April 10, 2019

70 Days -Day 61

To the Righteous Remnant

Day 61

52 Day State Prayer Focus: Day 43: Washington, November 11, 1889 

To the Remnant Rising, 

We have aligned together in battle array during this 70 Day Decree assignment with a mighty weapon: The Righteousness of Our God in Christ Jesus. The Lord clearly revealed to me that this righteous decree is as much for the remnant of His people as it is for the nation. The Lord is raising up a mighty army in this new era fully aligned with His Kingdom plan and purposes that will walk in humility and surrender unto to Him.  It is not about our agenda, but it is about the Kingdom of God coming on earth as it is in Heaven. We are at a critical point in this nation. Our destiny has been hanging in the balance. We must stand together “AS ONE” for the Lord’s redemptive plan for the United States of America in this hour! His righteousness that dwells within every born-again believer is the very plumbline that will bring us into alignment for the assignments that He has for us personally and corporately.

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon,
Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing — Life forevermore.” (Psalm 133; NKJV)

Hebraically, this is one of the most powerful warfare passages in Scripture! To dwell together in unity actually means that “you align together in judgment and wait in ambush to overtake the enemy that is in your path. We all need to recognize that our struggle is not against flesh and blood. The enemy’s plan has always been to divide, conquer and completely destroy the Body of Christ and this nation.

I received this prophetic word from the Lord on 9/5/2018:
“I change not, my shadow still heals. You can go the political route or you can come my way. You can come up on my highway above the fray.”

This does not mean that we do not raise our voices and be active in the governmental mountain or the other mountains of society. WE NEED TO BE THE VOICE OF THE LORD LIKE NEVER BEFORE. What it does mean is that we do not take offense, get caught up in accusation and the political machine of the enemy. We must operate from that seated place above in Christ Jesus, holding on to faith and a good conscience.  It is important we stay on the highway of holiness (Isaiah 35). We need to speak the truth in love with words and wisdom that come from the Lord Himself that our adversaries will not be able to resist or contradict. Real repentance and lasting change are going to come from the outpouring of God’s goodness and loving-kindness upon a society that has lost the awe of God. So many in our nation do not know what it is to have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The righteous decree is a catalyst for the very outpouring of the Presence and Power of God necessary to turn this nation unto salvation! So, let us operate not as civilians in the earth, but as true citizens and ambassadors of Christ from the Kingdom that is above!

Raising Up Righteousness!   

Prayer Points:

  • Decree the Scriptures and word over our nation, the State of Washington.
  • Pray for Washington Governor Jay Inslee and all governmental authority in this State. Pray for this state to be realigned in righteousness.
  • 52 Day State Prayer Focus: Washington, (named after George Washington)
  • Statehood: November 11, 1889, (42nd state)
  • Motto: Al-Ki(By and By)
  • Familiar Name: The Evergreen State
  • 50-State Tour: The Whirlwind State (December 14-15, 2003)
  • Decree the Preamble of the State of Washington:  We, the people of the State of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this constitution.

Father, we come into agreement with your Kingdom plan and redemptive purposes for our nation and the State of Washington. May we be one in Christ Jesus and dwell together in unity for Your Glory.  Lord, let your presence and power overshadow the State of Washington and our nation bringing us into our birthright and prophetic destiny that you ordained before the foundations of the earth. Release your righteous plumbline and realign Washington with your sure foundation. Let this state be built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with the Lord Jesus Christ as the chief Cornerstone.

“I hear the Lord saying, “No more friendly fire, no more isolation of the Body of Christ. The Lord is calling His people to the gates of this state to legislate heaven. It is time to lay down personal agendas and rise up for the cause. The shadow of the Lord is coming again… to heal and fill the wounds of old and remove the offenses. See to it that no one misses the grace of God. For the whirlwind of the Lord has come again in “The Whirlwind State”. It is a Pentecostal whirlwind and fire that will bring you into oneness, unity and holy battle array. This is not just about the visitation of the Lord…this is about habitation. It is time for you to take your redemptive place in the states and the nation.” (Betty Love, 4/9/19)

“Chuck called me early this morning He said, ‘I have a word. I don’t know anything about it, but I just keep hearing this word. The word is “overshadow”’ …. If God is saying ‘overshadow,’ then He is about to bring forth something. And He is going to hover until it happens and releases seeds. He is going to release a deposit of life and bring forth.”  As I was meditating on this, I saw a puzzle, but the puzzle was not put together. It was just pieces of a puzzle that werejust sort of haphazardly laying on the table,like you would when you were going to put it together, but it was not in any kind of shape yet. I heard the Lord say, ‘I am coming to bring order to the Church in Washington… I am coming to bring order, and I am going to be taking the pieces of the puzzle and putting them into my arrangement so that there is a new release of life in the state of Washington.’…I saw Him pick up the pieces of the puzzle and then begin to deposit them. And when He finished, it was all in order. It was all right. I see these puzzle pieces right now. I see this same conglomeration of things flying around. I see them as words. They are not puzzlepieces that I see right now; they are words. I see confusion and just curses—words and all this garbage in the atmosphere. God says, ‘I am going to bring My word and My voice is going to come forth, and it is going to bring order.’ I would say to you that this is a whirlwind of judgment and blessing. It is a whirlwind that is meant to deal with the disorder and some of the things over this region that arenot good. But in God’s profound way when He dealt with satan and brought judgment, He was also bringing life. Here is what I feel the Lord is saying to Washington state: There has been addition; there will be addition. You are in the final phases of addition. If you hear the word of the Lord, Washington, and you do what God is saying to you now, you are about to transition at some point in the near future into an exponential growth that moves into multiplication of harvest….” (Dutch Sheets, 50 State Tour)

“The cloud that has been on this state—I am creating a wind to blow that cloud away, but then I will come in and overshadow you new and fresh. Watch the wind blow. Watch the March winds blow, for even then that cloud which has rested down, which has brought a fogginess of what I am doing in this state, will begin to blow away. But then a new cloud of My anointing is coming upon you. You will be hidden in a way for a season. But then you will rise up; and I will send you forth; and deliverance will break out and sweep this state.” (Chuck Pierce, 50 States Tour)

“The Lord says, ‘I am about to overshadow you and kick you out of the nest.’ That is not a bad thing; that is a good thing. You are going to fly like you have never flown before. You are going to come into a season where—like the eagle rises up to its destiny and ability to soar. That is what God is trying to do with you, Washington. That is what this wind, these changes, are all about. God is saying, ‘I am going to make you fly, make you move into your destiny. I am going to make you—I am going to hover over you, and I am not going to take no for an answer.” (Dutch Sheets, 50 State Tour)

Washington, we appeal to heaven on behalf of “The Evergreen State”. We bless you with the righteousness of our God in Christ Jesus in each mountain of society within you. May you rise up and soar in this new era with a fresh anointing of the glory of God. In Jesus Name, Amen!
