest of your life unless you go to an island somewhere where there is nobody.
An Absalom spirit manifests in treachery. This is no innocent disagreement. Absalom is dangerous. (15:7-10)
An Absalom spirit manifests in subtle seduction. (15:11) There it is—seducing.
An Absalom spirit manifests in religious hypocrisy and hype, “..while offering sacrifices..” (15:12)
All this teaching is a combination from Paul Cox to Lance Wallneau and a few others.
An Absalom spirit manifests in betrayal. (15:12)
Later, Ahithophehl joins Absalom’s rebellion. Ahithophel means: a brother/kindred: to smear, plaster, slime. A brother to (or those who) smear, slime.
Warning: Absalom is not your friend.
This is the thing, I better not be sliming any of you or anybody. We don’t need to slime one another. I don’t like it when family members slime one another. My mother would not allow it. That thing where you’re going to talk to one family member about another family member. Or talk to one friend about another friend. On the job, you talk to one person about another person. And it is a bunch of junk. It is junior high school and get off the playground, now. It’s just ridiculous. It’s this spirit.
Those of us who have the trust of our leaders are targets for an Absalom spirit. Stay loyal to leaders who are putting their trust in you even if they are not perfect or adequate. Either be loyal or quit. If you can’t honor the authority where you are, you need to quit or say nothing. That is something I’ve learned and know to be the truth. Because the sword will come through the house or the job, and when it does, if you are in the ‘business’, it is going to slice you. And it’s not going to be people. You will get corrected and you won’t get exposed. I’m not talking about in here. I’m talking about wherever you are, don’t let this spirit get you in a mess.
Confront any Absalom who tries to manipulate you and use you. Go straight to your leader and tell them about “Absalom” before it is too late for them and for you. (15:1)
I thank God for people—not tattle-tales. But I thank God for people who will come and say, There is an issue and they are complaining, or they said to me, or you might want to give them a call because this is going on. Then we can nip it in the bud.
You can either be an ear and a trashcan, or you can cut it off. I found out years ago in my late teens, early 20s when I worked in a bank. When you work in places—banks, hospitals, big places, universities, schools, you can get in on the gossip and the yah-yah and you can throw people under the bus all day long.
Or you can make the choice and decide to do your job and do it well; and honor everybody. And don’t get on the bandwagon. If you don’t have anything good to say, Thumper, don’t say anything at all. Then you stay clean and everybody likes you and you like everybody, and you don’t get caught in the fray. Because it never ends well—ever. If you’re walking with Jesus, sooner or later He is going to deal with you about your gossiping heart.
The Characteristics of Absalom:
The Absalom spirit undermines leadership among the people. He is divisive. The Absalom spirit moves among the people and distorts not only the teaching, but the decisions of the leadership. That can be in any sphere, not just here.
Progressively discrediting and tearing down leadership is the only way in which Absalom can justify his rebellion in the eyes of his potential followers. He is looking for followers. He is leading a rebellion. We need to learn the lesson about Korah when he rebelled against Aaron and Moses. The ground opened up and swallowed them.
Eight signs you are under the influence of Absalom.
Gossip: Gossip is any discussion about a person or an entity (such as a church, group or business) that the person or leader of the entity would disapprove of. I’ve heard people say, Well I’d say that it in front of them. Most who say that wouldn’t do that. It amazes me, people that are really vocal. It amazes me.
Would your apostle/pastor or boss approve of your discussion about the church or the business? If not, you are under the influence of Absalom. You need to ask yourself, me first, when I open my mouth, would I say it in front of the individual? Sometimes we get the gong, me too. The Lord is saying, Heads up. This spirit is coming. So what are we going to say? I’m not letting you in, by the hair of my chiny-chin-chin.
Right vs. Wrong. Are you living in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil by attempting to prove yourself right and your leaders wrong? Or, are you living in the Tree of Life that results in honoring and serving them? We are all called to serve, me first. On a work day you’re going to see this leader sweeping and scrubbing toilets. I don’t have a problem. The day I can’t scrub a toilet there’s a problem. We are here to serve and co-labor together.
