To the Righteous Remnant
Day 64
52 Day State Prayer Focus: Day 46: Utah, January 4, 1896
Communion Invitation: Last 8 Days of Decree.
Each believer takes personal communion or as a family daily
April 12th – April 19th.
To the Remnant Rising,
There is power in the decree and confession of the Word of God. “Faith comes by hearing; hearing the Word.” (Romans 10:17)
The Lord wants you to be built up in your most holy faith.
Let’s declare the word of God over our lives and land.
Father, I come boldly into your throne room covered in the Blood of Jesus. I submit and commit my entire spirit, soul, body, birthright and destiny unto you in Jesus Name. I bind myself to you Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. I choose life and blessing in Jesus Name. I come into agreement with your logos, every Rhema word and true prophetic Word spoken over me and my family. Let the ordained days written in your book be established in us and in our land. Let us grow up in our salvation and walk in the full inheritance that you have for us in Christ Jesus. We come into agreement with your kingdom plan and purposes for us and all connected with us. JESUS, I COME UP UNDER YOUR YOKE, YOUR AUTHORITY, ANOINTING, AND ABILITY TO ABIDE IN YOU AS YOU ARE IN ME. You are my Apostle and High Priest: I receive your mantle and ministry into my life. Let your Apostolic-Prophetic anointing uproot, teardown destroy and overthrow anything in my life that does not line up with your Word, Will and for me and mine. Father God, plant and build me in the land with all of your heart and soul for your glory! Father, clothe me with the armor of light, the Blood of Jesus, the armor of Jesus. (Eph. 6:10-18) I put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, I take up the shield of faith to extinguish all the fiery darts of the enemy, I put on the helmet of salvation, and wield the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. And I pray in the spirit. Baptize me and fill me afresh with your Spirit and fire.
Father, I repent on behalf of myself, the Body of Christ, those that you have called me to cover and be connected with. Father, forgive us for any place that we have sinned against you, against heaven, one another or brought defilement to the land because of sin. Forgive us for any place that we have knowingly or unknowingly come into agreement with the kingdom of darkness, the elemental principles of this world, the traditions of men, ungodly association, ungodly beliefs, ungodly souls ties to people, places, and things, We repent, renounce and break agreement with these things in Jesus Name.
I come up under the authority of the Blood Covenant, the authority of Your Word and the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I release the light, the Voice and the power of the shed Blood of Jesus of Christ over my life, family, the Body of Christ, over our land, seed, blessing; into the heavens and the earth and under the earth – I apply the full power of the blood of Jesus Christ to cover me and those that I am called to cover and be connected with. I decree and declare the Blood of Jesus Christ permeates us – it separates us – it divides us from and is against the kingdom of darkness, the law of sin and death, all sickness, disease, poverty, the works of the devil and every demonic and human spirit aligned with the Kingdom of darkness. I release the power of the blood to drive a wedge and bring a complete deliverance from every evil attack, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, the pride of life, the traditions of men, and the elemental principles of this world. The shed Blood of Jesus Christ separates me and mine unto God and away from anything that would hinder our life in Christ. We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of our Testimony and we love not our lives unto the death. I am not my own, I have been purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. I yield to the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. The Blood of Jesus has its perfect work in my life.
I proclaim and receive the full authority and power of the Living Word Of God. The Word of God is living and active and full of power, it penetrates and divides – soul and spirit, joint and marrow. It judges the thought and attitudes of my heart.I have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. I humbly accept the Word of God inborn by nature which can save me. I acknowledge, receive and release the full authority of the Word of God to have its perfect work in me and through me.
I acknowledge and proclaim Your name, that at the name of Jesus every knee bows, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. I bow down before you, I praise your name for your love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your Name and your Word. When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted. You have put your name on me and in me. Where your name is You command a blessing. I take you at Your Word – Jesus, that commands me to ask in Your Name – I believe and receive in and through your Name. You have given me power and authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, to overcome all the power of the enemy so nothing shall by any means harm me. We decree and declare over our lives and land that through the Lord Jesus Christ – He has destroyed the power of sin, death, disease, all the works of the devil and satan himself. We decree victory over our lives and land. Let the redeemed of the Lord, say so! In Jesus Name, Amen.