Contrary Visions. You and others in the church may see the need for something, such as a soup kitchen, small group ministry or evangelism emphasis. While this may be a valid need you have to ask the question, “Does it agree with the specific vision of my church?” All churches aren’t assigned to have soup kitchens, for example. It’s important to come under the vision of the house and leave other focuses on your shelf until God enables you to run with it.
It might be in the life of the ministry that we’re not there yet. It’s been the ache of my heart since I heard the vision for Miracle City, I want 24/7 worship, a House of Prayer where the worship never stops. As we grow and have meetings and speakers in, we will still have somebody worshiping somewhere downtown. And we’re just now getting there. You might ask, Well why haven’t you done it yet? We have been contending for this place spiritually. We’re mobilizing.
Gathering Others. Are you seeking support for your viewpoint? If you are gathering other people around you who have the same concerns as you, you can know that the same thing happened in the story of Absalom.
Are you gathering people and discussing how it shoulda, coulda, woulda been? That is a mistake. You need to go to the leader and say, I have a problem with this. Or, Why are we not doing this? Or, Where is this? Instead of rallying support. It’s just bad business. It’s Absalom.
Stealing Hearts. As you gather others, are you stealing their hearts, or are you affirming the apostle/pastor or leader they have been assigned by God to? Absalom stole the hearts of people who were under the care of David by listening to their complaints. Always call people to be loyal to their leaders and to approach them, not you, with their complaints. That is really key.
This is really a leadership training. If somebody has an issue, you need to send them to me. If it’s with the worship, they need to come to Anne or Kimble or me. If it’s a sound issue, Josh runs the sound and Kimble is here with him, and sometimes Shelly is here. If you go up here and start trying to talk to them about a sound issue, they don’t control the sound; the sound man does. The people in the house don’t control the sound. These people sitting here (at the soundboard) do. If there is a problem, you need to go to Kimble. When I’m up here I can’t do anything about it. And he will either adjust it to your liking or he won’t. And then there is where the test comes. Either you’re going to be alright about it or you’re going to be bent out of shape about it. And if you’re bent out of shape about it, you better not go back there and tell Dottie about it or you are sucked into this thing.
Disengaging. Are you running strong with the leader or are you shrinking back into a smaller group of disgruntled people? Factions can’t start unless we go through with them and form them. That’s no matter where we are. And I don’t want to be a part of leading a rebellion, ever. The only way I will rebel against the law of the land or anything else is if it comes to the day that it is contrary to Jesus and I guess we’re all going to jail. That’s it. I hope I stand strong in my faith. Hope that day never comes. But if it does there are things we all better draw the line to.
Matthew 18. Are you applying Matthew 18 protocol to situations you are concerned about? Do you approach leadership alone with your concerns, or do you violate Matthew 18 by involving other people and seeking their counsel? Matthew says that if you have an issue with your brother you go to the brother. You work it out with him. If you can’t work it out with him, you take someone with you. And then you go to the eldership or the ecclesia of that organization.
It’s like in a family. Your sister hit your arm or your brother looked at you the wrong way. Mama doesn’t want you crying to her about it. It would be better to work it out between the two of you. If you can’t work is out with them, you go there. So resolve the conflict. Repent quick. I have learned this. Even if you are 100% right, it’s better to extend. That is really a mark of maturity. If you can extend when you know you’re 100% right in the situation, it’s a mark of maturity. Because you don’t have to be right to be relational. And that’s big.
Division. Have you considered aborting your assignment in the church God planted you in by dividing off into another church? A lot of churches are born out of rebellion in the spirit of Absalom. Is this a desire of your heart? Or, are you willing to grow through the challenge in your current church?
I’m not for anybody staying for the sake of staying. Really here, we want people who are called here; they know they’re called. At this point and season, we don’t court people. We let them come in and let them see what God is saying to them. We call in those that are appointed. And those that are not, every Sunday my prayer is, Lord, those that are appointed to be in this house by Periscope or physically here, we call them in. Those that are not, we bless them to be somewhere else.
I know every time we come together, God has something in you that you have brought in this place that you’re going to give. And you’re going to receive and heaven is going to run in here. So if you are supposed to be here, I want you to be here. If you’re not, I want you to be where you’re supposed to be. We all feel that way.