Raising Up Righteousness!
Prayer Points:
- Decree the Scriptures and word over our nation, the State of Utah.
- Pray for Utah Governor Gary Herbert and all governmental authority in this State. Pray for this state to be realigned in righteousness.
- 52 Day State Prayer Focus: Utah (Navaho: “upper” or named after the Ute tribe)
- Statehood: January 4, 1896 (45th state)
- Motto: Industry
- Familiar Name: The Beehive State
- 50-State Tour: The Worship State (April 28-29, 2004)
- Decree the Preamble of the State of Utah: Grateful to Almighty God for life and liberty, we, the people of Utah, in order to secure and. perpetuate the principles of free government, do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION.
Father, we come into agreement with your Kingdom plan and redemptive purposes for our nation and the State of Utah. Let every ungodly religious structure be overturned in this state. Release your grace and truth into the State of Utah and our nation. Lord, establish Your true foundation of righteousness and Justice in the land. The foundation that is built upon Jesus Christ. Release the light and the gospel of the Kingdom of God to permeate every sphere of society in this state. Raise up Your ekklesia to legislate Your Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Let your righteous plumbline have its perfect work in the State of Utah.
“A different sound will come from Utah that will begin to penetrate through the entire nation…an “unlocking sound,” “the sound of harvest” coming to Utah. …corporate worship will breakthrough in Utah. (Chuck Pierce, 50 States Tour)
We declare the following redemptive purposes of God over the State of Utah:
Prophetic blessing: We decree Utah is a place of training and freedom for prophets and for those seeking the prophetic gifts to equip them to be a blessing to others by bringing the fresh word of God.
Evangelistic blessing: We decree Utah is a life-giving and prosperous place for the discipleship and commissioning of believers called to evangelism and missions.
Restoration of women: We decree Utah is a place of restoration for women. This restoration will release women into the full potential of their giftings and allow them to operate in those giftings according to the authority the Lord has given them. Satan will no longer use dominance and mind control to oppress the women in this region.
Prosperity:We decree the Great Basin region is a fertile land with a large body of fresh water (Ancient Lake Bonneville) that will produce prosperity in the land and its inhabitants. This prosperity is intended not just for the blessing of the people who live in Utah, but it is also to bless people beyond the boundaries of this state through generosity. We declare where Satan has used a poverty spirit and dominance to rob the people of this land of the prosperity God intended – NO LONGER!
Blessings: We decree, Utah, you are blessed with an anointing to produce prophets and a prophetic people. Utah is blessed with a call to release women into their proper place in the Body of Christ. Utah you are blessed with prosperity that will abound in many forms. You are blessed with having a true, evangelistic army. You are a house of prayer filled with the “rhema” word of God that will enable you to walk in the “kairos” timing of God. There is building and establishing (apostolic) anointing to begin new things that will spread throughout the Kingdom. We declare that Utah is good ground that will allow the planted things of God to grow—much like a rain forest.”
(Releasing The Prophetic Destiny of A Nation)
Father, we bless the State of Utah into the fullness of her birthright and prophetic destiny. In Jesus Name, Amen!
8 Days of Communion – Day 2:
We are partnering with VISUALEAST.ORG in 8 Days of Communion for the last eight days of our 70 Day Decree Raising Up Righteousness. This will be a powerful finish to the decree. Our dear friend, Priscilla Zananiri, will be sharing a post daily. You can follow along at
Special Note:
Communion Elements are needed – Salt, Bread, and Grape Juice/ Wine.
Join Priscilla at 7:30 PM (Central Time) live on Facebook for corporate communion. You can participate in that on her Facebook page –Priscilla Zananiri.