Anointed. Those of us who have the trust of our leader(s) are targets for an Absalom spirit. So we need to be careful. It’s not ‘if’ I offend you, it’s ‘when’ I offend you. Don’t want to offend you. Don’t want to let you down. Don’t want to hurt your feelings. There might come a time that I do that. Put me on a pedestal you’ll see that I can fall because I am not God. I don’t like balls to drop. I will try to catch them. I will try to be there. But I can tell you that if you are putting all your eggs in my basket, they might get broken. But if you’re putting your eggs in His basket they’ll never get broken.
Stay loyal to leaders who are putting their trust in you even if they are not perfect or adequate. Either be loyal or quit. My husband and my daughter can tell you, and my son could have told you, one of the number one things that will just ‘get’ me more than anything is for somebody to lie to me and be disloyal. Because I want to be loyal in my relationships. I want to be loyal and honest and trustworthy. And I expect that. So it is very painful to me when that is not reciprocated.
Confront any Absalom who tries to manipulate you and use you. Don’t let that happen.
Go straight to your leader and tell them about “Absalom” before it is too late for them and for you.
Let me say this. I am not suspicious. I’m not looking for somebody to come and tell me somebody did something wrong. There are many times when I hear things, you will never know that I knew that. Then sometimes people work through something and say, You know, that really upset me but God showed me this. And I knew it the whole time. I care for the flock. Kimble cares for the flock. This is not just a job for us. If it was a job for us and some of you up here, you would have already quit. But it’s not a job. It’s a calling. And it’s a family. And most of us don’t quit our families. We’re in it for the long haul.
So we need to be aware as a house and in the body of Christ that this spirit is trying to come. But our intercessor has already prayed the prayer. And our Task Force has already prayed over it and we’ve already prayed over it. So I just say, Lord, forgive me for any place that I’ve operated in Absalom, or where we’ve been privy to this. It doesn’t mean that people can’t have an issue or a legitimate concern. It doesn’t mean that your leader, if they’re the leader that they should be, and you come to them with a concern or hurt or whatever, it shouldn’t be just, Oh that’s your problem. No.
If you come or you’re in a place of authority anywhere, you need to listen to the individual. They might not be as mature in some areas or maybe they might be really mature and you don’t know what is going on in their personal life at home, or with their family members. So we should always grace those that come to us with a complaint. And we shouldn’t always label them an Absalom.
When people come to you with an issue or complaint about you personally, rather than saying immediately, Well that’s not me. I have learned a long time ago that if somebody comes to you with an issue, or if they have an issue with you, you better not say, That’s not me. You better be wise and go before the Lord and let Him search you. And if he shows you that you have some pride, or if He shows you something that they said that’s valid, it’s good to go back and say, You know what? I did not realize I had done that. You are absolutely right. And repent rather than saying, I’m perfect. We’re not.
Father, I thank you for tonight. And I thank you Lord. Anything that I have said that maybe should have been said in a different way, Lord, I ask you to take care of that. But Father, our heart here as a family is that we walk in covenant, that we walk in a commitment, in communication with one another. And Father, we agree together that we’re going to honor one another and as the Word of God says, we’re going to submit one to another.
Father, we also know that you have set all of us in places of delegated authority. And Father, we ask you that if we have allowed the spirit of Absalom to operate in our lives, Lord, I ask you to forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. Lord, drop your plumb line in us and purity our hearts and put a watch guard over our mouths that we would not let communication come out that would tear one another down or tear down those that are in authority or leadership in our lives.
And Father, show us where we are supposed to be. And if there is ungodly authority in our lives, Lord, I know this, that if we’ll honor the position even though we don’t agree with the platform, I know Lord that you’ll either move them or you’ll move us, if we’ll just humble ourselves. So Holy Spirit, we ask that you bring your Spirit of Humility in us and, Lord, that your love would so overflow our lives and our hearts that we wouldn’t look to how we could lord it over people, but we would look to how we could walk in love; and the fruit of the Spirit would come out of our lives.
Lord, I thank you for love that speaks the truth. I thank you for honor to every believer. And I thank you, Lord, that you are building your house, that the gates of hell will not prevail, on earth as it is in heaven. I bless this body with oneness and unity and clear communication, in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.